Cross Evolution (now with Viability Rankings!)


i like this metagame
If this is ever going to be a meta (a successful one) we need data to work off of to make our builds. To that end; I made a huge spreadsheet of the stat changes on evolution for everyone to use.

It lists the 275 choices for Stage 1's then the 86 choices for Stage 2's on each page.
It will show you the highest total stat gain first; other pages are (ordered by each stat; listing ONLY mons that change type and the original pokedex order data I made working on the more usable format [which also includes megas and a few other pointless differences]):

Some notes from doing this:
1. I'm going to second the call to ban Cross-evolving into Milotic; it's tied with Gyarados as highest stat gain on evo; if one is worth banning so is the other.
2. Noivern may also be worth banning (it's the second highest stat gain after the Gyarados/Milotic draw and it gives Boomburst).
3. Unsure if I agree with necessarily banning Shedinja; since using it makes you almost as frail as normal Sheddy [ -30 HP, -45 Def +45 Atk ] (probably need to announce the ability if allowed). I mean some of the best sets for using Shedinja are very:

Pawniard (Shedinja) - 15 HP / 130 Atk / 25 Def / 40 SpA / 40 SpD / 60 Spe

- Slow and frail 2HKO with a Focus Band by either a Fairy attack or a Mold Breaker mon.

However, I concede allowing it would be centralizing enough that everyone would need to carry counters against it.

3. Banning Happiny -> Chansey might be a worthy call; +150 HP will make almost anything bulky. Example Stats of a Few:

Nosepass (Chansey) [180 HP / 45 Atk / 130 Def / 65 SpA / 135 SpD / 50 Spe] - Spread status or abuse flinch.
Lickitung (Chansey) [240 HP / 55 Atk / 75 Def / 80 SpA / 115 SpD / 50 Spe]
Omanyte (Chansey) [185 HP / 40 Atk / 100 Def / 110 SpA / 95 SpD / 75 Spe] - Can use Calm Mind and Softboiled to be a bulky sweeper instead of normal Shell Smashing.

You can do similar with stacking + the same stat. (High attack mon chooses a mon that gains a lot of Atk on evolution); but I'm afraid that +150 HP being an option makes things too skewed in favor of Stall.

4. Couple implementation questions:

Cross evolving into mons with multiple forms? How does this work? (Sandy/Trash/Grass Cloak Wormadam; Sword/Shield Aegislash; Darmanitan (Zen); Meowstick (Gender Specific Abilities); Gourgeist (Small/Medium/Large/Super) [I think those are the potentially relevant ones]).
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There has been a lot of analytical work done already, but I just wanted to drop a resource that I hope will be helpful:

It's a set of spreadsheets containing information (i.e., pretty much everything of value but movepool) on all cross evolutions and all cross evolvers. The stat changes for cross evolutions and base stats for cross evolvers are color coded based on the quartile beyond which they lie (red: minimum; orange: Q1; green: median; blue: Q3).

If there are any errors in any of the spreadsheets or any way to improve them, please let me know.

Here is the main Spreadsheet which is currently proven to not have faults (maybe a few but we can not just read all that), We did not exactly look at Bcadren yet, We may or may not look at it later, but for now this would be considered the spreadsheet of boosts
Here is the main Spreadsheet which is currently proven to not have faults (maybe a few but we can not just read all that), We did not exactly look at Bcadren yet, We may or may not look at it later, but for now this would be considered the spreadsheet of boosts
It appears to be the same data (though I only did the deltas, not all the bases) but mine is a little more legible (have it in various sorted orders where that one is in only one sorted order.)
It appears to be the same data (though I only did the deltas, not all the bases) but mine is a little more legible (have it in various sorted orders where that one is in only one sorted order.)
Well, about my spreadsheet, you can right-click a column and select "Sort A-Z" or "Sort Z-A" to apply a view filter and see them sorted in a different order. I say "in my spreadsheet" because doing so on yours creates a bunch of #REF errors in the cells (because yours is programmed differently). Also, as a nitpick, I included cross-evolvers, while your spreadsheet doesn't seem to. It's nice to know that you're crazy like me in regards to such efforts, though.

EDIT: Now that you mentioned it, I added a note to my spreadsheet in regards to the sorting matter.

In regards to the forme changes, I imagine that Darm-Zen and Aegislash-Blade are the only Pokémon into which cross-evolving is prohibited; anything else (Wormadam, Meowstic, Gourgeist) is fair game.
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Hi, this OM looks very interesting and promising. After a lengthy discussion in the OM room about it, I've decided to transcribe some of the sets I've managed to note down and bring them in the thread for more discussion. The twelve sets I've got with me are hidden in the three Spoiler tags to not flood the page. Huge shoutout to Bcadren and his awesome spreadsheet, really helped me out with discussing and potentially finding new sets:
Spreadsheet of stat gains, type gains, etc.



(Gligar x Chansey)
Abilities: Natural Cure / Serene Grace / Healer
Potential Moves: Thunder Wave / Aromatherapy / Seismic Toss
Notes: Great bulk supported by a monstrous 215 HP base stat, alongside
a nifty bunch of support moves like Aromatherapy. Moves aren't really
this relationship's strong points; Gligar already has great support moves
like Stealth Rock, recovery, etc.


(Solosis x Milotic)
Abilities: Competitive / Marvel Scale / Cute Charm
Potential Moves: Ice Beam / Dragon Pulse
Notes: Pretty awful moves, but the stats sure make up for it. Sky-high
195 Special Attack, with an unshakable 120/99/120 makes this
small little psychic type potentially the most scary CM user in
this OM. A set of Rest / Calm Mind / Psyshock / Sleep Talk will
ensure Marvel Scale is activated almost always. You'd better
bring those Dark types!


(Tangela x Milotic)
Abilities: Competitive / Marvel Scale / Cute Charm
Potential Moves: Scald / Ice Beam / Coil / Recover
Notes: Again, OK-ish moves, but Milotic gives this little thing so much more
than it could ever wish for. 140/174/110 defenses is astonishing. But
Regenerator got removed from its kit, which is a bummer. 190 special
attack is pretty damn scary as well. Even uninvested, this thing's Leaf
Storm will most likely heavily dent any switch in (as well as completely
wall them). Scald them Fire types, thinking they're safe switch-ins too.
Did I mention Tangela gets reliable recovery now too?


(Porygon x Milotic)
Abilities: Competitive / Marvel Scale / Cute Charm
Potential Moves: Scald
Notes: Continuing on the trend of Milotic breaking decent NFE pokemon,
Porygon! This guy and his older bro Pory2 will be making lots
of appearances in this post, so watch out. This cross-evolution
is similar to the last ones, except Porygon has a lot more moves
to work with, and a neutral type so it can wall a variety of things.


(Porygon x Noivern)
Abilities: Infiltrator / Frisk / Telepathy
Potential Moves: Hurricane / Super Fang / Agility / Boomburst / Taunt / Flamethrower
Focus Blast / Switcheroo / Tailwind / Draco Meteor / Hyper Voice
Notes: Holy, check out that phenomenal movepool. Noivern is probably
the best pokemon to inherit from, second maybe to Milotic. It's
movepool is gargantuan, it can help expand movepools for so many
poor special attackers. It also hands down great stats. It may not be
Milotic level, but imagine a Specs Boomburst from this beast.



(Abra x Milotic)
Abilities: Marvel Scale / Competitive / Cute Charm
Potential Moves: Hydro Pump / Ice Beam
Notes: At first this may look like simply a weaker version of Solosis, but
if you look closer, you'll notice that Solosis' speed doesn't really
get any noticable upgrade. This thing is essentially a faster, more
more frail Solosis. However, don't underestimate it; it's BST is still


(Cranidos x Breloom)
Abilities: Effect Spore / Poison Heal / Technician
Potential Moves: Mach Punch / Force Palm / Seed Bomb / Spore / Bullet Seed
Drain Punch / Superpower / Swords Dance / Thunder Punch
Notes: Yeah, check out that 215 Attack stat. With STAB Head Smash and
STAB Superpower, this thing is the ultimate stallbreaker. Think
again if the sets above thought this metagame would be dominated
by Milotic-boosted stall teams. There's almost nothing that lives this
guy's attacks. Also, Spore and Swords Dance??? Incredible.


(Misdreavus x Volcarona)
Abilities: Flame Body / Swarm
Potential Moves: Bug Buzz / Quiver Dance / Fiery Dance / Flamethrower
Fire Blast / Hurricane
Notes: Volcarona is a Pokemon in this Other Metas with the dream combo:
fantastic stat gains and a great (couple of, anyway) moves. Quiver
Dance is the must-want set-up move for any offensive Special Attacker
and alongside Misdreavus' already potent move options in Shadow Ball
and Thunderbolt, you can run a near-perfect move coverage.



(Rhydon x Vespiquen)
Abilities: Pressure / Unnerve
Potential Moves: Attack Order / Heal Order / Defend Order / Destiny Bond
Notes: Not sure if Rhydon is the best match for Vespiquen, or if Vespiquen
is the best match for Rhydon, but they kind of compliment each other
well. Vespiquen gives reliable recovery, a fairly strong Bug attack,
a Cosmic Power and solid stats to back up Rhydon's already immense
bulk. Having Mewtwo's abilities also isn't too bad.




(Porygon x Quagsire)
Abilities: Damp / Water Absorb / Unaware
Potential Moves:
Scald / Stockpile / Ice Beam
Notes: Pretty awful moves, to be honest. Why choose Quagsire over Milotic
at all? Well, that's obviously in the ability Unaware. It'll greatly aid
any stall team in handling the Quiver Dancers, Swords Dancers and
Dragon Dancers that'll attempt to sweep the floor with their inherited
goodness (or their dance moves?)



(Misdreavus x Wormadam-Trash)
Abilities: Anticipation / Overcoat
Potential Moves: Stealth Rock
Notes: "Wormadam?! I thought that was a trash Pokemon?" You know what,
you'd be right. However, the key point here is how much less trash
it is compared to its even more pathetic pre-evolution Burmy. This
results in a nice net gain when it comes to stats, especially in the
defenses. Stealth Rock is the only noticable move the Wormadam
trio learn, so use that at all times. S
adly, no recovery moves, but a
really neat Steel / Ghost typing.


(Porygon2 x Gardevoir)
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
Potential Moves: Psychic / Moonblast / Calm Mind / Hyper Voice / Disable
Heal Bell
Notes: Gardevoir gives Porygon2 nothing when it comes to a new ability, but
some new moves that give it more options for Stall or for Offense.
A set of Calm Mind / Hyper Voice / Recover / Shadow Ball might be
ideal to bust through even the sturdiest of foes, but a set of Heal Bell
Recover / Hyper Voice / Toxic might help the Daring Duck be a little more
useful for the team as a stall staple.
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(Rhydon x Vespiquen)
Abilities: Pressure / Unnerve
Potential Moves: Attack Order / Heal Order / Defend Order / Destiny Bond
Notes: Not sure if Rhydon is the best match for Vespiquen, or if Vespiquen
is the best match for Rhydon, but they kind of compliment each other
well. <Vespiquen gives reliable recovery, a fairly strong Bug attack,
a Cosmic Power and solid stats to back up Rhydon's already immense
bulk. Having Mewtwo's abilities also isn't too bad.
Rhydon can't evolve into Vespiquen because they're both Stage 2s, sorry
Pokemon which Chansey can evolve into successfully.

-Klinklang. Most noteworthy for providing a bigger Defense boost than you'd get out of Blissey: 20 points instead of 5. Probably inferior to Eviolite Chansey, as you don't care that much about Shift Gear. Still, Magic Coat, Trick Room, and Recycle can all be interesting. (Recycle+Lum can make up for the loss of Nature Cure if you want to keep Toxic off of Blisslang and don't want to burn a Heal Bell use every time, maybe) Magic Coat is a great way of keeping Taunt off your back, which is normally one of Chansey/Blissey's key flaws.

-Dusknoir. Notable for the Ability Pressure, and offers some move options (Night Shade over Seismic Toss?), but stats-wise basically strictly inferior to actually evolving into Blissey. It's not like your Duskney is going to be using its 30 extra Attack. Still, dropping Will O Wisp on enemies is a cool way to compensate for your awful Defense, and Pressure is a fantastic stallmon Ability in general. Some more gimmicky moves gained from this include Trick (Trick-choiced? Not for long you aren't), Trick Room (If you want to go first for some reason), Psych Up (Mess up Calm Mind sweeps), Taunt, Disable, and Destiny Bond.

That's it. Everything else with 5 or less HP gained is either a Stage 2, or has stat losses that render Chansey ineligible to evolve into it, such as Aegislash's severe Attack drop.

Still, Duskney actually seems kind of cool.

I'm actually kind of surprised I found anything Chansey can evolve into, honestly.
I'm thinking:

Ferroseed (Flareon)
Ability: Flash Fire
Stats: HP 54 Atk 125 Def 101 SpA 74 SpD 131 Spe 20 BST 505
Moves to Inherit: Roar, Wish, Will-o-Wisp, Flare Blitz

-High attack option-


Ferroseed (Arcanine)
Ability: Flash Fire
Stats: HP 79 Atk 90 Def 126 SpA 54 SpD 116 Spe 45 BST 510
Moves to Inherit: Roar, Morning Sun, Will-o-Wisp, Flare Blitz, Zen Headbutt

-Bulkier Option-

...I could do a lot of thoughts all day...
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Pokemon which Chansey can evolve into successfully.

-Klinklang. Most noteworthy for providing a bigger Defense boost than you'd get out of Blissey: 20 points instead of 5. Probably inferior to Eviolite Chansey, as you don't care that much about Shift Gear. Still, Magic Coat, Trick Room, and Recycle can all be interesting. (Recycle+Lum can make up for the loss of Nature Cure if you want to keep Toxic off of Blisslang and don't want to burn a Heal Bell use every time, maybe) Magic Coat is a great way of keeping Taunt off your back, which is normally one of Chansey/Blissey's key flaws.

-Dusknoir. Notable for the Ability Pressure, and offers some move options (Night Shade over Seismic Toss?), but stats-wise basically strictly inferior to actually evolving into Blissey. It's not like your Duskney is going to be using its 30 extra Attack. Still, dropping Will O Wisp on enemies is a cool way to compensate for your awful Defense, and Pressure is a fantastic stallmon Ability in general. Some more gimmicky moves gained from this include Trick (Trick-choiced? Not for long you aren't), Trick Room (If you want to go first for some reason), Psych Up (Mess up Calm Mind sweeps), Taunt, Disable, and Destiny Bond.

That's it. Everything else with 5 or less HP gained is either a Stage 2, or has stat losses that render Chansey ineligible to evolve into it, such as Aegislash's severe Attack drop.

Still, Duskney actually seems kind of cool.

I'm actually kind of surprised I found anything Chansey can evolve into, honestly.

I actually listed Chansey's potential evolutions on the second page and you missed one - Chandelure. Chandy provides by far the best stat boosts, coming out with a 250/20/35/85/135/75 spread with a 600 BST. The physical bulk there is just barely lower than Eviolite Chansey's, while the special is just barely lower than Blissey's. Meanwhile it also has the highest SpA of Chansey's potential evolutions at a passable 85 and is the second fastest after Klinklang. It can spread burns even better than Dusknoir as it can punish physical attackers with Flame Body, while also learning Will-O-Wisp. Alternatively it can run Infiltrator to spread status through subs. Flash Fire falls to the wayside, as Chansey's fat enough to shrug off special Fire attacks anyways and it still has no business switching into any kind of physical attacker, and it lacks STAB to take advantage of the boost.

Movepool-wise its got a few cool options - the aforementioned Will-O-Wisp, Memento, Haze, Confuse Ray, Trick, Taunt, and Trick Room, as well as Acid Armor. A dual-dancing Acid Armor / Calm Mind could be a pretty tough nut to crack.
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Here's a cute combo:

Axew (Bibarel) [Dragon/Water]
Ability: Simple
66 HP 127 Atk 80 Def 50 SpA 60 SpD 97 Spe (BST 480)
- Dragon Dance/Swords Dance
- Aqua Tail
- Dual Chop/Outrage
- Poison Jab

(It took no moves from Bibarel; just the better defensive typing (Dragon/Water > Dragon) and Simple ability allowing HUGE boost to Atk and Speed and Water STAB isn't bad either.)
Funny story, Showdown actually work against you here, because it removes nicknames that are other Pokemon. So to even get this off the ground you'll have to either tweak team-validator.js, or re-implement it...

Anyway, I was bored and this seemed fun enough, and AWailOfATail said it was okay so I did this (sorta).


This entire OM doesn't work without removing the hardcoding in team-validator.js though, so whoever wants to host this also has to do the following (or they can reimplement all of the TeamValidator in the mod, I guess):
  1. Comment out this part
  2. Add the stuff below to here
if (this.getTemplate(name).exists) {
   return ["Your Pokémon cannot have a nickname that is another Pokémon.", "(Your " + team[i].species + "'s nickname is " + name + ")"];
I cannot guarantee this doesn't break everything ever, but it's been stable when I tested it...

It's the first time I do anything like this, so if it crashes and burns please tell me. :(
Quite Quiet nicknaming a mon "Gourgeist-Super" crashes the team validator. I'm guessing this happens with all Gourgeist forms bar simply "Gourgeist".

i did the math out and this thing has twice as much special bulk as blissey under sand. and that's with 252/8 investment. thank god it has waffling offenses but it's still a nightmare to take down
I actually listed Chansey's potential evolutions on the second page and you missed one - Chandelure. Chandy provides by far the best stat boosts, coming out with a 250/20/35/85/135/75 spread with a 600 BST. The physical bulk there is just barely lower than Eviolite Chansey's, while the special is just barely lower than Blissey's. Meanwhile it also has the highest SpA of Chansey's potential evolutions at a passable 85 and is the second fastest after Klinklang. It can spread burns even better than Dusknoir as it can punish physical attackers with Flame Body, while also learning Will-O-Wisp. Alternatively it can run Infiltrator to spread status through subs. Flash Fire falls to the wayside, as Chansey's fat enough to shrug off special Fire attacks anyways and it still has no business switching into any kind of physical attacker, and it lacks STAB to take advantage of the boost.

Movepool-wise its got a few cool options - the aforementioned Will-O-Wisp, Memento, Haze, Confuse Ray, Trick, Taunt, and Trick Room, as well as Acid Armor. A dual-dancing Acid Armor / Calm Mind could be a pretty tough nut to crack.

Odd. Not sure how I missed that.

But yeah, it's basically the overall best of Chansey's options. Infiltrator goes a long way to punishing... a lot of things. Thought you could put up a Substitute with 101 HP to shrug off Seismic Toss and render you immune to Thunder Wave? Ha ha, no.

A gimmicky thing Chandelure provides is Power Split. Chanslure's awful Attack can be used as fodder to weaken Physical attackers. Probably better to just try to Burn them, though.

Pressure from Dusknoir is still potentially cool, but yeah, Chandelure is probably overall best.

Here's a cute combo:

Axew (Bibarel) [Dragon/Water]
Ability: Simple
66 HP 127 Atk 80 Def 50 SpA 60 SpD 97 Spe (BST 480)
- Dragon Dance/Swords Dance
- Aqua Tail
- Dual Chop/Outrage
- Poison Jab

(It took no moves from Bibarel; just the better defensive typing (Dragon/Water > Dragon) and Simple ability allowing HUGE boost to Atk and Speed and Water STAB isn't bad either.)

Note that Simple Dragon Dance means it doesn't even need to bother to invest in Speed, as at +2 with a base of 97 it outspeeds up to invested 180~ Speed Pokemon. Of course, Scarf can allow still slower Pokemon than that to get past you, but still, that's nuts.

Bibarel doesn't offer much moves-wise, really, considering what all Axew already has. Thunder Wave and Pluck are cool, I guess?

Still potentially quite a solid sweeper, and its fragility is compensated by its ability to invest into HP instead of Speed. 127 Attack is pretty amazing for a two-stager, and then it doubles it in one turn. Yikes.
Hi. :3

Escavalier (Pumpkaboo-Super) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor or Overcoat
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Sneak
- Gyro Ball
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
New type : Ghost/Steel
New base stats :
79 HP / 126 Atk / 130 Def / 64 SpA / 115 SpD / 1 Spe

Say "Hello !" to the new Gyro Ball abuser !
He has 6 Speed points at level 100, that mean his Gyro Ball has a Base Power of 150 against almost everything that is not a Gyro Ball user.
Sword Dance and Knock off are inherited from Escavalier.
Shadow Sneak is for the priority.(the only thing Escavalier!Pumpkaboo-S can outspeed is a 1 base speed Pokemon with a reduced speed, wow)
Sword Dance is the boost Pumpkaboo-S need, because this meta has very bulky mons.
And Knock Off because this is a must-have.
Except this... he is arguably weaker than mons like Milotic!Misdreavus, but i think he is playable.
(and excuse me, i speak very bad English)
Hi. :3

Escavalier (Pumpkaboo-Super) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor or Overcoat
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Sneak
- Gyro Ball
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
New type : Ghost/Steel
New base stats :
79 HP / 126 Atk / 130 Def / 64 SpA / 115 SpD / 1 Spe

Say "Hello !" to the new Gyro Ball abuser !
He has 6 Speed points at level 100, that mean his Gyro Ball has a Base Power of 150 against almost everything that is not a Gyro Ball user.
Sword Dance and Knock off are inherited from Escavalier.
Shadow Sneak is for the priority.(the only thing Escavalier!Pumpkaboo-S can outspeed is a 1 base speed Pokemon with a reduced speed, wow)
Sword Dance is the boost Pumpkaboo-S need, because this meta has very bulky mons.
And Knock Off because this is a must-have.
Except this... he is arguably weaker than mons like Milotic!Misdreavus, but i think he is playable.
(and excuse me, i speak very bad English)
Seems interesting! In my opinion, you probably want a boosting item, however; 126 attack, while nice, isn't the strongest. Still, 150 bp on stab makes up for a lot, as does swords dance. I hadn't even considered this before.
Hi. :3

Escavalier (Pumpkaboo-Super) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor or Overcoat
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Sneak
- Gyro Ball
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
New type : Ghost/Steel
New base stats :
79 HP / 126 Atk / 130 Def / 64 SpA / 115 SpD / 1 Spe

Say "Hello !" to the new Gyro Ball abuser !
He has 6 Speed points at level 100, that mean his Gyro Ball has a Base Power of 150 against almost everything that is not a Gyro Ball user.
Sword Dance and Knock off are inherited from Escavalier.
Shadow Sneak is for the priority.(the only thing Escavalier!Pumpkaboo-S can outspeed is a 1 base speed Pokemon with a reduced speed, wow)
Sword Dance is the boost Pumpkaboo-S need, because this meta has very bulky mons.
And Knock Off because this is a must-have.
Except this... he is arguably weaker than mons like Milotic!Misdreavus, but i think he is playable.
(and excuse me, i speak very bad English)

I actually posted this set in OM Room, And I would tell you, It prefers TM TR* Support instead of SS
Which is easily passed by Slowpoke-->Chansey
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cool set:

[Stats: 60/140/160/35/112/63; BST: 570]
Hitmontop (Honedge) @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Shadow Sneak
- Mach Punch

Dual-STAB priority (plus Mach Punch for coverage) boosted by Technician coming off a base 140 Attack stat. Essentially, the main goal with this set is to use your decent typing and bulk to set up as many Swords Dances as possible, then sweep with priority. While it's unlikely to be that effective in practice given that its moves still aren't that powerful after the Technician boost, I couldn't resist having this many priority moves on one Pokémon...
oh, really? i assumed if you cross evolved into a pokemon that wasn't a final evolution it would be able to get eviolite boosts. well, i'm glad nobody will have to run into that thing at least

IMO there should be two metas: one with a 600 or 620 (for a bit of leniency) BST Cap (with the exception of Slaking, potentially) and bans on cross-evoing into Blaziken, Greninja, SHEDINJA or Aegislash as well as the Huge/Pure Power restriction but no other cross-evolution bans, and a no BST limit one with Ubers allowed. You know, so we actually have BALANCE, and so certain Pokemon that were banned before (Gyarados, Archen, Scyther...) can be freed when they're using something actually reasonable.