Pokémon Medicham

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Aeigislash and slowbro usually only give me the problems.
Most garchomps are scarfed, or still outspeed you...so Ice Punch or HJK wouldn't really help there

and why would I directly switch my Bisharp into an Aeigislash.., Obviously I would Have to scout it if its physical, or special/mixed.
My set isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure I have other pokemon to support it, so the other stall pokemon are nothing to me really..

also Sucker Punch from Bisharp almost KOs mega medicham
Aeigislash and slowbro usually only give me the problems.
Most garchomps are scarfed, or still outspeed you...so Ice Punch or HJK wouldn't really help there

Garchomp has much better odds checking your set as it can come in on 3/4 moves rather than 2/4.

and why would I directly switch my Bisharp into an Aeigislash.., Obviously I would Have to scout it if its physical, or special/mixed.
My set isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure I have other pokemon to support it, so the other stall pokemon are nothing to me really..

To get rid of Aegislash, there's not too many things that take it's Shadow Balls all that well and Bisharp is the only thing that can Pursuit trap Aegislash without having to worry about King's Shield, Aegislash is often the only thing that stands in MegaCham's way when playing vs stall teams so removing it is hugely important.

also Sucker Punch from Bisharp almost KOs mega medicham

Keyword almost.
Personally I love fake out, its just like adding more damage to HJK or zen headbutt, and with hazards it can be crucial to secure a KO, its definitely more "handy" than it looks.
I know I'm probably the only one in this dead thread, but could someone please explain to me why a meditate set is not viable? I mean, granted, it's got an ability to KO 70% of the metagame... why not make that 100%? xD


Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Meditate
- Substitute/Elemental punch
- Drain Punch/Elemental punch
- Psycho Cut

People fail to realise Meditate is essentially an exact copy of swords dance... so why not give medicham an SD set? I know, it's such a powerfuck as is, so... why not make it even scarier? It's attack reaches a whopping 1196 with a meditate. IMO, if I was going to run substitute, I would run drain punch alongside it because I'll be subbing whenever I get the chance. Despite that, imagine the pure fear your opponent will be feeling when you have a mega medi, behind a sub, at +2.
I know I'm probably the only one in this dead thread, but could someone please explain to me why a meditate set is not viable? I mean, granted, it's got an ability to KO 70% of the metagame... why not make that 100%? xD


Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Meditate
- Substitute/Elemental punch
- Drain Punch/Elemental punch
- Psycho Cut

People fail to realise Meditate is essentially an exact copy of swords dance... so why not give medicham an SD set? I know, it's such a powerfuck as is, so... why not make it even scarier? It's attack reaches a whopping 1196 with a meditate. IMO, if I was going to run substitute, I would run drain punch alongside it because I'll be subbing whenever I get the chance. Despite that, imagine the pure fear your opponent will be feeling when you have a mega medi, behind a sub, at +2.

Serebii said:
Raises user's ATTACK one stage.
Yeah. Medicham is too frail and has common weaknesses, so it should just try to outright attack rather than setting up. It is a fearsome wallbreaker without even a boost.
I know I'm probably the only one in this dead thread, but could someone please explain to me why a meditate set is not viable? I mean, granted, it's got an ability to KO 70% of the metagame... why not make that 100%? xD


Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Meditate
- Substitute/Elemental punch
- Drain Punch/Elemental punch
- Psycho Cut

People fail to realise Meditate is essentially an exact copy of swords dance... so why not give medicham an SD set? I know, it's such a powerfuck as is, so... why not make it even scarier? It's attack reaches a whopping 1196 with a meditate. IMO, if I was going to run substitute, I would run drain punch alongside it because I'll be subbing whenever I get the chance. Despite that, imagine the pure fear your opponent will be feeling when you have a mega medi, behind a sub, at +2.

Please, meditate...
LOL, alla but no meditate. Psycho Cut, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Fake Out/Bullet Punch.
I don't know if it's been considered or not (too lazy to read the previous pages of this thread) but what about Poison Jab? It OHKOs Azumarril after Stealth Rock damage and OHKOs Clefable as well.
sub drain punch zen fire punch is probably the best megacham in terms of consistency

it makes bisharp less annoying too but you still need another offensive check alongside it e.g. terrakion or breloom
M-edicham looks really interesting... I wonder if an all-out set will work thought, with HJK / Psycho Cut / [Insert elemental punch here] / Bullet Punch. As long as it doesn't face PrankBleye or Klefki it will be fine.
I agree with the above, Bullet Punch is horribly weak without stab.

Personally, the set I had most success with is sub 3 attacks, with dual stab + Ice Punch if i had pursuit support and Fire punch if not. I tried a 4 attacks varant with both ice punch and fire punch and it performed well, but Substitute's sheer utility should never be overlooked on a pokemon that forces a ton of switches and that is crippled so much by status.
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Then which punches do you think should deserve those moveslots? Fire, Ice, or Thunder Punch?

If you go with 4 attacks then HJK, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch/Fire Punch, Fire Punch/Thunder Punch

With Firepunch being pretty much only for Aegislash (on the switch) and (M-)Scizor, Ice Punch being pretty much only for Landorus(-T), Gliscor and Lati@s (on the switch) and Thunder Punch for Slowbro, Gyarados and Azumarill.

Substitute is an option that eases prediction, but losing coverage does hurt as well as the 25% health you lose (you could run Drain Punch to somewhat make up for it but HJK is nearly twice as strong).
If you go with 4 attacks then HJK, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch/Fire Punch, Fire Punch/Thunder Punch

With Firepunch being pretty much only for Aegislash (on the switch) and (M-)Scizor, Ice Punch being pretty much only for Landorus(-T), Gliscor and Lati@s (on the switch) and Thunder Punch for Slowbro, Gyarados and Azumarill.

Substitute is an option that eases prediction, but losing coverage does hurt as well as the 25% health you lose (you could run Drain Punch to somewhat make up for it but HJK is nearly twice as strong).
Fire Punch is also for Mega-Aggron, if people even use it.
Fire Punch is also for Mega-Aggron, if people even use it.

But but but mega aggron is weak to fighting :{

Anyway, any thoughts about the best partners for this guy? I had some success pairing it with hippowdon (sr support + checks aegislah and talonflame), and with pursuit bisharp in a more offensive team
But but but mega aggron is weak to fighting :{

Anyway, any thoughts about the best partners for this guy? I had some success pairing it with hippowdon (sr support + checks aegislah and talonflame), and with pursuit bisharp in a more offensive team
Then probably something that kills Aegislash and Scizor is a good partner as it can then use pseudo BoltBeam with Ice and Thunder Punch. Talonflame perhaps works. Though Talon needs RS support.
Fire Punch is also for Mega-Aggron, if people even use it.

Why? HJK does way more damage vs Mega Aggron and Mega Aggron isn't really something to take into account when OU team building to begin with.

Bulk Up is not viable as Medicham is too slow and too frail to pull it off properly, also losing coverage sucks and it's priority moves aren't very strong.
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