A wild East Coast appeared!

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I live in New York state and I realized that it had to be an earthquake after the entire house started shaking. This was my second time I've ever experienced an earthquake. The first time was last year actually.
It happened 30 seconds after I finished episode 2 of Neon Genesis Evangelion, I thought a monster in NGE spawned to claim my life.

- North Carolina


was riding on a bus, didn't feel shit

south MD btw, guess i just 4x resist that shiz or something
I was at work. I felt it. I continued playing minesweeper working.

I was actually forced to evacuate the building by our property manager. It was kind of funny how everyone was panicking like there was any damage. The building shook a bit, no need to have a heart attack. We were back inside within 5 minutes.

There was an earthquake when I lived in VA about 14 years ago. No big deal.

EDIT: New Jersey =/
Southern MD, shook my house pretty well. Nothing expensive broke though.

How does a wooden box and cheap picture frame fall over and break, but the fine china hasn't moved an inch? Isn't it supposed to happen the other way around? This earthquake confounds me.
Southern MD, shook my house pretty well. Nothing expensive broke though.

How does a wooden box and cheap picture frame fall over and break, but the fine china hasn't moved an inch? Isn't it supposed to happen the other way around? This earthquake confounds me.

Because the earthquake NEVER HIT CHINA dumbass
Was in the bathroom. It was quite disconcerting.

Nothing happened though here in NY. Everything is still where it was before.
Felt it in Boston but it wasn't anything major. I'm used to earthquakes since I'm from southern California so it was a baby. People should stop freaking out about it haha
Virginia Beach here...wouldn't have felt it if my friend had not pointed it out...I like how everyone around who just experienced an EQ for the first time was making a huge fuss over it.
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