OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

I'm considering turning my Choice Band Scizor into a bulky Swords Dance to have a better match-up against stall. Would it still be able to help against stall that way (being the bulky SD set instead of the offensive one) or would it be better to give it another more offensive EV-spread and item? It's my only stat-booster.

Bulky SD (252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD - Leftovers + Roost):
- Can actually counter Choice Specs Latios
- Better against Alakazam, Gengar, Latios and Latias
- Many set-up opportunities
- Small amount of power
- Trouble with walls

Offensive SD (200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe):
- Breaks through walls
- Better against Reuniclus (at least, if it has Bug Bite)
- Can still check the fast Ghost- and Psychic-types but takes a lot of damage while doing so
- Can only revenge kill Choice Specs Latios, because it's 2HKO'd by Draco Meteor despite the Special Attack drop, Stealth Rock not even factored in yet, meaning it can't switch in and live the second one
- Can fake choice item with Iron Plate/Muscle Band (probably Muscle Band, so it still gets the OHKO on Reuniclus with Bug Bite).
- More power = better sweeper?

Both have a small amount of support on my team (fast Toxic Heatran), and Skarmory can be overcome by Rotom-W and said Heatran. I could swap out my Amoonguss for a Ferrothorn to better handle Specs Latios, but this would make me weaker to Low Sweep Breloom and Icy Wind Keldeo, because they could 2HKO everything on my team except Latias (but Expert Belt Keldeo could beat it if I switch Latias in on the Icy Wind, same for Breloom if Bullet Seed hits 4 times or more)

So that means:

Offensive Scizor + Amoonguss = only able to revenge kill Specs Latios
Offensive Scizor + Ferrothorn = only able to revenge kill Expert Belt Keldeo / Low Sweep Breloom
Bulky Scizor + Amoonguss = being able to counter everything, but perhaps having difficulty with stall/walls?

What should I choose?

OTL and here I was thinking I could make a decent team, dream = shattered. This is Gen5 by the way.

(sorry if this is the wrong place I err-- I guess I'm getting more comfortable at being obnoxious)
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I'm considering turning my Choice Band Scizor into a bulky Swords Dance to have a better match-up against stall. Would it still be able to help against stall that way (being the bulky SD set instead of the offensive one) or would it be better to give it another more offensive EV-spread and item? It's my only stat-booster.

Bulky SD (252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD - Leftovers + Roost):
- Can actually counter Choice Specs Latios
- Better against Alakazam, Gengar, Latios and Latias
- Many set-up opportunities
- Small amount of power
- Trouble with walls

Offensive SD (200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe):
- Breaks through walls
- Better against Reuniclus (at least, if it has Bug Bite)
- Can still check the fast Ghost- and Psychic-types but takes a lot of damage while doing so
- Can only revenge kill Choice Specs Latios, because it's 2HKO'd by Draco Meteor despite the Special Attack drop, Stealth Rock not even factored in yet, meaning it can't switch in and live the second one
- Can fake choice item with Iron Plate/Muscle Band (probably Muscle Band, so it still gets the OHKO on Reuniclus with Bug Bite).
- More power = better sweeper?

Both have a small amount of support on my team (fast Toxic Heatran), and Skarmory can be overcome by Rotom-W and said Heatran. I could swap out my Amoonguss for a Ferrothorn to better handle Specs Latios, but this would make me weaker to Low Sweep Breloom and Icy Wind Keldeo, because they could 2HKO everything on my team except Latias (but Expert Belt Keldeo could beat it if I switch Latias in on the Icy Wind, same for Breloom if Bullet Seed hits 4 times or more)

So that means:

Offensive Scizor + Amoonguss = only able to revenge kill Specs Latios
Offensive Scizor + Ferrothorn = only able to revenge kill Expert Belt Keldeo / Low Sweep Breloom
Bulky Scizor + Amoonguss = being able to counter everything, but perhaps having difficulty with stall/walls?

What should I choose?

OTL and here I was thinking I could make a decent team, dream = shattered. This is Gen5 by the way.

(sorry if this is the wrong place I err-- I guess I'm getting more comfortable at being abnoxious)

Your Scizor can't take Latios's HP Fire. Period. Or Alakazam's. Or Latias's. Or Gengar's if it chooses to run HP Fire. HP Fire is something those first three commonly run, and Gengar runs it a lot too. Bulky SD doesn't even have that much bulk that it can keep setting up on strong attackers, which is what it needs to do to gain any kind of real power.

Offensive SD has less set-up opportunities yes but with Scizor's amazing typing it can set up on a lot of things thanks to its resists, and it still has nice natural bulk. Also Scizor+Grass-type is wrecked by HP Fire Expert Belt Latios/Alakazam, so I recommend something that can actually wall Latios, like Tyranitar. And you may only need one set-up opportunity.

So, if you want to use SD Scizor, it really depends on the team. Do you only need it for a single-sweep attempt, or do you need it to take a couple hits for your team as well? Keep in mind, though, that the offensive spread still has enough bulk to switch in on resistances.
Your Scizor can't take Latios's HP Fire. Period. Or Alakazam's. Or Latias's. Or Gengar's if it chooses to run HP Fire. HP Fire is something those first three commonly run, and Gengar runs it a lot too. Bulky SD doesn't even have that much bulk that it can keep setting up on strong attackers, which is what it needs to do to gain any kind of real power.

Offensive SD has less set-up opportunities yes but with Scizor's amazing typing it can set up on a lot of things thanks to its resists, and it still has nice natural bulk. Also Scizor+Grass-type is wrecked by HP Fire Expert Belt Latios/Alakazam, so I recommend something that can actually wall Latios, like Tyranitar. And you may only need one set-up opportunity.

So, if you want to use SD Scizor, it really depends on the team. Do you only need it for a single-sweep attempt, or do you need it to take a couple hits for your team as well? Keep in mind, though, that the offensive spread still has enough bulk to switch in on resistances.

Thanks, I hadn't thought about HP Fire yet. I'll try to fit in something like Tyranitar.
Would anyone mind helping me build around the following:

Destoroyah (Charizard) @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Flare Blitz
- ThunderPunch
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Modest Nature
- Air Slash
- Aura Sphere
- Soft-Boiled
- Dazzling Gleam

Not doing very well and wanted to see if I could get some ideas.
Amoonguss comes in on absolutely every Rotom-W (i'm just assuming that's the one that is giving you problems) set. If it tricks Rotom gets a Black Sludge and will be worn down quickly, Amoonguss does not care about a willowisp at all and it resists Rotom's Dual Stab. Pretty much every specially defensive grass type checks Rotom though. Celebi, Roserade, heck even Tangrowth would handle it. Chansey and Blissey remain fairly untouched and can status it in return. Gastrodon is immune to it's dual stab. If you get a strong physical attacker in on a good situation you should be fine too. Mold Breaker Excadrill nails it, Terrakion nails it, etc.
The thing that makes Rotom so annoying is Volt Switch, since it can just volt switch out when you bring in your check. Amoonguss is perfect for that because of Regenerator. Stealth Rock will help you to wear it down.
Well, the problem is that Ferrothorn might win a 1on1 matchup, but Rotom will just Volt-Switch out and Ferrothorn will staring something down that beats it. That is what makes Rotom so annoying and good, it might have checks and counters, but if it isn't punished for every switch (SR, even though it doesn't do much damage, or extesive double switches or underpredicts like letting it volt-switch out on something that it could beat) it will just wrap up tons of damage to yor team.
Does ferrothorn fair well against it

mind to stfu? stop posting all these fking nonsense. the entire thread is filled with your retarded questions and posts. i am sure there are better places to ask about how to breed smeargles and learn to google the most basic ones. the people here are not here to answer u whether fire is weak to water or not.

lastly, based on your posts, i can tell that u know hardly anything necessary to answer others' questions so stop posting your retarded replies as well.
mind to stfu? stop posting all these fking nonsense. the entire thread is filled with your retarded questions and posts. i am sure there are better places to ask about how to breed smeargles and learn to google the most basic ones. the people here are not here to answer u whether fire is weak to water or not.

lastly, based on your posts, i can tell that u know hardly anything necessary to answer others' questions so stop posting your retarded replies as well.
Pardon me for any rudeness that may appear in the following post. This post is instead meant for any people who share your opinion about Chadtherest00. You obviously have no idea what this thread and this forum was made for in general. This forum is mean to help people no matter what level of skill to improve themselves in both experience and knowledge. This thread specifically is meant to improve the knowledge that people can gain. Hence, if Chadtherest00 has a question should he not ask it? Also how is he to test his knowledge, I'm assuming that Chad feels that he can test it here by answering questions that he feels he knows.
Pardon me for any rudeness that may appear in the following post. This post is instead meant for any people who share your opinion about Chadtherest00. You obviously have no idea what this thread and this forum was made for in general. This forum is mean to help people no matter what level of skill to improve themselves in both experience and knowledge. This thread specifically is meant to improve the knowledge that people can gain. Hence, if Chadtherest00 has a question should he not ask it? Also how is he to test his knowledge, I'm assuming that Chad feels that he can test it here by answering questions that he feels he knows.

Thank you
Ok I thought of a good one I have a magic bounce espion

So what I thought of doing is using calm mind to defend against rotoms
Special attack

And I think espion goes first against these kinda threats.

What do u guys think?
Ok I thought of a good one I have a magic bounce espion

So what I thought of doing is using calm mind to defend against rotoms
Special attack

And I think espion goes first against these kinda threats.

What do u guys think?

Rotom-W is Volt Switching out. And Espeon just doesn't have the bulk to set up on it. Also Normal Rotom fucks Espeon hard with Shadow Ball if that was what you were talking about.

252 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-W Hydro Pump vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Espeon: 162-192 (48.5 - 57.4%)
252 SpA Choice Specs Rotom-W Hydro Pump vs. +2 252 HP / 0 SpD Espeon: 121-144 (36.2 - 43.1%)

You would need to run a decent number of Special Defense EVs on Espeon to avoid being 2HKOed by a Specs Hydro Pump after SR while setting up Calm Minds. Which really takes away from your attacking potential.

Also it can't set up on stuff like Roar Heatran, Roar Ninetales, Roar Latias, Greninja, Tyranitar, Gengar, and physical attackers. Considering that Aegislash, Talonflame, and Greninja, three mons whose usage span about 75% of current OU teams, all beat it soundly, it's quite hard set up.

Ok heres a good question what's the ruling for guts n sleep talk

It's a nice combo. Theoretically. In practice, however, most of the Guts users out there aren't bulky enough to run RestTalk sets, and Conkeldurr has giant 4MSS when RestTalking--it needs more than two of Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, and Payback for actual coverage. Hariyama is just lol. Throh has no good Fighting STAB.

In Ubers it's amazing on Scarf Heracross in order to hard counter Darkrai, but that's about it.
Can someone please critique what I should've done here? So I understand a bit better as it was closer than I would have liked.

Turn 3: Togekiss loves to use T-Wave, especially on something like Talonflame. If you're not sure you can always fodder that Terrakion.
Turn 5: Talonflame's crippled, why not just go for another Brave Bird?
Turn 6-9: Don't bait the Scald with Dragonite. You were lucky not to be burned.
Turn 10: Dragonite is basically dead at this point. I would rather have foddered him to prevent a Swords Dance from Aegislash, but switching is another nice option. Just don't think Mega Kangaskhan is a safe switchin.
Turn 11: Obvious switch is obvious. No one risks losing their Aegislash to Parental Bond EQ. PuP or Return would have been the play here.
Turn 18: Flare Blitz. Don't Roost. He got two free SDs. You're dead anyways.
Turn 22: lol ESpeeding an Aegislash.
Turn 25: You forgot TWave again.
Turn 26: Fairy resists Dark.


-If you had Returned the Garchomp you would have done some irrepairable damage to it, possibly KOing it. PuPing on the switch was another option. It was really obvious Aegislash was going to switch anyways. This might have saved your Starmie.
-Assume Garchomp is Scarf until you see a sign otherwise. Saccing Starmie was probably not the best play. You definitely do not switch Starmies into Garchomps and expect to live, either.
-It's better to fodder a mon than to heal up and allow the opponent to set up on you. If you had Flare Blitzed initially it would only have been at +4 and you would get a free switchin anyways.
-Togekiss resists Dark.
-Togekiss is always using Thunder Wave.
-Scald is not a safe move for Dragonite to stay in on.

Nice battle though. And I'm just being really nitpicky right now lol. As they say, hindsight is 20/20.
Turn 3: Togekiss loves to use T-Wave, especially on something like Talonflame. If you're not sure you can always fodder that Terrakion.
Thanks. I assumed most Togekiss ran Nasty Plot because I haven't really learned much about Togekiss this gen.
Turn 5: Talonflame's crippled, why not just go for another Brave Bird?
I thought the Priority would override Paralysis.
Turn 6-9: Don't bait the Scald with Dragonite. You were lucky not to be burned.
Yeah, I was kinda just risking it because I didn't have any grass move and I didn't know how else to kill defensive Gastrodon. Now I have Outrage on Dragonite.
Turn 10: Dragonite is basically dead at this point. I would rather have foddered him to prevent a Swords Dance from Aegislash, but switching is another nice option. Just don't think Mega Kangaskhan is a safe switchin.
I expect Aegi to always Shadow Sneak with a low health enemy;I only kept DNite for ExtremeSpeeding things with +1 Priority.
Turn 11: Obvious switch is obvious. No one risks losing their Aegislash to Parental Bond EQ. PuP or Return would have been the play here.
Thank you.
Turn 18: Flare Blitz. Don't Roost. He got two free SDs. You're dead anyways.
Again, thanks.
Turn 22: lol ESpeeding an Aegislash.
Yeah, that was a bit of an oversight. I forgot lol.
Turn 25: You forgot TWave again.
Yeah, I'm kind of being a bit stupid.
Turn 26: Fairy resists Dark.
Did not know this.


-If you had Returned the Garchomp you would have done some irrepairable damage to it, possibly KOing it. PuPing on the switch was another option. It was really obvious Aegislash was going to switch anyways. This might have saved your Starmie.
-Assume Garchomp is Scarf until you see a sign otherwise. Saccing Starmie was probably not the best play. You definitely do not switch Starmies into Garchomps and expect to live, either.
What would have been the best play here?
-It's better to fodder a mon than to heal up and allow the opponent to set up on you. If you had Flare Blitzed initially it would only have been at +4 and you would get a free switchin anyways.
-Togekiss resists Dark.
Which I now know.
-Togekiss is always using Thunder Wave.
Another thing I now know.
-Scald is not a safe move for Dragonite to stay in on.
Yeah, I was thinking this but I wanted to try my luck.

Nice battle though. And I'm just being really nitpicky right now lol. As they say, hindsight is 20/20.

My Questions:
-Any moves you think I should replace?
-What can I do against Physically Defensive Gastrodon, Assault Vest Goodra/Tyranitar and Fairies?
-What was the best play for when I sacced Starmie?
-Who is my best absorber for all Statuses as I don't have an electric type? I assume Talonflame for Will-o-wisp, Terrakion for Sleep unless TTar is alive still on the other team or M-Kangaskhan is dead, Paralysis maybe Terrakion.
-What is my best way of countering all Fairies.
-As well as BP chains with Espeon out.

My Questions:
-Any moves you think I should replace?
-What can I do against Physically Defensive Gastrodon, Assault Vest Goodra/Tyranitar and Fairies?
-What was the best play for when I sacced Starmie?
-Who is my best absorber for all Statuses as I don't have an electric type? I assume Talonflame for Will-o-wisp, Terrakion for Sleep unless TTar is alive still on the other team or M-Kangaskhan is dead, Paralysis maybe Terrakion.
-What is my best way of countering all Fairies.
-As well as BP chains with Espeon out.


AV Tyranitar is easy Genesect bait assuming you have U-Turn. If not, then get U-Turn on it.

Your best bet against Garchomp was to PuP or Return while it switched in. Earthquake would have been good too if you were doubting if it would switch or not. In that situation either foddering Terrakion (and going straight to Genesect) or just staying in and Returning (Mega Kanga is bulky) would have been the play I would have made.

Starmie is your only Paralysis absorber thanks to Natural Cure, assuming it has Natural Cure. Talonflame absorbs Wisps easily, but watch out for other moves. Sleep you have to deal with.

If you have difficulties with Fairies you can put Iron Head or Flash Cannon on Genesect. Thunderbolt is good enough for Azumarill and Togekiss though.

No one really runs BP chains anymore. If you see an obvious BP chain (such as Espeon+Scolipede, etc.) then you can threaten it with one of your offensive mons, or use Genesect to gain momentum and scout passes down the chain. If you really are tired of them try putting a Roar or Perish Song user on your team, but even that doesn't really work against Mr. Mime chains.
AV Tyranitar is easy Genesect bait assuming you have U-Turn. If not, then get U-Turn on it.

Your best bet against Garchomp was to PuP or Return while it switched in. Earthquake would have been good too if you were doubting if it would switch or not. In that situation either foddering Terrakion (and going straight to Genesect) or just staying in and Returning (Mega Kanga is bulky) would have been the play I would have made.

Starmie is your only Paralysis absorber thanks to Natural Cure, assuming it has Natural Cure. Talonflame absorbs Wisps easily, but watch out for other moves. Sleep you have to deal with.

If you have difficulties with Fairies you can put Iron Head or Flash Cannon on Genesect. Thunderbolt is good enough for Azumarill and Togekiss though.

No one really runs BP chains anymore. If you see an obvious BP chain (such as Espeon+Scolipede, etc.) then you can threaten it with one of your offensive mons, or use Genesect to gain momentum and scout passes down the chain. If you really are tired of them try putting a Roar or Perish Song user on your team, but even that doesn't really work against Mr. Mime chains.
Thank you. Starmie has Analytic though :/
What are some significant OU threats that a Talonflame with full investment and is adamant can OHKO with Brave Bird/Flare Blitz?