Pet Mod Clean Slate Micro 2

Looks like I won the first slate, with Tuthur as a close runner up. Here are the winners:

Name of Pokemon: Solrock
Roles: Physical Wall, Defensive Pivot, Hazards,

Abilities: Levitate | Dauntless Shield
Stat Distribution: 117 / 87 / 87 / 57 / 67 / 89 (504 BST)
Movepool Additions: Shore Up, Body Press, Superpower, Circle Throw, U-Turn
Movepool Removals: Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Hypnosis, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Will-O-Wisp
Justification: Modeled off of Clean Slate 1 Nihilego, Solrock sports solid mixed bulk, Levitate, great Speed, and plenty of utility. Solrock also has a fair amount of offensive presence thanks to that aforementioned Speed and STAB Body Press, much like how Nihilego managed to make offensive progress even with its subpar offenses. However, Nihilego was maybe too overtuned, so Solrock has an even more awkward defensive typing and no access to Knock Off or Rapid Spin (but gains U-Turn, which is cool). I also gave it Dauntless Shield as an alternative set if you want to get funnier with Body Press, much like how Nihilego had access to an Unaware Stall set. Losing Levitate is a hard sell, though.


Name of the Pokemon: Aegislash
Role(s): Special Wall, Hazard Control (Rapid Spin), Hazards (Toxic Spikes), Mixed Wall, Special Wallbreaker

Abilities: Wandering Spirit | Trace
Stat Distribution: 40 / 50 / 100 / 95 / 160 / 51 (496 BST)
Movepool Additions: Pain Split, Rapid Spin, Toxic Spikes, Corrosive Gas, Purify
Justification: Channeling Clean Slate 1 Cofagrigus for this submission. Much like Cofagrigus is possesses a strong defensive typing, a strong Pain Split, Toxic Spikes, and ability-manipulation potential. However, unlike Cofagrigus (one of the weaker CS1 picks), Aegislash has much more utility thanks to a consistent Rapid Spin and a dollar store Knock Off (Corrosive Gas), and much better anti-ability abilities in Wandering Spirit and Trace. I expect Trace will see more use due to its higher consistency and Aegislash's Special-bias, but Wandering Spirit will at least be fun to experiment with. You could also go Specs mode ig
Looks like the initial power level is somewhere between Clean Slate 1 and Micro. And with that, slate 1 is finished and we're ready to move onto the next slate, which is...

Slate 2: Momentum- 1 Offensive Pivot, 1 Defensive Pivot

Before we get into adding wallbreakers or sweepers, I'd like to start by adding some pivots to eventually enable those offensive threats and give them more of an idea of what power level we're aiming for. Slate will tentatively end this Friday. Happy submitting!
Name of the Pokemon: Dusknoir
: Offensive Pivot
Type: Ghost / Dark
Abilities: Intimidate / Clear Body
Stat Distribution: 70 / 100 / 75 / 45 / 95 / 110
Movepool Additions: Spirit Shackle, Knock Off, Parting Shot
Movepool Removals: none (for now, atleast)
Justification: wip

defensive pivot later
Name of the Pokemon: Magnezone
Role(s): Offensive Pivot, Trapping, Stallbreaker.

Abilities: Levitate
Stat Distribution: 80/55/120/130/60/50 (495 BST)
Movepool Additions: Thunder Cage.
Movepool Removals: non
Physically bulky pivot with an incredible typing, and an ability that covers its most terrible weakness. Stealing a little beat from heatran, being able to trap most walls and outstall them with toxic. able to run bp sets with Iron Defense, and much more<3

Name of the Pokemon: Nihilego
Role(s): Defensive Pivot, Choice user?

Abilities: Bulletproof
Stat Distribution: 94/53/53/99/143/103 (550 BST)
Movepool Additions: Earth Power, Volt Switch, Parting Shot, Pain Split. maybe strength sap?
Movepool Removals: Power Gem
Justification: now, with a better offensive, and specially, a better defensive typing, and the addition of Bulletproof and pivoting moves, Nihilego can switch in, tank most special attacks, and toxic/set rocks/pivot out to maintain momentum, the only downside its that its terribly frail on the physical side:(
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Name of the Pokemon: Eelektross
Role(s): Blanket Wall, pivot

Abilities: Levitate
Stat Distribution: 95/80/95/95/90/50 (505 BST)
Movepool Additions: Leech Life, Blood Drain,
Movepool Removals: Knock Off
Custom Elements: Blood drain - leech seed clone but steel types are immune instead of grass types. Also, the move is dark type.
Justification: A pivot with no weaknesses is interesting cause lets you blanket check a lot of Pokémon using it's raw bulk instead of relying on resistances, making it a really reliable defensive pivot. Its speed stat lets it under speed aegislash, which will make it easier to get teammates in with volt switch, and blood drain could actually be a very useful move on eelektross as it provides a means for recovery and can be utilized before pivoting so your teammate can get some recovery as well.

Name of the Pokemon: Carvanha (Eviolite incompatible)
Role(s): Fast Pivot, Late Game Cleaner

Abilities: Intimidate/Rough Skin
Stat Distribution: 70/115/65/70/50/115 (485 Bst)
Movepool Additions: Knock Off, Parting Shot
Movepool Removals: n/a
Custom Elements: n/a
Justification: Uses powerful offensive typing to scare out Pokémon then clicks flip turn to maintain momentum. A classic hit and run strategy as it can also click flip turn to help itself by chipping the opposing team to help it late game clean better. Intimidate is a great ability for it as it helps its teammates take hits better, and it can even run parting shot to amplify this. Even though it can't take a hit for shit, but its great speed tier and offensive typing that threatens our current walls turns it into a force to be reckoned with.

252 Atk Choice Band Carvanha Liquidation vs. +1 252 HP / 252+ Def Solrock: 206-246 (47 - 56.1%) -- 6.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Carvanha Crunch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Shield: 374-444 (131.6 - 156.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Choice Band Carvanha Liquidation vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eelektross: 144-169 (36.5 - 42.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (My eelektross)
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Name of the Pokemon: Golisopod
Role(s): Physical Wall, Defensive Pivot, Hazard Setter (Spikes)
Type: Bug / Water
Abilities: Emergency Exit / Bulletproof / Rebound
Stat Distribution: 75 / 95 / 140 / 90 / 60 / 40 (500 BST)
Movepool Additions: U-Turn, Flip Turn
Justification: golisopod is a fat physical wall with a lot of utility in scald, knock off, spikes, and uturn/flip turn. balanced by low special bulk, lack of recovery, and reliance on hdb

Name of the Pokemon: Manaphy
Role(s): Offensive Pivot, Special Wallbreaker, Physical Wallbreaker, Hazard Control (Defog)
Type: Water / Fairy
Abilities: Hydration / Frisk
Stat Distribution: 80 / 80 / 80 / 80 / 80 / 120 (520 BST)
Movepool Additions: Moonblast, Play Rough, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Defog
Movepool Removals: Calm Mind (tg should be gone already)
Justification: lack of good offensive presence should be offset by its amazing typing and high speed. should be fairly powerful with specs/band or incredibly fast with scarf.
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: Offensive Pivot, Choice Band/Scarf User

Abilities: Blaze / Regenerator
Stats: 115 / 119 / 60 / 86 / 65 / 100 (BST: 545)
New Moves: U-turn
Removed: Sacred Fire
Justification: Offensive Regen user ftw. Some Mienshao type beat mon that can switch around on light chip but struggles against burst. Relies on Flare Blitz for good damage, but it gets a lot of cool coverage as well as some prio. Murders Aegislash but gets hard-countered by Solrock.

: Defensive Pivot, Hazard Control, Status Spread, Rain Abuser

Abilities: Poison Touch / Static / Swift Swim
Stats: 85 / 40 / 70 / 115 / 115 / 70 (BST: 495)
New Moves: Flip Turn, Energy Ball, Thunder Wave
Justification: Some Zapdos-like mon. You got utility in defog and Twave but the biggest part of its strength comes from its unpassiveness (yes im coming up with words shut up). It can pressure mons with strong Scalds and Hurricanes and use that to gain momentum. Also can use the flip turn poison touch tech because thats the coolest combo ever. Loses the 1v1 vs Solrock but neither can reliably switch on each other. Neutral matchup vs Aegi but mantine has the edge.
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Name of the Pokemon:Minun
Role(s):Defensive Pivot,Special Wall,Paralysis Spreader
Abilities:Volt Absorb
Movepool Additions:Recover,Moonblast
Movepool Removals:Nada
Justification:Minun is a really nice special wall and pivot.Matches up nicely against Solrock due to STAB Moonblast.Can spread Paralysis with Nuzzle and WishPass.Trace Aegislash hard counters it because it eats Moonblast for breakfast and takes Volt Absorb.
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Name of the Pokemon: Komala
Role(s): Defensive Pivot, Hazard Remover, Status Absorber

Abilities: Comatose
Stat Distribution: 70 / 100 / 70 / 65 / 100 / 45 | 450
Movepool Additions: Slack Off, Spirit Break
Movepool Removals: Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Wish
+: beats solrock, slow, good utility, reliable recovery
-: gets owned by aegi, average stats
Komala @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Comatose
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Slack Off
- U-turn
- Spirit Break / Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

Name of the Pokemon: Darmanitan
Role(s): Offensive Pivot, Status Absorber, Item Removal

Oblivious, Anger Point | Unnerve
Stat Distribution: 120 / 95 / 70 / 50 / 70 / 125 | 520
Movepool Additions: Jungle Healing, Knock Off, Pyro Ball
+: fast, good utility
-: owned by solrock, average recovery
Darmanitan @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Pyro Ball
- U-turn
- Jungle Healing
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Name: Medicham
Role: Offensive Pivot, Physical Wallbreaker
Type: Psychic/Fighting
Abilities: Unaware (H: Telepathy)
Stats: 70 / 110 / 85 / 80 / 80 / 90 (BST: 515)
Movepool Additions: U-Turn
Movepool Removals:
Justification: Created to destroy Solrock with the power of offensive unaware. Did you know that Unaware ignores defensive stat boosts while the unaware pokemon is attacking? Well Dauntless Shield Solrock is no match for Medicham. Below average bulk & a not very good defensive typing hold back from being a stall wall, but u-turn & a sr resistance help it become a nice offensive pivot. It isn't very fast in exchange for being very strong.

Name: Dewgong
Role: Defensive Pivot, Stall, Mixed Wall
Type: Water/Ice
Abilities: Deep Freeze / Hydration (H: Ice Body)
Stats: 85 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 115 / 80 (BST: 545)
Movepool Additions: Flip Turn, Parting Shot, Hydro Pump, Life Dew
Movepool Removals:
Deep Freeze - If this pokemon is an Ice-type, it restores 1/8 of its maximum HP at the end of each full turn. If this pokemon is not an Ice type, they lose 1/8 of their maximum HP each turn.
Justification: Funni Seal. Great bulk, pivoting, & a good ability allow Dewgong to work well. A weakness to sr sucks but can be ignored through boots. Entrainment can be used as a meme set for giving the opponent's pokemon Deep Freeze in order to damage them over time. Annoys Aegislash's trace set and might make it more likely to use the more unique Wandering Spirit. Shoutouts to abismal for being cool enough to let me use this idea.
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Name of the Pokemon: Gengar
Role(s): Offensive Pivot, Status Spreader, Anti-Toxapex
Type: Ghost/Fairy
Abilities: Cursed Body, Prankster
Stat Distribution: 70/50/70/115/80/115
Movepool Additions: Spectral Flee, Moonblast
Movepool Removals: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Nasty Plot (So apparently Gengar had that. Kinda OP)
Custom Elements: Spectral Flee - Status - This pokemon swaps out, and the incoming pokemon takes halfed damage on this turn, as if protecting a dynamax move. Costs 6% of this pokemon's health. (The opposing [pokemon] was protected by the specter!)
Justification: Gengar is suspected to be shadow Clefable, so Ghost-Fairy makes sense as well as being good coverage. The buff to speed and nerf to special attack make sure that it's a strong pivot, without being too overpowered.
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No Poison type slate 1????????? Needa fix that pronto.

Name of the Pokemon: Flapple
Role(s): Offensive Pivot, Hazard Remover (Defog), Priority (Sucker Punch)

Abilities: Force of Attraction* | Bulletproof (HA)
Stat Distribution: 80 / 90 / 105 / 70 / 85 / 115 | 545 BST
Movepool Additions: Knock Off, Taunt, Defog
Movepool Removals: All Dragon type moves
Custom Elements: Force of Attraction - Summons Gravity on switch in.
Justification: Flapple flexes its high speed and accesd to Gravity Boosted Grav Apple to force switches that it can then take advantage of via U-turn and Knock Off. Lack of boosting options and a lacklustre Attacking stat help's keep it in check from destroying the tier. Defog gives it access to a form of utility.

Name of the Pokemon: Appletun
Role(s): Physical Wall, Defensive Pivot

Abilities: Thick Fat | Bulletproof (HA)
Stat Distribution: 115 / 85 / 95 / 95 / 85 / 70 | 545 BST
Movepool Additions: Baneful Bunker, Toxic, Flamethrower
Movepool Removals: Recover, All Grass typed moves sans Leech Seed
Custom Elements: Apple Acid - Now Poison typed.
Justification: Appletun serves it's chief role as a tanky defensive pivot that stalls out foes with Baneful Bunker + Leech Seed. It lacking Recover limits how long it can stay in and keep up it's shenanigans.
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