Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Does this work for black/white?

you tell me
I did not get that conversation. I'll simplify my question. How does the calibrated delay affect how long you have to wait, if your just going to be waiting at the menu screen? Also how do I get a shiny ditto.
@jazuk you can, but this isn't the place to talk about it, and it's much harder. try this
The delay advances 60 times per second approximately. That's why you wait to hit a certain delay. Usually this can be achieved using a timer such as Pikatimer or EonTimer. Does that answer your question?

And also, B/W RNG is actually significantly easier than 4th gen abuse. :p
Can you use the same seed more than once?

In HGSS I successfully RNG'd a near-flawless Slowpoke egg with the seed 2504023A, however, when I try to RNG a Larvitar egg with the same seed and same parent B its IVs are different.

Despite the low frame I am pretty confident I hit the delay so I'm not sure why I'm having this problem.
Thanks for responding, Exploits. I hit the seed soon after I read your post. I'm still not quite sure what the problem was; I suppose I just hit the wrong seed, but I got the same three Elm responses.

Maybe I just needed to accept the egg faster.
Thanks for responding, Exploits. I hit the seed soon after I read your post. I'm still not quite sure what the problem was; I suppose I just hit the wrong seed, but I got the same three Elm responses.

Maybe I just needed to accept the egg faster.

It's probably the NPC making you pass up your target frame. Try resaving to change the NPC's advancement pattern and then hit your seed again and b extra fast.
If I want to breed an Adamant ability 0 Tyrogue in Emerald, am I pretty much going to have to set an Adamant egg with the Everstone and hope its ability is Intimidate when it evolves into Hitmontop after being Pal Parked? It seems like it would be difficult to RNG its PID since it is always male and only has 1 ability in 3rd gen (I couldn't use gender or ability to help determine what frame I hit).

I can't just evolve it in 3rd gen, then Pal Park it to guarantee its ability is Intimidate since I need Fake Out (level-up move on Tyrogue in 4th/5th gen).
If I want to breed an Adamant ability 0 Tyrogue in Emerald, am I pretty much going to have to set an Adamant egg with the Everstone and hope its ability is Intimidate when it evolves into Hitmontop after being Pal Parked? It seems like it would be difficult to RNG its PID since it is always male and only has 1 ability in 3rd gen (I couldn't use gender or ability to help determine what frame I hit).

I can't just evolve it in 3rd gen, then Pal Park it to guarantee its ability is Intimidate since I need Fake Out (level-up move on Tyrogue in 4th/5th gen).

You could do that, but I would abuse for the PID to be certain. If you can calibrate your Eon Timer (the value that you put in the "lag" box) by using Spinda or something (or transferring to 4th gen and checking PID via Pokecheck to find the frame you hit) then the next time you do PID abuse you'll most likely always hit a frame near your target frame, so then it should be easy to determine the frame you hit from just the nature.

But if you want to take a chance, then the process you described could work :x

you tell me

The delay advances 60 times per second approximately. That's why you wait to hit a certain delay. Usually this can be achieved using a timer such as Pikatimer or EonTimer. Does that answer your question?

And also, B/W RNG is actually significantly easier than 4th gen abuse. :p

I use ZOMG timer. There's 4 boxes calibrated delay, target delay, calibrated second, and target second. You reset the game at the first time and press continue at the second timer, why does your calibrated or average delay affect the timer? I can see why you would need it, but I don't see why the timer needs it, and I don't see why it actually changes the time on the timer.

I thought BW RNG abuse was much harder because it was encrypted to like the 76th power.

I'd still like to know how to get a flawless ditto.
You could do that, but I would abuse for the PID to be certain. If you can calibrate your Eon Timer (the value that you put in the "lag" box) by using Spinda or something (or transferring to 4th gen and checking PID via Pokecheck to find the frame you hit) then the next time you do PID abuse you'll most likely always hit a frame near your target frame, so then it should be easy to determine the frame you hit from just the nature.

But if you want to take a chance, then the process you described could work :x
Thanks. Do I really need to calibrate, or can I just take the number 24 from Zari's test results (it appears that he got 24 on 3 different game/system combos)? I've already caught the roaming Lati@s.
Thanks. Do I really need to calibrate, or can I just take the number 24 from Zari's test results (it appears that he got 24 on 3 different game/system combos)? I've already caught the roaming Lati@s.
In my game I've caught the roamer but left Groudon/Kyogre uncaptured (not sure of it matters) and my calibration is 19. Others have had 19 for no roamer or 20 with a roamer.

As an aside sometimes when waiting for the PID you get a weird one that doesn't seem to fit anything. I've noticed that when that happens the game decided to do an extra RNG call for some reason. Not sure if there is a way to tell in advance if that will happen or not.
I use ZOMG timer. There's 4 boxes calibrated delay, target delay, calibrated second, and target second. You reset the game at the first time and press continue at the second timer, why does your calibrated or average delay affect the timer? I can see why you would need it, but I don't see why the timer needs it, and I don't see why it actually changes the time on the timer.

I thought BW RNG abuse was much harder because it was encrypted to like the 76th power.
Target delay and second are the delay and second you're trying to hit, obviously. Calibrated delay will be handled when you find what you hit and click Update. I'm not entirely sure what calibrated seconds is, I just left it at the default and it worked fine.

BW RNG might have been harder to crack, perhaps, but now that the mechanics are understood, actually using it is a piece of cake. The only things that are at all hard are shiny roamers and Entralink.
I'm trying to calibrate for PIDs in Emerald with Spinda, and I've followed this guide up through step 4. I've attempted step 5 several times, and he never has an egg. I'm supposed to take the 255th step immediately after entering the game, correct? That's what I've been doing; I begin pushing up on the D-pad before I even enter the game, so won't the 255-step counter be triggered at exactly the same time on each attempt, meaning that if he doesn't have an egg the first time I try, he never will? If that's the case, should I walk another 255 steps, save, and try again?
Misdreavus, its meant to move right after you load the game, but looks like no frames around it have egg generated. If I were you I would just wait few seconds longer and hope for the egg being generated. Another change is that you miscalculated and have saved after 255 steps, and so egg wouldn't generate until you take another 255 steps. Hope this helped.
Misdreavus, its meant to move right after you load the game, but looks like no frames around it have egg generated. If I were you I would just wait few seconds longer and hope for the egg being generated. Another change is that you miscalculated and have saved after 255 steps, and so egg wouldn't generate until you take another 255 steps. Hope this helped.
Thanks. If I wait a few seconds though, won't that throw off my calibration? Either way, I tried that a few times, and still never got an egg. I took both Spinda out of the daycare, put them back in, and tried again. Still no egg. The two Spinda have different OTs so they should produce an egg 70% of the time after 255 steps, right?

What I'm doing is depositing both Spinda, then using a Max Repel before taking any steps. I go outside and ride around on my Mach Bike for about 15 seconds, then come back in the Daycare. I walk around inside until the Max Repel wears off, take 4 more steps to position myself one step away from being able to speak with the Daycare Lady, then save and SR. I load the game, and immediately after hitting continue, I begin pushing up on the D-pad to take my 255th step. I talk to her, and hope she says, "My husband was looking for you."

I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?
Thanks. If I wait a few seconds though, won't that throw off my calibration? Either way, I tried that a few times, and still never got an egg. I took both Spinda out of the daycare, put them back in, and tried again. Still no egg. The two Spinda have different OTs so they should produce an egg 70% of the time after 255 steps, right?

What I'm doing is depositing both Spinda, then using a Max Repel before taking any steps. I go outside and ride around on my Mach Bike for about 15 seconds, then come back in the Daycare. I walk around inside until the Max Repel wears off, take 4 more steps to position myself one step away from being able to speak with the Daycare Lady, then save and SR. I load the game, and immediately after hitting continue, I begin pushing up on the D-pad to take my 255th step. I talk to her, and hope she says, "My husband was looking for you."

I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?

I don't think you're doing anything wrong, but did you try walking out of the house to see if he has the egg? Maybe the lady doesn't say he's looking for you until you walk out the house and then go back in. But that doesn't really make sense :x

You could try, though. You're not doing anything wrong, and that's the only thing I can think of.
I don't think you're doing anything wrong, but did you try walking out of the house to see if he has the egg? Maybe the lady doesn't say he's looking for you until you walk out the house and then go back in. But that doesn't really make sense :x

You could try, though. You're not doing anything wrong, and that's the only thing I can think of.
I tried that once or twice. I suppose I'll just keep doing what I'm doing until I get an egg.
Did you talk to the man to check if it really is a 70% chance? You might have two male or two female Spindas in the daycare without realizing it.
I made sure to catch one of each gender (on different carts). He was saying, "They seem to get along very well."

I finally got an egg though :). Now that it's hatched, I'm trying to use the Spinda Painter. Aren't there one or two spots that are one pixel off (so I need to place them 1 pixel to the left or the right of where they actually are on my Spinda)?
so i can't seem to hit my seed. i hit everything around it and get mostly the same hits around it (going for 596 and fairly consistently hit 598, 600, and 602) i've tried using the eontimer but it doesn't seem to help. any suggestions?
so i can't seem to hit my seed. i hit everything around it and get mostly the same hits around it (going for 596 and fairly consistently hit 598, 600, and 602) i've tried using the eontimer but it doesn't seem to help. any suggestions?

Either try for a different delay, or keep trying. It's all about timing, so it's not the timer, it's your timing :P
Not to sound like an asshat, but my point still stands.
so i can't seem to hit my seed. i hit everything around it and get mostly the same hits around it (going for 596 and fairly consistently hit 598, 600, and 602) i've tried using the eontimer but it doesn't seem to help. any suggestions?

I suggest finding a new seed with a higher delay. I hit higher delay much more consistently than low delay.
Since I heard that two of the movable spots on Spinda Painter are off by 1 pixel, I was trying to find the spread I hit without actually using the Painter. The Spinda I hatched was Lax and male, so I filtered the spreadsheet by nature and gender value (>= 128), and only "Yes" for the 70% column since the parent Spinda had different OTs. The "Base Calibration" field seems to make much more of a difference than just removing the number of frames you put in that field though. I tried the values that other people have gotten: 19, 20, and 24. With 19, the first suitable spread was on frame 64. With 20, it was on frame 68. With 24, it was on frame 15. In each case, the next one wasn't for at least 90 frames. I read that the game takes 16 frames to generate your egg when you press the D-pad for your 255th step. With a Base Calibration value of 24, I'm 1 frame off...

Am I on the right track to finding my Base Calibration, or do I need to use the Spinda Painter? If I do, then could someone please explain which spots are off and in which direction I need to shift those two spots to get the correct PID?
Either try for a different delay, or keep trying. It's all about timing, so it's not the timer, it's your timing :P
Not to sound like an asshat, but my point still stands.

hey no worries. i realize it's my timing. it's just frustrating going for hours and hours and not getting anything different ya know? thanks, i'll bump up the delay