International Wi-Fi Tournament - 2012 Spring Friendly - WON BY JIVETIME

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Late last night I was sweeping a team with suicune/latios/cresselia/raikou with my lead team:ee vgc11 team. I would've saved the battle video but the guy forfeited when he was down to his last pokemon. Funny how jabronis would use legendaries only with the confidence they can win all their matches just like that.
Another player to watch for, Tyrael from Chile, rating 1600's??? won 4-0 and guess what....D/C lol, it would be great if TCPi had a reporting procedure where we could flag these players as cheats.

adding another player to watch out for known as Kellen from the Penn, USA rating (1700's). Leads came out and he DC'd
Another player to watch for, Tyrael from Chile, rating 1600's??? won 4-0 and guess what....D/C lol, it would be great if TCPi had a reporting procedure where we could flag these players as cheats.
That's getting introduced in June.
just suffered my first (and only so far) loss to 7014gree. GG man! My name's Adib and I was the one who led with the shiny Rotom-W and shiny Whimsicott if you're reading this.
yeah gg, it was pretty close at the end there

EDIT: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk this game 34-16068-58481
After 29 games my stats are 17W 3L 9DCs. So guess I gotta play lots of games ans hope for less disconnectors or I'm disqualified for sure.

Played a real nice battle against MANUEL from Spain in the upper 1600s:

If you meet a CheeZ from Sweden that'd be me!
Does anyone get error code 40755 whenever they connect and press battle?

edit: nvm got it working. At rating of 1781 and climbing
Fought Black from Pakistan. DC'd on the first turn because his T-tar got paralyzed, lol (that's the only thing that seemed to go wrong for him so I'm assuming that's the reason.)

Meanwhile, the 4-0's just keep rolling in. I'm at 1664 already as opposed to my 1564 at the end of the last.

Notable stuff? Not much yet. Every half-decent team I see is mostly the same as mine other than the occasional sun team (not one rain yet though!)

EDIT: Bah getting trolled by error 40755. Nvm just lasted about a minute.
Eh I feel so bad for only playing like 5 games last night and my score only being at 1550 or something :O
But ahh well, I'm not really in this to win, my team is 33% crap lol
Been facing a ton of people who really don't have any idea that putting a Water-type on a Sun team makes it extra weak, and a LOT of Electivires for some reason.

Gonna start playing again when I get home, hope to play a lot more, and also hope my Wi-fi holds out long enough for me to do so.
Be aware of CESZAR (don't know exact name, think it was somethink like that) with a rating of like 1770 or so. Uses Moxie Salamence, Scrafty, Chansey, Ambipom, Kingdra & Politoed. DC'd at 2-0
When I get home, I'm probably going to try to get to 100 total matches. I'm at 41-6 right now..... going to be a LOOOOONG night
100 battles 73 wins 27 losses (13 disconnects)
I'm quite happy so far with my first foray into competitive play. If my Gengar had a better sp attack IV i would have got a few more OHKOs as well
I'm sure the excuse AuraRayquaza will give us regarding his disconnect will be about his wifi problems, but that doesn't explain his high ranking of around 1770 when we battled and beat him like a Jabroni before seeing the blue screen of death.

Anyways, in my limited battling time I seem to manage about 20 matches, lost count of how many wins, losses and disconnects as some of the losses were haxy indeed.
Very solid decision making on your part, well played! ^^
You played very well, too. Thanks. :)

Be aware of CESZAR (don't know exact name, think it was somethink like that) with a rating of like 1770 or so. Uses Moxie Salamence, Scrafty, Chansey, Ambipom, Kingdra & Politoed. DC'd at 2-0
It's cezar from mexico. His rating was 1769, when I faced him. He disconnected to me after his salamence with -1 atk didn't 3hko whimsicott, while my hitmontop ohkod his ambipom (turn2) and politoed (turn3, crit).
11 match winning streak, and I've only played 11 battles! It's like a dream to me. All the Japs last tournament stole the show. Lots of DCs this time, would've had a 16 match streak had there been no DCs.
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