Lower Tiers PU Viability Rankings

Please read: Before I post this update, galbia brought up the idea of ranking the S and A ranks by order of viability instead of alphabetically. What do you guys think of this? Let me know if you think I should do it or not (prefereably on my wall instead of in the thread) and I'll do it sometime this week if enough people want me to. Keep in mind that due to the extreme subjectivity of doing this, it would likely be something that wasn't talked about in the thread and instead was decided entirely by me and other people on the council. Anyway, onto the update:

Barbaracle from S to A+
Carracosta from S to A+
Sawsbuck from B+ to A-
Victreebel from B+ to A-
Avalugg from B to B-
Duosion from B to B-
Marowak from B to B-
Carbink from B- to C+
Servine from B- to C+
Dusknoir from C+ to B-
Meowstic-M from C+ to B-
Relicanth from C+ to C
Swoobat from C+ to C
Wigglytuff from C+ to C
Dusclops from C to C-
Furfrou from C to C+
Glaceon from C to D
Regigigas from C to C+
Sliggoo from C to C-
Shedinja C- to C
Swalot from C- to C
Tropius from C to C-
Tentacool from D to C-

Most of these have been explained already, but a few of the bigger ones that weren't (don't forget that you can always ask me about any change I didn't explain):

Servine is moving down due to the huge popularity of of Roselia and Zebstrika, both of which are immune to or don't care about Glare / Leaf Storm. It also has tons of trouble sweeping in general thanks to its low speed and modest at best bulk, meaning that it won't accomplish very much in a lot of games. Competition from the many other Grass-types in PU also sets it back a bit.

Marowak is moving down further because of its low Speed, lack of ability to use Sturdy and WP / Custap unlike Golem, and generally poor matchup against the vast majority of the best Pokemon in the tier, many of which have type advantage over it. (sorry wdm :( )

Dusclops, Carbink, and Duosion are all moving down because of the general mediocrity of slow and weak bulky boosters in this metagame, as well as their vunerability to the incredibly common Pawniard and their difficulty fitting on offensive teams.

Sawsbuck and Victreebel are moving up because of their extreme potency on sun, as well as (especially in Sawsbuck's case) their very solid sets that they can run outside of sun, both of which are enough to push them up into the A ranks.

Now model user Anty will explain a few of the other changes because they were his and not mine.
Firstly the reason for barbaracle and costa dropping is here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/pu-viability-ranking-thread-v2.3528743/page-12#post-6207237
To explain a lot of the others

Swalot is pretty bulky due to its high HP allowing it to check multiple scary attackers such as Roselia. Its typing is also helpful for checking grass types and absorbing toxic spikes, while not giving it too many crucial weaknesses for what it wants to check. It also has a decent offensive presence thanks to its huge offensive movepool, and its solid support movepool helps its defensive presence. However what pushes it over c- to c line is its moustache

Furfrou has a large amount of physical bulk due to its ability but what gives it is main niche is the bulk combined with its speed. This really helps volturn teams how are often weak to strong set up sweepers like fraxure, and furfrou can stop many of these with its bulk along with thunder wave and solid attack

This has good bulk similar to furfrou and can annoy pokes with twave and knock, and even with slow start it still hits hard and after 5 turns it is pretty hard to stop. Its bulk allows him to become a solid check to the majority of the tier especcially considering how nice paralysis is.

The utility of Toxic Spikes is very helpful in this metagame and combined with more support moves like Rapid Spin and Knock Off makes Tentacool a threat. Its typing is also nice in letting it switch into pokes such as poliwrath and simipour.

Others were previously overlooked, like tropius being mostly outclassed by gourgeist-small, along with a lot of strong pokes moving down due to the less of a need for strong wallbreakers, like relicanth


Since I did joke reasons for some others they didnt change rank and i have to suggest here smh:

Luxray from B- to C+
Its niche over other electric is being physical which isnt enough considering other electrics have speed/dual typings, and luxray may have less counters but has to predict more. Intimidate is nice but ebuzz can act as a pivot and your not switching into much, also slow wallbreakers are much less effective

Quilladin from B- to C+
Heavy competition from tangela, which has much more offensive presence, torterra, which has dual typing and can tank knock off, and rose, which is sdef and has more utility + dual typing. Quils niche is spikes over tangela; spikes instead of rocks on torterra; and ph def over rose. Its niche is p bad, and it also really fits into specific teams bulkier teams which are also on the decline, and again want these other grass types. The lead set isnt that reliable either due to its speed meaning it gets 2HKOd by pokes like ninetales making me more incline to use pokes like dwebble.

Zweilous from B to B-
This did recently move up, however i dont think it is worse its place anymore. Switching into pokes like zebby and ninetales may be nice, but remember that rest isnt the best of recovery especcially considering you dont have leftovers, meaning particularly for zeb it can just volt switch and gain momentum easily as zweilous gets warn down. It also isnt that strong and use of pokemon like poliwrath and piloswine which give it trouble are too high
Illumise to E

Yes, I realize this was ranked for Encore+Substitute+Baton Pass. However I would much rather use Encore+Substitute+Baton Pass+Tail Glow on Volbeat rather than Encore+Substitute+Baton Pass+Bug Buzz on Illumise. Realistically you are never going to use Bug Buzz, and even if you do it does shitty damage (0 SpA Illumise Bug Buzz vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Simipour: 109-129 (37.3 - 44.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO). There is no problem with opponents setting up on you anyway because of encore. So it would make much more sense to run Tail Glow in the last slot. Even if the main point of the set is to baton pass substitutes, you'll always have the threat of tail glow to play mindgames with your opponent. And when the opportunity presents itself, baton-passing a tail glow can win games.

Tail Glow >>> Bug Buzz

EDIT: I know one attacking move is carried by default on each set to avoid becoming taunt bait, but prankster is faster than taunt, and who uses taunt in PU anyway?
Illumise to E

Yes, I realize this was ranked for Encore+Substitute+Baton Pass. However I would much rather use Encore+Substitute+Baton Pass+Tail Glow on Volbeat rather than Encore+Substitute+Baton Pass+Bug Buzz on Illumise. Realistically you are never going to use Bug Buzz, and even if you do it does shitty damage (0 SpA Illumise Bug Buzz vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Simipour: 109-129 (37.3 - 44.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO). There is no problem with opponents setting up on you anyway because of encore. So it would make much more sense to run Tail Glow in the last slot. Even if the main point of the set is to baton pass substitutes, you'll always have the threat of tail glow to play mindgames with your opponent. And when the opportunity presents itself, baton-passing a tail glow can win games.

Tail Glow >>> Bug Buzz

EDIT: I know one attacking move is carried by default on each set to avoid becoming taunt bait, but prankster is faster than taunt, and who uses taunt in PU anyway?

This post really makes me doubt that you have used illimuse/volbeat for baton pass before. As someone who has, the reasons not to use tail glow are better than the reasons to use it. You say that you will always have the 'threat of tail glow' and mention 'midgames', yet i dont see how tail glow does that at all, unlike substitute and encore. Whereas bug buzz is useful in many situations, not only against several taunt users that apparently dont exist, but also as decent utility as not only can it force out pokes like tangela, but dont think the situation where illimuse is your last poke is non existent. So as some who has used it I can say realistically you are going to use bug buzz. Thunder wave can also be used in the last slot, and though it may seem like volbeat can do the same but illimuse bluffs the bug buzz, which can come into play rather than bluffing the tail glow. Twave is so good in these types of teams as many of them are HO, whereas the others are often about 2 dedicated receivers meaning you dont have a huge selection for TG. Also the best receivers are set up pokes themselves as sub is a great way to provide opportunities for pokes which lack them, such as shell smash costa/baracle, whereas passing tail glow doesnt exactly mean that they cannot be revenge killed. The only viable tail glow recievers i can see is regice really (however that has to take two attacks in coming in and setting up RP which may put it in range of priority), as there arent many special speed boosters (poliwrath yes, sunny day victreebel?) and if you just pass a +3 boost to a zebstrika chances are the opponent has some way around it. To pretty much sum this up, 'you'll always have the threat of tail glow to play mindgames with your opponent' - what is more threatening for the opp when trying to set up, thunder wave, or even bug buzz, or er tail glow?
Machoke from B+ to A-

Eviolite-Machoke with Eviolite is a surprisingly bulky mon (80/70/60) and with Hp investment can take a few hits from various Threats

Machoke also possess a very nice base 100 Attack stat which can scare out some mons and scare almost the whole tier when given a status Ailment thanks to its guts ability which allows Machoke to either 2hko or Ohko almost the entire tier

Able to run a surprising amount of coverage usually being STAB CC,Knock off,Bullet punch for priority and one of the elemental punches depending on the teams requirements it is a worry to send in a defensive mon especially with eviolite such as Rose,Missy and even defensive Tangela in fear of losing their own Eviolites.

Overall i belief that the reptilian wrestler deserves to rank up. Ever since Throhs departure Choke has become an ideal physical fighter for any team
Machoke from B+ to A-

Eviolite-Machoke with Eviolite is a surprisingly bulky mon (80/70/60) and with Hp investment can take a few hits from various Threats

Machoke also possess a very nice base 100 Attack stat which can scare out some mons and scare almost the whole tier when given a status Ailment thanks to its guts ability which allows Machoke to either 2hko or Ohko almost the entire tier

Able to run a surprising amount of coverage usually being STAB CC,Knock off,Bullet punch for priority and one of the elemental punches depending on the teams requirements it is a worry to send in a defensive mon especially with eviolite such as Rose,Missy and even defensive Tangela in fear of losing their own Eviolites.

Overall i belief that the reptilian wrestler deserves to rank up. Ever since Throhs departure Choke has become an ideal physical fighter for any team
Machoke isn't that good and can't make a quality jump to go into A- rank, or at least not for now, and I'll list you some reasons to explain my point, as the ones you provided are shaky and incomplete. Machoke can be bulky with along with Eviolite, but that is true only in part, because it still struggles with offensive pressure (which isn't great in a metagame prone to offense in general), as Fighting-typing isn't optimal to switch in on things, especially strong attackers and entry hazards, anyway it still isn't that bulky and can't reliably switch on Pokemon such as Pawniard and common Knock Off users because of being sort of Eviolite dependant, counting it is running an all out attacker set, and the lack of recovery surely doesn't help too, while Poliwrath is still better in most of the cases, such as a RestTalk Pokemon, as it can be splashed on a bigger variety of teams. In the case Machoke gets a Guts boost, it will be worn down in a reasonably time or gets in range of strong attackers, or it will be even slower and can be dealt of by common checks such as Fairy-types.
Of course it is a worry to send in defensive Pokemon on it, but it is called wallbreaker for a reason and there are Pokemon in same or higher ranks that can do that role well if not better than Machoke, nominating Simipour, Simisear, Ursaring(which even if lacks Knock Off, it is still threatening to most defensive pokemon bc of swords dance or just facade+coverage), and Bullet Punch yes it's an useful move, but has a restricted use, as it is weak and can be used only as a tool of revengekill on worn down Pokemon.
Anyway Machoke has enough qualities to be B+, some of them got mentioned, but it also has some flaws that affect how it plays and its effective presence into the tier, therefore can't make it into A-.
I'm not an avid Machoke user, so someone could probably explain better or just screw my affermations.
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Okay, I didn't get much of any disagreement with my proposal in this post and a few days have passed, so I'm going to order everything above B+ rank by viability now. Because of the general subjectivity of this, please do not post in the thread about changing the order within the ranks. You can still obviously nominate Pokemon to move between these ranks though. This was hard enough for me and the other council members to come to a conclusion on, and bringing the general playerbase into the mix will just complicate things further. Keep in mind that the exact order isn't really a hugely important thing, but more of a general guideline. The order will probably be updated weekly with the rest of the viability rankings. Also, when going through this, we agreed on one change between ranks:

Leafeon from A to A-
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Gastly for D

Will do a short post because the Pokemon in question pretty intuitive. Gastly looks like a decent replacement for Haunter, it basically gets nearly the same moves, naming Sludge Wave, Shadow Ball and Destiny Bond, which were crucial on Haunter and stat are still enough worth for a D rank in my opinion, also can perform a Choice Scarf set too and doesn't miss out on many Pokemon that Haunter did outspeed, though 15 less Special Attack can be crucial in missing some important KOs on offensive Pokemon, and lack in bulk can be somewhat heavy too because it makes Gastly weaker to priorities than Haunter, which already was made of paper, and find even less possibilities switch in on spin users, as probably they all can 1HKO it, so D Rank is fitting in my opinion, but should definitely be added.
Beheyeem to drop

Worse psychic than duosion hypno or grumpig and is worn down toooo easily to be justified using. With little hazards it dies to the best attackers in the tier and TR loses to the sucker punch users.

Gastly for D

Will do a short post because the Pokemon in question pretty intuitive. Gastly looks like a decent replacement for Haunter, it basically gets nearly the same moves, naming Sludge Wave, Shadow Ball and Destiny Bond, which were crucial on Haunter and stat are still enough worth for a D rank in my opinion, also can perform a Choice Scarf set too and doesn't miss out on many Pokemon that Haunter did outspeed, though 15 less Special Attack can be crucial in missing some important KOs on offensive Pokemon, and lack in bulk can be somewhat heavy too because it makes Gastly weaker to priorities than Haunter, which already was made of paper, and find even less possibilities switch in on spin users, as probably they all can 1HKO it, so D Rank is fitting in my opinion, but should definitely be added.
Lol you did it
Why are Venipede and Whirlipede in the same rank
They both do the same thing, just Venipede has more speed to outspeed Taunt users such as Simipour at +1, while Whirlipede has more bulk to survive moves such as Golem's Rock Blast.
to C
With SmashPass now banned, the only niches I can see in it is CoilPass or Band, which even then aren't that good.
It has a bad speed tier, bad special bulk, little to no coverage, and is generally outclassed by the other Water types in the tier, like Carracosta, Barbaracle, Simipour(its special ik, but rather use psychical pour over huntail), Floatzel, Basculin, etc.
to C
With SmashPass now banned, the only niches I can see in it is CoilPass or Band, which even then aren't that good.
It has a bad speed tier, bad special bulk, little to no coverage, and is generally outclassed by the other Water types in the tier, like Carracosta, Barbaracle, Simipour(its special ik, but rather use psychical pour over huntail), Floatzel, Basculin, etc.

C is a bit extreme. Huntail was easily an A-rank threat with the broken smashpass, just no one put it there because smashpass was discovered to be a good strategy pretty late, and by then it was expected to be banned anyway.

Special shellsmash with HP flying is actually a decent set. I would say B-.
Meh, I mean B- or B is probably fairer for Huntail as SmashPass wasn't the /only/ thing it could do anyways and it's a lot better than the other stuff. It does have its select niches (Sucker Punch, CoilPass, etc.) that make it more than C lol. I'd definitely see myself using this thing over, say, Marowak or Metang.
I dont see what is so special about HP flying huntail when all it does it mean you are forced to run modest w/ max spatk and life orb which means you cannot take advantage of huntails higher physical attack, you get outsped by every choice scarf user, you have much less set up opportunities bc you dont have whiteherb but you beat the grass types that have gone down in usage, but you still lose to roselia. The main reason why barbaracle and carracosta dropped was to do with lack of set up opportunities, and huntail isnt much better as even if it does have less of a weakness to grass, it is still OHKOd by things like ninetales's eball, poliwrath and machoke OHKO after defensive boosts, and plenty of grounds like golem and torterra also OHKO. This set has a niche, but not enough to be ranked b- at all, i would say about c.

The coilpass set isnt great as floatzel's bulk up pass is mostly better considering it has access to taunt, and can be used outside of that due to high speed allowing it to revenge kill pokes like ninetales (the accuracy boost really isnt a reason you would use huntail over floatzel).
I dont see what is so special about HP flying huntail when all it does it mean you are forced to run modest w/ max spatk and life orb which means you cannot take advantage of huntails higher physical attack, you get outsped by every choice scarf user, you have much less set up opportunities bc you dont have whiteherb but you beat the grass types that have gone down in usage, but you still lose to roselia. The main reason why barbaracle and carracosta dropped was to do with lack of set up opportunities, and huntail isnt much better as even if it does have less of a weakness to grass, it is still OHKOd by things like ninetales's eball, poliwrath and machoke OHKO after defensive boosts, and plenty of grounds like golem and torterra also OHKO. This set has a niche, but not enough to be ranked b- at all, i would say about c.

The coilpass set isnt great as floatzel's bulk up pass is mostly better considering it has access to taunt, and can be used outside of that due to high speed allowing it to revenge kill pokes like ninetales (the accuracy boost really isnt a reason you would use huntail over floatzel).

HP flying doesn't run modest, it runs Rash with either 56 or 84 attack and sucker punch.

Still I agree with your post
All of these have had an explanation behind them, so I'm not going to post separate reasoning.

Huntail from B+ to C
Beheeyem from B to B-
Zweilous from B to B-
Luxray from B- to C+
Quilladin from B- to C+
Gastly from unlisted to C-

Also, bringing these up for discussion, please post if you have an opinion:

Clefairy from B to B+
Drifblim from B- to C+/C
Armaldo from B to B-
Avalugg from B- to C+
Monferno from B- to C+
yes to clefairy to b+, i already wanted to make a post about it but I see you outpaced me there, will keep this short.
I would like to see clefairy in b+ already for the fact that it's annoying as hell, I mean it's already really hard to KO and to get past it(hi clefable), as it is basically able to wall most common attackers such as Simipour, while the others that try to setup on it risk a thunder wave in the face, therefore are unable to sweep. Clefairy can also be threatening because of the cm set and typing, steel- and poison-types aren't that prominent and it also has access to moves such as flamethrower, therefore is also able to get past things such as Pawniard, bc it actually lives an iron head(does it even 2hko with physical def investment???). It may be eviolite dependant for its bulk, but still b+ worth, for me in its role clefairy is at the same level of some b+ pokemon. magic guard is also so good against hazard stacking teams, tho i wish it had unaware X(.
I'd agree with most of the latter noms (Clefairy, Drifblim, Armaldo) except for Monferno. I feel Monferno's variability allows it to be a consistent, but unpredictable threat. It can just as easily run Nasty Plot as Swords Dance and has fighting priority to boot with a pretty decent speed tier of 81.

On the other end of the spectrum is the defensive set which can mix and match Slack off, Bulk Up, Encore, Stealth Rock, Encore, and Taunt. 64/ 52/52 defences aren't the best, but paired with Eviolite and special defense investment, Monferno can take any Fire/Grass/Ice attack with ease and reliably recover after using one of its support moves.
I will say that this set is very weak to Ninetales so you will have to teambuild accordingly, but I definitely see the merit behind ranking it at B- rather than C+ with the likes of Flareon (which I personally believe it outclasses as a specially defensive fire, barring wish pass of course)
Figured I'd post on this since it hasnt been brought up yet. With the addition of other spinners and Pokemon such as Probopass and Pawniard into the meta, there is frankly no reason to use Avalugg. The newest spinners have a way to beat spinblockers (Torkoal with Shell Smash and Armaldo with Knock Off), while Avalugg is basically a sitting duck against Misdreavus and Gourgeist-XL. Looking at the current viability ranks, the majority of the Pokemon above A- easily take on Avalugg.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. While it's the only viable spinner with reliable recovery, it's not like PU is strapped for hazard removers now. Defensive teams aren't that common, and favor Pokemon with better typing and utility. Offensive teams find Avalugg to be a momentum drain, and won't generally use it. Balanced teams might use it as a catch-all physical wall and spinner in a single slot, so there's that. But looking at some of the more popular Pokemon, there has been a larger scale usage of special attackers (Poliwrath, Simipour, Kadabra, Zebstrika, etc.); some of the popular physical attackers also have ways around Avalugg (Leafeon with SD Iron Tail, Rapidash, Carracosta, Barbaracle). While Avalugg is still pretty bulky, there's not much it can do in response except Roar, Toxic, or Avalanche. With it's low Speed, it can easily be caught by Toxic, burns, and Taunt, along with having to take numerous attacks. Other slow hazard removers at least have beneficial typings that check specific threats, or else a way to maintain momentum; Avalugg relies solely on its sheer bulk and keeping its HP high to do anything.
I firmly believe that Bibarel should be in the same tier as onix due to similar roles
Bibarel D -> C
Now this is a change that I have been thinking about for the past few days with sun being the arguably the best playstyle in PU at the moment. Bibarel can setup Stealth Rock, Rain Dance and it has a pretty fast taunt (1 base point faster than onix) which is what gives it a niche over Relicanth. People have told me that Bibarel isnt good as a rain lead because of his lack of sturdy but there are very few leads that can take Bibarel out in one turn (calcs below), so he can afford to run Damp Rock over Focus Sash. Bibarel has the ability unaware which lets it take out Golem with Scald. With Bibarel being able to setup rain, 7 (viable) Pokemon are now able to abuse swift swim (Armaldo,Beartic,Poliwrath,Floatzel,Golduck,Relicanth,Carracosta(Debatable)) whereas in sun, only 4-5 viable pokemon are able to abuse the sun (Jumpluff,Tangela,Leafeon,Sawsbuck,Victreebel). Bibarel preforms the same job as Onix in the fact it can set up weather rocks and taunt, but rain has more viable users than sun AND sand, which means rain has the most versatility out of any weather team, and Bibarel is a great suicide rain lead. His other ability is simple so I guess you can make a curse 3 attack set work out, but there are better options if you want a setup normal sweeper (Ursaring), and to a lesser extent, Raticate outpreform it in the setup department, which is the main reason i dont see it being any further than C maybe C+, it only has 1 viable set and that set is a suicide lead.
+Fast Taunt Rocks lead
+Beats out most other leads
+Rain support gives many pokemon a boost
+Weather is looking VERY powerful at the moment
-Little use outside of a lead
-Loses to faster taunts and Leavanny,Offensive Rose,Torterra
-Suicide lead so it will rarely ever see use outside of the first 2-3 turns
-Rocks are not as reliable as other suicide leads due to damp rock
-Grass type pokemon being used as a lead can be devastating (TORTERRA)
252+ SpA Probopass Volt Switch vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Bibarel: 176-208 (48.7 - 57.6%) -- 94.1% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Piloswine Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Bibarel: 226-267 (62.6 - 73.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Golem Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Bibarel: 234-276 (64.8 - 76.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 Atk Hippopotas Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Bibarel: 124-147 (34.3 - 40.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after sandstorm damage
252+ Atk Armaldo Rock Blast (3 hits) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Bibarel: 201-237 (55.6 - 65.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Roselia Giga Drain vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Bibarel: 246-290 (68.1 - 80.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Roselia Giga Drain vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Bibarel: 308-366 (85.3 - 101.3%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Torterra Wood Hammer vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Bibarel: 576-678 (159.5 - 187.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Leavanny Leaf Storm vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Bibarel: 428-506 (118.5 - 140.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
lots of b ranks

Armaldo from B to B-
Clefairy from B to B+
Vigoroth from B to B+
Avalugg from B- to C+
Drifblim from B- to C+
Duosion from B- to B
Delibird from D to E
Magcargo from D to E
Maractus from D to E
Parasect from D to E
Whiscash from D to E

Duosion is rising despite having just fallen because of its great bulk and ability which let it perform much better than a lot of similar Pokemon. Vigoroth is rising because it's insanely bulky and beats a lot of teams from team preview, not to mention the fact that Haunter left. Honestly I think A- is more fitting, but B+ is fine for now. Drifblim is dropping because its CM set is incredibly weak, and its other sets are done better by Pokemon such as Misdreavus, not to mention the SR weakness that severely undermines its bulk. Finally, I dropped a bunch of D rank Pokemon with absolutely no worthwhile niche to E, because there are some actually usable Pokemon in D like Frillish and Glaceon.

Oh also I'm going to update the rank descriptions in the OP. They still won't be used directly for anything, but they will at least be a better guideline of how the rankings are actually run.
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I apologize beforehand for my ignorance as I rarely play PU but can I ask why Pikachu is unranked (lower than the likes of Unknown, Dustox, Minun,etc.)? Adamant E-speed is deceptively powerful and is a a great asset for a mon to have in a tier that lacks priority. Pika has decent coverage options in the form of knock off/grass knot/brick break for mons like Gourgeist,Golem and Probopass respectively that it can hit for massive damage that it otherwise wouldn't be able to with just E-Speed and wild charge.

Shouldn't this be good enough for atleast E rank?
Only fully evolved mons are actually listed in E rank, but NFE's that aren't viable are technically E rank, they just aren't listed. As for Pikachu, it's pretty slow for an offensive Pokemon in PU, way too frail to be useful, and generally outclassed by every other Electric-type, so there really isn't a reason to use it. A strong Espeed is useful, but it isn't even that strong and there are still plenty of priority users (poliwrath, carracosta, pawniard, golem, piloswine, mightyena, etc) to make it not worth using on any serious team.