Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does anyone have a HA Repeat Ball Pansear(F) or its Friend Safari that I can have?

I don't have everything from here but if I still have it I can give anything from here if I still have it (not Mantyke though):

Want to try to trade off some of the Pokemon I've had for a while. Was wondering if anyone is interested in any of them? I can trade multiple of mine for one of yours depending on what you want.
Please excuse me for the formatting, I use a spreadsheet normally so its always a pain when I have multiple pokes so I just copy/pasted here.

Pokemon Nature Ability Gender IVs EggMoves HiddenPowerType-PokeBallType-

Pokemon for Trade:
Incense Pokemon:
Mantyke Modest Swift Swim Male 31/x/31/31/31/31 Amnesia, Haze, Mirror Coat, Tailwind -Heavy Ball-
-This Mantyke is hatcheable and can be hatched shiny before trading.
-B29 - 2,1 - Mantyke (♂) - Modest - Swift Swim - - Dragon - [3665]

Chatot Timid Tangled Feet Male 31/31/31/31/31/31 Boomburst, Defog, Encore, Nasty Plot -Lure Ball-
Flabebe - Y Timid Symbiosis Female 31/31/31/30/30/31 Camoflauge, Captivate, Copycat, Moonblast -Quick Ball-
Wurmple - Beautifly Modest Shield Dust Female 31/0/30/31/30/30 - -Moon Ball-
Sunkern Quiet Solar Power Female 31/30/31/30/31/0 Curse, Encore, Morning Sun, Sweet Scent -Friend Ball-
Hoppip Jolly Infiltrator Female 31/31/31/31/31/31 Aromatherapy, Double-Edge, Encore, Seed Bomb -Dream Ball-

5IV Hidden Power:
Flabebe-R Modest Flower Veil Female 31/x/31/30/31/30 Camoflauge, Captivate, Copycat, Moonblast Fire -Heal Ball-
Flabebe - O Modest Flower Veil Female 31/x/31/30/30/31 Camoflauge, Captivate, Copycat, Moonblast Ground -Timer Ball-
Flabebe - Y Timid Symbiosis Female 31/x/31/30/30/31 Camoflauge, Captivate, Copycat, Moonblast Ground -Quick Ball-
Flabebe - B Calm Flower Veil Female 31/x/31/30/31/30 Camoflauge, Captivate, Copycat, Moonblast Fire -Dive Ball-
Spritzee Relaxed Aroma Veil Male 31/x/31/30/30/1 Captivate, Disable, Refresh, Wish Ground -Premier Ball-
Carbink Calm Clear Body - 31/x/31/30/31/30 - Fire -Pokeball-
Tynamo Modest Levitate Male 31/x/30/31/31/31 - Ice -Quick Ball-
Electrike Timid Lightningrod Male 31/x/30/31/31/31 Eerie Impulse, Electro Ball, Flame Burst, Switcheroo Ice -Quick Ball-
Electrike Timid Lightningrod Female 31/x/31/30/31/31 Eerie Impulse, Electro Ball, Flame Burst, Switcheroo Grass -Quick Ball-
Dedenne Timid Plus Female 31/x/30/31/31/31 Covet, Eerie Impulse, Helping Hand, Natural Gift Ice -Luxury Ball-
Surskit Timid Swift Swim Female 31/x/31/30/31/30 Hydro Pump, Mud Shot, Power Split, Psybeam Fire -Safari Ball-
Yanma Modest Speed Boost Male 31/x/31/30/30/31 Double-Edge, Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Whirlwind Ground -Lure Ball-

Sawk Adamant Mold Breaker Male 31/31/31/x/31/31 -Pokeball-
Pancham Jolly Iron Fist (M) / Mold Breaker (F) 1x M / 1x F 31/31/31/x/31/31 Foul Play, Me First, Quick Guard, Storm Throw -Luxury Ball-
Chespin Impish Bulletproof Male 31/31/31/x/31/31 Curse, Spikes, Synthesis, Quick Guard -Luxury Ball-
Gulpin Bold Sticky Hold Male 31/x/31/31/31/31 Acid Armor, Destiny Bond, Mud-Slap, Pain Split -Moon Ball-
Basculin - Blue Adamant Adaptability Male 31/31/31/x/31/31 Agility, Rage, Revenge, Whirlpool -Dive Ball-
Espurr Bold Own Tempo Male 31/x/31/31/31/31 Assist, Barrier, Trick, Yawn -Luxury Ball-
Klefki Bold Prankster Male 31/x/31/31/31/31 Thief, Iron Defense, Lock-On, Switcheroo -Dive Ball-

Too check what I already have you can use my spreadsheet in my description as a reference. I will not be taking any requests off my spreadsheet, only what is listed here.

All Pokemon listed were bred by myself and are all nicknameable.

I do not value any of these Pokes more than any other with the exception of Mantyke.

Looking for:
-BP items, especially Up-Grade/Dubious Disc.
-Female rejects of Pokemon I dont have (must be matching ball)
-5IV 4EM Matching Ball Pokemon that I do not have (will give 2-3 pokes for one of these)
Does anyone have a HA Repeat Ball Pansear(F) or its Friend Safari that I can have?

I don't have everything from here but if I still have it I can give anything from here if I still have it (not Mantyke though):
I can go catch you one for free :) I'll message you when I have it.
Ball for Shiny Kangaskhan?
, kind'a...)
i can rng you a bold ditto tonight. do you want 31/0/31/31/31/31 ? vm me bud

Hey, is that offer in particular for a friend, or can you get me one of those Dittos as well? I can give you a HA, 5 Max IVs, Aura Sphere Squirtle in return, or a HA, 5 Max IVs, Encore Abra. I also have some other pokémon with HA, but not competitive.
Hello, I am suddenly in dire need of a Drillbur/Excadrill with Mold Breaker - I do not really care about the IVs, the EVs, the level, the gender, or anything else (Adamant nature would be preferable if it's a male, but that's about it). Is there anyone who can help me? Unfortunately I never managed to befriend someone with a Friend Safari including Excadrill. Perhaps I should try harder to befriend people someday...

EDIT: Nevermind, solved just in the nick of time^^
Does anyone know of a list of 4/5th gen-exclusive moves? Now that I'm learning how to RNG, I want to get me some special pokes :)

I only really know 1-2 offhand exclusive tutor to gen 4 that being sucker punch and air cutter

best I can see is maybe just using the bulbapedia move tutor page and searching the page for tutors that don't appear in gen 6 since most moves that appear in gen 6 have appeared in gen 5,4 and 3(some of them anyway)

and although not really answering the question only list I can provide is the gen 3 move tutor exclusives which are

body slam


double edge

dream eater

mega kick

mega punch



seismic toss


dynamic punch



also there are exclusive tms in each generation (example: avalanche in gen 4 or telekinesis in gen 5) so keep that in mind too

and serebii can be a bit ...well weird with the previous gen move tutor listings like saying a move is exclusive to a game when it isn't really exclusive to it at all but that mainly applies to the gen 3 move tutors(a example of that being seismic toss being stated as exclusive to fr/lg when it can be acquired in emerald and pokemon xd too)
The eggs retain the language tag of the breeder, not the hatcher. So even if Cretacerus hatches them for you, they'll still be English and won't work for MM.

Oh really?? Pfff, bummer... So I'd have to have someone breed them for me?

Thanks! No I just need them in another language to MM them :) I'll let you know when I'm ready :)

So looks like that's not gonna work... Thanks for the proposition though :)
Oh really?? Pfff, bummer... So I'd have to have someone breed them for me?

So looks like that's not gonna work... Thanks for the proposition though :)
Yeah. I bred a Roselia and SV hatched it with someone who's game was in Japanese, and it's still ENG tagged. Right :)
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