Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

It's not 23, it's 00023. SID numbers are always 5 digits, and it's plain to see the person who checked the SID is using the Money to SID code.

EDIT: I see LF already covered it, and yes, technically 23 is equal to 00023 (zeroes are just place markers after all).
Ok and I tried looking for this in the thread but couldn't find it,does the RNG always start at 0 or 1?

Does accessing the PC mess with the RNG?

As it wants me to advance the RNG 84 times in all for my Taps so could I get another poke and proceed with my taps?
Ok I just need someone to clarify for me how many more advances I need

I was instructed 7 Taps,7 Flips

I have two Roamers,and 5 pokemon in my party.

I have done 7 taps,how many more advances do I need?

EDIT:I checked the thread more thorughly and since going to the PC doesn't screw with the RNG I just did 6 taps with a full party bringing it to 72/84 advances,but since I have two roamers it's more like 74/84

Then I deposited one poke and did another tap bringing my count up to 84/84 advances.
I know that user NeoSyrex (or someone like that) has claimed to know how to manipulate FRLG's RNG, but is keeping mum on the subject. Besides that, there's not much indication of any public useful information.
Yes, he posted in the 2009 VGC topic and said that although it was more difficult than Emerald and D/P/Pt RNG abuse, it is possible, and he was planning to write up a guide on it, but that was back in August. I was wondering if anyone had since heard anything further on the subject from him (or anyone else, for that matter)... I guess not.
Yes, he posted in the 2009 VGC topic and said that although it was more difficult than Emerald and D/P/Pt RNG abuse, it is possible, and he was planning to write up a guide on it, but that was back in August. I was wondering if anyone had since heard anything further on the subject from him (or anyone else, for that matter)... I guess not.

I think that he did it using an emulator... I read it long time ago
Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, I couldn't figure out if this should be here or in the Simple Requests thread, but does anyone know a good online stopwatch for use with Emerald abuse, the one that I've been using is not accurate as I've been getting spreads that are around a second too early from what the stopwatch says I'm at. Thanks!


This guide teaches you to use Emloop for DPPt Legends: ignore everything but the picture with which field means what:
When you are counting roaming pokemon in the RNG calculation do u count the roamers about to be released into the wild in it as well.

Say i have a mespirit running around and i am trying to RNG to for the legendary birds, so when RNGing just before speaking to prof oak, do i count the roamers as 1 (just mespirit) or 4 (mespirit, moltres, zapdos and articuno)?
A little info on the HGSS stuff here: it seems you can hit both odd and even delays now, which is a bit of a pain. My target is 790 and so far I've hit 787, 794 and 796 so I should get it eventually.

Lack of coin flipper is a real bummer though. Can anyone think of a means of easily checking you've hit the seed without encountering anything or otherwise advancing the RNG?
Right now I'm having to take a choice between if I'll take a shot at the shiny, in which case I make 256 steps and get the syncher out, or talk to rayquaza without the syncher, thus giving a 0% of getting the target but I'll be able to see what I hit. Shouldn't need to do that any more though.
A little info on the HGSS stuff here: it seems you can hit both odd and even delays now, which is a bit of a pain. My target is 790 and so far I've hit 787, 794 and 796 so I should get it eventually.

That's strange, because it only happened with me in my EZFlash (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum) and my Pearl game cart. Now I always hit odd delays in my Soul Silver cart with an Emerald on slot 2, and alwys hit even delays without it.
Urrrgghh. And I just hit frame 12 after doing 256 steps. Is what Syberia thought he found with the synchers true? Because it doesn't really make sense, and I am after all leading with a syncher. But wow this is hard.

Edit: Aaaaggggghhh hit the seed, but frame 12. I hate you, screwed up RNG. >:(

Edit 2: SUCCESS! In battle with him now. I have great plans for you, my little Hakcho... great plans. Now I request that you kindly place your black ass inside this Poké Ball.

And I must say, this was so much harder than Platinum legendary abuse. The calibration is an absolute pig, then it's hard to actually hit the seed, then it's impossible to know if you've hit the seed before you get to work offsetting. Not good.

Edit 3: Ohhh yeaaaaah. So proud of this guy. Once again, massive thanks out to mingot and everyone else who did the software. Has anyone else RNGed a shiny legend or is this the first one? I know of some legends abused for IVs but that's about it.

I'm abusing right now for a Adamant Extremespeed Dratini (28/31/31/31/31/31) and I keep missing the Seed.
No matter how much I change the year I'm still too late.
Are there any suggestions how you can hit a Seed when you're always too late?
The target seed is: 11150207 and I constantly hit 11150315 no matter how hard I try.
Tried already many year ranges the lower the year the more I'm near to the goal but the lowest year possible still gets me only 11150315.
Problem is hitting the seed, hitting the frame is not that hard.
I had the same problem. My seed was something like 0400021F (Example)
and it would always turn out to be 0400061F no matter how close I was.
Ok say my average delay is 607-609(depending is slot two is occupied by LG or not)

How do years affect your delay?Does raising it raise your delay, and vice versa?
Ok well I can hit 607-609 consistently at current year(except I'm on 10/6 not the current day)
So say I was going for a delay of 605, would I raise my year to 2013?
Yes. You could also try using emloop, since some people have OCD about the dates of their pokemon, and its useful for when you get shiny spreads with much higher delays (like 2906. o.O)
Ok two more quick questions ;

1.Do roamers advance the IRNG?

2.When you are asked to do a certain number a flips and taps,does it assume you switched to the happiness checker after confirming your seed.

For example;If it asks for 17 taps,does this include switching to the app and then doing 17 taps,or switching to the app and doing 16 taps since switching to the app is the equivalent of one tap?
Something really weird has been happening to me lately. Is it possible to save on a certain frame for eggs? In the past, I've been consistently hitting frame 5 but now for some reason I'm getting frames 8 and 9 with no explanation whatsoever. I've been getting these high frames no matter how quickly I hit A when I collect the egg. I checked my time, coin flips, and everything else so it's not an issue of having an incorrect seed.
phew, after screwing very much around with the seconds (which seem to affect the stuff pretty much) I FINALLY, made it to hit the delay.
Now I have to hope that I can hit the frame^^
emloop would be an option but I think that for HG/SS this might take too long as nearly all Shiny Spreads I keep getting suck.
Something really weird has been happening to me lately. Is it possible to save on a certain frame for eggs? In the past, I've been consistently hitting frame 5 but now for some reason I'm getting frames 8 and 9 with no explanation whatsoever. I've been getting these high frames no matter how quickly I hit A when I collect the egg. I checked my time, coin flips, and everything else so it's not an issue of having an incorrect seed.
What are you using to advance the frame?If I understand your Dppt breeding right?

Did you count roamers and wandering NPCs?