Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer MK IV: Read the FAQ in the Opening Post

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Basically I don't know shit about competitive Pokémon. In fact, I don't know much about Pokémon in general. It's been years since I last played some Pokémon game "seriously" (and I mean "seriously" in single player, I've just played like 5 PvP matches in all my life) and I've never understood advanced stuff like good movesets, abilities in general and whatnot.

So, I've been interested in the competitive spectrum of this for a while but I don't see any way to start. Isn't there something like newbie guides or first steps?
Basically I don't know shit about competitive Pokémon. In fact, I don't know much about Pokémon in general. It's been years since I last played some Pokémon game "seriously" (and I mean "seriously" in single player, I've just played like 5 PvP matches in all my life) and I've never understood advanced stuff like good movesets, abilities in general and whatnot.

So, I've been interested in the competitive spectrum of this for a while but I don't see any way to start. Isn't there something like newbie guides or first steps?

This is dpp, but most of it still applies
Thanks for the links!

Damn, competitive Pokémon looks like some really tough shit to get into. I come from an eSports background and this already seems more difficult than SC2 to me. Too much stuff.
Hmmm, interesting. One last question.

How feasible is it to get a pokemon with perfect IV's legitimately? I did some calculations and I get a .0000076% to hatch ONE pokemon, which comes out to 125 years (est 5 mins/egg)... is this correct?

Thanks for the help.
Percent is the number of teams the Pokemon appeared on, whereas Real Percent is the number of battles they actually hit the field in. Percent is what everything is decided on, as some Pokemon hit the field less often than others due to their role (weather starters are very likely to hit the field in most games, whereas clean-up sweepers might not appear at all if the battle goes badly for their team, for example). I hope that clears things up for you.

Thank you Jimera0. You resolved my doubts.
can someone help me please? I don't know what i did but for some reason this forum now looks with smaller fonts all over the place. It has happened only with smogon as other forums I visit have the same font size. How do i go back?
can someone help me please? I don't know what i did but for some reason this forum now looks with smaller fonts all over the place. It has happened only with smogon as other forums I visit have the same font size. How do i go back?

It may be that you held down CTRL and then scrolled down. If so just try holding down CTRL and scrolling up until you get to the size you want.

However, Usually when something happens that changes the format of the website I try the following things (in the order they are written):

1. Try refreshing the page a couple of times, or going to a different page of the same forum.
2. Close the window (and any others) with the forum in and then reopen it.
3. Close Internet down completely and then reopen it.

That's all I can think of!
It may be that you held down CTRL and then scrolled down. If so just try holding down CTRL and scrolling up until you get to the size you want.

However, Usually when something happens that changes the format of the website I try the following things (in the order they are written):

1. Try refreshing the page a couple of times, or going to a different page of the same forum.
2. Close the window (and any others) with the forum in and then reopen it.
3. Close Internet down completely and then reopen it.

That's all I can think of!

If you use firefox

CTRL+ Equal resets sizing, possibly in others to
Before 5 days my account was at a 1394 rating, and after being inactive for these 5 days, i got in today and the account had fell to 1334. Is this normal?
Before 5 days my account was at a 1394 rating, and after being inactive for these 5 days, i got in today and the account had fell to 1334. Is this normal?

Yes this is normal, your rating decays when you stop playing for some time, afaik you need to play atleast one match every 24h to prevent this.
It may be that you held down CTRL and then scrolled down. If so just try holding down CTRL and scrolling up until you get to the size you want.

However, Usually when something happens that changes the format of the website I try the following things (in the order they are written):

1. Try refreshing the page a couple of times, or going to a different page of the same forum.
2. Close the window (and any others) with the forum in and then reopen it.
3. Close Internet down completely and then reopen it.

That's all I can think of!

CTRL+scrolling up helped. Thanks!
Is a poke that is bred 100% legal even if both parents are obtained via AR.
There is one thing that can screw over the legitimacy of the bred: When it receives an illegal egg-move combination (like Belly Drum + Aqua Jet on Azumarill or Sleep Powder + Spikes on Roserade), it is ill-bred - unless you get rid of odd moves. The Pokemon is legal otherwise.
Misdreavus, I'm not 100% sure what stat economy means, but speed creep is easy enough to understand. Speed creep is using additional Speed EVs to outrun a Pokemon that is doing the same thing. For example. standard Lucario runs Adamant max Speed. If you want Gliscor to outspeed this Lucario, you use 216 Speed EVs with a neutral nature. If a Pokemon runs a different amount of Speed EVs solely to outspeed this Gliscor, that would be considered speed creep.

Another example - in GenIV UU, Milotic ran the seemingly random 8 speed EVs to outrun Adamant Aggron and other neutral base 50s. Several sets cropped up with just enough speed EVs to outrun this Milotic. If/when these sets went through Quality Control, the EV spread or even the entire set were regarded as speed creep and rejected.
Percent is the number of teams the Pokemon appeared on, whereas Real Percent is the number of battles they actually hit the field in. Percent is what everything is decided on, as some Pokemon hit the field less often than others due to their role (weather starters are very likely to hit the field in most games, whereas clean-up sweepers might not appear at all if the battle goes badly for their team, for example). I hope that clears things up for you.

technically, if the battle goes badly for your team the entire thing is gonna show up :P

however if the battle goes really well or one of your pokemon is just absolute shit vs their team, that is the sort of thing that makes a difference.

The thing that makes a REAL big difference between the two, though, is actually forfeits. If you quit in the first two or three turns, which is most quits, then the real percent is less for, say, Scrafty than it would be for Tyranitar or Rotom-W
I know this is related to Gen IV, but the other boards are pretty dead. So, I hope it's not a problem. It's actually a follow-up to a suggested answer I received a few days ago.

On Bulbapedia's Stats judge pag,e it writes:

In Sinnoh, he selects which highest stat he'll report randomly. In Johto, he cycles through the stats in the following order: HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense. If a different Pokémon is shown, then the cycle will not reset.

I spoke to the Stats Judge in the Battle Frontier near Olivine (SoulSilver), but I was given the same response as I would in my Platinum. There was no cycle. He simply told me the stat which carried the highest IVs. Can anyone explain whether the information on the page is wrong or if perhaps I'm speaking to the wrong person (somehow) ?
It's about when several IVs are equal. In the old games, you'd had to try a gazillion times to get all the stats out (If you had all 6 IVs equal he could "hide" one for quite long), whereas in Johto he justs lists them one by one.
Then again, this is /only/ for equal IVs.
Oh okay, thank you! I actually had that issue for a bit with my Teddiursa in Platinum. It had maxed IVs for Attack and Defense, but one of them wasn't showing when I went to the judge. When it finally did, I went back a few times, because it completely caught me off guard. Thought I accidentally selected the wrong Teddiursa. xD
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