International Wi-Fi Tournament - 2012 Spring Friendly - WON BY JIVETIME

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I decided to enter this and after 25 battles i'm at 1625 19-6-2Dc'd
My trainer name is Trucy from South Carolina
My greeting is "Sorry its magic room battle box"
My first post on smogon I just pop out of now where lol
Currently at a record of 10-0-3 with a rating of 1609, I'm liking that I'm getting very few D/C's. I only started right after I got off school and it takes me quite a while to find matches. good luck to others playing today!
Took a loss to a double critical. I was expecting the turn to be 4-2. And it was, just not in my favour. >_>

Also, I just now noticed when looking at the list of OT names that I fought Biosci yesterday. I don't remember a thing about the battle aside from winning 3-0.
Pokemaster649, I just realized you were my first opponent. Also yeah, my first like five matches, my Wi-Fi was really shaky because the router had tipped over and the antenna was facing down, lol. Yeah, the game was in favor, but I didn't intentionally disconnect. Sorry about that.

GG for what it was worth though.
Xui from North Carolina (if I even remembered to list where I'm from, huh.)

My Wins:
Enaka - DC(?)

My Losses:

I'm not doing as bad as I thought I would! Does it count as a DC if they DC after you land the killing blow on their last poke? Not sure if that counted as a win or not. Haa... That's my only DC so far though!
So at this point for me its win 6 gain 30ish points, then lose a game and lose 28 points. fffffffuuuuuuu...... I need to play some people with better ratings...
the problem is there are too many people out (some of who aren't even that good) who think they'll just win every battle.

Often times they just dc too annoyingly late also. I just got dc'd by a guy with 1581 who's sceptile, his last pokemon, just died when I still had 4 and they weren't anywhere near fainting.
currently at 7-0-3 so far with a rating of 1595. haven't been able to play much today and being forced to use an unsuspecting neighbor's unsecured router (my dad doesn't want to switch to WEP, go figure) makes things a little difficult. honestly though, I've mostly gotten easy wins. I need to face people with better ratings...
Taking a break right now, I'm doing ok considering that I haven't played too much
15-2-5; about 1650 rating

probably linking to a full log later
ok wow 100 posts finally
Ugh, 2 losses in a row against scrubs...

It's a combination of my team and hax, this shit's so annoying.

EDIT: OK wtf 3 losses in a row. Something's wrong with me today, I need to fight to get back to 1600.
I've had at least 4 disconnects so far after 15 matches, lately vs TARAN from the UK ranked around 1770 probably devastated by my 3-0 won over him. such a shame that I didn't get to record such a brilliantly played match on my part :/

edit: swept TheCoco from Columbia ranked 1630
battle video: 76-46244-85899

I should be over 1600 by now.
I got DC'd against Taran too, he's an absolute shit player. Thought I would be in for a tough one after seeing his rating but I pretty much flawlessly 4-0ed him. I don't like getting salty over disconnections but this one was just completely irritating.
I had no motivation to sign up, even though im on my computer everyday. Goodluck to all thats competing. Looking to see some good Battle Video's.
4-0 so far, but I can't really continue due to my busy-ness tonight. Proabably won't top because of it :P
Just played "Eric from North Carolina" and he brings under leveled Pokemon, first turn gets both of them KO'd then what do you know blue screen -_-. Why do people even bother participating when they obviously have no chance at placing well and continue to disconnect and tarnish the peoples disconnection percentage who are actually competitive...I don't know what pisses me of more those kind of players or the jackasses who have like 1800+ ratings and are completely trash but disconnect every game. Why do I do this to myself lol so fucking annoyed right now
So I have 68 battles out so far. Am 50-5-13, rated 1823, and super tired. I need a break. For sure. Mostly just because it's so hard to get any points right now. Need people to up their rating...
I haven't had much time yet, but I should be playing like mad tonight.
Just got D/Ced in third match.

I had one wonderful battle with Soul from Chile: 58-31729-34612. Some hax in the beginning that I didn't expect to be able to fight my way out of!
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