VGC 2011 rules up!

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Mac version of PO doesn't let me join two servers at once and I need to mod the Smogon server. You guys should just join the Smogon ladder :)
Firestorm, can't you just open another PO window to join another server? I wouldn't know if it's different on a Mac, but it works fine on my Ubuntu. Or is it that you can't open two windows of PO at once?
ok. DAMN! So apparently miracle herb now blocks the effects of taunt and encore aswell as confusion. So far its looking like trickroom is pretty unstoppable and tailwind just lost its main advantage, reliable set up =/
ok. DAMN! So apparently miracle herb now blocks the effects of taunt and encore aswell as confusion. So far its looking like trickroom is pretty unstoppable and tailwind just lost its main advantage, reliable set up =/

That would be Mental Herb, but the point still stands. TR is going to be rampant, but as Tyler said the other night on IRC, "Teams that work in TR and out>TR."
So, wait, more stops in the UK is likely? That's good, I was dreading having to make several journeys to get there, and having to do that stupidly early in the morning.

Mental Herb breaking Encore/Taunt? That's... odd. Will definitely have to look at that one a little more, but looks like Erufuun won't be as ridiculous as first assumed.

I'm really liking the rules, as it goes. I was dreading learning all the new rulesets, and I really like the metagame that Isshu's provided.
I am pretty excited for this upcoming VGC. It is fresh and new. Overall, the game somewhat gave me a feeling of when I first played a Pokemon game back in 1998. Although, this time I am much more competitively-savvy than I was twelve years ago. XD

I am also excited that Nationals is going to be in Indianapolis again! I hope there will be another Atlanta stop for regionals like they did last year.

Also, this Mental Herb sounds very interesting... I will have to look up some information on this item.
Mental Herb sounds ridiculous. At the point that its new ability was discovered, Trick Room was already showing to be very strong, in terms of how it was doing. At this point, Tailwind might just go out of the race.
Mental Herb sounds ridiculous. At the point that its new ability was discovered, Trick Room was already showing to be very strong, in terms of how it was doing. At this point, Tailwind might just go out of the race.

I don't think tailwind will disapear completly. I've seen people use trick room to while the opponent uses it so it cancels out. There is also the option of fainting both the mushroom and the trick room user in the first turn. There are not many options right now, but there will probably be ways to beat mental herb soon.
I don't think tailwind will disapear completly. I've seen people use trick room to while the opponent uses it so it cancels out. There is also the option of fainting both the mushroom and the trick room user in the first turn. There are not many options right now, but there will probably be ways to beat mental herb soon.

I was doing that in the beginning. So the common lead would be Mushaana and Morobareru. What can beat it? Shandera can dominate Mushaana, it learns Trick Room letting it reset it and has great typing against a lot of Trick Room, and Acrobat Tornelos with Flight Jewel dominates Morobareru and Fire Jewel Heat Wave from Shandera also dominates Morobareru. So the next question would be what if Morobareru is holding Focus Sash? Then the answer to that to avoid Spore would be another powerful multi-target attack, what would the first thing you can think of? Burungeru Water Spout is the first thing that comes into my mind, and then consider how much bulk does Mushaana lose without Sitrus Berry? Can it survive both attacks? I'm not completely sure, then you can also ask if it can be an Imprision Shandera with any Taunt lead will stop any Trick Room lead stopping Morobareru if it uses something like Spore and Imprision stops Mushaana completely, Shandera is definitely top tier and can stop TR with nearly any teamate depending on the set.
...and Acrobat Tornelos with Flight Jewel ...
FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST can somebody please explain this gimmick to me? It has a higher base SAtk and has a base 120 Flying Special move +30% Confusion (100 % acc in the rain). Why on EARTH use it's weaker Atk and a 1 use item??
115 base attack is still pretty good, and people generally prefer 110 base power + 100% accuracy to 120 base power + 70% accuracy.

Also using Flight Jewel with Acrobat gives it both the boost from the jewel and double the power from losing the jewel.
Sixonesix said:
Also using Flight Jewel with Acrobat gives it both the boost from the jewel and double the power from losing the jewel.

This, pretty much.

Makes it 247.5 BP before SE multipliers on first use, then 165 BP before SE multipliers every further use.
This, pretty much.

Makes it 247.5 BP before type multipliers on first use, then 165 BP before type multipliers every further use.

Er... isn't it 165 first use and 110 second? I think you did your math wrong; acrobat desont' triple in power.

Still though the reason that it's used over gale is because gale is inaccurate.. unless you're running rain gale is really not the best option.

Has anybody discussed zoroark and its ability to KO musharna (I think) with night burst? It hits both targets; I realize it's not too strong but with the support of another move like heat wave, it will surely kill.
115 base attack is still pretty good, and people generally prefer 110 base power + 100% accuracy to 120 base power + 70% accuracy.

Also using Flight Jewel with Acrobat gives it both the boost from the jewel and double the power from losing the jewel.

Also Acrobat gets the necessary KO's anyways. It still OHKO's anything which it hits SE unless they have Focus Sash and gets a lot of OHKO's even without the jewel. You don't need to invest greatly in its offense with either the Jewel or without the jewel, it gets the KO's no matter what.
Is the 247.5BP tested? Cuz it depends on when the base power gets calculated and I'm not sure when it is. The flight jewel acrobats I've seen haven't been that powerful if I remember rightly, lol.
Is the 247.5BP tested? Cuz it depends on when the base power gets calculated and I'm not sure when it is. The flight jewel acrobats I've seen haven't been that powerful if I remember rightly, lol.

Yes, if you check the research thread you'll see it :)
Has anybody discussed zoroark and its ability to KO musharna (I think) with night burst? It hits both targets; I realize it's not too strong but with the support of another move like heat wave, it will surely kill.

It's single target. :(

I swore it was double target too. :(
Has anybody discussed zoroark and its ability to KO musharna (I think) with night burst? It hits both targets; I realize it's not too strong but with the support of another move like heat wave, it will surely kill.

In my experience, most of the Musharna's I've faced have been 2HKO'd by Zoroark Night Burst, and I had Max Special Attack and a Life Orb.
hi my name is babby mushroom daddy

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