Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers MKII (Read the OP First!) (Now with 100% more Rules!!!)

Is there a scenario where having the lower Life Orb Recoil on Excadrill by going 29HP IV lets him survive any attack he normally wouldn't when going standard 31IV? Or is the recommendation just nitpicking?
It allows you to attack one more time that you would with 31 IVs before the Life Orb kills you.
I have a team that consists of
#scarf gengar
#life orb starmie
#specs raikou
#tank/endure/toxic garchomp
#mega metagross
#banded talonflame

I am looking to replace raikou and mega metagross as my team has trouble with heatran but getting rid of metagross gives me a weavile and diancie weakness. What do i do?
I have a team that consists of
#scarf gengar
#life orb starmie
#specs raikou
#tank/endure/toxic garchomp
#mega metagross
#banded talonflame

I am looking to replace raikou and mega metagross as my team has trouble with heatran but getting rid of metagross gives me a weavile and diancie weakness. What do i do?

Keldeo's a solid pick, it deals pretty well with Heatran and Weavile.
What is the best moveset for a stallbreaking Gengar?
There's also HexGar, which might suit your team a bit better if you need certain switch-ins better.

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 8 HP / 248 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hex
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Sludge Wave / Substitute

Has a nice matchup against Gliscor, plus it cripples trappers like Tyranitar and Scizor if you're interested in that.
please don't lol 6-0d by stall read anything with mega sableye with more special investment than 252/0 impish, if anything use the keldeo version that isnt completely useless vs sableye (still mega useless vs stall thank god for quagsire)

note how it's still destroyed by sd talon yea unfortunate it's outdated but i guess it kinda semi works ?_? unless you face stall that is gl with that
There's also HexGar, which might suit your team a bit better if you need certain switch-ins better.

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 8 HP / 248 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hex
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Sludge Wave / Substitute

Has a nice matchup against Gliscor, plus it cripples trappers like Tyranitar and Scizor if you're interested in that.
Hexgar usually runs sludge bomb>wave just bc of the extra poison chance but thats a nitpick
Best ways to run mega medicham? Partners? Playstyle?

Medicham is normally seen running the dual priority set.

It appreciates Pokemon that can defeat Psychic-types and Mega Sableye. Examples of this type of Pokemon are Clefable, Sylveon, Bisharp and Tyranitar.

U-turn / Volt Switch is of course welcomed so that it can enter the field safely (since Medicham is frail).

Medicham is normally used in Spikes-stacking teams because of its great wallbreaking capability. Teammates that appreciate bulky walls being gone such as Weavile and Thundurus-I are commonly paired with Medicham.
Partners for talonflame/sableye?
MSableye, Talonflame, and Starmie are a really solid balance / defensive core that have seen a ton of tournament play. MSableye and Starmie are able to keep hazards away fairly easily, which helps Talonflame a lot. Starmie also troubles the fire types that give Sableye and Talonflame issues, notably Heatran. Ideally you'd run defensive sets on both Starmie and Talonflame, though I have seen more aggressive stuff work as well so it really depends on the rest of the team.
MSableye, Talonflame, and Starmie are a really solid balance / defensive core that have seen a ton of tournament play. MSableye and Starmie are able to keep hazards away fairly easily, which helps Talonflame a lot. Starmie also troubles the fire types that give Sableye and Talonflame issues, notably Heatran. Ideally you'd run defensive sets on both Starmie and Talonflame, though I have seen more aggressive stuff work as well so it really depends on the rest of the team.
Thanks for the advice! I will most likely go offensive as I don't want this team to be stall nor those hippo ferro starmie talon sableye clef teams but a more bulky offense team with hard hitters. Any suggestion after starmie or now that u hear I want a more offensive team would u not suggest starmie?
Thanks for the advice! I will most likely go offensive as I don't want this team to be stall nor those hippo ferro starmie talon sableye clef teams but a more bulky offense team with hard hitters. Any suggestion after starmie or now that u hear I want a more offensive team would u not suggest starmie?
Analytic Starmie is pretty good for offense as well, so I don't think you'll have an issue there. If you're gonna take the offensive route, I might suggest a Spike stacking offense, seeing as you have Sableye to spinblock and many of Talonflame's checks / counters are quickly worn out by Spikes. Sableye's set might be a bit of a problem given its defensive nature, but you could run the CM set for a win condition against stall, or alternatively run something unique like Snatch to deny set up, or Metal Burst in order to bait and kill mons like Heatran, which would be really helpful for an offensive team.
Two questions
1) whats the difference between keldeo and resolute keldeo?
2) why is diggersby in bl?
1) only looks i think
2) bl as opposed to uu or ou, because if as opposed to uu, then it is because it was banned from uu, and ou because it is not used enough.
Two questions
1) whats the difference between keldeo and resolute keldeo?
2) why is diggersby in bl?

Keldeo's Resolute Forme indicates it knows Secret Sword, and thus every Keldeo ever used should be in that forme. Borderline mons are mons banned from a given tier but without sufficent usage to rise to the next tier, as explained above.
Two questions
1) whats the difference between keldeo and resolute keldeo?
2) why is diggersby in bl?
Keldeo changes to Resolute form when you teach it Secret Sword, and changes back to normal form when it forgets Secret Sword. However, I believe it's possible to get a non-Resolute Keldeo that knows Secret Sword by doing some tricky thing involving trading back and forth between BW and BW2. For this reason, non-Resolute Keldeo is allowed to know Secret Sword on Showdown. If you try to use a Resolute Keldeo that does not know Secret Sword on Showdown, it will automatically make you use a normal Keldeo instead. The difference between the two forms is purely cosmetic (they have the same stats, ability, etc).

From a competitive perspective, you should always use normal Keldeo instead of Resolute Keldeo, because if you use Resolute Keldeo your opponent knows for sure that it will have Secret Sword, whereas if you use normal Keldeo you tell them nothing. However, virtually all Keldeos that get used do know Secret Sword (and so should yours, because it's a great move), so in practice it doesn't really matter.
What does "bof" mean? In the context that I saw it used, it had to do with some sort of a full stall team (chansey sableye + cresselia/amoonguss + some other mons).
It's a "private" room(even though its existence is basically of public dominion) on Pokemon Showdown where top players hang out; I think it stands for "Based OU Friends" or something on that lines.
The team you're talking about has TrickScarf Gothitelle as its cornerstone, because of its ability to cripple any non-mega stallbreaker/wallbreaker with its Scarf, so the rest of its teammates basically have to deal with just Mega wallbreakers. If Gothitelle manages to remove the opposing wallbreaker, which it usually does, then you've basically won. The team is called "bof stall" because it was popularized by some users in the room.