CAP 13 CAP 2 - Art Submissions

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Meet the treant take on CAP2:

◄ Page of supporting art.

Ancient, immortal guardians of the woods, folklore treants are wise and regal creatures. CAP2's typing, however, calls for something more sinister. I originally wanted something like an upright walking humanoid tree; colored charred black with red, menacing eyes. But then I realized that that would be stupid and cliché.

Here's the treant idea, with an extra set of legs and trading its eyes for a mouth. The six appendages give it an immediately threatening image; while four legs allow it to support more physical mass, becoming even more imposing. Long, gangly arms further separate it from the familiar, and the shoulder branches lend it a sense of breadth that was lacking in the previous "tree trunk with limbs" model.

I need critique. I'm not particularly attached to any part of the design - if he needs to gain or lose bulk in a particular part or needs to become more or less detailed, I'm open to comments. The hands in particular bug me - they aren't tree-ish enough, but if I make them branches they become very frail looking and less intimidating.

I'd be cool if I could get the assistance of someone who can do what I can't - digital art - but if not I can manage on paper. I should have scanner access by the time the final submissions start going up. You'll know I have scanner access by the dramatic jump in image quality.

long live hytrollgon
Hi this is my first post ever on smogon!


So my original idea for this pokemon was to make it some sort of psychic/ghost pokemon with a ring in the middle of it's body, but then when I realized that it was ghost/grass I thought of switching it's colour palette and putting a leaf at the centre of its body. I think its an evil or mean-spirited pokemon, but the one singular good part of its body is the leaf which represents purity and goodness, so all-in-all its not all bad!

I have a longer backstory which I'll share later, but right now it's a work in progress. I would appreciate comments on anything from colour, design etc. Thanks!
Well here's what I've whipped up really quick (And I mean REALLY quick). It's supposed to be a sort of bride-apple blossom mixture, I just wanted to post it to get some feedback, see if it was worth going in this direction or something else.


I'm unsure whether to go with this or another idea, any thoughts whether this is worth working on or scrapping?
Well here's what I've whipped up really quick (And I mean REALLY quick). It's supposed to be a sort of bride-apple blossom mixture, I just wanted to post it to get some feedback, see if it was worth going in this direction or something else.


I'm unsure whether to go with this or another idea, any thoughts whether this is worth working on or scrapping?

This design reminded me of "The Faun" from Pan's Labyrinth, which was immediately what I thought of once this typing was confirmed;

I'd personally love to see a design down these kind of lines, yours would definitely get my vote if it took a darker turn [=

it doesn't look grassy enough to me. i have a bit of backstory for it though; without the robe it looks like a germinating seed, hence the vines protruding beneath the robe. its armour will probably be pumpkin.
BMB, could you please elaborate on how your design fits in with Sketch, I'm a fan of the design but right I'm leaning towards Doug's right now.
blam rough concept sketch


Basically my entry is based off of Chinese ink paintings, as the frail-looking bit of demented bamboo uses a ghostly "ink" which creates the core of its body to "sketch". Its leaves can be opened like fans to block incoming attacks, making it deceptively bulky.
BMB, could you please elaborate on how your design fits in with Sketch, I'm a fan of the design but right I'm leaning towards Doug's right now.


Well what I was going for was something along the lines of "It can transmute its ectoplasm into other substances, based on those it has seen before". Or something like that. Hence why its "hands" are different shapes, depending on what it happens to want to be doing. In the last one, I can see Crush Grip, Cut, and maybe the paintbrush-end is a bit Sketch-like, depends how others see it really. Ideally I'd see the plasma body "sketching" the motion or shape of the move it seeks to replicate before it changes shape in order to use it.

Honestly though I don't think that anything short of actually slapping a paintbrush onto your design is going to make the Sketch part of the design "fit in" in the same way that Smeargle's does, when there's enough competition already for Grass/Ghost motifs - Doug's been extremely clever with his, but it's so far removed from blitheness it's almost reached the realm of incomprehension. But his is probably the best that's going to come along on that front.
Meet the treant take on CAP2:

Ancient, immortal guardians of the woods, folklore treants are wise and regal creatures. CAP2's typing, however, calls for something more sinister. I originally wanted something like an upright walking humanoid tree; colored charred black with red, menacing eyes. But then I realized that that would be stupid and cliché.

Here's the treant idea, with an extra set of legs and trading its eyes for a mouth. The six appendages give it an immediately threatening image; while four legs allow it to support more physical mass, becoming even more imposing. Long, gangly arms further separate it from the familiar, and the shoulder branches lend it a sense of breadth that was lacking in the previous "tree trunk with limbs" model.

I need critique. I'm not particularly attached to any part of the design - if he needs to gain or lose bulk in a particular part or needs to become more or less detailed, I'm open to comments. The hands in particular bug me - they aren't tree-ish enough, but if I make them branches they become very frail looking and less intimidating.

I'd be cool if I could get the assistance of someone who can do what I can't - digital art - but if not I can manage on paper. I should have scanner access by the time the final submissions start going up. You'll know I have scanner access by the dramatic jump in image quality.

long live hytrollgon

If you're going with the centipede style, my first suggestion is a bit of a size downgrade. Make it a bit more compact. If you need a reference, a look kind of like Galvantula might work (look at the leg and tail structure, then move the head backwards to be more on top of the body. Since you aren't making a spider, you can have the branch that forms the "neck" sprout from that area. It'll be sort of like a Dialga with its legs in a bit more of an "ambush" position. Scolipede actually is a centipede if you want to go that route, but I'm not sure if you want to be so close to it in design.

Next, I think eyeless with a gaping mouth might be a good direction to go with it. Zubat doesn't have any eyes, and several Pokemon have very undistinguished eyes like Shuckle. It's quite creepy. The neck on it shouldn't be too long either, just enough to raise it about the length of the "ankles" above the top of the splayed knees. Basically it's like a "wood spider" (excuse the pun) where it's made of a heavy material but its actual body structure indicates a spry stealthiness. I don't even know if you would need the arms at this point, or just make the front legs slightly more animalistic with jagged wood claws.

Of course, I'm not sure if that's where you wanted to take it at all, but I think it will bring it down to the right scale and give it something unique.
These designs dont look very "ghostly" to me, i dont have any useful ideas just yet but keep it in mind.
If I may, I'm of exactly the opposite mindset. I think that a lot of the designs are trying too hard to be "ghostly". In particular...

bugmaniacbob, the concept that you started out with, the corpse plant, is already evocative of the ghost typing. Adding in additional elements to further evoke the ghost typing is fine, particularly ones that fit in with the theme that the corpse plant already has going for it. But, just adding some amorphous ectoplasm to it feels extremely forced, and then you ended up not really doing anything with the plant itself.

Remember, designs don't have to include amorphous ectoplasm to be ghostly. Not all ghost Pokemon are Gengar or Mismagius or Spiritomb or Cofagrigus. Some are Banette or Shedinja or Jellicent or Golurk. Especially for typing like this, the most clever designs are going to be those that evoke ghostly ideas without being so overt about it. This is why DougJustDoug is my favorite right now and why I also think that TeraVolt and aragornbird have some neat ideas going on.
wooo cap 2 art thread is outtt

my concepts so far for like a cactus werewolf ghost thing:


i wanted to conform less to having it super committed to sketch
the stuff that comes out of the holes is like a solid but floaty ectoplasm stuff and it uses it to draw symbols and junk

also here was my idea for CAP 2 if it turned out to be poison/dragon, if anybody is interested ;)
First Concept:
Forest Elf


Second Concept:
Pumpkin & Onion [based on Sleepy Hollow]
The Onion is the main "brain".

Well, having a think over how Pumpkin's aren't exactly an amazingly original concept for this (See mine for a nice example.), I've tried another concept.

This fellow is based off of the Doll's Eye Plant. My main thought was each eye would represent a lost soul, and that it actually grows out of the darker part located near the top, that being the brain and source of energy for the Pokémon. Not sure on the tentacle like "legs" though...

As for other designs, Doug's is my favourite so far. Makes me think if Lilligant's career had gone wrong. The masks of theatre and her eternal mourning... Theatear... I like the design.
Like lots of people before me, i am wooed by doug's weeping willow, Aragornbird's Tiki man, and BMB's Corspe Plant. However i also really like Calad's Pumpkin and onion pokemon!

Maybe its because it has a sort of cutesy but dangerous look to it, or maybe its because the colors appeal to me, but nevertheless i really like the overall design and figure! The forest elf is also pretty cool, but there is something about the second one that i really like! It looks to me like a legit pokemon.

Also, i cant forget Nasty Jungle's Cactus/Werewolf. <3 that thing is very intimidating and beastly looking, and even though it seems more ghost than grass i think it works. Great job to everyone for making such cool Ideas!
Well, it's been some time that I didn't post anything and this particular event really makes me anjoy. i've always wanted to participate but didn't have the chance. But now it's different. These are my creations:

The first one is based on a totem pole and on tribal statues. The pokemon in particular throws paint out of its mouth and levitates.

The other one is like a panda, but a wooden one. The idea was given to me by my brother (:
I have a rough pencil version of my idea, there's a cleaner version at my other house but I'll put this up to gauge people's opinions:

Basically a week or so ago, I did a very imaginitive Wikipedia search for "Ghost Plant" and the result was this which as far as natural plants are concerned is pretty creepy.
Basically I'm trying to capture the creepy manner in which the flowers droop down, hopefully I'll manage to recreate the creepy colouring too.

Looks like I'll have a lot of work to do to compete with some of the submissions already posted though! Doug's is stunning as always. I also really like where Aragornbird is going.
I really liked your art, but how does this lady fit with the concept of sketching?
Well performing comes under the kind of umbrella of "arts".

But more importantly, that's not important imo. Sketch does NOT have to be the main focus of the flavour aspects of the Capmon at all.
Unless I'm mistaken, for the cap concept to work, Sketch HAS to be an Egg move otherwise it could be learnt twice or more using heart scales, reusing TMs/Tutors once the move is 'forgotten' etc. How many Pokemon have their design focused around an Egg move? In fact, though I can't think of any examples, but I'm pretty sure some egg moves seem completely illogical.

edit: Did I just spend 5 minutes responding to a post that got deleted?
Oh well, I stand by my points.
And just to be clear, I'm not saying I'm entirely against fitting Sketch into people's designs, I'm just saying we shouldn't be limited by it.
Calad said:
Second Concept:
Pumpkin & Onion [based on Sleepy Hollow]
The Onion is the main "brain".

I really like this one, although maybe you should make the pumpkin more, well, 'pumpkin-y' in shape? Right now it is attractive and appealing but it also looks very similar to Togemon, at least for me.

Your forest elf is cool as well, I could totally see it as a 'legit' Pokemon although I don't like the nose, just a personal preference here.
One thing i would like to point:

Our CAPMon bust be on the field (ground) egg groups, as it will be able to learn sketch via breeding. In other words, I dont think a design like Puking Rainbow's first one is suitable, even though it IS amazing!
Here's a sketch I made for my concept


(still got lazy on the vines)

My concept is to build around making a scary looking plant that contains some ghostly characteristics. I went with a pumpkin because pumpkins usually = Halloween and Halloween is about fright (or it's suppose to anyways...).

Again, this is just a sketch, I plan on adding more detail to it later. Criticism would be awesome.

EDIT: Major changes, gave it color and changed it's body, mainly it's arms.

Also, I'm god awful at coloring. :c

-insert pokemon name here- haunts the nightmares of children and other pokemon. During its nightmare journey, it can use the stone attached to his arm to copy a trait or move from the pokemon and use its other hand to duplicate a move based on the trait copied from the pokemon or child. (sketch)
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