Forum Rules
- Global rules apply at all times.
- Before posting a thread, get it approved by a staff member. Make sure to note who approved it at the top of the post. Unapproved threads will be locked.
- Don't post threads asking questions; instead, post them to our "Simple Question, Simple Answer" thread.
- Don't post teams here; instead, go to the Rate my Team forum for team rates, and be sure to read their rules before posting.
- Non-competitive topics should go to the Orange Islands, and are not meant for this forum.
- Try not to theorymon or ask "what ifs"; please only refer to verified, confirmed information.
- Ensure your posts are grammatically coherent, contribute to the discussion at hand, and aren't simple one-liners. The moderation team is subject to delete them if they feel as though they do not add anything to the discussion.
- Don't engage in flame wars, and do not instigate them.
These users will be responsible for the maintenance and facilitation of the BW forum, and are your go-to people to ask for questions, comments, and concerns regarding threads and the forum itself! Please bear in mind that these users can enforce rules at their discretion.
BW Council:
Finchinator / M Dragon / dice / elodin / Raiza
Metagame Resources Directory
Building BW Rain (2020) Building BW Drag-Mag (2020) Building BW Sand (2020) 10 year anniversary w/finchinator (2020) Why Sun is No Longer Viable in BW OU (2020) Finchinator
10 year anniversry of BW (2020) Breloom in BW OU (2020) Top Pokemon in Modern BW OU (2020) Peng
RoAPL Team Overview (2021) Nathan Likes Chicken
Everything you need to know to get started in BW OU (2021) |
General Resources
BW Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all BW Pokemon analyses. 5th Gen RMT Archive A collection of great and metagame-defining teams from BW. Warstory Archive A collection of high-quality BW battles, with insight from those battling. |
Central Hub for all things BW as well as a thread to share and discuss teams and sets. Introduction to Team Building A guide meant to teach new players how to build in BW OU. Eevee: An Introduction to Spreads A guide for how to make the most out of your EV Spreads. Preview Analysis A guide to better your understanding of Team Previews. BW OU Viability Rankings A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW OU. BW OU Sample Teams An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame. BW OU Speed Tiers Important Speed numbers for BW OU. BW OU Teambuilding Compendium A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in BW OU. |
BW Ubers Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics. BW Ubers Sample Teams An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame. BW Ubers Speed Tiers Important Speed numbers in BW Ubers. BW Ubers Threat List An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW Ubers. BW Ubers Teambuilding Compendium A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in BW Ubers. |
Central Hub for all things BW as well as a thread to share and discuss teams and sets. BW UU Resources Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics. BW UU Sample Teams An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame. |
BW RU Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics. BW RU Resource Hub More detailed resources for the BW RU Metagame. BW RU Viability Rankings A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW RU. BW RU Sample Teams An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame. BW RU Speed Tiers Important Speed numbers in BW RU. BW RU Threat List An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW RU. BW RU Role Compendium A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in BW RU. |
BW NU Resources
Includes important resources for BW NU. BW NU Viability Rankings A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW NU. BW NU Sample Teams An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame. BW NU Speed Tiers Important Speed numbers in the BW NU metagame. BW NU Threat List An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW NU. |
BW LC Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW LC. BW LC Sample Teams An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame. BW LC Speed Tiers Important Speed numbers in the BW LC metagame. BW LC Threat List An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW LC. |
Doubles OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW DOU. Doubles OU Sample Teams An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame. |
VGC 2012 Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in VGC 2012. |
Side Formats
BW PU Resources
Includes a threat list, viability rankings, sample teams, and speed tiers. BW AG Resources Includes sample teams and information regarding the tier. BW 1v1 Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers and more for BW 1v1. |
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