Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol

Still crashing over here too.

I think I'm going to buy two keys soon, one for my Crate 31, and one just in case I pick up a crate 30.

Also that ban list is ridiculous. Like everything is banned. I don't even think any weapon is even broken in this game, except maybe the Enforcer needs nerfs.

Go play a good scoot w/ da Sandman and as you cry yourself to sleep you might rethink your position on the matter.
Go play a good scoot w/ da Sandman and as you cry yourself to sleep you might rethink your position on the matter.
I play some scout yo

Scout in general is annoying, but I don't think Sandman is making anyone cry to sleep. Unless you're an Ubercharged Medic that gets stunned and killed, but that's your own goddamn team's fault.

The point is still that the SHORTSTOP is banned of all thing is still hilarious.
You kids that just started playing TF2 have no idea how overpowered the sandman was in competitive. I remember playing on a super amateur team where you just spam the sandman across badlands and get an instant 5 sec stun in the first fight. And as masterful said, go play someone that is a very scout and you'll change you mind.

And like MrEsc said, who the fuck cares about 6v6. Its so overplayed. 2 sollys, 2 scouts, 1 demo and 1 medic. Zzz. At least with Highlander the matches are very unpredictable. Sure you may run the same strats but your loadouts and those used by your team can really change the stem of the battle. I really wish we could have another push for a highlander Smogon team, like when we use to scrim with our 6v6 team
Haven't crashed at all since Friday. :( Maybe try deleting the stuff in your /tf/ folder besides /cfg/ and /maps/ .

Can someone explain to me why the Battalion's Backup is a problem but the other two banners are not? I also fail to see the problem with the Righteous Bison, unless it's some kind of exploit of which I am unaware.

The Backup's the easiest to charge of all the bugles, and it exponentially lowers the pressure on your medic to pop his uber. At 150 HP the resistances let you survive two full damage rockets, pipes, or scattergun shots, and nullifies sniper and kritzkrieg damage so much it's funny. The Buff Banner is also a useful sidegrade in comp, but it pretty much requires your Demoman to stay alive and healthy for it to be worth anything so it's balanced.

I'm not too sure on the Bison; I've never even seen it used once in a scrim.

I play some scout yo

Scout in general is annoying, but I don't think Sandman is making anyone cry to sleep. Unless you're an Ubercharged Medic that gets stunned and killed, but that's your own goddamn team's fault.

The point is still that the SHORTSTOP is banned of all thing is still hilarious.
Shortstop is banned because of how easy it is to play keepaway with it and not necessarily close in to get a kill. Scout's already great at survival + damage without needing a ranged weapon. The reload Valve introduced mid season weakens it a little, but it doesn't kill the weapon and the main problem with it is still there.

Sandman and Wrangler are definitely the worst of the bunch, even still after the uber update. The only obstacle to killing a Medic holding onto Uber or any other target with the Sandman is landing the stunball.

edit: I'd love to play on any Smogon team!!!!
6v6 is not simply 2 scouts 2 sollies 1 demo and 1 med. This is the basic layout and is used, but the 2 scouts and 2 sollies do offclass quite often throughout the course of the game. There is always one medic for obvious reasons, and the demo never changes because of his ridiculously high damage output.

The nerfed shortstop is actually pretty terrible, because the scout is now used solely as a heckler and doesn't have the raw dm ability that he gets with the scattergun.
lol nerfed shortstop being terrible

if they'd applied the reload speed increase to its RoF instead it might be balanced but beyond cutting its damage in half or something ridiculous it's always going to be way too good
6v6 doesn't care about being bland, it cares about being competitive and encouraging skill and teamwork as much as possible, hence why all stupid items are banned in australia

if you pull the 'originality' or 'diversity' argument i'll point you towards the ou tier
Yeah Thorns pretty much said what I wanted to, and from what I've played of Highlander, rounds can go on for fucknig ages... and sometimes you just want a quick game.
They ban most weps just to be as standard as possible, only a few weps in the game can be considered OP (Tomis, Gru, FoS, Sandvich, Sandman, Mad Milk, WRANGLER, and some others...mmm that's actually a decent amount), and the Milkman set, that's at least what I learned on this few months playing the game
Agreed on the 6vs6, is the reason why I quit competitive pokémon, is really not that fun after some time, same team, same maps, same loadouts, games are mean to have fun, and not fun just by winning, but fun by playing the game, it's pretty stressful knowing that a single mistake can cost you a life, I don't care about the destination, but the journey
What is so good about the current shortstop that the scattergun does not offer you? Nothing compared to the things you lose from using it.
What is so good about the current shortstop that the scattergun does not offer you? Nothing compared to the things you lose from using it.

iirc It reloads faster because it restores the whole clip, instead of the scattergun's one at a time business. In addition, the Shortstop has less bullet spread which allows it to work at longer ranges better than the scattergun.
Tomislav removes the Heavy's major weaknesses (slow rev and noise) for next to no cost

GRU and Sandvich basically do the same thing (speed and vulnerability to spam)

FoS makes him even better at taking damage as well as making heals 40% better

Sandman is a free kill if you don't suck at aiming

Mad Milk is pretty much a mini-Uber if you hit a group, even if you only hit their Demo or Med it's still basically a man down for a long time

Wrangler basically requires you to use an Uber and then the Wrangler team can counter-pop and crush you
Blog Post!

And good games everyone! Next week's is already scheduled to be at 5 PM EST on Steam. Get ready for the Halloween update content.

edit - Also, what would the turnout for some games be? The last two fridays we contemplated it but didn't end up with many people left after pubbing for an hour. Who'd be interested in playing 2-3 next weekend? Maybe closer to 4 PM EST, if we want to pub too?
Good turnout Friday or something? D:

6v6 doesn't care about being bland, it cares about being competitive and encouraging skill and teamwork as much as possible, hence why all stupid items are banned in australia

if you pull the 'originality' or 'diversity' argument i'll point you towards the ou tier

Except TF2 competitive 6v6 is more like B/W OU if everything after the fist 151 pokemon were banned, not just normal ol' OU.

No unlockables. Scout ONLY. Final Destination.
Sorry about yesterday guys, my gf and I planned to hang out D:

How are any of these OP at all?

In the hands of experienced players they're OP

Tomislav: The Heavy shouldn't be able to ambush, is too powerful, he does 500 DPS at point blank, no spin-up time is retardedly easy to abuse, and your only counter is a Heavy with Sasha or a bigger minigun

GRU: Again, the Heavy shoulnd't be able to run at the speed of the Pyro, -6 health per second?, more like faster Ubercharge, an awesome upgrade for a neligible downgrade, which is even abusable!

Fists of Steel: It removes one of the Heavy's weakness, being soft countered by Snipers, +40% indirect damage resistance is waaaay too much, and the downgrade?, +100% melee vulnerability, who in their right mind will melee a Heavy?

Sandvich: Full Health in 4 seconds, you can drop it and restore 150 hp, and you can restore your sandvich grabbing a single medikit!, who needs a shotgun when your primary is beast and you can tank more than 500 damage?

Mad Milk: if you're good with the Scout, this shit let's you tank a Heavy, nuff said

Sandman: Stunt means insta death. the ball is the fastest projectile in the game, if the Scout aims at your head, it will hit, is like trying to avoid an arrow at point blank, you can't, unless you're a Pyro, but is still hard to reflect

Wrangler: Sentries now have infinite range and effectively 2000 hp, what's even worse, in the hands of a skilled Engie even a Mini-Sentry is hard as fuck to take down, is like a mini Heavy, and if you destroy it, the Engie will just replace it

:I yeah