International Wi-Fi Tournament - 2012 Spring Friendly - WON BY JIVETIME

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I've just done 16 battles this evening, so I guess my record is 13 wins / 0 loss / 3 disconnect...

The three that disconnected I'm not sure were malicious though. All three happened when transferring results, and the third case here my opponent won... so there must have just been some problems here.

For a little session I got the 1500 to over 1650... will probably do more tomorrow evening.
Currently 3-0-1
Yeah, I didnt expect my team to do this well really, since its Kanto only really, but 1 pokemon got me through like 2 matches so its all good :)
will of course upload some battles to youtube from myself, probably after the VGC 98 wifi event since im using the same team there. But I encourage you all to save those battlevids and send the numbers to me so I can make a nice playlist with all the battles that were had.
5-0-1 so far. Played MANUEL, rated 1659 from Spain...and he disconnected. He was using the Skarmbliss Special, beat him fair and square, oh well.

The other 5 opponents were more or less awful, shenanigans like EQing own Heatran and Stealth Rock Bastiodon were happening.

Hoping to get some legit Smogoners soon!
Currently 62-6-10 with a /1814 rating
Not sure if d/c's "register" when like you get a blue screen when you are on your trainer card or choosing Pokemon. If they do count as d/c's add another like 15 to the d/c's section ._.
Just got BS'd into my first loss by a crit and ice beam freeze -.- Oh well, I'm still 24-1 and it was somebody in the 1700s, so my rating wont be hurt too much.
Bern stuck around the 1700-1750 area as I keep getting haxed. In my last battle I got critted, effect spored, 2 parahaxes and then when I could turn it around with a double protect, it failed.
Trainer Julius 1815 rating, rain team..anyone?

lol i almost ragequitted..i played perfectly but 3 chs and 2 of them mattered .. fucking 0-1 with 3 hp rotom left whatever ooof course i even dont get a flinch with 2 rock slides . fuck this game lol

got stuck at 1714 with a 27-5 rating , only few disconects.
Here's the battle video number. If someone could upload this on youtube and post the link, that'd be sweet.


Total nail biter. It's worth the watch.
Yeah, Matt from New York with a 1677 rating just D/Ced after I beat him. Awesome. I'm sure he actually D/Ced against me in the last tournament as well.
I didn't even realize it started yesterday until it was too late, so currently I've been playing for about an hour with around 1610 and 8-0-1. I have such bad luck, because for my first 3-4 battles i only faced people in the 1300's who give you like 6 points per win.
Is shameful, 8 disconnections in the last 11 fights (won all 7):

- Ameen, USA (1500 pts)
- Juan, USA (1516 pts)
- Zodia, USA (1452 pts)
- Rowan, USA (1541 pts)
- Paulo (1525 pts)
- Blacks, Spain (1527 pts)
- Sansj, France (1733 pts)
- Johnny, USA (1468 pts)
May 10th, Thursday: Day 2
Starting rating: 1656
Highest rating: 1720+
Current rating: 1720+
Record:30 wins-5 losses-7 disconnections

Game 24:
DC, Arasu from spain, 17- 3-4 Dc'd
Game 25: Win, Ozstill from Mexico, 18-3-4 3-0 victory
Game 26: Win, Trav from Washington, USA, 19-3-4 2-0 victory
Game 27: Win, Steven from Alabama, USA, 20-3-4 3-0 victory
Game 28: DC, Nick from NY, USA, 20-3-5 3-1 DC'd
Game 29: Win, Javier from Costa Rica, 21-3-5 4-1 victory
Game 30: Win, FAUSTO from ???, 22-3-5 2-0 victory
Game 31: Win, Munee from Texas, USA, 23-3-5 4-0 victory
Game 32: Win, Alfredo from ???, 24-3-5 4-0 victory
Game 33: Lost, DAFOR from Domician Republic, 24-4-5 1-2 lost
Game 34: Win, Micheal from Virginia, USA, 25-4-5 4-0 victory
Game 35: Win, Black from Virginia, USA, 26-4-5 4-0 vitory
Game 36: Win, KIKE.I from Mexico, 27-4-5 4-0 victory
Game 37: DC, Rafael from Chile, 27-4-6 3-1 DC'd
Game 38: Lost, (by a smogoner, maybe) JRank from Arkansas, 27-5-6 1-4 lost
Game 39: DC, FROST from maryland, 27-5-7 2-2 DC'd
Game 40: Win, Link from ???, 28-5-7 4-0 victory
Game 41: Win, Sam from NY, USA, 29-5-7 2-0 victory
Game 42:Win, Bicahlo from Brazil, 30-5-7 2-0 victory

JRank, if you are reading this, I would've last a little longer if wasn't for your crit from your leafstorm (as the first time has been already been used). Anyway, gg man =).
Going on 1650 with 10-0-1. I'm going to say that I'm probably lucky for facing at least a decent number of people with ratings like 1456 or something, becuase usually the below 1500 means a good chance they won't DC in my opinion.
faksljgklafjg Arbol haxed me and I ragequit. I feel bad, but yet I don't...I'm gonna take a break. I got crit acrobatics on tar leaving it in bullet punch range, I got a heat wave avoid that very much mattered if I didn't get crit by tbolt...WHICH DID I MENTION I GOT CRIT BY TBOLT.

Ugh. Starting up on my other cart, this is frustrating.
faksljgklafjg Arbol haxed me and I ragequit. I feel bad, but yet I don't...I'm gonna take a break. I got crit acrobatics on tar leaving it in bullet punch range, I got a heat wave avoid that very much mattered if I didn't get crit by tbolt...WHICH DID I MENTION I GOT CRIT BY TBOLT.

Ugh. Starting up on my other cart, this is frustrating.

I think that the heat have dont kill zapdos and thunderbolt kill volcarona. Srry 4 the hax, but the ragequit its unnecessary
I think that the heat have dont kill zapdos and thunderbolt kill volcarona. Srry 4 the hax, but the ragequit its unnecessary

Yeah I'm really sorry for that, I actually disconnected because I threw my DS into my bed out of rage. If I see you again I'll forfeit.

The heat wave miss wouldn't have mattered had you not crit me (thunderbolt doesn't KO, I have some spdef investment), and you also crit with acrobatics and got a min damage roll with bug buzz on cress. Plus I outplayed at the end :/...but nonetheless you won, and I was a poor sport.

Again I'm the one at fault now. Major apologies, I'm taking a break.
I am currently on 13 wins and 7 D/C's after day 1. Meaning I have a 35% d/c rating....which would put me out of the rankings again :(

Claudia (Austria) 4-0 WIN
Libby (USA-New York) 4-0 WIN
Dome (Italy) 3-1 WIN (F)
Martin (Germany-Brandenburg) 4-0 WIN
TommyxD (Italy-Marche) 2-0 DC! [Very dissapointed if he is on here]
Flame (Germany-Lower Saxony) 4-0 WIN
Ben (Mexico) 3-0 WIN
Errol (Philipines) 2-0 WIN
Chance (USA-Arkansas) 3-0 WIN
Nic (India) 4-4 DC'd when battle started
John (USA-Colorado) 2-0 WIN (Very good battle)
Trucy (USA-South.Carolina) 1-0 WIN
Skylark (Mexico) 4-4 DC'd when battle started
Kelfie (USA-Massachusetts) 4-0 WIN
Rey (Dominican Republic) 4-2 DC'd as I was about to land final attacks
Diego (Canada-Ontario) 3-1 DC'd as well, when I was about to win
Keira (Mexico) 3-2 DC'd see above
Juanpe (Spain-Murcia) 4-0 WIN
Juanpe (Spain-Murcia) 4-3 DC'd when I killed 1st 'mon, was more understandable since we had just played beforehand
Daniel (Colombia) 4-0 WIN

So yeah, if any of the DC'ers are here then shame on you.

[Edit: Looking at the users on page1, ShortsTheory seems to be one of the DC'ers]

Also I have 2 battle videos if people want to watch them at any point:
23-05957-48621 (Codes are almost the same :naughty:)
I think I have 8-1-1. One loss is to Alexis, who I am pretty sure is the one on Smogon. If so, gg. Stopped playing for the moment, not going to try to place really well but battle when I can for practice.
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