League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

because RODAN elo, where RODAN elo is anywhere they buy Lizard on Eve

rodan are you the next insec???

edit holy fucking shitballs batman how do they let that baron go so badly D:

edit 2 THEY LOST

edit okay so I see what the entire last page is about I was assuming they threw the masters match really badly
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Jungle Pantheon
Dude Jungle Pantheon is legit and really fun. The lane presence is real.

Also oh my God who would've known 60 FPS instead of 20-40 would be so much different is this real life!?!
jungle pantheon and lizard eve have been mainstream for quite a while where have you people been

on another note i'm in my promos for plat V and am currently undefeated with sivir and lulu so i highly recommend those
People were questioning still building Lizard on Eve now that it only procs on physical damage and not all spell damage, since the entire point was she cheaply and quickly procced it in AoE with Hate Spike. That is no longer the case but people are still building it on her anyway.

Jungle Pantheon is still dumb too. :[ Less dumb now that he can W creeps but his clear is still pretty weak, I don't really see the point.
his clear isn't terrible - naturally he's going to be a little slower but his ganks are incredibly strong and his ultimate (if used properly) wins games before 10 minutes

there are 4 champions with a ranged targeted stun on a basic ability (annie, pantheon, sion, and taric) and pantheon is currently the best jungler out of all of them due to his passive shield, his dueling potential, his single-target damage, and the pressure his ultimate provides
Jungle Pantheon's wave clear is mediocre but he really excels more on ganking and pressuring lanes with his ultimate. Like Jebus stated Pantheon has a ranged stun that doesnt rely on a skillshot and his Q can pick off low health targets nicely. I really dont see how jungle Pantheon is bad. Hell aside from waveclear I dont understand why people still play Warwick in jungle. But that is just me. @_@;
Pantheon... may well be the third best jungler out of the "targetted stun" group. :X Outside of what his ultimate brings he's not particularly impressive in any other fashion, like some sort of ass backwards Shen. Except Shen never drops below 100% health in the jungle and he suffers less from the decreased income. What happened to that jungle Taric fad anyway?

Better than jungle Poppy I guess... Warwick meh, he's like Vi with bad clearing: she still has the post-6 instakill ganks and also walljumps. I don't necessarily condone jungle WW either but at least he's very safe.

Meanwhile, poor ol' Cho'gath is just sitting over here having been a top tier jungler in every regard for-fucking-ever and nobody remembers he exists. And Nocturne. :[ That fear change hurts him more than it helps though. (Fiddle players need to quit fucking crying though, it's not very harmful to them.)
Jungle Shen has arguably worse clear time than Pantheon. Though his ganks are okay with his Taunt. I guess at least in some ways Shen ganks at Level 6 are safer for your lane opponents but Pantheon post-6 ganks have a better chance of cornering the lane opponent youre trying to gank.

Also Pantheon's passive is okay in jungle and helps in times of tower diving of sorts.

I personally am not a huge fan of Cho jungle and prefer him in lane personally but I get where he excels in jungle with nice objective control with Feast.
I personally am not a huge fan of Cho jungle and prefer him in lane personally but I get where he excels in jungle with nice objective control with Feast.
He also has really fast clear speed, good sustain, ranged CC to facilitate ganks and transitions well to lategame whether or not he has items due to being a walking AoE CC bot. He is awesomely neglected but what's considered good in this game never seems to have much to do with merit, just raw popularity. *shrug* Being good in lane doesn't disqualify a champion from being a good jungler. (Shit, where'd top Lee go? The Armor removal from W hurt him I guess.)

Shen's clear is terribly slow and he's otherwise not similar in function to Pantheon, he's just the obvious comparison to make because the entire appeal of jungling either is the global ult. Neither is a good jungler per se, they're just passable enough to excuse sticking them there to take advantage of their massive post-6 map presence... Except Shen never drops below 100% health in the jungle and he suffers less from the decreased income. Shen hasn't seen much play in a while though, even in the jungle since he kinda got shoved out of top lane by heavy pushers.
Alliance coming good... smh Quicksh0t and every dipshit on reddit who has been paying them out for the past 7 weeks.
even weeks op
I'm really enjoying your sig gif cut off as well.

also: what in the ever loving fuck to I build for boots on non tank supports now? jana lulu nami sona and the like
cos fuck me does 25 movement speed suck giant amounts of dick
(been doing swift + alacrity but I'm pretty sure 75 movespeed for 14hundred gold is mega awful soooo)
should I just default to merc treads? (I build athene's cos I'm a noob who can't cleanse people fast enough so don't tell me to get cdr boots)
i'd also like to leave this here, from early january

i had my doubts but i've been rooting for alliance for a while and it's great to see them and CLG finally getting their act together

their biggest challenge is probably going to be SK tbh but i don't think a first place finish is out of the question for ALL
With supports it depends:

Tanky - Ninja Tabi or Merc Treds
Non-tanky - Swiftness or Sorc Treads

That's what I've been building lately.