Pet Mod JolteMons (Complete) [Random Battle is Leader's Choice]

i won????? wow, thanks<3 and gz to the other winners of this slate! (also sorry i didnt make it to voting lol i liked so many submissions</3)
well about distribution:
- Deafening Shriek: :chatot: :decidueye: :noivern: :honchkrow: :swoobat: and the ones suggested by op.
- Life Dew: :ludicolo: :swampert: :manaphy: :bibarel: :araquanid: :carracosta: :clawitzer: :politoed: and the ones suggested by op.
- Trash Talk: :weavile:, :bruxish: (this b*tch mean AND ugly) and the ones suggested by op
- Iron Fist: :darmanitan: :darmanitan-galar: :landorus: :thundurus: :tornadus: and the ones suggested by op.
- Overclock: :staraptor: :bewear: :gallade-mega: :golem-alola: and the ones suggested by op.
- Power of Alchemy: nothing new
- Prickly Coat: :chesnaught: and the ones suggested by op. (except cursola and gorsola)
- Ex-dodgy abilities: for sand veil; :tyranitar-mega: (yes), :probopass:, :flygon:, and for snow cloak; :walrein:, and thats it.
feel free to tell me if one of these is op or something, sand veil mega tyranitar or overclock mega gallade look like the most powerful of the bunch, but they're balanced to me.
Yes, congrats megaspoopy000 and other winners of Slate 3. I'm only really wary of Deafening Shriek and the version of Power of Alchemy that won (and Soul Blade) from this slate, so this should be "shorter: even though Overclock is surprisingly difficult to dole out given all of the Close Combat now. Thanks, Gen VIII.

New Moves:
Deafening Shriek:
Fits all of the mons suggested, though it being on Primarina makes me quite uneasy, especially given that stupid mon's STAB coverage. Deafening Shriek also makes Liquid Voice even weaker than it already is, which is hilarious, while not punishing any of the other moves Primarina uses. For me, additional mons to get it besides what megaspoopy000 suggested include :crobat:, :noctowl:, and maybe :gourgeist:, :oricorio-sensu:, and/or :trevenant:.

Life Dew: Agree with the suggestions already given in here EXCEPT :manaphy: and :jirachi:. As always, those...things deserve neither love or pity, and Jirachi gets Wish anyway. :hatterene: and :swampert: are also a bit iffy, though the latter is more due to its Mega than anything, even outside of Rain. Also, we might want to avoid giving it to (too many) Ice Body and Rain Dish mons given the change to those abilities, though the utter wackness that is :shiinotic: is probably fine with it and gets Strength Sap already anyway and :ludicolo: is the best mon who can do no wrong.

Trash Talk: Besides the ones already suggested, at least :obstagoon: and :pangoro: would also fit, but I imagine that's already been pointed out in Discord. (EDIT: Now that I'm thinking about it, more "comical" but still legitimate holders could include :chatot:, :exploud:,:toucannon:, and, if you've ever heard actual soldiers talk, :falinks:.)

New Abilities:
Iron Fist:
I don't think any of the genies really need it, but they're probably fine with it. Otherwise, :passimian: and, in the literal sense, :metagross: seem fine.

Overclock: ...:falinks:? That's definitely the safest option that fits with the flavor at least.

Power of Alchemy: Another thing that I'm not sure :hatterene: at least really needs, but meh.

Prickly Coat: :cursola: should be fine given its garbage Def, but I agree that :corsola-galar: might obnoxious with access to Eviolite and Strength Sap and literally twice as much base Def even before those. I still think we should allow it initially and test it though to be sure. Also :sandslash-alola:. Also also, given we could maybe use at least one more fully evolved Poison mon not currently locked away in Ubers, :muk-alola: seems fine if that's losing Power of Alchemy; if not, then :garbodor: could (also) work. (Also I guess I would prefer Bulletproof over Prickly Coat if confining starters to "only" two abilities, but otherwise it does make sense on Chesnaught too.)

Sand Veil & Snow Cloak: Agree with the above suggestions even though it seems "hilarious" on :tyranitar-mega:.
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I voiced some thoughts on distribution on Discord but lets make my stance more clear now that I have had more time to process.

Deafening Shriek: :Mismagius: :Froslass: :Primarina: :Drifblim: :cursola: :chatot::gourgeist: forms :spectrier:+ a few other low tier Ghosts that wont be broken with it like Dusknoir and the like.

I am opposed to all bats getting it. Imo this is a move that is less tuned into the noise aspect and is more tuned into the Banshee element, thus doesnt really fit imo.

Life Dew: Aquatic posted a very cool distribution post in discord, and like we all acknowledged, Life Dew is more attuned to Pixie like Pokémon and ones that are attributed to healing, rather than being a water recover, but I think a few waters could use it.

Trash Talk: All Parting Shot Users + :Toxtricity: :toxicroak: :muk-alola: :gengar: :salazzle: :skuntank: :garbodor: (only becaus eeveryone is screaming for the pun) + some dark types like :honchkrow: :zoroark: :mandibuzz: :malamar: :scrafty: :raticate-alola: :liepard: :mew: (Trash Talk gives me TM / Tutor vibes and Mew learns all of those. Quite honestly Mew should get every new move for funsies).

I dont see Trash Talk as this brand new Poison STAB that everything needs to have, I more see the move ala Mystical Fire or Scorching Sands, as a weak but useful and most importantly Flavourful coverage option for a type that needs it. Scorching Sands was for Fire, Mystical Fire was for Fairies and key Psychic types, and Trash Talk screams Dark. Swalot getting this makes no sense thats for sure. Mon is a living stomach why would he talk?

Overclock: :Infernape: (Fuck Yes, Ill explain later) :Duraludon: :turtonator: :manectric: :zebstrika: :Blaziken-Mega: :Electivire: :Thundurus: :klinklang: :rotom-heat: (it fits like a glove and you know it wont matter anyways) :metagross-mega:? :cobalion:?

The desperate attempt at attaching Time Travel / Time Manipulation to Overclock is offputting to me. The only reference time has to the term overclocking is to simply work at a faster rate (usually via increased voltage) eventually causing burn out. This has nothing to do with time travel, so please rest the Dialga + Celebi debate happening. Back to the matter at hand, Overlock works brilliantly in regards to Fire tyoes, Electric types, and tech / machinery based Pokémon. I picked a few here, including our favorite Infernape. A few people think Infernape would be cracked here, but I dont think it would be to the insane degree people are hyping up. The Slowtwins, Latias-Mega, and Toxapex are better than ever, and with Life Dew bumping up key Pokémon like Alomomola, I genuinely think we are in one of the best places to be for a hypothetically much stronger Infernape to roam. If you disagree, imo give it to Emboar or whatever.

Iron Fist: :buzzwole: :lucario-mega: (flavor) :Sawk: :hariyama: :toxicroak: :poliwrath::dusclops::dusknoir:

Iron Fist buff is nice but most existing users are like Melmetal, Unranked Trash or would never use the ability over Guts, buts thats also because priority, Meteor Mash, Drain Punch and Double Iron Bash are the only good punching moves. The rest of them are horrible moves that nothing would use unless they have literally no other options, so I think the first major hurdle to making Iron Fist good is making punching moves good / make better punching moves. Top Kek play would be to give this to Zeraora imo, bulk up would go crazy. Other than these I got no other ideas for other Fighters so go wild tbh.

Power of Alchemy: :Mismagius: :weezing::weezing-galar: :ditto: :deoxys: forms :alcremie: (flavor mainly) :mew: :slowking-galar: (over Own Tempo)

I am still not sure on how Power of Alchemy should go out. A lot of ideas were thrown around and I do not necessarily agree with all of them, but I think this is the best I could come up with. Honestly I just wanted the cool Muk buff + Weezing tech, but Alchemy is pretty weird flavor wise and it could take one to a lot of places, and as I have learnt people interpret it in a wide array of ways.

Prickly Coat: :slowbro-mega: :corsola-galar: :naganadel: :toxapex: (flavor) :corsola: :cursola: :sandslash::sandslash-alola: :qwilfish: :maractus: :pincurchin: :cloyster: :omastar:

I think anything with Spike Cannon (so Cloyster, Toxapex, Omastar and Corsola) should get the move. I picked some Spiky Pokémon to grant it to that wont shift the balance of the metagame, as this is a REALLY good ability. Most of the rest suck but ig thats what lower tiers are for.

Sand Veil / Snow Cloak: The abilities are still the worst weather abilities you could ever get, but now they arent banworthy ig. This is just a a bad addition, you arent stacking Ice types on Hail, and if you are for some reason Ice Body is just the superior choice. Sand Veil runs into the problem of a) Sand Stall is not real, b) every single Sand Veil user has a better ability to utilize and c) Sand itself has better abilities to grant! Sand Rush is a classic, Sand Force is kind of meh but imo needs a strong and fast abuser which it is not on at all. Mega Tyranitar losing Sand Stream is a direct nerf for no reason, I see no reason why one would remove it for crappy Sand Veil. You lose consistent Sand chip and SpD boosts for 2 or so turns of very big bulk until the opponent swaps into Landorus -T, Melmetal or a Fighting type, force you out, and then Sand ends and your TTar cant check Heatran anymore and gets 2HKOed by damn Scorching Sands Char Y.

I see no need to distribute them elsewhere either, but others can decide how to deal with that.
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On my way out for evening exercise, but four actually quick things (for once):

1. I can agree that not all bats should get Deafening Shriek--why did I typo that earlier? I'm just partial to Crobat and its hitherto "meh" Nasty Plot sets. Let's throw Swoobat under the bus, shall we? Especially since it gets Simple anyway.

2. Yeah, jokes aside, let Tyranitar-Mega keep Sand Stream please. That thing already barely sees any use, and if we're going to be that mean to "underpowered" things, then we might as well give Zangoose Power of Alchemy while we're at it.

3. Speaking of Power of Alchemy, this is a reminder that giving it to Weezing-Galar (and Joltemons's Magmortar) is essentially useless due to Neutralizing Gas unfortunately. Either Neutralizing Gas affects Power of Alchemy, which means that Weezing-Galar would essentially still only have Neutralizing Gas anyway even with Power of Alchemy, or Neuralizing Gas doesn't affect Power of Alchemy, which is a significant boon for other Power of Alchemy users but still leaves Weezing-G with only Neutralizing Gas since Neutralizing Gas would still nullify the other shared ability--either Misty Surge or Levitate. I guess you could probably code it so that isn't the case, but that just seems...more trouble than its worth, especially for only two mons max at present.

4. Great call on giving Power of Alchemy to Ditto though. Arceus knows that thing needs all the help it can get, and that's basically the only way Ditto's using Limber ever again.
Neutralizing Gas doesn't supress the ability (ies) of the user, see how the Pokébilities OM handled that subject, and it was even agreed on the Discord server that the same would apply here, so Weezing would get considerably buffed as it can fit both NGas and Levitate at once, for example.
This Distribution Phase has ended!

Deafening Shriek - Mismagius, Primarina, Froslass, Chatot, Cursola, Exploud, Gourgeist, Drifblim, Guzzlord, Banette

Life Dew - Old Distribution + Ludicolo, Politoed, Alomomola, Florges, Xerneas, Luvdisc, Empoleon, Phione, Indeedee, Indeedee-F, Comfey, Eldegoss, Seel line, Meganium, Wailmer line, Panpour line, Misdreavus line, Hoopa, Morellul line, Munna line

Trash Talk - Litten line, Zigzagoon-Galar line, Silvally, Pancham Line, Chatot, Morpeko, Persian-Alola, Thievul, Trubbish Line, Articuno-Galar, Toxtricity, Muk, Muk-Alola, Weezing, Crobat, Toxicroak, Scrafty, Simisage, Salandit line, Yveltal, Sneasel line, Hoopa, Zweilous, Hydregion, Krookodile, Cacturne, Houndoom, Zoroark, Slowking-Galar, Gengar line, Liepard, Malamar, Vullaby line, Zarude, Seviper, Zangoose, Gulpin line, Skuntank, Liepard, Rattata-Alola line, Bruxish
Iron Fist - Old Distribution + Buzzwole, Metagross, Toxicroak (replaces Anticipation), Poliwrath (replaces Damp), Mega Lucario (replaces Adaptability)

Overclock - Zebstrika (replaces Lightning Rod), Manectric (replaces Minus), Celebi, Braviary (replaces Keen Eye), Haxorus (replaces Rivalry), Duraludon (replaces Stalwart), Hydreigon, Mega Gallade (replaces Inner Focus), Exeggutor-Alola, Infernape (replaces Iron Fist), Mega Blaziken (replaces Speed Boost), Dialga, Magearna

Power of Alchemy - Old Distribution + Weezing (replaces Stench), Weezing-Galar (replaces Misty Surge), Alcremie (replaces Aroma Veil), Slowking-Galar (replaces Own Tempo), Ditto, Vanillish line (replaces Weak Armor)

Prickly Coat - Mega Slowbro (replaces Shell Armor), Omastar (replaces Shell Armor), Corsola (replaces Hustle), Corsola-Galar line, Qwilfish (replaces Poison Point), Roselia & Roserade (replaces Poison Point), Cacnea line (replaces Water Absorb), Maractus (replaces Water Absorb), Chesnaught (replaces Bulletproof), Sandslash, Sandslash-Alola (replaces Ice Body), Pincurchin, Jolteon (replaces Quick Feet), Toxapex (replaces Limber), Poipole line

Sand Veil - Old Distribution + Bastiodon, Regirock, Sandile line (Replaces Anger Point), Vibrava, Flygon

Snow Cloak - Old Distribution
Thank you to everyone who discussed distribution on Discord and in the thread!

Also, we'd like to announce a couple buffs!
First, the poll results are in and Reconstruct will now have increased priority on the charging turn and cause the user to take halved damage while charging, making it much easier to get off

Secondly, Counterspell will now have 110 BP and can no longer fail. However, it will still have -1 priority. This makes the move a lot more usable for the slow passive mons that want to use it, since their target can't switch out with no consequences anymore

With that done, submissions for Slate 4 are now open!
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: Ample Power
Effect: This Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack stat are multiplied by 1.5x, but it cant use status moves.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :swanna: :serperior: :emolga: :exploud:? :froslass:? :glalie: :hypno: (ew) :klefki: :lapras::deoxys:!!!!!!(just flavor lol) :seviper: :simipour: :simisage: :simisear: :kingdra: :virizion: :calyrex: :silvally: :coalossal: :vespiquen: :wailord: and others!
Justification: this started as a swanna buff, bc that poor bird has never caught a break in the tiering, but some mons that share characteristics (base atk and spa are the same) with it can admitedly benefit from it
Name: Flygon

Abilities: Levitate / Sand Veil / Sand Stream (HA)
New Moves: Quiver Dance
Justification: All of this fits for flavor and viability, now special flygon sets are a LOT better, and it’s a good sand setter. (levitate could be changed for tinted lens but that might push it a bit over the top, but im not sure, It could be a good addition)

Name: Slaking

Abilities: Truant / No Guard (HA)
Removed Moves: Amnesia
Justification: Slaking needs to be used, Comatose too. This shouldn’t be oppressive, like at all, in case it benefits set up I removed the only way it has to cover up its only weakness: meh spd nvm all that it now has no guard to abuse mega kick or boosted boltbeam with blizzard and thunder
: Tremor
Power: 110
Accuracy: 85
PP: 15 (24)
Category: Physical

Effect: 30% chance to confuse the target(s).
Priority: 0
Flags: Pulse, Authentic, Mirror
Potential Pokémon With This Move: All ground and rock types who learn earthquake, all sheer force mons.
Justification: an alternative to earthquake that isnt completely overshadowed:D also a great option for Sheer Force users, and especially to make physical SF nidoking more viable.
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Name: Enchanted Punch
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 [Max 16]


Effect: This attack targets the opponent's Special Defense stat instead of Defense
Priority: 0
Flags: Punch, Contact, Mirror, Protect
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :tapu-bulu::tapu-koko::clefable::wigglytuff::hatterene::mr-mime::grimmsnarl::golurk::ledian::infernape::trevenant:
Justification: We literally have one non-signature fairy physical attack in the game. Enchanted Punch intends to add some variety to the physical fairy move selection, both in its effects and flags. Bulu also finally has a physical fairy STAB lmao.

Name: Drill Run
Power: 80
Accuracy: 95%
PP: 10 [Max 16]


Effect: This attack can hit airborne Pokémon. Treats the flying type as neutrally-effective in SE calculation.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Mirror, Protect
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Pokemon already with this move.
Justification: It’s rather hard for most ground-type moves to compete with Earthquake, so in order for Drill Run to justify its lower power, it needs to do something useful that Earthquake can’t. So, now it can hit airborne Pokémon. Compared to Earthquake, Drill Run trades power and accuracy in order to provide better coverage, allowing it to hit the likes of Corv and Skarm.

Name: Sublimate
Power: 120
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 [Max 8]


Effect: The user's defense and special defense stat each drop one stage.
Priority: 0
Flags: Mirror, Protect
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :gigalith::nihilego::omastar::diancie::duraludon:
Justification: Powerful Rock-type special attack. Rock has always been lacking in special attacks and this intends to add a much stronger option to the rare Rock-type special breakers that exist. Implemented in a way that makes the move a special CC clone, which is really nice for better enabling rock-type special attackers, however it likely won't find itself anywhere near as domineering over the meta due to the move's more limited distribution.


Name: Narcolepsy
Effect: While this Pokémon is active, opposing Pokémon are treated as if they have the comatose ability. Pokémon that are either affected by Sweet Veil, or have Insomnia or Vital Spirit as their abilities are immune this effect.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :musharna::noctowl::hypno::stantler::komala::shiinotic:
Justification: Finally, viable Dream Eater! Not too much to elaborate on here. The opponent cannot gain status and can attack while asleep, while in exchange they can be targeted by the likes of Dream Eater and Nightmare.

Name: Magma Armor [Adjustment]
Effect: Halves the damage dealt to the Pokémon with this Ability by Water-type attacks and this Pokémon’s fire-type attacks deal 1.5x more damage.
This ability also prevents this Pokémon from being Frozen. A Pokémon with Magma Armor will be cured of being Frozen if it is Frozen while in battle.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: idk
Justification: Inverse Water Bubble. This ability is originally borderline useless, so here is an attempt to make it far more beneficial and desirable for mons already with the ability, and can be used to bump up the overall power threshold of certain mons. although instead of the ability boosting damage by 2x just like water bubble, it only boosts it by 1.5x to make the ability a bit easier to distribute. Be careful with distribution.


Name: Armaldo

Abilities: Multiscale / Dry Skin [HA]
Ability changes apply for both Armaldo and its prevo, Anorith.

New Moves: Rain Dance, Skitter Smack, Lunge, Scale Shot
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Armaldo is a classic example of a Rapid Spinner whose fallen behind in viability. So, here is my attempt for helping provide Armaldo with some more tools to utilize in its spinning role. One of Armaldo’s biggest problems was that it’s poor speed and type combo made it really easy to snipe with a supereffective attack. So, it’s two new abilities act to provide Armaldo with more defensive tools. These two new abilities are intended to draw parallels to Armaldo's old abilities, with Multiscale to Battle Armor and Dry Skin to Swift Swim. Dry Skin aims helps alleviate one of Armaldo’s most prominent weaknesses, while Multiscale is here as well for broader usage, allowing Armaldo to more effectively take a hit before spinning. As for some of the new moves, Armaldo’s gets access to both of Bug’s stat-dropping attacks, helping boost its overall defensive potential, and Scale Shot is also there because it could be funny for stacking even more speed boosts.

Name: Beedrill-Mega

Abilities: Adaptability
New Moves: First Impression
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Not too much has changed, but enough to bump Beedrill up in viability. Mega Beedrill forgoes it’s poison typing for the ground typing now, giving it a rather unique STAB combo to utilize in competitive play. It also gains access to First Impression, allowing Beedrill to threaten the likes of Mega Alakazam. Despite these buffs, Mega Beedrill still definitely has counter play. Due to its incredibly frail nature, switching in can be challenging, and even when on the field it finds itself still incredibly vulnerable to priority.

Name: Steelix-Mega

Abilities: Electric Surge
New Moves: Wild Charge, Rising Voltage, Charge Beam, Charge
Removed Moves: None
Justification: As Yoshi was saying in their sub, we have 3 mons each for Grassy and Psychic surge, however the other two surges are lacking. While Yoshi is attempting to add more Misty Surgers, I thought I may as well try and add one more Electric Surger. Steelix-Mega has no Pokedex flavor from Sun and Moon, although it seems to really lean in on the Magnetic aspect of the mon. For one, it’s kinda funny being immune to the type Eterrain is boosting. Providing Electric coverage with Semi-STAB from Eterrain also helps alleviate some of Steelix’s struggles, between its weakness to water and struggle to hit Flying types that also resist steel such as Corv and Skarm. Steelix also gets Esurge + Steel Roller which could be funny, although Gyro Ball is arguably still a better option.
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Just two Fistibuffs so far...maybe we see more out there stuff.

Edit: We have seen more out there stuff.

Name: Elemental Punches
Power: 85
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15 [Max 24]

Type: Varies
Effect: Same as In Standard
Priority: 0
Flags: Punch, Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Same As In Standard
Justification: Simple and yet effective buff to the elemental punches, putting out of the range of bad move options to servicable coverage.

Name: Hammer Arm / Ice Hammer
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90%
PP: 10 [Max 16]


Effect: Lowers the user's speed if it misses.
: 0
Flags: Punch, Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Hammer Arm: :Dusknoir: :Crabominable: :Poliwrath: / Ice Hammer: :abomasnow: :darmanitan-galar::poliwrath:
Justification: What Iron Fist users need the most....a reason to use their punching STAB over Close Combat! Hammer Arm gets a well needed bump in viability, turning from bad to great in no time!
Name: Coal Engine
Effect: If Stealth Rock is on the field, damage is ignored, and the user's highest stat is raised by 1. The item is then consumed.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP
Justification: The power to one time ignore Stealth Rock and instead gain a boost from it is a very potent option for hazard weak set up sweeper, particularly flying types.
Name: Gorilla Tactics
Effect: Boosts the Attack of the user by 1.5, but locks the user into the last move they selected. Disables any Choice Items while active.
: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:
:Primeape: other monkeys?

Darmanitan-Galar has always been a great wallbreaker, but stacking choice items has always pushed it past breaking point. Now without that impediment, GDarm (and potentially more Apes?) are alot more balanced.

Name: Merciless
Effect: This Pokemon's attacks are critical hits if the target is inflicted by status.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:
:Chandelure: :spiritomb: :skuntank: :salazzle: :trevenant: :drapion: (:Gengar:? Not sure if too powerful here)

Merciless is an interesting concept but is slightly limited in scope. Stretching its realm of possibility to the opposing status options that exist further develops and diversifies how potent this latent ability can be. Maybe Muk-Alola can receive this option to diversify it from being a weird amalgamation of base Muk and Goltres, as I have heard not everyone is pleased with Regenerator Muk-A (and give it back Knock Off please).

+Aqua Jet, +Flip Turn, +Mach Punch, +Recover, +Toxic, +Taunt

Grapploct gains buffs to both it's Rain Dish set and its Technician sets, allowing Rain Dish Octolock sets to be able to trap passive walls much more effectively, and its Technician sets gain powerful priority and STAB pivoting.

:ss/Meganium: :ss/typhlosion: :ss/feraligatr:

Meganium: +Play Rough, +Moonblast, +Draining Kiss, +Superpower, +Dazzling Gleam

Typlosion: +Earth Power, +Meteor Beam, +Scorching Sands, +Stealth Rock

Feraligatr: +Sucker Punch, +Pursuit, +Scale Shot

A well needed global buff to the three all around worse starters, making them all roughly better than they usually are. Meganium gains huge buffs, as well as Typlosion getting a big tune up, turning it into the Fire type killer it was meant to be. Water Dark Feraligatr gives it more options for SF STAB and Pursuit makes it a legit whole new Pokémon.


Levitate / Merciless | Swift Swim
+Poison Jab, +Gunk Shot, +Surf, +Sludge Bomb, +Toxic Spikes, +Liquidation, +Venoshock, +Weather Ball, +Toxic Thread, +Scald
Eelektross is pretty interesting as a Pokemon after this rework. It's typing is arguably improved by quite a bit (serving as a natural check to Melmetal), and it gained quite a few interesting options to utilize. Swift Swim and the presence of multiple Water type moves serve as to diversify Eelektross's options outside of simply never dropping Levitate, and is an angle unique from other mod's interpretation of Eel as far as I seen.


Fluffy / Reckless | Sap Sipper
+Body Press, +Scorching Sands, +Arid Absorbtion, +Earthquake, +Head Smash, +Stealth Rock

Bouffalant serves the role of a bulky Ground type pivot, utilizing Fluffy to augment its respectable 95/95/95 bulk to be able to bully several threats with the comical Cotton Guard + Body Press strats.
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Name: Breloom
Type: Grass/Fighting
Abilities: Poison Heal / Effect Spore (Technician)
New Moves: Power Whip, Close Combat, Hammer Arm, Storm Throw, Strength Sap, Fake Out, Rototiller, U-Turn
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Breloom has fallen from viability lately out of being lacking in every aspect, its offensive presence became mediocre as Grass/Fighting became more of a joke with :Toxapex:, :Sableye-Mega:, :Gengar:, :Tangrowth:, :Zapdos:, :Gliscor:, :Latias-Mega:, :Tornadus-Therian:, :Latios-Mega: and :Tapu_Koko: being around, and with mediocre bulk, typing and speed tier countless mons could just OHKO it on the spot, and even with that aside :Amoonguss:, :Ferrothorn:, :Venusaur-Mega:, :Rillaboom: and even current :Tapu_Bulu: do its job better, the former can consistently Spore mons out of proper bulk and Regen to keep momentum, Ferrothorn and M-Venusaur have an actual defensive presence and don't just die to about any neutral hit, while the latter two can spam Grass STAB with immediate offensive presence and aren't as easy to force out (especially Rilla removing its niche as a bulky Grass priority sweeper, also lol :Scizor-Mega:). SubSeed is also outclassed by :Serperior: out of its higher offensive presence as well.

Now, how do these buffs raise it from NDRUBL to NDOU? Well, the answer relies on significant additions. Technician sets now have splashable priority in Fake Out, and have immediate consistent firepower with Storm Throw being effectively a 135BP Fighting STAB with the ability (Breloom recently got Arm Thrust here, so it also has a stronger but a bit more inconsistent option for those that desire it). Poison Heal can also make the most of semi-reliable recovery in Strength Sap that also allows Breloom to check physical attackers like :Landorus-Therian: (lol no Z-Fly here), :Tyranitar: (:Tyranitar-Mega:), :Excadrill:, :Zeraora:, :Swampert-Mega:, :Gyarados-Mega: and :Gliscor:, and Rototiller complements Breloom in general to raise its offense, bulk and longevity, especially PHeal sets with 18% HP recovery per turn, bringing back the viability of its classic SubSeed sets, while Technician sets get notably harder to wall out of a notably stronger Bullet Seed.
Power Whip and Close Combat are also appreciated additions for Breloom, as this way PHeal sets aren't restricted into only having Facade as a spammable mean of offensive pressure, Hammer Arm also remains as a slightly weaker alternative that keeps Breloom's bulk long-term, and U-Turn allows Breloom to preserve momentum against the counterplay it lures with some prediction, allowing Breloom to gain momentum with allies that benefit from this, such as :Weavile:, :Kyurem:, :Heatran:, :Tyranitar: and :Rotom-Wash:.

Name: Metagross | Mega Metagross
Type: Steel/Psychic
Abilities: Clear Body / Iron Fist (Levitate) | Anticipation
New Moves: Psychic Fangs, Defog
Removed Moves: Hone Claws
Justification: Metagross has dropped from viability when its raw bulk could no longer be enought to sustain itself for a significant amount of match-ups in higher tiers, and it didn't help that it had moveslot issues as it can't fit everything it'd want, and its offensive potential as a wallbreaker to stand out from :Jirachi: becoming outclassed as :Melmetal: happened.

Now, how do these buffs raise it from NDRU to NDUU? Well, as :Melmetal: got several buffs lately, it's unlikely it's sticking to the UU version of this metagame, as it already was an S tier mon alongside :altaria-mega:. NDRU also won't miss Metagross much with :Bronzong: being around either way.
Anyways, Iron Fist is a recent addition that complements Metagross' main movepool, having a solid Meteor Mash alongside a significantly stronger Thunder/Fire/Ice/Drain Punch, ensuring it can be a solid wallbreaker on the meta. Levitate, on the other hand, ensures Metagross isn't as easy to force out, namely by species reliant on EdgeQuake such as :Swampert:, :Hippowdon:, :Rhyperior:, :Terrakion:, :Diggersby:, :Lycanroc-Dusk:, plus :Mamoswine: and :Tapu_Bulu:, and combines well with Defog and Reconstruct (Which it recently got to have longevity across a match) to act as a solid hazard control option that isn't forced out by most setters. Psychic Fangs also acts as a nice minor buff to let it have a slightly better Psychic STAB over Zen Headbutt, which fits nicely in flavor as the dex often talks about how Metagross munches its prey.

Now, for the mega. I'm aware some may think this deserves to remain in Ubers out of how efficient it could be at being bulky, speedy and hard hitting all at once, but in that meta it can't do anything :Solgaleo: and :Necrozma_Dusk_Mane: can do without also consuming a mega slot and a item slot, turning it pretty outclassed and useless over there. Now, you may be asking how a simple ability change renders it friendly for NDOU, and the answer is that without a mean to increase its offensive potential to cheese for a 2HKO roll (especially after an Atk boost given it no longer has Hone Claws) on counterplay like :Slowbro:, :Rotom-Wash:, :Hippowdon:, :Tangrowth:, :aggron_mega:, :scizor-mega: or :Ferrothorn:, and many others depending on its coverage (:Toxapex:, :Gliscor:, :Zapdos:, :Landorus_Therian:), Mega Metagross becomes a welcome presence in the meta (pun not intended) that can fill multiple bulky offensive roles without being centralizing in itself.

Name: Shaymin | Shaymin-Sky
Type: Grass/Fairy | Grass/Flying
Abilities: Flower Veil | Sheer Force
New Moves: Moonblast, Calm Mind, Roost
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Shaymin has fallen across the tiers as it was clear it was budget :Celebi:, even while it may not have as many weaknesses, it did have a significantly worse movepool that Seed Flare didn't complement enought.

Now, how does it go from NDNU to NDOU? A Fairy typing grants Shaymin with a significant defensive upgrade, and that combined with Flower Veil also ensures it's a quite solid stallbreaker that can freely Leech Seed mons as it forces out :Sableye-Mega:. These factors allow it to pressure :Greninja:, :Garchomp:, :Tapu_Fini:, :Toxapex:, :Latias_Mega: (Latias, also lol no stat drop from Mystical Fire), :Hydreigon:, :Serperior:, :Slowbro:, :Tyranitar:, :Manaphy:, :Rillaboom:, :Swampert_Mega:, :Gyarados_Mega:, :Hippowdon: and :Landorus_Therian: (lol no Z-Fly), becoming a very solid NDOU alternative overall.

We all know the dumb Serene Grace + Air Slash combo is what made Skymin too uncompetitive for OU, but for Ubers it has remained as an inconsistent at best pick when it requires way more RNG to break past the quite fatter meta, and its bulk preventing it from having nearly any defensive utility. And thus Sheer Force flips its use 180 degrees to become a scary hard hitting mon that can rival :Zacian-Crowned: in damage output, however, it isn't stupid enought to go to AG, as it still has a mediocre typing and paper-thin bulk by Ubers standards, and a lower speed tier keeps it as food for :Gengar_Mega: and :Necrozma-Ultra:.

Name: Compressed Friction
Effect: User's Rock type moves become Fire type and are boosted by x1.8
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :Klinklang:, :Grumpig:, :Lycanroc:, :Diancie:, :Donphan:, :Ampharos:, :Hitmontop:
Justification: The mons have coverage issues for the most part, so allowing them to have solid Fire (enhanced) pseudo-STAB is a nice way to raise their viability. Lycanroc and Diancie, however, sacrifice their own Rock STAB for a Fire one, which is still a fair trade given that Fire/Fairy is quite solid offensively for Diancie, and Lycanroc gets Fire-type priority in Accelerock.

Name: Adrenaline Orb
Effect: If the attacking move the user is using can inflict damage on the user, it is supressed (a la Magic Guard) and boosted by x1.3
Consumable: Yes
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30 BP, no additional effect
Justification: Being able to use moves such as Head Smash or Steel Beam with no recoil to worry about as a pseudo-Z-Move is a nice addition to the meta to have a decent one-time nuke to overwhelm a check with proper prediction, while also raising viability on Acrobatics. Species that notably benefit from this item include :Blacephalon:, :Archeops: , :Lucario:, :Staraptor: (lol Reckless) and :Hawlucha: (lol High Jump Kick and Unburden).

Name: Conversion | Conversion 2
Power: -
Accuracy: No accuracy check
PP: 5
Category: Status
Type: Normal
Effect: Targets the user. The user changes its primary type to the one of its first moveslot and raises all of its stats by 1 stage (no acc/eva). Fails if the user's type has been already changed, or is within all possible types already | Targets the user. The user changes its primary type to one that would hit super effectively its first moveslot's type, and raises all of its stats by 1 stage (no acc/eva). Fails if the user's type has been already changed, or is within all possible types already
Priority: 0
Flags: Snatch
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current distribution (notably:Porygon: line), :Kecleon:, :Florges:, :Dragalge:, :Azumarill:, several species with Reflect Type or Camouflage (NOT :froakie: line or :Latias:), :Oricorio:, :Genesect:
Justification: Without Z-Conversion (Which became mediocre on :Porygon-Z: anyways as it could only be used once and required way too much support to be usable), Conversion returned back into being a useless signature move. However, with it now becoming a reliable one-time omniboost, it allows several mons to upgrade their typing while also providing strong setup to increase their viability. Conversion 2 also broadens its potential as it allows non-STAB users to gain certain types for their advantage, such as gaining a Fighting type :Oricorio: to have STAB in Revelation Dance and disrupt its counterplay, or simply gaining better defensive typings they couldn't get otherwise and become harder to break.
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Name: Powder Bomb
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15
Category: Special
Type: Fire
Effect: Lowers the target's Sp. Defense one stage.
Priority: 0
Flags: Bullet, Mirror, Powder, Protect
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :venusaur: :butterfree: :vileplume: :venomoth: :victreebel: :electrode: :exeggutor: :bellossom: :jumpluff: :mothim: :tangrowth: :whimsicott: :lilligant: :vivillon: :ribombee: :eldegoss:
Justification: Special Fire Lash with some specific limitations. Primarily, it's a coverage option for Bug and Grass-types, letting them smack Steels and opposing Bugs without using their precious Hidden Power slot on it. But as both a powder and a bullet move, Overcoat users, Bulletproof users, Safety Goggles users, and most importantly other Grass-types are immune to it - which is why most Fire-types probably wouldn't bother with it.

Name: Sky Uppercut
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15
Category: Physical
Type: Fighting
Effect: Hits Flying-type Pokémon super-effectively. Hits targets using Fly, Bounce, and Sky Drop.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Mirror, Protect, Punch
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current distribution + :primeape: :infernape: :toxicroak: :conkeldurr: :hawlucha: :crabominable: :buzzwole:
Justification: Sky Uppercut sucks, and now it sucks less, especially with Iron Fist. Hitting Corviknight and Mandibuzz for quadruple damage is very pog.

Name: Build Fat
Power: --
Accuracy: --
PP: 20
Category: Status
Type: Normal
Effect: Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and Sp. Defense. Doubles the user's weight.
Priority: 0
Flags: Snatch
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :raticate-alola: :snorlax: :piloswine: :swalot: :hariyama: :wailord: :walrein: :purugly: :mamoswine: :emboar: :guzzlord: :greedent:
Justification: Joining Coil in the league of upgrades to Bulk Up with a narrower list of Pokémon, we have this. In addition to being a nice all-around stat boost for these Pokémon, it also makes Heavy Slam and Heat Crash much safer damaging options.

Name: Mud Bath
Power: --
Accuracy: --
PP: 10
Category: Status
Type: Ground
Effect: Restores 50% of the user's HP and sets the effect of Mud Sport on the field.
Priority: 0
Flags: Heal, Snatch
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :nidoqueen: :poliwrath: :slowbro: :quagsire: :politoed: :donphan: :piloswine: :swampert: :linoone: :whiscash: :grumpig: :mamoswine: :emboar: :stunfisk: :stunfisk-galar: :chesnaught: :mudsdale: :copperajah:
Justification: Shore Up exists as a Ground-type healing move, but its flavour is annoyingly specific. Lots of animals take mud baths, though. This gives a recovery option to many Pokémon that lacked one before, like Donphan, Swampert, Stunfisk, and Mudsdale, while others, like Slowbro and Politoed, benefit from the additional Mud Sport effect weakening Electric-type moves on the field.

Name: Exhaust Orb
Effect: Boosts the power of the holder's moves by 30%, but causes them to consume twice as much PP.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30, none
Justification: Life Orb-adjacent. No more chip, and unlike Life Orb your opponent can't tell that you're holding it, but double PP usage can be rough, especially since it stacks with Pressure for quadruple. Yikes.

Name: Cell Battery / Absorb Bulb / Snowball / Luminous Moss
Effect (Cell Battery): If the holder is hit by an Electric-type damaging move, its Attack, Speed, and accuracy stats rise by one stage, and the item is consumed.
Effect (Absorb Bulb): If the holder is hit by a Water-type damaging move, its Defense, Sp. Attack, and Sp. Defense stats rise by one stage, and the item is consumed.
Effect (Snowball): If the holder is hit by an Ice-type damaging move, its Attack and Defense stats rise by two stages, and the item is consumed.
Effect (Luminous Moss): If the holder is hit by a Grass-type damaging move, its Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense stats rise by two stages, and the item is consumed.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30, none
Justification: Weakness Policy proves that "item that gives stat boosts when hit by a certain move type" CAN work, so here's an attempt at making these garbage items less garbage. Unlike WP, you don't need to eat a super-effective hit, but that also means you have a more specific trigger you need to activate.

Name: Cursed Branch
Effect: While this item is held, the holder has a tertiary Grass-type. No effect if the holder is already a Grass-type. Overwritten by effects like Trick-or-Treat. Announced upon switching in.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60, adds the Grass-type to the target
Justification: Forest's Curse but as an item. Grass is just bad enough as a typing for this to not be busted, while also just useful enough with its Water, Ground, and Electric resistances and the powder / Leech Seed immunity to be worthwhile at times.

Name: Last-Stand Band
Effect: While the holder has 1 HP, its Attack, Sp. Attack, and Speed are boosted by 50%.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10, none
Justification: Shedinja is almost certainly still bad, as are Endure / Reversal and Sturdy strats, but now they're at least much funnier.

Name: Aura Break
Effect: This Pokémon takes half damage from Dark- and Fairy-type moves.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :ninetales: :absol: :spiritomb: :lucario: :lucario-mega: :meowstic: :malamar: :zygarde:
Justification: Dark and Fairy are two of the most spammable attacking types in the game. This makes them slightly less so. Also it makes Zygarde better at its job of quelling Xerneas and Yveltal.

Name: Cloud Nine
Effect: While this Pokémon is on the field, the effects of weather and entry hazards are suppressed.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current distribution + :lapras: :articuno: :zapdos: :moltres: :togetic: :drifblim: :togekiss: :shaymin: :audino-mega: :tornadus: :thundurus:
Justification: Unknockable Boots that doesn't use up your item slot, with the minor opportunity cost that opponents switching in on them will also be immune to hazards. The original-flavour Kanto birds get a nice buff on par with their Galar cousins, and Defogging becomes easier than ever.

Name: Greedy
Effect: Doubles this Pokémon's Attack stat if its held item is used or lost. This boost is lost if the Pokémon is switched out, loses Greedy, or gains a new held item.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :persian: :victreebel: :muk-alola: :ambipom: :liepard: :druddigon: :slurpuff: :guzzlord: :greedent: :flapple:
Justification: Unburden but not quite. Probably best on faster Pokémon like Persian and Liepard. Slurpuff gets it as an alternative to Unburden because Belly Drum with this will just blow up the entire game as long as nothing has more than [checks notes] 72 Speed.

Name: Parasitic
Effect: This Pokémon's STAB attacks heal the user for 25% of the damage inflicted.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :parasect: :crobat: :beautifly: :galvantula: :accelgor: :shiinotic: :nihilego:
Justification: Turning all your STAB moves into a poor man's Giga Drain lets these Pokémon keep their HP up throughout the game. Crobat's Brave Bird recoil is mostly mitigated, while Nihilego can more easily heal off chip.

Name: Kingdra
Type: Water / Dragon
Abilities: Swift Swim / Sniper / Damp (Hidden)
New Moves: Snipe Shot, Frost Breath
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Critdra.........2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Mimikyu
Type: Ghost / Fairy
Abilities: Disguise
New Moves: Poltergeist, Spirit Break, Volt Tackle, Volt Switch, Parting Shot, Reconstruct
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Of the Ghost-types denied Poltergeist, Mimikyu is easily the least broken, especially with the Disguise nerf. Spirit Break is a weaker but more accurate alternative to Play Rough, while Volt Tackle is fun flavor. Volt Switch and Parting Shot both let it pivot, while Reconstruct gives it a healing option.

Name: Vanilluxe
Type: Ice
Abilities: Moody / Snow Warning / Power of Alchemy (Hidden)
New Moves: Power Gem, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Nasty Plot
Removed Moves: None
Justification: With discount Speed Boost from Moody, Nasty Plot access, and some new coverage moves, Vanilluxe can finally move beyond being Alolan Ninetales' weird cousin and actually function as both a decent hail setter and a setup sweeper in its own right.

Name: Golisopod
Type: Bug / Water
Abilities: Emergency Exit / Guts (Hidden)
New Moves: Flip Turn, Rapid Spin
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Golisopod but it's not terrible! Holding a status orb makes you very chip-vulnerable, but just not being locked into Emergency Exit is a massive improvement that could let it see play as a status absorber, even while holding Boots. Flip Turn keeps its pivoting power, because it's not Golisopod if it can't switch for free.
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Name: Seed Bomb
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
PP: 15
Category: Physical
Type: Grass
Effect: Super effective on Steel.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): whatever it is already
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current users + :emolga::furret::unfezant:(:rillaboom: if real)
Justification: Seed Bomb is constantly overshadowed by other physical Grass moves, and Grass isn't a very good offensive type. This solves both of those problems, giving multiple strong physical Grasses coverage for one of the best defensive types in the game, though it still can't hit Flying, Fire, Poison, other Grasses, et cetera. Also provides nice coverage for mons such as Belly Drum Linoone.

Name: Eerie Spell
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
PP: 20
Category: Special
Type: Psychic
Effect: Removes 3 PP from the target's last move.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): whatever it is already
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Current users + :beheeyem::chimecho::claydol::cofagrigus::corsola-galar::delphox::deoxys::dusclops::espeon::gardevoir::girafarig::grumpig::hatterene::haunter::hypno::mismagius::ninetales::orbeetle::sigilyph::spiritomb::xatu:
Justification: THE KING OF PP. Simple buff and redistribution makes this move a much better option for bulky mons, as an alternative to Psychic with the same BP, or as a nice tool for stalling out opponents.
Name: Concussion
Effect: While this Pokemon is active, opposing Pokemon cannot use their items.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :bewear::buzzwole::krookodile::pangoro::scrafty::terrakion:
Justification: A classic FELT ability. Disabling boots is great for dissuading threats such as Cinderace, and for keeping various defoggers from getting rid of stacked hazards. Plus, disabling Leftovers is great for wallbreaking, and avoiding Rocky Helmet chip is always great on physical attackers. Also Concussion Terrakion goes hard, feel free to screenshot.

Name: Corrosion
Effect: This Pokemon can poison or badly poison other Pokemon regardless of their typing. This Pokemon's Poison moves hit Steel-types neutrally.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Current users + :dragalge::victreebel: (maaaybe :nihilego: if it wouldn't be too much)
Justification: Massive buff to the ability, which still barely affects Salazzle somehow. However, Mismagius as well as any Poisons that might get it become very, very scary, especially for teams that rely on defensive Steels.
Name: Lax Incense
Effect: If the holder used a non-damaging move that healed it this turn (which means Arid Absorption, Life Dew, Heal Order, Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Purify, Reconstruct, Recover, Rest, Roost, Shore Up, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, Strength Sap, Synthesis, or Wish), attacks against it do 0.5x damage.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10
Justification: Was a Bright Powder clone, which is stupid, so I fixed it. Pretty nice on faster mons to help them live hits better, though slower walls won't be able to do much of anything with it. Also enables fast Wish and Reconstruct mons, which is sick, especially after the Reconstruct buff.

Name: Rifle
Effect: The holder's ballistic moves have 1.3x power and are guaranteed to hit.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 80
Justification: Better Life Orb with a smaller area of effect. Really enables special Fighting types, as well as various other mons (such as Gengar), but the existence of Bulletproof does put somewhat of a damper on it.
Name: Houndoom & Mega Houndoom
Type: Dark / Fire -> Dark / Fire
Abilities: Early Bird / Flash Fire / Solar Power -> Sheer Force
New Moves: Fiery Wrath
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: The whole 'give the mega ability to the base mon and give the mega a new one' concept that Yoshiblaze pulled with Ampharos also works with Houndoom, so thanks for that lol. Fiery Wrath makes a lot of sense for Houndoom to have, and gives it a slightly stronger STAB, which it can use in combination with Solar Power on Sun teams to hit even harder with Nasty Plot sets without needing to use a Mega slot. Meanwhile, Mega Houndoom gets Sheer Force, which finally gives it a niche over Zard-Y, as with the addition of Fiery Wrath, NP sets deal absolutely bonkers damage at +2. Of course, it's still fairly frail and rocks-weak, so setup opportunities are somewhat limited, but the raw power Sheer Force adds makes it well worth the risk. Also, flavor-wise Houdoom are known for being very brutal, particularly Mega Houndoom as it's contantly in pain from its own heat (plus, it's not gonna have time for secondary effects if it's constantly feeling the pain of its own body melting).

Name: Shedinja
Type: Bug / Ghost
Abilities: Wonder Guard
New Moves: Counterspell, Magic Coat, Night Shade, Teleport
Removed Moves:
Justification: No, I'm not kidding. I want to buff Shedinja. Mon is stupid rn; completely useless outside of hard stall, and even there it runs wisp/toxic/hex/protect on most sets. Dual status. HEX. WITH BASE 30 SPATK. Situation is dire, so I gave it a much-needed movepool upgrade. Magic Coat is great on a mon that dies to any status, though it's prediction-reliant, but at least it's more interesting than Protect. Night Shade allows it to do consistent damage, and just makes sense on it. Finally, Teleport gives it an amazing pivoting option to abuse the switches it forces, maybe too good actually. I'll swap it out for U-Turn if it's too much. Also added Counterspell; mon's nice with it and fits the flavor well enough.
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Name: Rampardos
Type: Rock / Ground
Mold Breaker / Rock Head / Sheer Force
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Jutification: Now Rampardos is a scary wallbreaker without killing himself in head smash recoil. STAB in earthquake makes the matchup against steel-types more favorable, although it easily takes revenge kill thanks to its poor defenses.


Name: Unova Monkeys
Type: Original + Normal-type
Abilities: Torrent/Overgrow/Blaze / Adaptability (hidden ability)
New Moves:
Quick Attack, Hyper Voice, Feint, all
Removed Moves: None
Justification: I've always liked the unova monkeys, especially Simipour, but they suck. With access to Nasty Plot and a decent ability, they'll be less lousy.


Name: Golisopod
Type: Bug / Water
Abilities: Emergency Exit / Shell Armor
New Moves:
Flip Turn, Life Dew, Toxic Spikes
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Defensive Golisopod now is real. Consistent recovery and pivot makes the aquatic bug more cool.


Name: Polteageist
Type: Ghost / Water
Weak Armor / Water Absorb / Cursed Body
New Moves: Scald, Hydro Pump, Flip Turn, Waterfall, Liquidation, Ice beam
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Well, tea is made from...water. I thought about doing another Water/Fire, but Ghost/Water is a good type and deserves to be distributed more.


Shadow Claw (already exists)
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 24 (MAX)
Category: Physical
Type: Ghost
Effect: 10% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.
Priority: 0
Flags: Same as original
Potential Pokémon with this move:
Same as original
Justification: Give a good STAB ghost to those who didn't win poltergeist (Dragapult, Mimikyu, Aegislash line)

Name: Shield Slam
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16 (MAX)
Category: Physical
Type: Steel
Effect: Users user's Def stat as Atk in damage calculation.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Protect
Potential Pokémon with this move: Blastoise, Corviknight, Aegislash, Zamazenta-Crowned, Chesnaught, defensive things
Justification: Body Press steel. I've seen it somewhere, but I don't remember which one. It's a really cool move to leave out


Effect: Status moves have a 100% chance of hitting the target.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Pontential Pokémon with this ability:
Hypno line, Alakazam line
Justification: Now Hypno have a 100% acc hypnosis!! A hypnotist cannot be called such if he cannot hypnotize someone.

Name: Gale Wings (already exists)
Effect: Flying moves that deal damage have +1 priority with up to 50% HP.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon with this ability:
Talonflame line, Unfezant line, Swellow line
Justification: Since he was nerfed, Gale Wings sucks. In a meta full of fake out users (VGC) and solid steel types (smogon), it's not worth using. With a small readjustment, Talonflame will be able to relive its past glories.


Multiple Tails
Effect: Holder's moves multi-hit always hit the maximum number of times.
Can be knocked off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30, none
Justification: Skill Link as an item. Increase the viability of Skill Link users, as they can now use another ability (Ambipom with Technician) with the risk of losing their firepower when encountering Knock Off.
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Name:Quick Blitz
PP:10(max 16)
Effect:Only works on the user's first turn out
Potential Pokemon With The Move:Most physical Normal types,:tapu koko::tapu bulu::eevee:(and by extention the eeveelutions)
Under NO circumstances give this to Lopunny
Justification:A good revenge killing tool
More Ideas

Pokémon Adjustments

Name: Accelgor

Abilities: Sticky Hold/Unburden
New Moves: Taunt, Sticky Web, Memento, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Astonish, Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Sticky web is in desperate need for a consistent setter and Accelgor provides that with a fast taunt, an easy way to get your teammates in (final gambit/memento), and a ghost typing to easily block spinners.

Name: Mega Sceptile

Abilities: Overclock
New Moves: Lightning Lance, Draco Meteor, Superpower
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: Overclock will give this Pokémon a needed power boost while lightning lance and superpower can give it some actual coverage now.


Name: Hyper Cutter
Effect: Prevents other Pokémon from lowering this Pokémon's attack and boost the power of cut/slash moves by 1.3x
Air Cutter
Psycho Cut
Fury Cutter
Secret Sword
Behemoth Blade
Air Slash
Night Slash
Sacred Sword
Leaf Blade
Solar Blade
Smart Strike
Razor Shell
(Please let me know if you know any other moves that fit this category so I can make sure to add them)
Permanent No
Mold Breaker No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: Old distribution + :Virizion: :terrakion: :cobalion: :keldeo: :keldeo-resolute::absol::Gallade::scyther:
Justification: Hyper cutter is sentenced to the pits of uselessness, so I made it useful. This shows some love to niche attackers like Virizon, Keldeo, and Cobalion which usually aren't picked as they just don't hit the right power levels, which hyper utter helps with. Hyper cutter also ignoring intimidate is also cool for physical sets.


Name: Electro Ball
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (16 Max)


Effect: Uses user's Speed stat as special in damage calculation.
Priority: 0
Flags: Bullet
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Same distribution + :Zebstrika: (remove from :regieleki: if it seems to broken)
Justification: Electro Ball's current formula is flawed as it 98% of the time it does really bad damage even when used by a fast user so by making the formula only based on the user's speed it can now deal more consistent damage. Pokemon that really appreciate this are pokemon like :zeraora:, :tapu koko:, and :cinderace: who can use their high speed stats to make up for their only ok special attack (in the case of koko and zera not cinderace his special shit is garbage lol). Cinderace's especially love this change to hit the bulky water types that love to counter them. I'm looking at you toxapex!

Name: Cyclone Slam
Power: 60
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (Max 16)


Effect: Always results in a critical hit.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: (Not: Preveos pass it to thier evos) :Thundurus-Therian: :thundurus: :Gyarados: :Blaziken: :scyther: :flygon: :Aerodactyl: :minior: :talonflame: :unfezant: :honchkrow: :beedrill: :gyarados: :dragonite: :hawlucha: :corviknight: :staraptor: :gligar: :rotom-fan: :latios: :salamence: :infernape: :zapdos: :articuno: :moltres: :zeraora: :archeops: :altaria: :pidgeot: :fearow: :skarmory: :tornadus: :tornadus-therian::jumpluff: bros there's too many lol I could keep going but these the main ones.
Justification: Similar to pixie smash, cyclone slam is just another alternative to brave bird for flying types that can also have distribution to non bird like flying types as well, which is nice for a lot of them to finally get their hands of flying moves. This change can make funny sets like eviolith technician scyther with an effective 135 bp stab, or finally physical thundyt with it already getting lightning lance. A more viable mon appreciates this is mega aerodactyl which can reach a nice 117 bp with tough claws.


Name: Liechi/Salac/Apicot/Ganlon/Petaya Berry/Lansat Berry
Effect: Each with their respective effects but trigger at 1/2 hp or less now instead of 1/4.
Can Be Knocked Off Yes
Ignored by Klutz No
Fling Power & Effect: Same effects as normal
Justification: These berries are all pretty cool but suck due to how low hp to user must be to activate them, which by then they are too easy to pick off with priority and chip damage.
Name: Water Pulse
Power: 75
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10


Effect: 100% chance to lower the opponent's Attack by 1 stage
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror, Pulse
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Old Distribution + :nickit::dubwool::chewtle::boltund::cramorant::arrokuda::clobbopus::sinistea::hatenna::impidimp::zigzagoon-galar::mr. mime-galar::pincurchin::frosmoth::eiscue::indeedee::indeedee-f::cufant::arctozolt::arctovish::dracovish::duraludon::drakloak::urshifu::glastrier:
Justification: Usually it's a bad idea to mess with stuff that's widely distributed, but here that's exactly the reason why I'm messing with it. Water Pulse is an extremely common move, but it's usually pretty useless because Water-types have better move, non-Water-types that learn is often learn Surf, and if they don't, Water coverage is too underwhelming to justify running a 60 BP non-STAB move. Now, as a Mystical Fire clone, Water Pulse may see some actual use, particularly on Ice-types (that don't learn Meltdown, that is), Fairies that wanna snipe Heatran and either don't learn Focus Blast or need more PP, and Boltund can use it to hit Ground-types, since it doesn't get Hidden Power. Water Pulse distribution doesn't need to be any wider, but it should be given to the Gen 8 mons that missed out on it, so I put down everything I believe would've gotten it had it been a TM + Boltund for competitive reasons.

Name: Submission
Power: 100
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20


Effect: User takes 1/4 of the damage dealt in recoil
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror, Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Old Distribution + :leafeon::floatzel::luxray::mienshao::staraptor::rampardos::aerodactyl::necrozma::bagon::emboar::toxicroak::kingler::thundurus::azelf::grimmsnarl:
Justification: Submission was the original Fighting coverage move that everything got before Brick Break, Drain Punch, and Superpower (And CC in Gen 8 lmao). The problem with Submission and the reason why they kept making more widespread Fighting moves is probably because Submission is a really bad move. By making it a Gen 1 Double-Edge clone instead, it makes it an actually worthy Fighting-coverage move for some mons, namely Megazard X, Mega Aerodactyl, Toxicroak, Leafeon, Excadrill, Reckless Staraptor, Emboar, and Necrozma.

Name: Synchronoise
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10


Effect: Deals double damage if the target shares one of the user's types. Ignores immunities
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Protect, Mirror, Sound
Potential Pokémon With This Move: Old Distribution + :infernape::clawitzer::toxtricity::malamar::walrein::simipour::simisage::roserade:
Justification: Synchronoise lets Psychic-types hit Dark-types for neutral damage because of the extra little stipulation is has that allows Umbreon to actually use it, making it a nice option in the event that you don't want to run another offensive move to make room for 3 status moves or you have no coverage for Dark-types. Otherwise, it's a fine Punk Rock-boosted coverage move for Toxtricity and gives coverage against Pex for Waters and Roserade.
Name: Morning Blossom
Effect: If held by a Cherrim, the holder summons Desolate Land on switch-in and its Grass-type moves deal 1.2x damage
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): No (Cherrim only)
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): No (Cherrim only)
Fling Power & Effect: 10
Justification: Cherrim's biggest problem is that it's hard to justify using on a singles Sun team because it doesn't get doubled Speed, making it always worse than Venusaur, and that's without considering its poor coverage on both sides. However, with the insane addition of an instant Desolate Land to activate Flower Gift, Cherrim now has a reason to exist. Flower Gift in Desolate Land gives Cherrim an effective Choice Band and Assault Vest with no drawbacks at all times. Cherrim only has 60 Attack, but unboosted that still gives Cherrim 329 Attack (the same as same with a neutral nature and 115 Attack), beefy Special Defense, a boosting option in Swords Dance 66% recovery with Morning Sun, and a super spammable STAB move in Solar Blade. Cherrim is still held back by meh Speed, a poor typing, and non-existent coverage unless you go mixed, but this a start
Name: Neuroforce
Effect: This Pokémon's super effective moves deal 1.25x damage
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability::necrozma::azelf::stantler::metagross::nihilego::typhlosion::rhyperior::rapidash-galar:
Justification: Maybe don't give this to Mega Lucario like I tried to last time, but Neuroforce is honestly too cool (and too basic) of an ability to be locked to Ultra Necrozma, so a lot of offensive mons with nothing better would appreciate it, and rewarding good play is nice.

Name: Heatproof
Effect: This Pokémon is immune to Fire-type moves and burns deal half damage to it
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): Yes
Potential Pokémon With This Ability::bronzor::bronzong::rolycoly::duraludon::ludicolo::toucannon:
Justification: Game Freak wanted Bronzong to play mindgames with the opponent by giving it abilities that neutralized the two weaknesses it had at the time, but not making Heatproof an immunity ability completely ruined that dynamic when you could always just Fire Blast it and gauge the damage. Now, Bronzong actually has a reason to run it if it wants to check Cinderace or something, and other mons appreciate not having to deal with Will-O-Wisp or Fire moves in general

Name: Misty Surge
Effect: This Pokemon summons Misty Terrain on switch-in
Permanent (Yes or No): No
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability::gardevoir::escavalier: (:florges::absol-mega::tsareena::granbull:)
Justification: Since we just removed the only non-Tapu Fini Misty Surger and both Grassy Surge and Psychic Surge have 3 users (counting each Indeedee as a separate one), both Misty and Electric Surge are behind on users, especially Misty, which "needs" 2. So, why waste an adjustment slot twice when I can just do this? Gardevoir is a nice safe choice for an alternate Misty Surger and it likes not being Toxiced or TWaved while trying to Calm Mind up and also gives its Mega something a little unique compared to Lele. For the second, I went outside the realm of Fairy-types and looked for a slow bulky attacker that appreciates an immunity to burns and I think Escavalier is a great choice, since it hates being worn down. Other mons like Florges and Tsareena also make great choices, though it you want to be consistent with the other Surges, you can only give it to up to 2 mons
Name: Magearna-Original

Abilities: Queenly Majesty / Overclock
New Moves: Heart Swap, Charge Beam, Explosion, Hold Back
Removed Moves: Stored Power, Shift Gear, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Brick Break, Agility
Justification: We are quickly running out of Ubers to nerf down into OU, which is probably a good thing cuz I don't wanna see people try to nerf down box legends into this meta (cuz that worked so well for Zekrom and Reshiram in SylveMons), but Magearna is one of the ones that can definitely be healthy down here. And, I don't even have to ruin Magearna's AG niche because it has 2 distinct forms. The only difference between Magearna and its Original form before was the the Original form couldn't learn any moves that Magearna only learned in Gen 7, though I did give it Heart Swap, Charge Beam, and Explosion back, which most notably locks it away from Hidden Power and Heal Bell. That plus the removal of some of the stuff that pushed Magearna over the edge this gen as well as its Fighting coverage, as replacing Soul-Heart with Queenly Majesty (since its Dex entries keep talking about how the king's daughter really likes it), Magearna should be way easier to deal with offensively while still maintaining most of its great defensive traits that can make it a great pivot on a variety of teams. I mean, it's impossible for a mon with the best typing in the game, 80/115/115 bulk, and 130 SpA with insane coverage to be bad, but this shouldn't be broken or as crazy as Mag was in Gen 7.

Name: Centiskorch

Abilities: Flash Fire / Intimidate / Sticky Hold
New Moves: Scale Shot, Recover, Sucker Punch, First Impression, U-Turn, Earthquake, Toxic, Rapid Spin
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: It just occurred to me that Centiskorch is a Bug-type with an exclamation point as a point of its design but it doesn't learn First Impression, for some ungodly reason? So, I fixed that, but this is still a ZU mon, so I should probably give it other things if people are actually gonna use it in a NatDex OU metagame. First, Recover, your choice of Sticky Hold or Intimidate, Toxic, Rapid Spin, and U-Turn give it a ton more defensive utility, with Fire/Bug being a pretty decent typing defensively once you get past the Rocks weakness (it's why bulky Volcarona works, after all), letting Centiskorch check the likes of Scizor, Weavile, Heatran (thanks to EQ), Mega Lopunny, Rilalboom, Ferrothorn, Clefable, and Mega Mawile, among others. First Impression gives offensive sets a great priority move, and Scale Shot, EQ and Sucker Punch make Coil sets a bit more threatening. Probably not gonna rule the world or anything, but I think Centiskorch becomes usable with these changes.

Name: Meloetta & Meloetta-Pirouette

Abilities: Serene Grace -> Natural Cure
New Moves: Swords Dance, Expanding Force, Taunt, Draining Kiss, Healing Wish, Rapid Spin
Removed Moves: N/A
Justification: I loved Meloetta-Pirouette in Sylve and I still love it here now that the Relic Charm exists, but it's a bit hard to justify using over Mega Lopunny, who's one of the top 3 mons in the tier. Having Knock and not taking up the Mega slot usually isn't enough, relegating Melo-P to teams that absolutely require a different Mega, which isn't many. So, giving it Swords Dance for a great setup move and Natural Cure to make it safer to switch in Scalds and Toxic should go a long way in making Melo-P worth using over Lop if you want a fast setup sweeper or like having the safety of being a Natural Cure pivot. Also, I might as well try to make Base Meloetta a little better, giving it Taunt and Draining Kiss to enable Calm Mind sets, and Healing Wish as another option for Scarf sets
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First and foremost, "Bah! Humbug!" While I indeed hate this time of year, stay safe everyone and have a good weekend. With that out of the way....

Neutralizing Gas doesn't supress the ability (ies) of the user, see how the Pokébilities OM handled that subject, and it was even agreed on the Discord server that the same would apply here, so Weezing would get considerably buffed as it can fit both NGas and Levitate at once, for example.

Secondly, ah, thank you. I stand corrected, and this is one of those instances where I'm glad to be incorrect (despite the egg on my face) given that it seemed like what I thought was the case would either been annoying to code otherwise or meant that Neutralizing Gas would have to be replaced on two of three mons, which would have been just as bad. Of course, we're now left with a Misty Surge monopoly held by this merciless abomination, :tapu-fini:, but that has actually given me something to focus on this slate.


Last but not least, my actual submissions so far, though I'll probably add more Later™ once The Cursed Day™ has finally passed and once I am thus less inclined to want to murder everyone and everything. Yay!

Mon Adjustments: 2 (technically 1)
:sm/rapidash-galar: & :sm/rapidash:
Name: Rapidash-Galar & Rapidash(-Kanto)
{original Rapidash is now also Fairy}
Abilities: Inner Focus / Flash Fire / Flame Body (hidden ability) & Super Luck / Pastel Veil / Misty Surge (hidden ability) {Run Away replaced on both and Anticipation replaced as Galar's hidden ability.}
New Moves: (Shared) Iron Head, Lightning Lance, and U-Turn
(Galar-only) Grassy Glide and Life Dew
(Kanto-only) Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed, and all the Fairy-type moves that Rapidash-Galar already has and gets.
Removed Moves: [None]

Justification: Well, after realizing that Misty Surge was once again monopolized by that Water/Fairy abomination, Tapu Fini, I checked other Fairy (and Ice) mons to see if any would be appropriate and worthwhile users of Misty Surge with Weezing-Galar losing it since it makes sense to have a replacement when all other terrains still do. In short, while many mons could reasonably get Misty Surge within their flavor, without being able to touch mons' stats in this Pet Mod, most of those replacements would all still be both outclassed by Tapu Fini and mostly mediocre mons in general, especially since Fairy Terrain is (thankfully) the weakest terrain. As such, I decided to focus on Atk stat since that's Tapu Fini's second weakest stat, and the viable non-Mega, non-legendary choices thereafter were few. Rapidash-Galar seems like the ideal candidate of those left, not just because it is the fastest (though that helped) but more because it is a mon held back more by its mediocre movepool and crappy abilities than its power-crept stats; Rapidash-Kanto just got brought along for the ride and made Fairy along the way since it is technically a unicorn too, just not as majestic as the Galarian form, so no Misty Surge for it. (Its horn either looks like its other ear in the SM sprite or weirdly just doesn't exist.)

Since we can fix both movepool and ability stuff here, I've attempted to do so fairly, even if that means--sigh--adding a pivoting move so that Rapidash-Galar legitimately has niche as a Misty Surge setter over Tapu Fini unlike Weezing-Galar, who was just bad at using it. The weirdest looking additions are probably Rapidash-Galar's two new exclusive moves, but they're both related to its Pokédex entries as itself and as Ponyta-Galar as well as real life unicorn myths, which apparently Game Freak researched well for accuracy. Given said myths are why Pastel Veil exists at all, it seems a shame to get rid of it despite Misty Surge largely outclassing it in Singles. So since Anticipation currently still sucks only slightly less than Run Away, that was easy to replace too. Pastel Veil isn't completely useless in Singles, however, since it plays well with other terrains, which is good since Rapidash-Galar now plays well in all terrains between its two types, access to Grassy Glide (which I wouldn't have given it at all if Dubwool didn't for some reason get it), and Lightning Lance. Granted, you can also use Super Luck for playing with other terrains, but that's mostly there because unicorns in myths were thought to be rare & signs of good fortune among other things and because Rapidash-Galar's Pokédex entry weirdly talks up Psycho Cut of all things. So now you can get guaranteed crit STAB Psycho Cuts with Super Luck and Scope Lens (or the less classy Razor Claw). [/new meta]

Finally, Rapidash-Galar has Inner Focus solely because I wanted to try to replace the useless Run Away with an ability it might have realistically gotten instead, meaning I confined myself to Gen III abilities. Inner Focus just fit the most of the Gen III abilities outside of the overpowered Speed Boost, which would rightly never be allowed. Inner Focus at least blocks Intimidate now too in addition to the dumbness that is Flinching in general, so it does have an actual use. Will either of these mons will be JolteMons OU material even with all the changes though? I doubt it, to be honest, but they'll already at least no longer be completely outclassed there (or in much lower tiers) with what they have been given now if they are chosen.


Abilities: 3
Pastel Veil (already exists)
Effect: "This Pokémon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. While this Pokémon is on the field, Poison-type moves against it and its allies deal damage with a halved attacking stat.
Mold Breaker: Yes.
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :bruxish:, :florges:, :rapidash-galar:, :roserade:, :sylveon:, :zarude:

Justification: Despite being a suped-up version of Immunity, Pastel Veil is still rather underwhelming, especially in Singles, so I figured extending the logic of this ability further to at least reduce direct Poison-type damage--a la Thick Fat--makes sense even if both Corrosion and Mold Breaker still bypass it as they should. Not that Poison needs to be nerfed even further as an attacking type--if anything, I still think Water should be weak to it--or that Fairy types need to be buffed even further, but it makes more sense than this reducing the damage of any other type unfortunately; that's part of why it's not an outright immunity to Poison at least. Due to Fairy types not really needing the buff, I figure this can should go more to (colorful and mostly weaker) Grass type mons if possible that could use the buff to essentially lose one of their five weaknesses or, in Grass/Poison mon's cases, actually resist Poison. Bruxish mostly could just get it because it's a hideously colorful thing, though all of that poor mon's abilities are weirdly actually decent, so it doesn't really need this. Still, I guess a few weaker Water mons, Ice mons, and/or Kecleon could get it too. Shrug.

2021/12/28 EDIT: Had wanted to get these other two abilities in before the Veto Phase, but "life" kept getting in the way. Sigh. (Also fixed a minor comment about Bruxish in Heartbreaking Blow below that made no sense. Whoops.)

Name: Immunity
Effect: "This Pokémon cannot be poisoned or affected by HP-draining moves from others. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it."
Permanent: Yes.
Mold Breaker:
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:
:bewear: (over Unnerve), :gligar:, :raticate-alola: (over Gluttony or Hustle), :sableye: (over Keen Eye or Stall), :seismitoad: (over Poison Touch), :snorlax:, :zangoose:.

Justification: While buffing Pastel Veil, I only just now realized how Immunity was getting screwed over even more on top of its slim distribution, so this is currently a quick fix to it that may change Later™. As it is, it channels Liquid Ooze (another underrated ability with garbage distribution) without outright obviating that (though that could use a buff too I guess...) while also going further with its own logic of already telling Corrosion to sod off by now becoming Permanent and saying no Mold Breaker too. I don't think its distribution should be that wide since, again, Poison doesn't need that much a nerf even as much as I'm sure we're all sick of Toxic to some degree. {Added: 2021/12/28: The same goes Grass and Bug attacks, though even with the buffs to Giga Drain and Leech Life, not that many mons use either even know, so amusingly this affects Drain Punch more than anything, which definitely helps Snorlax even with all of weird over-distribution of Close Combat this gen. Still, R.I.P. certain Buzzwole sets against mons with this. (A bit tempting to give this to at least one Fire mon given the flavor, but they all either have better abilities now, such as Magmortar, or would still be irredeemably bad, such as Magcargo. The same could be said of Ghost types, though at least Sableye has two crappy abilities to use even if it would prefer to use Prankster still.)}

Name: Liquid Ooze
Effect: "This Pokémon damages and poisons those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. This Pokémon's Poison moves are boosted by 30%."
Permanent: No.
Mold Breaker: No.
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :garbodor: (replaces Aftermath), :goodra:, :seviper:, :swalot:, :tentacruel:

Justification: And domino effect continues by the change to Immunity forcing a buff to Liquid Ooze. This is perhaps a too large buff, especially since people who have played Megas for All before Toxtricity-Mega got nerfed know how annoying that was, but a) that was automatically on-switch in & didn't require damage, b) Liquid Ooze and Poison types are pretty underwhelming even before Immunity's buffs, and c) the trigger for the regular poison is very narrow anyway and doesn't prevent the mon with it from being KO'd. Additionally, neither Poison mons nor Steel mons nor Comatose mons nor Immunity mons are affected by the poison unless we make some Power of Alchemy mon with it and Corrosion, in which case Comatose and Immunity mons would still be outright immune. Finally, it's a pseudo-Adaptability boost with the 30% boost since basically only Poison mons would ever get this very limited distribution Ability, but said boost is for the one of the worst attacking moves in the game—arguably still the worst—and likely the only two worthwhile mons to get it would end up being Goodra and Tentacruel since both Muks now have Power of Alchemy (and since we keep giving Regenerator to more and more things without nerfing it, including those). So despite the buffs, this should be fine...probably.


Moves: 1
Heartbreaking Blow
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10


Effect: The user channels heightened emotions into a single blow they use to attack their opponents' body and mind. Ignores the target's Defense and evasion stat changes. OHKOs mons named Luvdisc and Alomomola.
Priority: 0
Flags: Contact, Mirror, Protect
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :azelf:, :celebi:, :gallade: & :gardevoir:, :malamar:, :mesprit:, :mew:, :slowbro-galar:, :rapidash-galar:, :uxie: (Pokémon that maybe SHOULDN'T have this move due to their Megas or other forms: :medicham:, :metagross:, :mewtwo:, and :necrozma:, though if need be this can become non-Contact in Metagross's case since Psycho Cut doesn't make contact either despite my wanting to not step on Psycho Cut even more.)

Justification: While Psychic type "needs" a higher damaging physical move less than Electric did, being one of the relatively few Psychic types who actually want to use their Atk stat for STAB sucks unless you are some form of Necrozma. Zen Headbutt and Psycho Cut are somewhat passable, but for some reason Zen Headbutt is inaccurate (I blame Jirachi given its stupid Flinch chance) and Psycho Cut's crit rate usually doesn't matter even for those that might use it. Psychic Fangs was a weird step in the right direction despite initially being Bruxish's gimmick, but it so far has been given to very few Psychic mons, especially compared to non-Psychic mons; truly it was the Power Gem of its generation (and the weirdly better Brick Break). It doesn't help that outside of Bruxish and Mew, all those mons either already have a better option (Necrozma and Silvally), are meh mons (Girafarig), have poor Attack (Espeon), or are meh mons with poor Attack upon top of it (...Swoobat).

So this attempts to "fix" that problem by channeling Darkest Lariat rather than being "Psychic (the move) but that lowers Defense", which thankfully doesn't still outright obviate Psycho Cut since that doesn't make contact while this currently does and since that can still do more damage with a crit while also ignoring Defense anyway. [/rapidash-galar agenda] Meanwhile Zen Headbutt can still flinch for the horrible Jirachi players who still want to use it, and Psychic Fangs still breaks screens and is boosted by Strong Jaw, so everyone wins surprisingly. Some non-Psychic mons can probably even get this, though I don't really know what non-Psychic mons would want it to be honest.
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(Edited to just Boulder Bash, as you can't combine non-cloned moves, and I think Boulder Bash is the most important part of my submission)
Name: Boulder Bash
Power: 120
Accuracy: 100
PP: 8
Category: Physical
Type: Rock
Effect: Lowers the user's Atk and Def 1 stage each
Priority: 0
Flags: None
Potential Pokémon With This Move::golem: :golem-alola: :onix: :steelix: :tyranitar: :aggron: :glalie: :regirock: :crustle: :carracosta: :druddigon: :terrakion: :tyrantrum: :stakataka: :drednaw: :coalossal: :stonjourner: :armaldo: :rampardos: :bastiodon: :gigalith:
Justification: Rock type moves suck accuracy wise, theres no denying that. This is unfortunate for anything relying on Stone Edge as coverage, but its doubly unfortunate for Rock types, who either have an inaccurate or weak STAB. This fixes that issue. Boulder Bash is a Superpower clone for Rock types, and while it isn't stronger than Stone Edge over 2 uses, it is way more accurate (100% chance to hit vs 64%). This will help Rock types immensely as offensive threats. Gone are the days when Toxapex or Lando can safely switch into a TTar or Terrakion, smugly gloating that you won't ever hit 2 Stone Edges in a row. Boulder Bash is reliable and powerful, and while it can still be painful to use vs Regenerator cores, its vastly superior to Stone Edge.

Name: Mamoswine
Type: Ice / Ground
Abilities: Oblivious / Slush Rush / Thick Fat
New Moves: Bulk Up, Rock Polish
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Mamoswine just isn't what it used to be. Its Speed tier is lousy, and it doesn't have the niche of Dragon slayer that it used to. With Slush Rush, these are both alleviated, as Mamo has a great Speed tier when you double it, and it gives OU a Slush Rusher that isnt entirely useless out of Hail. Bulk Up allows it to take advantage of switches just a little more, and might allow a sweep of a weakened team under Hail when previously it could just be doubled with Flying and Steel/Water types. It still doesn't bring much to a team defensively, and outside of Hail or a Rock Polish, it's quite slow, but this should be enough to give it that extra oomph that makes a Pokémon usable in OU.

Name: Haxorus
Type: Dragon / Steel
: Scrappy / Mold Breaker / Overclock
New Moves: Dragon Hammer, Iron Head, Steel Roller
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Haxorus has always felt like a second rate Dragon, with an awkward Speed tier and not enough defensive utility to ever justify its place as a stallbreaker. While Overclock is a start, it still struggles defensively, and offensively it struggles to break through Steels and Fairies at the same time. The Steel type is pretty flavourful, and patches up the large defensive gaps it previously possessed. While its bulk still isn't good, it can now attempt to work around the Fairy types that used to put a stop to its antics. Iron Head is a more reliable STAB than Iron Tail, and should have enough power to chunk even neutral Fairies on the switch in. Dragon Hammer is also pretty flavourful, and means you don't have to rely on the pitifully weak Dragon Claw if you don't want to lock into Outrage (which is most of the time). The real icing on the cake is Scrappy, which gives a nifty Intimidate immunity, and allows you to hit all Steels at least neutrally with Close Combat (sorry Aegislash).
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well well well, it looks like someone subbed a non-sylvemons flygon with quiver dance AND sand stream. thats.... unfortunate. i suppose.
(*: not given to Trapinch)
:ss/trapinch: :ss/vibrava: :ss/flygon:
Name: Trapinch / Vibrava / Flygon
Type: Ground / Bug
Abilities: Levitate* / Sand Stream (on trapinch, Arena Trap becomes HA, replace sheer force.) / Tinted Lens*
New Moves: Twineedle, Sticky Web, Leech Life, Pursuit, Quiver Dance*, Power Gem*
Removed Moves: none!
Justification: THE coolest sylvemons resub. now sets sand, has super good STABs with Tinted Lens, has quiver dance to set-up on the special side, is super cool.

Name: Drapion
Type: Poison / Dark
Abilities: Merciless / Tough Claws / Sniper
New Moves: Shore Up, Coil, First Impression
Removed Moves: none!
Justification: drapion seems really fun with toxic spikes, or toxic thread + merciless and set-up. however it also still have Tough Claws wich should still be a better option, coil and first impression

Name: Ego
Effect: If the opponent has stat changes, starts at 1.1x this pokemon dos more damage depending on how much stat changes the opponent has. 1.1x for each stat stage.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :liepard: :spiritomb:? :zoroark: :marowak-alola:? mostly pokemon who learn Burning Jealousy.

:ss/rotom: :ss/rotom-wash: :ss/rotom-mow: :ss/rotom-heat: :ss/rotom-fan: :ss/rotom-frost:
Name: Rotom / Wash / Mow / Heat / Fan / Frost
Type: Electric / Ghost / -Water / -Grass / -Fire / -Flying / -Ice
Base: Levitate / Unburden
Wash: Levitate / Water Absorb
Mow: Levitate / Grassy Surge
Heat: Levitate / Flame Body
Fan: Levitate / Speed Boost
Frost: Levitate / Refrigerate
New Moves:
Universal: Recover, Shift Gear
Wash: Flip Turn, Water Spout
Mow: Giga Drain, Energy Ball
Heat: Fire Blast, Flamethrower
Fan: Hurricane, Air Cutter
Frost:, Ice Beam, Icy Wind
Removed Moves: none!
Justification: its rotom. ! most forms like its new moves and abilities, but some will still not replace their existing ones. recovery is real nice for all of them, though.
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Name: Hatterene
Changes: New ability : Psychic Surge (remplaces Anticipation)
Justification: Hatterene has some problems in the actual metagame and giving it this ability would make it an even better pokémon in TR. It is also not that broken, knowing it can be vulnerable to taunt.

Name: Umbreon
Changes: New ability : Poison Heal (remplaces Synchronize)
Justification: First of all Umbreon was thought to be a poison type before dark type existed (we can know it thanks to the Space World 1997 demo). The second reason is that this Eevelution really struggles, forced to use Wish+Protect to heal itself.

Name: Decidueye
Changes: Gains Thousand Arrows
Justification: Decidueye is an archer, so giving it Tousand Arrows is quite evident.

New ability: Expanding Brain
Owner: Orbeetle (remplaces Telepathy)
Effect: Same effects than Psychic Terrain, but permanantly as long as the owner is alive.
Advantages: Combinated with Psychic Terrain, Orbeetle can now deal really good damages with Expanding Force. This Pokémon has always been unusable, giving it this ability would make it really funny to play.
Justification: This ability is a reference to the Expanding Brain meme (yeah I know everyone guessed it ...) and to the fact Orbeetle is knowned for its big brain.

New ability: Filled Hood
Owner: Delibird (remplaces Insomnia)
Effect: The pokémon can hold 5 items at the same time. It cannot be equipied by other items before the battle, but it can keep any item steeled with Thief or Covet.
Advantages: Items are extremely important in strategy, and Delibird is one of the worst pokémon ever. Being able tohave up to 5 items in total can be really cool and funny : Just imagine having Boots, a choice Band, a Life Orb AND Leftovers at the same time.
Justification: Delibird has no ability referencing Christmas, and this is ridiculous knowing its inspirations.
At first I tough about it being an ability allowing Delibird to hold 3 items at the same time directly in the builder but I think it is a little too hard to code ...
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Name: Crush Claw
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 32


Effect: Hits twice. Lowers the target's Def after each hit.
Priority: 0
Flags Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :absol::drapion::guzzlord::zarude::totodile::croconaw::feraligatr::scizor::metagross::zapdos-galar::hatterene::meowth-galar::perrserker::meowth::persian::meowth-alola::persian-alola::vikavolt::crabrawler::crabominable::golisopod::necrozma::zeraora::binacle::barbaracle::clawitzer::trevenant::yveltal:
Justification: One of the coolest moves from CCAPM2021 recreated here. This is a very usefull wallbreaking tool that lets its users greatly pressure switch-ins. Notably, Weavile already learns this move and gets STAB on it. other than that the only potential high-tier user I can see (with the vanilla distribution) is Blaziken.

Name: Rapid Spin
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :alcremie::meloetta::totodile::croconaw::feraligatr::sandile::krokorok::krookodile::incineroar::graveler::golem::graveler-alola::golem-alola::melmetal::voltorb::electrode::kirlia::gardevoir::gallade::wooloo::dubwool::klink::klang::klinklang::whirlipede::scolipede::poipole::naganadel::minccino::cinccino:
Justification: Simple redistribution without really changing anything about the move. This aims to make some mons more viable overall; Hazard Removal will always have competition but hopefully these have a chance of doing their thing (A few of these is for flavour). Notable ones here include :krookodile::gallade::meloetta-pirouette::melmetal:

Name: Bonemerang
Power: 50
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 16


Effect: Hits twice.
Priority: First hit +1 priority, last hit -1 priority.
Flags : Authentic
Potential Pokémon With This Move: :cubone::marowak::marowak-alola::lucario::mandibuzz::houndoom:
Justification: Promptly stolen from OptiMons, this rework turns it into an utility move that can be used for the Wak cousins as means of Speed control. Other than them though, distribution would be rather limited. I listed lucario and Mandibuzz since they're the only other mons to get Bone Rush, and Houndoom for its visible bones.


Name: Obstinacy / Piercing Stinger
Obstinacy: User gains a boost in it's moves the lower it's HP gets. Formula: (1.0 - [Current percentage of HP in decimal form]) + 1.0
Piercing Stinger: User gains a boost in it's moves the lower it's target's HP is. Formula: (1.0 - [Current percentage of target's HP in decimal form]) + 1.0
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability:
Piercing Stinger: :beedrill::spinarak::ariados::skorupi::drapion::gorebyss::combee::vespiquen::escavalier::anorith::armaldo::leavanny:
Justification: Obstinacy is one of the most fun abilities from Sylvemons, has potential for a lot of interesting different sets, from Sash, Life Orb, Substitute, Recoil spam or suicide lead sets (Or funny Reversal if we get it on a Fighting mon), it's just a very versatile ability that really helps your damage output. Percing Stinger is a strong ability meant to help pressuring the opponent, and has a pretty interesting interaction with Fell Stinger and Brine.



Abilities: Sticky Hold / Hydration / Gooey
New Moves: Corrosive Gas
Justification: Simple buff that goes miles. Dragon/Poison is a very good defensive typing and they have the fatness to back it up. Now also got the new Life Dew. Not much else to say here really.


Abilities: Early Bird / Scrappy / Natural Cure --
--> Parental Bond
Removed Moves: Seismic Toss
New Moves: Milk Drink, Slash, Crush Claw, Play Rough, Play Nice, Bulk Up, Poison Jab
Justification: Mega Kanga no longer has the busted move that 2HKOs everything. This should by all means make it fine to drop to OU, as its otherwise a pretty tame mon, it faces some compoetition from Mega Lop and the multiple Contact punish in this gen help keep it in check.


Abilities: Beast Boost / Regenerator
New Moves: Pyro Ball, Headbutt, Poltergeist, Head Charge
Justification: REGEN BLACE IS BACK HELL YEAH! Regenerator offsets SR damage, making it so it can run other items more freely. It also allows for multiple uses of Mind Blown which is always fun. Other than that, made some movepool additions to make physical sets a bit more viable. Mon still suffers because of Goltres though.
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The submission phase ends in about 15 hours, so I'm back with another Discussion Post!

This slate has been by far the most impactful so far, which is great and means that we have a lot to talk about!

Chesnaught @ Leftovers
Ability: Prickly Coat
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Def / 12 Spe
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Wood Hammer
- Drain Punch
- Synthesis
It is hilariously ironic that a SylveMons-related metagame is being bent in half by hazards, rather than the lack of hazards, but here we are. I'm exaggerating of course, but if you need a hazard setter, Prickly Coat Chesnaught is one of your best options now. Chesnaught can eat most contact moves for days and days, punishing the attacker by stacking Spikes with ease. This puts immense pressure on the opponent to clear the hazards repeatedly, which you can easily take advantage of, making Chesnaught a powerful force in the metagame right now.

Melmetal @ Momentum Armor
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 164 SpD / 92 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Double Iron Bash
- Arm Thrust
- Thunder Punch
- Thunder Wave
Why we keep buffing Melmetal, I don't know, but anyway, Melmetal received a great buff to Iron Fist, now dealing 5% more damage and, most importantly, it no longer makes contact with its punching moves. This is HUGE, as there are so many ways to punishing contact moves, including Rocky Helmet, Ferrothorn, Prickly Coat, and Fluffy Mega Ampharos, all of which Melmetal just gets to ignore. Plus, it still loves the buffs it got earlier in Arm Thrust for Ferrothorn and Momentum Armor as a boosting item. At this rate, this meta might turn into LGPE OU if we're not careful.

Muk-Alola @ Assault Vest / Black Sludge
Ability: Power of Alchemy (Muk-Alola) [Effects of Poison Touch and Regenerator]
EVs: 248 HP / 36 Atk / 28 Def / 192 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Fire Punch / Recover
- Pursuit
- Poison Jab
- Rock Slide
While I haven't seen it in use yet, Muk-Alola is absolutely insane on paper. A great defensive typing, great special bulk, Regenerator, and Recover, all at the low low cost of losing Knock Off, which sucks but isn't the end of the world, all come together to make Muk-Alola a pivot that's a nightmare to take down. Muk-A can use its immense bulk to check the likes of Tapu Lele, Mega Alakazam, all the special attacking Ghosts in the tier, and Volcarona, staying healthy by Regenerating or Recovering off the damage. It does face competition from Goltres, who's more versatile, but if you need a near-guarateed answer to Ghost and Psychic-types or an emergency Volc check, Muk-A is your guy.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Ability: Overclock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Overheat
- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Thunder Punch
Mixed Infernape is back and better than ever thanks to getting 1.3x damage boosts to the already high-powered STABs Overheat and Close Combat. This makes Infernape a nightmare to wall, especially when it can simply U-Turn out on its checks. Seriously, you'd be absolutely shocked to see how damage Overheat does to things, Infernape is crazy.

Hydreigon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Overclock
EVs: 8 HP / 220 SpA / 28 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Earth Power / Trash Talk / Fire Blast
- U-Turn

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
Ability: Overclock
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Superpower
- Roost
Hydregion can now drop some of the strongest Dracos in the game thanks to Overclock, making an already terrifying sweeper and wallbreaker even more terrifying. And, if you think you can simply switch in your Blisseys or Fairies or Steel-types to tank it, then Hydregion may send a Trash Talk, Fire Blast, or Overclock-boosted Superpower at its face as you watch it disintegrate. Before, Hydregion actually preferred to not run Draco or Superpower, but with Overclock, it gets some nice new options, which can only do good things for it.

Buzzwole @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 128 HP / 140 Atk / 240 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Roost
Buzzwole was already a more defensive-leaning mon that ran punching moves, so Iron Fist gives it a nice damage boost, a reason to run Drain Punch over CC, and lets it avoid chip damage from using contact moves, which is amazing for a wall that doesn't run Leftovers, so it feels less pressured to click Roost all the time.

Raichu-Alola @ Light Ball [Doubles Atk and SpA]
Ability: Surge Surfer
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt / Rising Voltage
- Volt Switch / Nasty Plot
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast / Hidden Power Ice
We just unleashed one of the most broken things that came out of SylveMons and nobody's talking about it????? Well, Raichu-A is way more manageable here since it doesn't have all the things that made it broken in SylveMons, plus it's stuck with the downside of not being able to hold a Scarf or Specs on top of its doubled SpA, plus being as frail as an ant, but this is still a mon with 95 SpA and 110 Spe with a passive Nasty Plot, and nothing's said anything? Stick this thing on a screens team with Koko and vaporize things, what are you waiting for?

Raichu @ Light Ball [Doubles Atk and SpA]
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Volt Tackle / Volt Switch
- Knock Off
- Fake Out / Volt Switch
- Extreme Speed
The other Raichu's back too, ig

Gallade @ Galladite
Ability: Justified [Becomes Overclock]
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Zen Headbutt
- Knock Off / Triple Axel / Lightning Lance
- Swords Dance
Mega Gallade still faces a ton of competition as a Fighting-type from Mega Lopunny, Urshifu-RS, and now also Meloetta-Pirouette and Infernape, but Close Combat coming off of 160 Attack with a Life Orb boost and 110 Speed is hard to ignore. Also, murdering Knock Off and Triple Axel exist, that's nice.

Samurott @ White Herb
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Focus Blast
- Shell Smash
- Taunt

Samurott @ White Herb
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Aqua Tail
- Close Combat
- Shell Smash
- Triple Axel / Lightning Lance / Taunt / Knock Off
And to finish off, let's talk about the one thing that might be broken. On paper, a mon with Shell Smash, a good Water/Fighting-typing, No Guard, Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Blizzard, Triple Axel, coverage for Toxapex and the Slowtwins, and Taunt should be broken, but in practice it's not quite that simple. First, Samurott can't run all those moves at once, so it's gonna be walled by something, whether it's Toxapex, Mega Latias, or a Slowtwin. Secondly, it has to actually set up first, which is made easy with screens or by coming in on something passive, but with all the Electric-types running around, it's not that easy. And thirdly, while it does resist a bunch of priority moves, Rillaboom's Grassy Glide keeps it on notice for the whole game. So overall, Samurott could be broken because basically everything that isn't Pex, a Lati, or a Slowtwin gets murdered by it, but for now I think it's too early to really tell. It's not Shell Smash Mega Blastoise, that's for sure
Meloetta @ Relic Charm
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- U-turn
Meloetta-P is back and still as cool as ever, being super fast and super strong with U-Turn pivot. These traits make it super good in theory, but unfortunately, with Mega Lopunny existing and being arguably the second best mon in the tier, you don't have much of a reason to use Melo-P on a serious team. Not taking up the Mega slot and having Knock Off usually isn't enough except for very specific teams that require another Mega. Also, not having Fake Out or Scrappy blows. However, other than that, it's basically just a mini-Mega Lopunny, so if you're willing to be a little suboptimal, you'll have a lot of fun with Melo-P

Mismagius @ Leftovers / Choice Specs
Ability: Power of Alchemy (Mismagius) [Effects of Levitate and Corrosion]
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Parting Shot
- Shadow Ball / Deafening Shriek
- Moonblast
- Toxic / Mystical Fire
Mismagius may not be super great yet, especially since it has to compete with Gengar still, as well as Dragapult, Blacephalon, and Gourgeist-Small, but thanks to its Fairy-typing, Corrosion, recovery in Life Dew, and pivoting in Parting Shot, Mismagius finally has something to make it stand out. Mismagius is incredibly effective at spreading Toxics since it invites Poison and Steel-types to come in, punshing them with a Toxic and then getting out of there with Parting Shot. Deafening Shriek is also a fun nuke move, though you can use Gourgeist for that.

Primarina @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 248 HP / 40 SpA / 44 SpD / 176 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Life Dew
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Moonblast

Audino @ Audinite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Life Dew
- Dazzling Gleam
- Flamethrower

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 184 SpD / 72 Spe
Careful Nature
- Life Dew
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock

Hatterene (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Life Dew
- Psyshock / Dazzling Gleam
- Mystical Fire
Life Dew's buff helped out a lot of borderline good mons, so instead of going in-depth with everything single one, I'll just dump their sets here and you can go crazy. And this is not even mentioning Goodra, Blastoise, Alomomola, or Florges.

Empoleon @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Stealth Rock / Defog
- Toxic / Knock Off / Roar
- Life Dew
Speaking of Life Dew, giving a special mention to Empoleon as we have officially filled our "giving Empoleon reliable recovery" quota that every good mod fills. Good job! Anyways, Empoleon getting to fully take advantage of its bulk and amazing typing makes it a great check to Fairies, though it might be a bit too passive to be a serious contender in OU.

Togedemaru @ Light Ball [Doubles Atk and Def]
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Lightning Lance
- Iron Head
- Fake Out
- U-turn

Morpeko @ Light Ball [Doubles Atk and SpD]
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Ice Fang
- Parting Shot
- Fire Fang / Crunch
As for the other rats, the next best ones are Togedemaru and Morpeko thanks to their already decent stats by Pikaclone standards, doubled Attack stats, and great typings, with Togedemaru's defensive utility from its Steel-typing and Morpeko being blessed with a great offensive typing in Dark, which also lets it act as an emergency Goltres check. These mons will hit hard, but they aren't that hard to wall thanks to Toge's lack of coverage and Morpeko's weak coverage, and even one of their defenses doubled, they're still very frail and prone to revenge killing, so they don't go too crazy

Haxorus @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Ability: Overclock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance / First Impression
- Scale Shot
- Poison Jab
- Close Combat
Haxorus is definitely worse at the Swords Dance Scale Shot thing than both Garchomp forms, but this thing has 147 Attack with an item slot and gets an additional boost to CC and Scale Shot, so I don't really care. Scale Shot becomes a real STAB move thanks to Haxorus' natural power and Overclock boosting it up to 32.5 BP per hit, which gives it 97.5 BP on average. Super fun mon to play with.

Slowbro @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator [Becomes Prickly Coat]
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Scald
- Future Sight / Psyshock
- Slack Off
- Teleport / Calm Mind
Base Slowbro is still way better, Chesnaught is a better Prickly Coat user since it actually learns Spikes, and Calm Mind sets are worse without Shell Armor's crit protection, but if you really need you Slowbro to set Spikes and have a Mega slot open, well here you go, I guess.

Metagross @ Choice Band
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Bullet Punch
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch
Metagross finally gives us an Iron Fist Meteor Mash mon after many millennia (Mega Lucario has it too, but it's banned so who cares). This gives all of Metagross' viable moves a huge boost and makes them non-contact to boot, making it a hard-to-punish wallbreaker. If only Melmetal didn't exist, but maybe that Speed and Bullet Punch can get Metagross somewhere.
Darmanitan @ Chill Pill
Ability: Sheer Force [Functionally becomes Psychic Surge]
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Expanding Force
- U-turn
- Focus Blast
Darmanitan-Z is a super scary wallbreaker considering the fact that it has 140 SpA and can fire off boosted Expanding Forces for free, while having U-Turn, STAB Fire Blast, and either Focus Blast or Grass Knot to abuse checks. I was tempted to put it in "The Niche" section, but it's Rocks weakness, low speed, and horrible defensive typing despite good bulk kept me from it. Great option for Trick Room teams, though.

Zebstrika @ Life Orb
Ability: Overclock
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Lightning Lance
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Grass] / Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch
Me: I want Mixed Infernape
Mom: We have Mixed Infernape at Home
Mixed Infernape at Home:

Toxtricity @ Choice Specs
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Overdrive
- Trash Talk
- Boomburst
- Volt Switch
Having Trash Talk doesn't exactly help Toxtricity's problem of having no good coverage for Steel-types, but, hey, stronger STAB with a hint of utility is always nice

Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gunk Shot / Sucker Punch
- Drain Punch
- Earthquake
Dry Skin is probably still preferred as Toxicroak becomes a niche Rain mon that stonewalls Toxapex, but at least Iron Fist finally validates Toxicroak as the one Fighting-type that doesn't get CC. You love to see it

Pachirisu @ Light Ball [Doubles Def and SpD]
Ability: Light Power
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Grass Knot / Nuzzle
Pachirisu has 3 of its stats doubled when it holds a Light Ball and yet it still finds its way down here. Tough scene. But really though, Pachi having good bulk and good SpA at the same time can be potentially be scary, though it really misses the power from Specs and Light Ball being Knockable (unlike in Sylve) plus having no recovery really stifles it. I'd probably rather use Plusle for Nasty Plot or Dedenne for Fairy STAB, but Specs Pachi does still hit harder than both

Minun @ Light Ball [Doubles SpD and Spe]
Ability: Libero
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch / Nasty Plot
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Grass Knot
This is the best way to revenge kill Samurott in the game (unless it runs Aqua Jet for god knows what reason, then Emolga's better) and you just have to accept it

Jolteon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Prickly Coat
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Signal Beam
Finally, a Jolteon buff in JolteMons. Not a very substanital one, but we take what we can get

Thievul @ Choice Specs
Ability: Stakeout
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Trash Talk
- Burning Jealousy
- Parting Shot
Thievul is still an absolutely trash Pokémon, but I recently learned that the power boost on Stakeout is 2x and not 1.5x, so Trash Talk just murders any Fairy-type that's more than likely gonna switch in and that's hilarious to me

Wishiwashi @ Graduation Scale
Ability: Schooling
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Electric] / Earthquake
Graduation Scale is sick and Wishiwashi was one of my favorite mons to use in SylveMons, but without Time Warp, Aquatic Assault to bait in Blissey, or even Room Extender, it's hard to imagine Wishiwashi being very useful at all. Sick af, but not good. If it had some recovery or a Regenerator/Rain Dish effect instead of Intimidate then maybe we'd be talking

See you for vetoes tomorrow!
Veto time
Name: Ample Power
Effect: This Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack stat are multiplied by 1.5x
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Potential Pokémon With This Ability: :swanna: :serperior: :claydol: :dustox: :emolga: :exploud:? :froslass:? :glalie: :hypno: (ew) :klefki: :lapras::deoxys:!!!!!! :seviper: :simipour: :simisage: :simisear: :kingdra: :virizion: :calyrex: :mothim: :abomasnow: :silvally: :altaria: :boltund: :coalossal: :cradily: :vespiquen: :torkoal: :wailord: and others!
Justification: this started as a swanna buff, bc that poor bird has never caught a break in the tiering, but some mons that share characteristics (base atk and spa are the same) with it can admitedly benefit from it
A constant 1.5x boost to both attacking stats with no drawbacks is too much, especially for the distribution you proposed, which would force us to give it to even worse mons, which would likely make it pointless to add. I recommend lowering the boost to 1.2x so we have more options for distribution

Name: Slaking

Abilities: Truant / Comatose (HA)
Removed Moves: Amnesia
Justification: Slaking needs to be used, Comatose too. This shouldn’t be oppressive, like at all, in case it benefits set up I removed the only way it has to cover up its only weakness: meh spd
Comatose is an amazing ability because of its status immunity, so putting it on a mon with stats as crazy as Slaking's on top of all of its other good traits makes it too hard to deal with. Also, Slaking learns Sleep Talk and Roar, so a Scarfed Slaking with Sleep Talk and Roar could phaze out the opponent infinitely, which is extremely uncompetitive. So I recommend giving it a weaker ability.

Name: Shaymin | Shaymin-Sky
Type: Grass/Fairy | Grass/Flying
Abilities: Flower Veil | Sheer Force
New Moves: Moonblast, Calm Mind, Roost
Removed Moves: None
Justification: Shaymin has fallen across the tiers as it was clear it was budget :Celebi:, even while it may not have as many weaknesses, it did have a significantly worse movepool that Seed Flare didn't complement enought.

Now, how does it go from NDNU to NDOU? A Fairy typing grants Shaymin with a significant defensive upgrade, and that combined with Flower Veil also ensures it's a quite solid stallbreaker that can freely Leech Seed mons as it forces out :Sableye-Mega:. These factors allow it to pressure :Greninja:, :Garchomp:, :Tapu_Fini:, :Toxapex:, :Latias_Mega: (Latias, also lol no stat drop from Mystical Fire), :Hydreigon:, :Serperior:, :Slowbro:, :Tyranitar:, :Manaphy:, :Rillaboom:, :Swampert_Mega:, :Gyarados_Mega:, :Hippowdon: and :Landorus_Therian: (lol no Z-Fly), becoming a very solid NDOU alternative overall.

We all know the dumb Serene Grace + Air Slash combo is what made Skymin too uncompetitive for OU, but for Ubers it has remained as an inconsistent at best pick when it requires way more RNG to break past the quite fatter meta, and its bulk preventing it from having nearly any defensive utility. And thus Sheer Force flips its use 180 degrees to become a scary hard hitting mon that can rival :Zacian-Crowned: in damage output, however, it isn't stupid enought to go to AG, as it still has a mediocre typing and paper-thin bulk by Ubers standards, and a lower speed tier keeps it as food for :Gengar_Mega: and :Necrozma-Ultra:.
Sheer Force on a mon with 120/127 offenses, Seed Flare, Earth Power, and Calm Mind is crazy, so even with the shortcoming of the Grass/Flying-typing, that sheer power makes Sky too much. Also, base Shaymin might be a little concerning with that bulk, status-immunity, Calm Mind, and Roost, but I'm gonna hold off on vetoing it for now, we can talk about it in the Discord

Name: Last-Stand Band
Effect: While the holder has 1 HP, it is immune to all indirect damage.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10, none
Justification: Finally... usable Shedinja. Maybe also has a niche on fast things with Sturdy or like, Endure / Reversal users or whatever.
Shedinja with this item that gives it Magic Guard and Wonder Guard at the same time makes it really hard to deal with it if played well and can easily lead to autowin situations. While not broken per say, it would become such an unfun and unhealthy presence to the point that we're gonna veto this

:ss/rotom: :ss/rotom-wash: :ss/rotom-mow: :ss/rotom-heat: :ss/rotom-fan: :ss/rotom-frost:
Name: Rotom / Wash / Mow / Heat / Fan / Frost
Type: Electric / Ghost / -Water / -Grass / -Fire / -Flying / -Ice
Base: Levitate / Unburden / Cursed Body
Wash: Levitate / Water Absorb / Drizzle
Mow: Levitate / Grassy Surge / Grass Pelt
Heat: Levitate / Flame Body / Drought
Fan: Levitate / Speed Boost / Delta Stream
Frost: Levitate / Refrigerate / Snow Warning
New Moves:
Universal: Recover, Shift Gear
Wash: Flip Turn, Water Spout
Mow: Giga Drain, Energy Ball
Heat: Fire Blast, Flamethrower
Fan: Hurricane, Air Cutter
Frost:, Ice Beam, Icy Wind
Removed Moves: none!
Justification: its rotom. ! most forms like its new moves and abilities, but some will still not replace their existing ones. recovery is real nice for all of them, though.
Drought Rotom-Heat, Delta Stream Rotom-Fan, and especially Drizzle Rotom-Wash are all crazy good, Heat because Drought is gives it a huge power boost with its already good stats and movepool, Fan because it becomes a defensive powerhouse that's basically a much better version of Zapdos, and Wash is basically Drizzle Zapdos from SylveMons, which was already cracked, but possibly better with a better typing, Nasty Plot, and Water Spout

Name: Hatterene
Changes: New ability : Psychic Surge (remplaces Anticipation)
Justification: Hatterene has some problems in the actual metagame and giving it this ability would make it an even better pokémon in TR. It is also not that broken, knowing it can be vulnerable to taunt.
Because of Hatterene high SpA, good bulk, and access to stuff like Calm Mind, Life Dew, coverage to hit Steel and Dark-types, and Trick Room, Psychic Surge would likely be broken on it

New ability: Filled Hood
Owner: Delibird (remplaces Insomnia)
Effect: The pokémon can hold 5 items at the same time. It cannot be equipied by other items before the battle, but it can keep any item steeled with Thief or Covet.
Advantages: Items are extremely important in strategy, and Delibird is one of the worst pokémon ever. Being able tohave up to 5 items in total can be really cool and funny : Just imagine having Boots, a choice Band, a Life Orb AND Leftovers at the same time.
Justification: Delibird has no ability referencing Christmas, and this is ridiculous knowing its inspirations.
At first I tough about it being an ability allowing Delibird to hold 3 items at the same time directly in the builder but I think it is a little too hard to code ..
This looks either impossible or an extreme headache to code, so we'll have to veto this

Also, not a veto, but since this is your first time subbing here and likely didn't read the spreadsheet, Umbreon no longer has Inner Focus as it was given Sticky Hold. Thus, if you replace one of its abilities, it's preferred that you replace Synchronize

Also 1 extra note:
Name: Rock Slide | Stone Edge | Boulder Bash
Power: 80 | 95 | 120
Accuracy: 100 | 90 | 100
PP: 24 | 16 | 8
Category: Physical | Physical | Physical
Type: Rock | Rock | Rock
Effect: 30% chance to flinch the targets | High critical ratio | Lowers the user's Atk and Def 1 stage each
Priority: 0 | 0 | 0
Flags: Spread Move | None | Contact
Potential Pokémon With This Move:
Rock Slide::glalie: :klinklang: :centiskorch: :regidrago:
Stone Edge::kingler: :glalie: :escavalier: :silvally: :kommo-o:
Boulder Bash::golem: :golem-alola: :onix: :steelix: :tyranitar: :aggron: :glalie: :regirock: :crustle: :carracosta: :druddigon: :terrakion: :tyrantrum: :stakataka: :drednaw: :coalossal: :stonjourner: :armaldo: :rampardos: :bastiodon: :gigalith:
Justification: Rock type moves suck accuracy wise, theres no denying that. This fixes up Rock types' issues with unreliable STAB. It's a good offensive type, but there isn't any reason for Tyranitar to have a 1 in 5 chance to miss one of its STABS anytime there's a Dark resist waiting in the wings. Given that pretty much everything can use at least 1 of Rock Slide or Stone Edge, I wanted to give Rock types a more exclusive STAB attack to use. Boulder Bash is a Superpower clone for Rock types, and over 2 uses it isn't much better than Stone Edge, but it is more accurate and pairs nicely with a Choice Band for a powerful 1 off hit. Overall this should give Rock types a variety of options to choose from when attacking, and makes everything hate Stone Miss less.
This is note a veto, but because these aren't clones of each other, these moves all count as separate subs for voting. If you want to separate them out to make that more clear, you can, but you don't have to

You will all have around 23 hours to fix what you need to fix and then voting will start
Voting can now begin! The following remain vetoed:

:ss/rotom: :ss/rotom-wash: :ss/rotom-mow: :ss/rotom-heat: :ss/rotom-fan: :ss/rotom-frost:
Name: Rotom / Wash / Mow / Heat / Fan / Frost
Type: Electric / Ghost / -Water / -Grass / -Fire / -Flying / -Ice
Base: Levitate / Unburden
Wash: Levitate / Water Absorb
Mow: Levitate / Grassy Surge
Heat: Levitate / Flame Body
Fan: Levitate / Speed Boost
Frost: Levitate / Refrigerate
New Moves:
Universal: Recover, Shift Gear
Wash: Flip Turn, Water Spout
Mow: Giga Drain, Energy Ball
Heat: Fire Blast, Flamethrower
Fan: Hurricane, Air Cutter
Frost:, Ice Beam, Icy Wind
Removed Moves: none!
Justification: its rotom. ! most forms like its new moves and abilities, but some will still not replace their existing ones. recovery is real nice for all of them, though.
(Due to Recover)

Name: Slaking

Abilities: Truant / No Guard (HA)
Removed Moves: Amnesia
Justification: Slaking needs to be used, Comatose too. This shouldn’t be oppressive, like at all, in case it benefits set up I removed the only way it has to cover up its only weakness: meh spd nvm all that it now has no guard to abuse mega kick or boosted boltbeam with blizzard and thunder
(Due to No Guard slaking still being way too strong)

Voting will last for 24 Hours. Enjoy!