League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

TSM’s team work is legendary throughout the League of Legends community. Even among the rest of the pros it stands as the pinnacle of unity. However, such unity is not easily obtained…

As Chaox sat in the darkness pondering his thoughts, Xpecial entered the room. “Turn on a light or you’ll strain your eyes and won’t be able to CS for me” Xpecial said with a joking, yet caring voice. “Oh…sorry…haha…” Chaox replied. “What’s wrong?” “…Well, the Oddone and Rainman have been arguing a lot again and I’m a little worried that it can be detrimental to our team synergy.” “Not everyone can be in sync as well as us, we’ve had a little more…practice” Xpecial said with a coy grin on his face. “Oh, that reminds me we haven’t ‘practiced’ in a while…and to be honest, it pains me” Chaox answered. “Sorry, we’ve been so busy scrimming and going to tournaments that my body isn’t ready.” “Don’t worry about the small details so much Xpecial, but then again I guess that’s why you’re the support” Chaox joked as he stared into Xpecial’s soul. “D-Don’t stare like that” Xpecial muttered “you know it makes me….sensitive.” “It’s alright” reassured Chaox as he took off his shirt “I’ll carry you.” Chaox proceeded to take off his pants while Xpecial whispered gently “critical hit” as he saw Chaox’s delicate luggage flop out. Soon both carry and support were sprawled softly on the floor of the dimly room when a disturbance was heard….

At the apex of their physical endearments, Chaox and Xpecial looked up to see none other than Rainman and Oddone enter the room arguing about champion viability. They choked on the very words they spoke as they walked onto Chaox and Xpecial choking on a little more than words. “What…what’s going on?” Rainman managed to utter. “Good timing gentlemen” Chaox responded “It’s about time you two learned to work together, as a team.” “What the hell do you mean, you maniacal nutjob” the Oddone retorted. “Nutjob is a good way to put it” chuckled Xpecial “You two are constantly arguing and we believe it’s because there’s unsung tension between each of you.” “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about Xpecial, but Oddone never ganks for me” belted the Rainman. “I always gank for you, (BAN ME PLEASE).” “Prove it then.” “Fine!” squealed Oddone “I’ll gank you right now!” The Oddone then proceeded to disrobe himself in a fashion that can only be described as ‘fascinating’. “W-what is this” blushed Rainman. “I’m ganking you…from behind because I don’t want to disturb that ward in your front bush” Oddone managed to whisper. “O-okay, then at least let me feel the strength of your bottom tower” Rainman replied. He slowly took off each article of clothing and as he stood there an audible gasp could be heard from the Oddone. “I never knew you had a Needlessly Large Rod…” Oddone said as his pale skin turned to a crimson visible even in the twilight covered room. The Oddone’s member dripped, aching for the feel of Rainman’s abyssal depths. “W-welcome to Summoner’s…… HHHNNNNNNNGGGGGG……Rift” Rainman gasped as he convulsed for air as the Oddone filled his great crevice. Chaox leaned over and gently whispered in in Xpecial’s ear “Finally, they’re team mates.” “Yea” Xpecial panted as he felt Chaox’s B.F Sword, “All we need now is our fearless leader.”

As if summoned by a queue from the League itself, Reginald entered the room with a god-like demeanor that rivaled even Zeus himself. “I see you’re all practicing without me” Reginald said coldly. “Regi…” Rainman exhaled. Without a moment’s hesitation, Reginald took off his pants to reveal a Black cleaver. “Let me show you guys my aggressive play style” he said slyly. Reginald walked slowly over to where the Oddone was exploring Rainman’s jungle. “Regi” the Oddone panted between heaves “err….Big Daddy…can you show me your explosive AP burst?” “If by AP you mean African-Penis, then yes, I can” Reginald chortled. Reginald licked Rainman’s ear and whispered softly “You’re relieved of your duties, brave soldier. You need more magic resist to handle what’s coming next.” As he slammed his massive fully charged Rod of Ages into Oddone’s fanny, Oddone shrilled at the top of his lungs as he clung to consciousness from both the pain and sweet, sweet, pleasure his precious jungle was experiencing. Reginald was approaching climax quickly from Oddone’s supple hiney. “D-daddy, I knew when I joined TSM that only you could calm my never ending rage” Oddone wheezed. Just as he finished that very sentence, Reginald unleashed his ultimate, which had the force of a thousand white hot suns crashing into Earth. Reginald’s load missed the Oddone, blasting Chaox and Xpecial with such force that they collided with Rainman who was several feet away. “It feels good to finally practice as a team” Xpecial said as he caressed Chaox gently in his arms.

As dawn approached TSM’s lodgings and sunlight trickled through the windows, the weary members beamed with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. At last, the sun rose into the blistering, endless sky and shone down upon our heroes. With a slight smile forming within the corner of Chaox’s docile mouth he said “I’m glad I streamed this for my marathon.”
who the fuck has time to write shit like that

so there i was, wanting to try another champion. i just randomly pick evelynn cause her pic looked cool i guess

and holy crap she's terrible. i must've not been using her right, but i think i got the gist and she can not get anything done

least fun LoL match of my life
who the fuck has time to write shit like that

so there i was, wanting to try another champion. i just randomly pick evelynn cause her pic looked cool i guess

and holy crap she's terrible. i must've not been using her right, but i think i got the gist and she can not get anything done

least fun LoL match of my life

Since she got her stun removed, and that was pretty far back, she has always been a pathetic champion.

our base was invaded, our team was dying all over the place, our mid and bot inhibitors were destroyed...but we came back and won SOMEHOW.

about an hour long match. definitely the most exciting match I've played. I used that horse guy...Hecarim or something? He's a very solid, fun champion to use.

our base was invaded, our team was dying all over the place, our mid and bot inhibitors were destroyed...but we came back and won SOMEHOW.

about an hour long match. definitely the most exciting match I've played. I used that horse guy...Hecarim or something? He's a very solid, fun champion to use.
holy crap
just had a 55 minute long ranked game

played graves and duo queued with a friend who played vlad

as of that game we were 5/0 in terms of wins/losses when duo queuing, so we're both like "well we're going to lose one eventually"

anyway we have a jungle wukong and we lose horrifically early game
we're down two towers and three dragons, mid is 3/1, their AD is 3/1, their skarner is legendary and their udyr top is farmed as FUCK

and the whole time my friend and I are on skype going like "well they could get cocky but we're probably gonna lose this one"

the team comp is graves/vlad/sona/anivia/wukong vs sivir/udyr/soraka/orianna/skarner

we have the superior late-game comp by far, so we decide to just turtle

anyway udyr and sivir try to two-man baron, we stop them, we pick up baron (that's throw number one) and actually push down mid until we kill inhib

they're still around 10k gold ahead at this point but over the next thirty minutes skarner gets picked off twice and we actually manage to get two more barons and top inhib

the last throw of the game is when we get baron and their udyr backs in a bush that we have warded; anivia flash+ults to stop his recall, lands an AMAZING wall, and we pick him off, kill top and mid inhibs, and win the game.

personally I have to say that one of the most exhilarating experiences in League of Legends is playing as a farmed, fed AD carry late-game, knowing that skarner/udyr/orianna all want to jump on you and kill you as fast as possible

by the end of the game, we were still down 6k gold and about 12 kills before we won.
Almost had a story to match you two.

Our mid Ryze and jungle Malph fed like shit. My support sona kept dying stupidly (and didn't autoattack once all game wtf) but our Irelia was fed and I knew I was Cait and their only ranged champ was Teemo and I knew I could carry if I got fed. I carried. We started teamfighting and we won three in a row. I had a triple kill and a quadra kill. Then our malph and ryze decided to engage 2v5 over and over again. The end.
i had an 80 minute rammus game last week

neither team was pushing so i sold my ga for phantom dancer and won the game
intense, come-from-behind games are the best but they are horrid for your nerves ~_~

me/HD/Jib/dan played one with a random Zyra who got beaten in lane by Kat, Kat roamed and fed off Jib too because only botlane had cc that stops her ult LOL x.x

their jungle Xin keeps ganking the second my wards drop before I can place another/when I'm recalling to buy more so we die once or twice in lane, scrub Varus isn't farming very well compared to Vayne so there's that.

we lose most fights and an inhib, then one nexus turret, when our team starts to respawn and kill them. there's a surrender vote up at this point and I'm pretty sure it has 3 yes votes and 1 no, I say no as the last vote and see if we can pull through since they didn't take the final nexus turret.

their Varus starts dying at the start of every fight or something, he does no damage lategame meanwhile Vayne has hit lategame and has her pentakill 4 items (HD does get a quad but Zyra got like the third kill in so no penta), Zyra gets some good ults off that knock up their entire team and as Janna I just cc anyone who comes near Vayne, saving my ult so only if she's in trouble do I use it, but I don't think she ever died again once we hit lategame.

after getting Baron a few times or killing them instantly if they got it, we ace them enough we can push for the win/they surrender or something idr exactly how it ended. Xin accidentally knocked Vayne back over the small wall blocking Baron from the rest of the river or something so she was just attacking from behind that lol x.x

it was a close as balls game into lategame and we were far behind when we lost the inhib, idk if we even had a tower down, maybe only outer top? but Vayne 2 stronk she had full build and their Varus only had like 3 major items I think, maybe even just 2 because his farming was quite poor.

As for Protect the Faith,

Team Lunari took the first game of three yesterday, however there was some foul play where Diana was seen at the top of the map when her team fought at the bottom of it. Best/worst play was Jarvan 4 helping by ulting low-hp Leona in. woosy pls y u do it
Team Solari destroyed in the next two games, however, with Leona dying a total of ZERO times both games before Diana hit 5 deaths. Leona even dealt the finishing blow to Diana to win game 2.
Vayne made her first appearance since she lost the very first game due to CHEATKAR however her team didn't keep her safe during fights and she got NO SCOPE EZREAL Q killed by az in a brilliant blind Q.

Solari: 3
Lunari: 1
i had an 80 minute rammus game last week

neither team was pushing so i sold my ga for phantom dancer and won the game

you turned the tides of a game with rammus?

i was under the impression that he's a tanky dude that supports and can't really kill on his own
why doesnt anyone ever talk about Heimerdinger? is he bad against good players or something? because in the two games I've played as him I've gone 11/1/2 and 14/3/6....

I mean, I know I play against shitty opponents only being level 8 right now and all but good god I just DOMINATE mid with this guy.
why doesnt anyone ever talk about Heimerdinger? is he bad against good players or something? because in the two games I've played as him I've gone 11/1/2 and 14/3/6....

I mean, I know I play against shitty opponents only being level 8 right now and all but good god I just DOMINATE mid with this guy.

late-game he has zero burst and his CC is unreliable; he has no escape mechanisms and his turrets get taken down easily by players who know what they're doing. his laning is strong in any ELO but he's a pretty easy gank target compared to some of the top APs right now (ahri, morgana, vladimir, etc) and his laning doesn't justify picking heimerdinger over most of the other top APs; all of which either offer more damage, more utility, more CC, or some combination of those.
late-game he has zero burst and his CC is unreliable; he has no escape mechanisms and his turrets get taken down easily by players who know what they're doing. his laning is strong in any ELO but he's a pretty easy gank target compared to some of the top APs right now (ahri, morgana, vladimir, etc) and his laning doesn't justify picking heimerdinger over most of the other top APs; all of which either offer more damage, more utility, more CC, or some combination of those.

Perhaps I'm not familiar with what you mean by burst, but doesn't his E have burst?

But maybe the reason I think he's so good is because I've never played with Ahri, Morgana, or Vladimir. Perhaps I should purchase one and see how it goes. Maybe I'll do even better with them lol
Perhaps I'm not familiar with what you mean by burst, but doesn't his E have burst?

But maybe the reason I think he's so good is because I've never played with Ahri, Morgana, or Vladimir. Perhaps I should purchase one and see how it goes. Maybe I'll do even better with them lol

in a best-case scenario where you somehow manage to land your W and your E, even if you have a DFG you're still not going to be NEARLY able to kill a squishy unless you're ridiculously fed

heimer has a niche role that involves shutting down enemy AP mids who can't push - and he fills that role excellently

still the only high ELO player i've seen who actually plays heimerdinger is dan dinh
in a best-case scenario where you somehow manage to land your W and your E, even if you have a DFG you're still not going to be NEARLY able to kill a squishy unless you're ridiculously fed

heimer has a niche role that involves shutting down enemy AP mids who can't push - and he fills that role excellently

still the only high ELO player i've seen who actually plays heimerdinger is dan dinh

Well, with this in mind and you're suggestion in mind, I decided to buy Morgana cause she's cheap and I have like 4 grand IP and was looking to buy someone soon anyway. I'm gonna give her a try soon and see what I think. I'll probably eat my words if Heimer is really that inferior to Morgana and crew. I'm excited to see!
just played a game where the enemy diana went 28/2 and built two bloodthirsters and a PD.

yes, we lost to an AD diana.

who also took clarity/flash.


how do I carry if I win my lane (I was going as Renekton I think I was 12/6 by the end of the game?) but one enemy is extremely fed? And it wasn't just that my team (only bot, really) was feeding; they were also not warding, raging, and building poorly.

I don't wanna pull a Wikey, I recognize the mistakes I made and I'm not gonna place blame for the loss entirely on the rest of my team, but that is actually my question. How do I carry. How.

Also the game was 40 minutes, I had 200 CS and no one else on my team had higher than 80. No kidding.
I got disconnected from a game like 30 min ago. The game started, and then like 2 minutes in, I get disconnected from the server (my internet connection was good). Tried to re-connect to game, but I can't. I can log in to the game just fine, but now I can't get back into my game. I tried resetting my router, but that didn't work. I'm REALLY sick of having this issue. I can connect to the game just fine, but I get disconnected from the server at random times and can't reconnect.
Let's see here. For a start, Renekton can be hard to carry with after the 30 minute mark as he starts to become less useful. If you're winning your lane hard you should always take advantage of that and help the other lanes out if they are having problems. Even warding for your team where they should be. As Renekton you want to finish the game as early as possible, so try to demoralise the enemy team into wanting to surrender. Otherwise I suggest playing champions that scale well into late game making you more effective in teamfights.

Just don't be one of those guys who sits in their lane all day, win it and then complain about other lanes when you could assist them in a variety of different ways. ALSO stay positive!
Well, with this in mind and you're suggestion in mind, I decided to buy Morgana cause she's cheap and I have like 4 grand IP and was looking to buy someone soon anyway. I'm gonna give her a try soon and see what I think. I'll probably eat my words if Heimer is really that inferior to Morgana and crew. I'm excited to see!

i wouldn't necessarily say that heimer is "inferior" to morgana or any champion, as a matter of fact. his role is just very limited and there are extremely few, if any situations where he's the best pick for a job.

league of legends is a game, though, and it's more about having fun than picking the absolute best choice every time.

6-Dimension: push your lane. gank other lanes. yell at your team and tell them what to do. ping everywhere, call barons, call dragons, take timers. tell them who to focus, and initiate good teamfights, especially with a tanky DPS like renekton.

i normally play ranged AD so i occasionally carry games because of positioning alone, but when i'm playing someone like J4 and my team is failing, i generally try to take the initiative back by pushing and ganking, helping with dragons, etc. top lane is the hardest lane to carry from (aside from support) and you'll rarely carry games by staying top and farming 24/7. that only works when the rest of your team at least goes even, and in a situation where your other lanes are losing then you need to seize the initiative back.

of course sometimes it's impossible and i'll just lose as J4, rage, and go back to playing graves