Project Metagame Workshop

Do you think the following premise is simple enough?

"Commander is a Doubles OM based on Tatsugiri and Dondozo's unique interaction in gen 9. Your right mon acts like Dondozo while your left acts like Tatsugiri, granting the right mon additional Type, Moves, Ability and half of its base stats. Every pokemon may only act as a Commander once per game."

The basic idea is to make one of your mon strengthen the other, just like Tatsugiri giving Dondozo +2 on all stats and a bonus effect on Order Up. I think just raising stats is boring and opt for a base stat increase instead. Furthermore, instead of adding an additional effect on a move, I decide to make the fused mon have 8 moves instead. I like the stat boost a lot since it makes the choice of mon matter, compared to simply a universal stat boost. Next is the moves. I also think making your moves boost stats is boring so I don't want that. I have chosen to make the fused mon have all 8 moves but this can definitely be changed. The additional type and Ability are definitely the two attributes which are not necessary. I just added them because it makes the "Tatsugiri" mon more relevant. I would like to hear your feedback regarding what the "Dondozo" mon gains from the "Tatsugiri" mon because that's definitely the aspect which I am most uncertain of. Everything else I feel pretty happy about.
I mean, is not really a doubles format as much as is 3v3 with complex fusion mechanics, it barely has anything to do with how Commander works so all the comparisons end up being misleading and could be confusing. It just ends being a weird variation of FF and Inh.
I mean, is not really a doubles format as much as is 3v3 with complex fusion mechanics, it barely has anything to do with how Commander works so all the comparisons end up being misleading and could be confusing. It just ends being a weird variation of FF and Inh.

1. "It's not really a doubles format as much as is 3v3"

Firstly, this OM is closer to a 6v6 rather than a 3v3. After your Dontatsu dies, your Tatsu returns to the field so you've only lost 1 mon instead of 2. I'll assume you're also saying that the OM is more like Singles 3v3, but correct me if I'm wrong. This is also not true. When your Dontatsu dies, you won't have access to another Dontatsu immediately unless you hard switch your Tatsu out the next turn. There is a lot of upside to NOT fusing. Everyone knows that there is an opportunity cost in switching because you're sacrificing using a move to better your position. Not only that, remember that a Dontatsu is not necessarily better than just 2 mons on the field. There are many drawbacks to Dondozo-Tatsugiri in standard Doubles and VGC such as the inability to switch and reduced action per turn, especially because of Protect. In conclusion, 1v1 situations will be a lot less common than you think due to the drawbacks of fusion.

2. This OM has "complex fusion mechanics"

I'm not certain if you are referring to the complexity of the benefits or the method of the fusion mechanic being too complex, but I will address both. I would like the the fusion mechanic to feel powerful, because it is the main feature of this OM. I have already mentioned the drawbacks in the previous section so the benefits must be sufficiently powerful to compensate. At the moment the only benefit I am certain of is the increased base stats. The others can be adjusted and I am open to all feedback on this aspect. I don't think the addition of base stats, type, ability and moves is too complex. We have seen other OMs just like FF and Inh which you mention later with the exact same mechanics. I don't think the benefits of fusion is much more complex than those OMs.

Let's address the other aspect of the fusion mechanic: how it occurs. Although it may seem complex, it really isn't. I think anyone who has seen the Dondozo-Tatsugiri in a WiFi or VGC battle before should be able to understand quickly. I'll still discuss why I think it is NOT complex, though. Firstly, the fusion is automatic. You don't have to do anything in your teambuilder to create a Dontatsu mon. Simply place them in position during the battle and the simulator should automatically fuse them for you. Secondly, although you might think it as unnecessary complexity, the rule that makes all pokemon only able to fuse once makes this OM much more interesting. You may use this rule as argument to support your next claim that this OM has "barely anything to do with Commander" but I will still stand by this rule. I don't think a mon only being able to fuse once is too complex to understand either.

3. This OM "barely has anything to do with how Commander works so all the comparisons end up being misleading and could be confusing."

Let's first talk about how Commander works in-game. I'll quote directly from Bulbapedia:

"When a Tatsugiri with Commander is on the same side of the field as a Dondozo, it will enter the Dondozo's mouth and the Dondozo will have its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed raised by two stages each. While Tatsugiri is inside Dondozo's mouth, the latter will be unable to switch out (even if Tatsugiri faints) and cannot be forced out. The Trainer will not be able to select moves for Tatsugiri, and any opponent's moves (even if it has No Guard) will miss if Tatsugiri is targeted. If Dondozo is switched in when Tatsugiri is already on the field, Commander will immediately activate and cancel Tatsugiri's selected move; any moves targeting Tatsugiri that turn will also miss. When Dondozo faints, Tatsugiri returns to its normal position in battle."

To summarize, in-game Commander has the following mechanics:

  1. Grants stat boosts
  2. Grants "unable to switch" status
  3. Removes Tatsugiri's action
  4. Immediately triggered whenever both Don and Tatsu are present
  5. Returns Tatsugiri to battle after Dondozo faints

I hope that you can see why this OM's mechanic is based on Commander. If you want to argue more regarding your statement, please elaborate with your reasoning and I'll be happy to discuss.

Nevertheless, I will highlight some aspects of Commander which is not replicated in this OM and address the reasons why I have omitted them. Once again from Bulbapedia:

"Tatsugiri will continue to take damage from sandstorms, as well as status conditions (such as poison) if it has already gained one prior to entering Dondozo's mouth, and the effect of Perish Song will continue normally. Commander will not reactivate if Tatsugiri faints and is replaced with another Tatsugiri with Commander; however, Commander can reactivate if Dondozo is revived after fainting."

The reason why I think an "Invincible Commander Mod" should exist is because frankly, this particular aspect of Commander makes no sense to me. Why should Dondozo retain its stat boosts and boosted Order Up when the Tatsugiri inside dies? Also, why can you switch in a new mon when you already have the boosted Dondozo? I think these are poorly thought-out aspects of the mechanic which I am not obligated to replicate. I've already stated why I have decided to ignore the fact that one Tatsugiri can Commander multiple Dondozos. I think it would be far more interesting if one Tatsu can only fuse with one Don, and a mon only fusing once per game is not too difficult to understand.

4. "It just ends being a weird variation of FF and Inh."

Let's discuss your final point. You are correct in saying that elements of this OM is the same as FF and Inheritance. Two pokemons fuse and gain access to new abilities and moves. However I would like to argue that this OM is different enough from those two OMs.

My first point is that in those two OMs, you don't need to run the fusion/donor. E.g I don't need to run Lucario to give a mon Extreme Speed, CC, Swords Dance, Justified, etc. in FF or Inh. However, in this OM, you have to run Lucario if you want to fuse it.

Secondly, the fusion mon in this OM is dynamic, not static. In FF and Inh, you choose your set in the teambuilder, and it is immutable. Meanwhile in this OM, you can fuse any two mons during the battle. One game you might fuse mon A and B but next game maybe A and C instead.

Thirdly, this is a Doubles OM. Doubles is inherently different from Singles. If you make FF or Inh a Doubles OM, it would develop vastly differently from its Singles counterpart. For example, Stall is basically unplayable in Doubles due to the fast-paced nature of the metagame. This factor should also provide a different experience to the players.

Finally, let's talk about PiC even though you didnt mention it since I think that OM is the closest comparison you can make. Nevertheless I will argue that this OM is unique enough from PiC. The reason is the difference between fusion and shared attributes. In PiC, both mons share moves and abilities. By switching your mons around, you can give different moves and abilities you your mons. Meanwhile in Commander, you are locked in when you fuse. You can't switch out and you only have one move per turn. You combine into a "super" mon with new type and higher stats. Support moves such as Helping Hand, Follow Me and Heal Pulse suddenly become useless after fusion. I daresay this OM is much more punishing in that regard.

I hope this answers your concerns. If you have more feedback then I would be glad to hear it. If you don't understand some points then I'll be happy to elaborate further.
I had this meta idea while considering whether to resubmit Nature Swap this gen.

:ss/groudon: Undergods :ss/wigglytuff:
(like underdogs. get it?)

In this meta, you are allowed 1 Uber per team. For every other mon on your team, the non-Uber's lowest stat becomes the Uber's stat in that category. So if the non-uber's lowest stat is SpDef, it inherits the Uber's SpDef. If the Uber is Ho-oh, an Iron Treads on that team will get a 154 SpDef stat. A Hatterene will get a 90 Speed stat. A Great Tusk on the team has both SpDef and SpA as its joint lowest stats, so it would get both 110 SpA and 154 SpDef. (note the same stat can be inherited by multiple teammates at once- great tusk and iron treads on the same team is fine)

This game mode draws comparisons to GG, but it ends up being a very different result. Because mons are only inheriting their weakest stat, most mons strengths will change drastically from their original style-a lot of great GG mons cant do their top sets here, and also a lot of GG-unviable mons are catapulted into greatness by their matching lowest stats so the top threats are going to look very different than GG's. Let me give some examples of mons that stand out here that maybe dont in GG.

Dewgong @ Choice Specs
Ability: Thick Fat
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Flip Turn
- Knock Off

Starting off ridiculous- its Dewgong. Its lowest stats are Atk, SpA and Speed, all at 70. If you pair with Deoxys-A as your uber, your Dewgong has 90/180/80/180/95/150 stats. A powerful mixed attacker with pivoting moves and strong typing. This is probably hard to handle!

Pecharunt @ Leftovers
Ability: Poison Puppeteer
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Serious Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Malignant Chain
- Hex
- Recover
- Nasty Plot

This seems like a really nasty mon that can fit any team easily thanks to its 5 matching lowest stats and 160 Def- but a good example is Eternatus. This'll grant 140/85/160/145/95/130, and you really can't ask for better alongside its signature move and setup. Likely banworthy?

Oricorio-Pom-Pom @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Dancer
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Revelation Dance
- Hurricane
- Roost
This could stand out with an Uber like Calyrex-Ice, its stats would become 75/165/150/98/130/93. It can use the improved defenses to run a bulky QD set which seems pretty strong paired with a good typing.

Some others that inherit a single stat to be good: :kingambit: :electrode-hisui: :alomomola: :torkoal:

Some strong defensive mons to counterbalance the offensive threats: :deoxys-defense: :oricorio-pom-pom: :iron-treads: :great-tusk: :latios: :salamence: :infernape: :skeledirge: :comfey: :wigglytuff:

Safe great choices: :sunkern: :glalie: :mew: :manaphy: :shaymin: :jirachi: :phione:
the fully-equal bst gang is pretty good- you can always get at least an Uber level threat out of them since all their stats are joint-lowest. Of course theres usually other mons that can get stats that are scarier, and you'll also be stacking the same side of the spectrum offensively and defensively unless the Uber is an all-rounder, so theres a slight downside. But its always funny to smack people up with a 720 BST Sunkern and Phione. Jirachi with Kyu-B's stats just sounds disgusting.

-Huge Power, Pure Power, did I miss abilities that should usually be banned in these types of metagames?
-Tera sounds too strong for this metagame due to the millions of options available and insane offensive force.
-Regular OU banlist, except for the one Uber mon per team
Threatlist/Potential Bans:
-Deoxys-A would probably be on the radar for an early ban as well as Pecharunt, Jirachi.
-Id want to keep a close eye on Kyurem, Carbink, Regidrago, and other mons that reach absurd BSTs.
Cant think of anything specific. Any missed bans?
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I could downscale it so its not Ubers and under but instead OU and under or something else. But like I said in the OP the mons and meta would be drastically different even with both being Ubers so if you care about gameplay over glance value it should be fine (I'll change it if its really a negative tho)

edit: A couple of altered versions that could be chosen-
-The first mon in the team is a 600<= BST mon (OU or below). The rest of the team is <600 BST and inherits from that.
-The first mon in the team is an OU mon. The rest must be UU and lower and inherit from that

Both of these are still pretty fun to work with. Or other solutions welcome
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I could downscale it so its not Ubers and under but instead OU and under or something else. But like I said in the OP the mons and meta would be drastically different even with both being Ubers so if you care about gameplay over glance value it should be fine (I'll change it if its really a negative tho)
I guess you could forget about tiers entirely and have something like "the highest stat on your team replaces that stat from your other Pokémon", just in general we dont want more formats that have similar concepts to what we already have.
Little Timmy's Bodyguard
:Machamp: :pichu: :Machamp:
Metagame premise:
A LC Pokémon is required to be at the 6th slot of your team, and it gets a 1.3x boost to all its base stats. However, if it faints, even prematurely, you lose the match!

OU Based
-Species Clause
-Sleep Clause
-Evasion Items Clause
-Evasion Moves Clause
-OHKO Clause
-Moody Clause
-Endless Battle Clause
-Tera Clause (no Terastelizing)

Potential bans and threats:

Questions for the community:
Would it be more interesting to not give a boost to the LC mon? Should the boost be 1.3x, or should it be closer to 1.2x?

This is an idea I've locked away for quite a while now, so I'm just pitching it for the heck of it to see how it fares.
Little Timmy's Bodyguard
Metagame premise:
A LC Pokémon is required to be at the 6th slot of your team, and it gets a 1.3x boost to all its base stats. However, if it faints, even prematurely, you lose the match!

OU Based
-Species Clause
-Sleep Clause
-Evasion Items Clause
-Evasion Moves Clause
-OHKO Clause
-Moody Clause
-Endless Battle Clause
-Tera Clause (no Terastelizing)

Potential bans and threats:

Questions for the community:
Would it be more interesting to not give a boost to the LC mon? Should the boost be 1.3x, or should it be closer to 1.2x?

This is an idea I've locked away for quite a while now, so I'm just pitching it for the heck of it to see how it fares.
I honestly really like this idea, and I think the stat boost should be 1.2 with no boost to HP. Btw, for clauses, you can group all clauses excluding Tera Clause and Sleep Clause into Standard OMs.
Little Timmy's Bodyguard
Metagame premise:
A LC Pokémon is required to be at the 6th slot of your team, and it gets a 1.3x boost to all its base stats. However, if it faints, even prematurely, you lose the match!

OU Based
-Species Clause
-Sleep Clause
-Evasion Items Clause
-Evasion Moves Clause
-OHKO Clause
-Moody Clause
-Endless Battle Clause
-Tera Clause (no Terastelizing)

Potential bans and threats:

Questions for the community:
Would it be more interesting to not give a boost to the LC mon? Should the boost be 1.3x, or should it be closer to 1.2x?

This is an idea I've locked away for quite a while now, so I'm just pitching it for the heck of it to see how it fares.
It should be "unevolved" mons rather than LC, some pokemon banned from LC may not be broken. Anyway, the stat boost seems rather random, and I'm not sure if this kind of concept can be popular as is just a teambuilding restriction.
Supreme Commander

1 Premise
Supreme Commander is a Doubles OM based on Tatsugiri’s Ability Commander introduced in SV. Excluding certain circum-
stances, your pokemon will automatically ”fuse” with the Commander, gaining additional stats and one upgraded move.

2 Rules
Pokemon on the right-side position gains a ”Commander”-like ability and will ”fuse” with the left-side pokemon, granting
it additional stat equal to half of the Commander’s base stats. If the left-side pokemon has a damaging move in the first
moveslot, it will raise a stat by one stage after use, depending on the highest stat of the Commander it fused with. Once
the fused pokemon dies, the Commander will return to the right-side position and loses the ability to trigger the Commander
effect for the rest of the game.

3 Ruleset
• Doubles OM.
• Right pokemon automatically gains Commander.
• Commander effect triggers automatically whenever two viable mons are on the field.
• When a fused pokemon dies, the Commander returns to the field but can no longer fuse.
• Fused mon is based on the left-side pokemon. It gains half the base stats of the Commander rounded down except for
HP, and one enhanced move.
• When a fused pokemon uses a damaging move in the first moveslot, it will raise its own stat by one. The raised stat
corresponds to the highest stat of the Commander.
• Fused pokemon cannot be switched out, voluntarily or through move effects.
• Commander loses its action when fused.
• Commander is semi-invulnerable during fusion, but it can still die to Poison, Burn, Curse, Perish Song, etc.

4 Example and Explanation
Example Doubles OU Team:

I lead Kyurem and Ninetales-Alola, on the left and right position respectively. Ninetales gain the ”Commander” Ability
and fuse with Kyurem after it triggers its Snow Warning ability. Kyurem gains half of Ninetales Base Stats rounded down
except for HP. It now has a Base Stat distribution of 125/163/127/170/140/149. Ninetales’ highest stat after EVs and Nature
is its Speed, at a value of 348. Kyurem has a damaging move, Blizzard, in its first slot. After the fused Kyurem uses Blizzard,
it will gain +1 Speed.

My Kyurem is knocked out. Ninetales-Alola returns to the field, on the right-side position. It does NOT trigger Snow
Warning. I replace Kyurem with Landorus-I. My Ninetales can no longer fuse with any mon for the rest of the game, so it
will NOT fuse with my Landorus. If I switch my Landorus out or it is knocked out and I bring in Ursaluna, my Ninetales
will still not fuse. However, if I switch Ninetales out or it is knocked out, I can bring in a new mon such as Incineroar.
Because Incineroar has not triggered the Commander effect and replaces Ninetales which is on the right-side position, it
will fuse with whatever mon is on the left side after it triggers Intimidate. Incineroar’s highest stat is Attack at 327, but
because Landorus has the non-damaging Protect and Ursaluna has Swords Dance on the first slot, these moves will not grant +1 Attack after use and function as normal.

Because pokemon can only fuse once per game, both players will be able to fuse anywhere between 1-3 times per game.
The first fusion is guaranteed at the start of the game but a player must replace the right-side pokemon through switch or
fainting to fuse again, which may not happen every game. After three fusions have occured, the remainder of the party can
only be composed of ex-Commanders, meaning that it is impossible to trigger Commander again.
5 Metagame
This OM is a unique mix of Singles and Doubles. I expect Fake Out to be a meta-defining move because you can infinitely
flinch a fused mon with 2 Fake Out users and switching. I think support pokemon are slightly nerfed because moves such as
Helping Hand, Follow Me, Trick Room and Tailwing are less effective when there is only one mon on the field, but they will
still be powerful because there will be times when you’ll have two pokemon on the field. Support pokemon are much better
used as Commanders because of this. By the way, it is not always correct to fuse your pokemon. Sometimes the additional
move and supportive capabilities of another mon is more valuable than the extra stats.

6 Banlist
• Doubles OU Banlist & Clauses
• Imposter & Transform Banned

7 Potential Banlist & Clauses
• Slaking, Regigigas (as Commanders)
• Invulnerable Commander Mod

8 Questions and Answers
What happens if my Commander has two or more stats which are the highest? (E.g Mew with max Def and
Sp.Def EVs). Will I boost multiple stats after I use my enhanced first slot move?

You won’t get a stat boost at all.

Will my fused mon get multiple stat boosts via multi-hit moves?
No, the stat boost occurs after the whole move is done. This means that multi-hit moves and spread moves will only give +1.

What happens if my Commander dies to residual damage or Perish Song while fused?
Not gonna lie this is up for debate but based on cartridge, your fused mon retains the additional stats and the enhanced move but you may send out a new mon on the right side. The new mon will restore your lost action. This is definitely very powerful because now you can provide Helping Hand, Follow Me, Trick Room etc. support to your fused mon but it’s quite difficult for the Commander to die while fused so it might not be problematic. I’ll consider adding a clause to make the Commander completely invulnerable if this strategy is too good though.

EDIT: I am considering making the fusion effect trigger from second turn onwards. This change will lessen the punishment for leading bad because you're instantly locked in.
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Supreme Commander

1 Premise
Supreme Commander is a Doubles OM based on Tatsugiri’s Ability Commander introduced in SV. Excluding certain circum-
stances, your pokemon will automatically ”fuse” with the Commander, gaining additional stats and one upgraded move.

2 Rules
Pokemon on the right-side position gains a ”Commander”-like ability and will ”fuse” with the left-side pokemon, granting
it additional stat equal to half of the Commander’s base stats. If the left-side pokemon has a damaging move in the first
moveslot, it will raise a stat by one stage after use, depending on the highest stat of the Commander it fused with. Once
the fused pokemon dies, the Commander will return to the right-side position and loses the ability to trigger the Commander
effect for the rest of the game.

3 Ruleset
• Doubles OM.
• Right pokemon automatically gains Commander.
• Commander effect triggers automatically whenever two viable mons are on the field.
• When a fused pokemon dies, the Commander returns to the field but can no longer fuse.
• Fused mon is based on the left-side pokemon. It gains half the base stats of the Commander rounded down except for
HP, and one enhanced move.
• When a fused pokemon uses a damaging move in the first moveslot, it will raise its own stat by one. The raised stat
corresponds to the highest stat of the Commander.
• Fused pokemon cannot be switched out, voluntarily or through move effects.
• Commander loses its action when fused.
• Commander is semi-invulnerable during fusion, but it can still die to Poison, Burn, Curse, Perish Song, etc.

4 Example and Explanation
Example Doubles OU Team:

I lead Kyurem and Ninetales-Alola, on the left and right position respectively. Ninetales gain the ”Commander” Ability
and fuse with Kyurem after it triggers its Snow Warning ability. Kyurem gains half of Ninetales Base Stats rounded down
except for HP. It now has a Base Stat distribution of 125/163/127/170/140/149. Ninetales’ highest stat after EVs and Nature
is its Speed, at a value of 348. Kyurem has a damaging move, Blizzard, in its first slot. After the fused Kyurem uses Blizzard,
it will gain +1 Speed.

My Kyurem is knocked out. Ninetales-Alola returns to the field, on the right-side position. It does NOT trigger Snow
Warning. I replace Kyurem with Landorus-I. My Ninetales can no longer fuse with any mon for the rest of the game, so it
will NOT fuse with my Landorus. If I switch my Landorus out or it is knocked out and I bring in Ursaluna, my Ninetales
will still not fuse. However, if I switch Ninetales out or it is knocked out, I can bring in a new mon such as Incineroar.
Because Incineroar has not triggered the Commander effect and replaces Ninetales which is on the right-side position, it
will fuse with whatever mon is on the left side after it triggers Intimidate. Incineroar’s highest stat is Attack at 327, but
because Landorus has the non-damaging Protect and Ursaluna has Swords Dance on the first slot, these moves will not grant +1 Attack after use and function as normal.

Because pokemon can only fuse once per game, both players will be able to fuse anywhere between 1-3 times per game.
The first fusion is guaranteed at the start of the game but a player must replace the right-side pokemon through switch or
fainting to fuse again, which may not happen every game. After three fusions have occured, the remainder of the party can
only be composed of ex-Commanders, meaning that it is impossible to trigger Commander again.
5 Metagame
This OM is a unique mix of Singles and Doubles. I expect Fake Out to be a meta-defining move because you can infinitely
flinch a fused mon with 2 Fake Out users and switching. I think support pokemon are slightly nerfed because moves such as
Helping Hand, Follow Me, Trick Room and Tailwing are less effective when there is only one mon on the field, but they will
still be powerful because there will be times when you’ll have two pokemon on the field. Support pokemon are much better
used as Commanders because of this. By the way, it is not always correct to fuse your pokemon. Sometimes the additional
move and supportive capabilities of another mon is more valuable than the extra stats.

6 Banlist
• Doubles OU Banlist & Clauses
• Imposter & Transform Banned

7 Potential Banlist & Clauses
• Slaking, Regigigas (as Commanders)
• Invulnerable Commander Mod

8 Questions and Answers
What happens if my Commander has two or more stats which are the highest? (E.g Mew with max Def and
Sp.Def EVs). Will I boost multiple stats after I use my enhanced first slot move?

You won’t get a stat boost at all.

Will my fused mon get multiple stat boosts via multi-hit moves?
No, the stat boost occurs after the whole move is done. This means that multi-hit moves and spread moves will only give +1.

What happens if my Commander dies to residual damage or Perish Song while fused?
Not gonna lie this is up for debate but based on cartridge, your fused mon retains the additional stats and the enhanced move but you may send out a new mon on the right side. The new mon will restore your lost action. This is definitely very powerful because now you can provide Helping Hand, Follow Me, Trick Room etc. support to your fused mon but it’s quite difficult for the Commander to die while fused so it might not be problematic. I’ll consider adding a clause to make the Commander completely invulnerable if this strategy is too good though.
As Kaen said earlier, this is still pretty much a 3v3 metagame and to add on to that it seems super complex as well, I'm not sure if this would end up being that much interesting.
As Kaen said earlier, this is still pretty much a 3v3 metagame and to add on to that it seems super complex as well, I'm not sure if this would end up being that much interesting.

Nah bro this version of the om is way simpler. You only get stats and one better move. How is the move better? More stats. How the fusion occurs is exactly the same as in game Commander except the once per game per mon restriction. If you cam expand more on why you think this is too complicated for the average OM enjoyed than I'm all ears.
Nah bro this version of the om is way simpler. You only get stats and one better move. How is the move better? More stats. How the fusion occurs is exactly the same as in game Commander except the once per game per mon restriction. If you cam expand more on why you think this is too complicated for the average OM enjoyed than I'm all ears.
After further review, my opinion has changed a bit, although I have some ideas to make it a bit better. Instead for not getting a stat boost at all if stats of the Commander are equal, give it based on this order, Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Speed. If the commander dies, the mon on the left should have the stats removed since that would make more sense. Also, I don't think the mon on the left should have their ability replaced by commander, rather added on. I'm just hoping this isn't too complex to code.
Ready to Rumble

Metagame premise:
  • A recreation of the Rumble spin off games in 6v6 singles. Pokemon can only have two moves and the game ends when the first player loses 3 of their pokemon, not 6.
  • For those who don't know, in Rumble, Pokemon can only have at most 2 moves and you only have three lives per level.
Potential bans and threats:
  • Most Ubers- There's not enough changes to balance out ubers, so most would likely still be over powered.
  • Terastallization and/or Tera Blast- Being able to change type on the fly and getting surprise KOs could hurt the meta since you are more limited in the amount of your mons that can die. Additionally, tera blast instantly giving you a new stab can also get surprise KOs, which would be unhealthy in a meta like this
  • Steller Tera Blast and :Terapagos: - regardless of what happens to Terastallization, Steller Tera Blast would need to be banned. Giving any pokemon a perfect coverage move would completely ruin the game. And for the same reasons Terapagos would ruin the game.
  • :Serperior: Contrary :Enamorus: - The compression of a boosting and damaging move together would definitely be problematic, even without Steller Tera Blast
  • :Pelipper: Rain :Barraskewda: - Rain sweepers already only need like 2 moves to function so they aren't limited in the same way every thing else would be.
  • :Glimmora: - Being able to set up TSs, without dedicating a move slot to it, could be overbearing.
  • :Kingambit: - Although the meta would limit sword dance and Supreme overlord, Kingambit already has near perfect STAB coverage and its strong sucker punches get quick kills in a meta where players can't afford to be quick killed. Additionally, status moves would be used less so there are few ways to work around it.
  • :Raging Bolt: - the exact same reasons as Kingambit, amazing STAB combo and very strong priority
Questions for the community:
  • Kinda new to om's, would this be better as a petmod/solomod? I was contemplating where to post this.
  • Should :focus sash: be banned for its surprise KO factor? I have a feeling it will be a lot better in a meta game where hazards are limited.
  • Should more changes be made to make it more 'Rumble-like.' Things like making all mons have no abilities or items (since they aren't in rumble) or only letting mons use their rumble learnset.
Checkmatemons (Chessmons was already taken) [Inspired by the Chess Board Field effect in the Pokémon Reborn fangame]

Metagame premise: Every pokemon becomes a chess piece (with a special effect) based on their stats or position during the send out order (like the one that appears when you have illusion zoroark in the team). More details on the criteria below.

Pieces Criteria

PawnFirst mon sent outGains the effect of a focus sash
KnightMon's highest stat = speedDamage dealt by the Pokémon increases by 3x when the target is a Queen.
RookMon's highest stat =def/spdefDefense and Special Defense are raised by one stage on switch-in.
BishopMon's highest stat = atk/spatkAttack and Special Attack are raised by one stage on switch-in.
QueenMon in the last slot (overrides anything else)Defense and Special Defense are raised by one stage on switch-in, and all damage dealt by the mon increases by 1.5x.
KingMon with lowest hpThe priority of any move used by the mon is increased by 1.
Piece role order (for overlapping roles): Queen > Pawn > King > Rook/Bishop/Knight (the queen>pawn would be needed in case there is only one pokemon in the team)

Potential bans and threats: Kingambit would be busted in almost every position: as a pawn it gets a free sash while also keeping its item, as a queen it gets free x1,5 (which is equal to a supreme overlord max boost) while having the chance of running defiant or getting another x1,5 by supreme overlord and more defense on top of that, as a king it gets free priorities. Shedinja as a Pawn also gets a free sash so it would be good to keep an eye on it.
Psychic Field/Priority blocking abilities might be pretty strong, especially against kings and against hypotetical Bishop priority users such as Dragonite, Raging Bolt, etc. but idk how they would balance each other.
Items such as King's Rock should be banned to prevent abuse, especially when coupled with kings (example: King's Rock King Maushold Population Bomb would a pretty annoying combo)

Questions for the community:

  • Could this idea be actually implemented (IF it gets approved) or is it better to drop it given its inspiration?
  • Would it make more sense to make it an OU or an Ubers metagame?
  • Is the Knight effect good enough or should i think of something else, given that other pieces have stronger effects? I think this way knights can keep queens in check but idk
Checkmatemons (Chessmons was already taken) [Inspired by the Chess Board Field effect in the Pokémon Reborn fangame]

Metagame premise: Every pokemon becomes a chess piece (with a special effect) based on their stats or position during the send out order (like the one that appears when you have illusion zoroark in the team). More details on the criteria below.

Pieces Criteria

PawnFirst mon sent outGains the effect of a focus sash
KnightMon's highest stat = speedDamage dealt by the Pokémon increases by 3x when the target is a Queen.
RookMon's highest stat =def/spdefDefense and Special Defense are raised by one stage on switch-in.
BishopMon's highest stat = atk/spatkAttack and Special Attack are raised by one stage on switch-in.
QueenMon in the last slot (overrides anything else)Defense and Special Defense are raised by one stage on switch-in, and all damage dealt by the mon increases by 1.5x.
KingMon with lowest hpThe priority of any move used by the mon is increased by 1.
Piece role order (for overlapping roles): Queen > Pawn > King > Rook/Bishop/Knight (the queen>pawn would be needed in case there is only one pokemon in the team)

Potential bans and threats: Kingambit would be busted in almost every position: as a pawn it gets a free sash while also keeping its item, as a queen it gets free x1,5 (which is equal to a supreme overlord max boost) while having the chance of running defiant or getting another x1,5 by supreme overlord and more defense on top of that, as a king it gets free priorities. Shedinja as a Pawn also gets a free sash so it would be good to keep an eye on it.
Psychic Field/Priority blocking abilities might be pretty strong, especially against kings and against hypotetical Bishop priority users such as Dragonite, Raging Bolt, etc. but idk how they would balance each other.
Items such as King's Rock should be banned to prevent abuse, especially when coupled with kings (example: King's Rock King Maushold Population Bomb would a pretty annoying combo)

Questions for the community:

  • Could this idea be actually implemented (IF it gets approved) or is it better to drop it given its inspiration?
  • Would it make more sense to make it an OU or an Ubers metagame?
  • Is the Knight effect good enough or should i think of something else, given that other pieces have stronger effects? I think this way knights can keep queens in check but idk
Even though its not similar to chessmons in the way its played, there's still already a chess related metagame so I doubt this would be accepted.
Stat Equalizer

Metagame Premise:
Each Pokemon in battle averages their lowest stat (non-Speed, without modifiers) with the opposing Pokemon.

- When switching in, a Pokemon's lowest stat is announced and averaged with the opposing Pokemon immediately.
- If both Pokemon has the same lowest stat, then only that stat is averaged.

Potential Bans and Threats:
- Defensive Pokemon become stronger, being able to share their weaker Attack/Special Attack with the opposing Pokemon. Lopsided walls such as Chansey/Blissey and Dondozo become difficult to kill, and may need to be banned.
- Physical attackers that can't share Defense, and Special attackers that can't share Special Defense with the opposing Pokemon struggle.
- Pokemon with great typing, abilities, or movepool but poor stats are able to somewhat mitigate this weakness.

- Should the Speed stat be able to be shared? (The opposing Pokemon will always outspeed you, unless both Pokemon averages Speed.)
- Should the stats be averaged at the end of each turn, instead of immediately?


I'm not planning to submit this, but Power Split and Guard Split are interesting moves.
I've had an idea for a while, and I'm surprised I couldn't find a previous submission about it, until I realized it might align with one of the commonly rejected ideas (posted below) but I think it's a unique enough idea that I wanted to confirm if it's possible or not. (There's also a possibility that this metagame exists already and somehow in my two days of digging I wasn't able to find it)

I Don't Give A Split (name pending, definitely open to suggestions)​
Metagame premise: The physical/special split was one of the most revolutionary parts of the game added in Generation 4, but what if a move's category was still determined by typing rather than the case-by-case basis we have now? All moves of physical types use a Pokemon's Attack stat and the opposing Pokemon's Defense stat to calculate damage and the others use Special Attack and Special Defense, similar to Generation 3.
Physical types: Bug, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Ground, Normal, Poison, Rock, Steel
Special types: Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Water

Potential bans and threats: Honestly, this change seems to make most Pokemon worse rather than improving them. Defensively, you're much more likely to rely on a Pokemon's natural resistances to typings rather than their bulk. And offensively, most Pokemon (:weavile::meowscarada::cinderace::barraskewda::gholdengo::glimmora::gouging fire::kingambit::ogerpon-wellspring::rillaboom::roaring moon: to name a bunch of Pokemon in OU at a glance) really rely on their STABs having the physical/special split and will have to come up with other tools to remain relevant.
:dragapult: Loses its ability to use Dragon STAB with DD sets, and Ghost STAB with Specs sets, but will likely get around this due to the power of those moves anyway.
:iron valiant: Loses special Fighting-STAB Aura Sphere/Focus Blast and physical Spirit Break but makes up for it on either side with great coverage moves.
:walking wake: Unlike most Pokemon, has absolutely no losses offensively and even gains Special Flip Turn and Knock Off for a bit more chip on things. Sun teams in general could rock but be a bit one dimensional since all Grass- and Fire-type moves are special.

Questions for the community:
Should Stellar-type Tera Blast be locked to a certain type or should it depend on highest stat like it currently does?
What Ubers should be unbanned to test? Pokemon like Zekrom, Chien-Pao, Baxcalibur, Ogerpon-Hearthflame, Palafin, Spectrier, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, and both Urshifus get significantly worse with this change and if we wanted to get even crazier, we could look at things like Calyrex-Ice, Zacian, and Kyurem-Black.
Do we change the effect of stat lowering moves to match their new category? For example Shadow Ball dropping Defense and Crunch dropping Special Defense or is that too close to pet mod territory?
Does this too closely hit the mark of "current Pokemon with old gen mechanics?" If so, is there any way to change it and make it more interesting/separated from that idea?
I like old gens: Current Pokemon with X Generation's mechanics
I like old gens but that's not the only reason I would like to see this meta ;; I do really think it would be an interesting concept
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Fervent Invocation


Fervent Invocation is an OM where your pokemon may transform into another pokemon including Ubers at the end of the
turn, when it falls to 50% hp or below and have an appropriate legal moveset and nickname.

This OM is based on Zygarde and Wishiwashi’s transformation mechanic which occurs at certain hp thresholds at the end of
the turn. Let’s say I want to invoke Miraidon with Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Taunt and U-turn. The pokemon which can
learn these 4 exact moves are: Cyclizar, Mew, Miraidon itself and Smeargle. I can choose Cyclizar, give it these 4 moves and
nickname it ”Miraidon”. During battle, if my Cyclizar is at 50% hp or below at the end of the turn, it will transform into a

If you’ve never seen Power Construct Zygarde transform before, you might not know how the hp stat works. Basically,
the total damage Zygarde took is transferred to the Zygarde-C. Max hp Zygarde-50% has 420 total hp, while Zygarde-C has
636. If Zyg-50% takes 300 damage to 120 hp, it transforms to Zyg-C with have 636-300=336 hp. This means that after transformation, Zygarde always gains 116 hp due to the difference in base stats. There are two options regarding this mechanic. The problem is that there are
times when the mon you invoke has lower base hp than the base mon, which could potentially lead to your mon losing hp and dying after
transformation. There are several options regarding this issue. first option is to have a clause where the invoked mon must have the same or higher base hp than the base mon. The second option is to make it so that a mon won’t transform if it would have les than 0 hp as a result. The other option I can think of is a clause where mons still lose hp after transformation but they will always have at least 1 hp. Apart from the hp issue, the mon will keep all EVs, items etc. post transformation and every other mechanic is consistent with how Zygarde/Wishiwashi transformation works in-game. Once the pokemon transforms, they won't revert even if they recover hp via a healing move or Regenerator.

At the moment I think alternate formes like Arceus-Ghost, Palkia-Origin and Zacian-Crowned should be accessible via
nicknames alone without the item restriction.

Potential bans and threats
If you have been reading carefully you’ll notice one glaring weakness: if you kill a mon from >50% hp, they won’t even have
a chance to transform. This is easier than you might think because if you setup an SD or NP, go below 50% hp to
transform into an Ubers mon, you can definitely just sweep your opponent’s OU team. I have listed some powerful options

:Koraidon: invoked by :Kommo-O: :Cyclizar:
:Zacian-Crowned: invoked by :Iron Hands: :Ursaluna:
:Arceus: invoked by :Lucario:
:Ho-oh: invoked by :Blaziken: :Corviknight: :Moltres:
:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: invoked by :Necrozma: :Gouging Fire:
:Arceus-Fairy: invoked by :Gholdengo:

Do note that due to the difference in base hp, some of these mons will be easy to revenge kill because they will lose hp after transformation.

1. What do you think is the best way to deal with the hp mechanic? Leave it as, implement a clause so invoked mons must have
higher hp, a clause to prevent transformation if it results in death, a clause which always always leaves an invoked mon with
at least 1 hp or something else?

2. Should the hp threshold be changed from 50%?
Idk if it has been brought up before / is a commonly rejected idea (couldn't rly find it in the list so ye):

:pmd/roaring-moon: MAXIMUM SKILL :pmd/heatran:

Metagame premise: Simply put, all moves behave like High Jump Kick, but there's a twist:
If a Pokemon hits another with a super effective move, the damage is multiplied by 2; however, using a resisted or immune move costs the user half of its HP.
Explanation: A high risk, high reward metagame. This is no metagame for noobs people who just blindly click moves-- it's named max skill for a reason after all lol, prediction skill is required. it's very difficult to predict how this metagame would turn out. grass types may drop bc of being resisted by many mons, stuff like lando / flyings / grounds will maybe be very good to punish pivoting moves. maybe trap stuff like jaw lock moon will gain traction. Idk. it'll be different from ou tho, that's for sure.
Potential bans and threats: the regular Uber bans but i might consider unbanning some of them lol depending on the metagame
Questions for the community:
  • How will status moves like toxic act? I don't rly know what to do with them but glowking taking -50 by toxicing a steel would be funny lol. might make them consistent with the rule of community depends (to not keep the meta too defensive or something)-- but otherwise whatever is easier code wise. the damage doubling won't apply though.
  • How about reflect / hazards / setup moves? they're not targeting the opponent so they'll keep their usual desc. no -50.
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Stat Equalizer

Metagame Premise:
Each Pokemon in battle averages their lowest stat (non-Speed, without modifiers) with the opposing Pokemon.

- When switching in, a Pokemon's lowest stat is announced and averaged with the opposing Pokemon immediately.
- If both Pokemon has the same lowest stat, then only that stat is averaged.

Potential Bans and Threats:
- Defensive Pokemon become stronger, being able to share their weaker Attack/Special Attack with the opposing Pokemon. Lopsided walls such as Chansey/Blissey and Dondozo become difficult to kill, and may need to be banned.
- Physical attackers that can't share Defense, and Special attackers that can't share Special Defense with the opposing Pokemon struggle.
- Pokemon with great typing, abilities, or movepool but poor stats are able to somewhat mitigate this weakness.

- Should the Speed stat be able to be shared? (The opposing Pokemon will always outspeed you, unless both Pokemon averages Speed.)
- Should the stats be averaged at the end of each turn, instead of immediately?


I'm not planning to submit this, but Power Split and Guard Split are interesting moves.
I feel like this would be kinda dull to play/build, as it doesn't really change much from the actual game, min maxed mons should stay decent and there are reasons to use lower tier mons, but that isn't anything new around here, for the most part it should be a quite vanilla game with some mons dealing less damage and stuff like that.
Checkmatemons (Chessmons was already taken) [Inspired by the Chess Board Field effect in the Pokémon Reborn fangame]

Metagame premise: Every pokemon becomes a chess piece (with a special effect) based on their stats or position during the send out order (like the one that appears when you have illusion zoroark in the team). More details on the criteria below.

Pieces Criteria

PawnFirst mon sent outGains the effect of a focus sash
KnightMon's highest stat = speedDamage dealt by the Pokémon increases by 3x when the target is a Queen.
RookMon's highest stat =def/spdefDefense and Special Defense are raised by one stage on switch-in.
BishopMon's highest stat = atk/spatkAttack and Special Attack are raised by one stage on switch-in.
QueenMon in the last slot (overrides anything else)Defense and Special Defense are raised by one stage on switch-in, and all damage dealt by the mon increases by 1.5x.
KingMon with lowest hpThe priority of any move used by the mon is increased by 1.
Piece role order (for overlapping roles): Queen > Pawn > King > Rook/Bishop/Knight (the queen>pawn would be needed in case there is only one pokemon in the team)

Potential bans and threats: Kingambit would be busted in almost every position: as a pawn it gets a free sash while also keeping its item, as a queen it gets free x1,5 (which is equal to a supreme overlord max boost) while having the chance of running defiant or getting another x1,5 by supreme overlord and more defense on top of that, as a king it gets free priorities. Shedinja as a Pawn also gets a free sash so it would be good to keep an eye on it.
Psychic Field/Priority blocking abilities might be pretty strong, especially against kings and against hypotetical Bishop priority users such as Dragonite, Raging Bolt, etc. but idk how they would balance each other.
Items such as King's Rock should be banned to prevent abuse, especially when coupled with kings (example: King's Rock King Maushold Population Bomb would a pretty annoying combo)

Questions for the community:

  • Could this idea be actually implemented (IF it gets approved) or is it better to drop it given its inspiration?
  • Would it make more sense to make it an OU or an Ubers metagame?
  • Is the Knight effect good enough or should i think of something else, given that other pieces have stronger effects? I think this way knights can keep queens in check but idk
This is just too complex to expect random people in ladder to join games and have any idea on whats going on.

I've had an idea for a while, and I'm surprised I couldn't find a previous submission about it, until I realized it might align with one of the commonly rejected ideas (posted below) but I think it's a unique enough idea that I wanted to confirm if it's possible or not. (There's also a possibility that this metagame exists already and somehow in my two days of digging I wasn't able to find it)

I Don't Give A Split (name pending, definitely open to suggestions)​
Metagame premise: The physical/special split was one of the most revolutionary parts of the game added in Generation 4, but what if a move's category was still determined by typing rather than the case-by-case basis we have now? All moves of physical types use a Pokemon's Attack stat and the opposing Pokemon's Defense stat to calculate damage and the others use Special Attack and Special Defense, similar to Generation 3.
Physical types: Bug, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Ground, Normal, Poison, Rock, Steel
Special types: Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Water

Potential bans and threats: Honestly, this change seems to make most Pokemon worse rather than improving them. Defensively, you're much more likely to rely on a Pokemon's natural resistances to typings rather than their bulk. And offensively, most Pokemon (:weavile::meowscarada::cinderace::barraskewda::gholdengo::glimmora::gouging fire::kingambit::ogerpon-wellspring::rillaboom::roaring moon: to name a bunch of Pokemon in OU at a glance) really rely on their STABs having the physical/special split and will have to come up with other tools to remain relevant.
:dragapult: Loses its ability to use Dragon STAB with DD sets, and Ghost STAB with Specs sets, but will likely get around this due to the power of those moves anyway.
:iron valiant: Loses special Fighting-STAB Aura Sphere/Focus Blast and physical Spirit Break but makes up for it on either side with great coverage moves.
:walking wake: Unlike most Pokemon, has absolutely no losses offensively and even gains Special Flip Turn and Knock Off for a bit more chip on things. Sun teams in general could rock but be a bit one dimensional since all Grass- and Fire-type moves are special.

Questions for the community:
Should Stellar-type Tera Blast be locked to a certain type or should it depend on highest stat like it currently does?
What Ubers should be unbanned to test? Pokemon like Zekrom, Chien-Pao, Baxcalibur, Ogerpon-Hearthflame, Palafin, Spectrier, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, and both Urshifus get significantly worse with this change and if we wanted to get even crazier, we could look at things like Calyrex-Ice, Zacian, and Kyurem-Black.
Do we change the effect of stat lowering moves to match their new category? For example Shadow Ball dropping Defense and Crunch dropping Special Defense or is that too close to pet mod territory?
Does this too closely hit the mark of "current Pokemon with old gen mechanics?" If so, is there any way to change it and make it more interesting/separated from that idea?

I like old gens but that's not the only reason I would like to see this meta ;; I do really think it would be an interesting concept
I been wanting this idea to happen for a while to be honest, I think the best that can be done with new types (Fairy, Stella, and whatever could come in the future) is to have them be unnafected by the change, but thats up for debate.
Fervent Invocation


Fervent Invocation is an OM where your pokemon may transform into another pokemon including Ubers at the end of the
turn, when it falls to 50% hp or below and have an appropriate legal moveset and nickname.

This OM is based on Zygarde and Wishiwashi’s transformation mechanic which occurs at certain hp thresholds at the end of
the turn. Let’s say I want to invoke Miraidon with Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Taunt and U-turn. The pokemon which can
learn these 4 exact moves are: Cyclizar, Mew, Miraidon itself and Smeargle. I can choose Cyclizar, give it these 4 moves and
nickname it ”Miraidon”. During battle, if my Cyclizar is at 50% hp or below at the end of the turn, it will transform into a

If you’ve never seen Power Construct Zygarde transform before, you might not know how the hp stat works. Basically,
the total damage Zygarde took is transferred to the Zygarde-C. Max hp Zygarde-50% has 420 total hp, while Zygarde-C has
636. If Zyg-50% takes 300 damage to 120 hp, it transforms to Zyg-C with have 636-300=336 hp. This means that after transformation, Zygarde always gains 116 hp due to the difference in base stats. There are two options regarding this mechanic. The problem is that there are
times when the mon you invoke has lower base hp than the base mon, which could potentially lead to your mon losing hp and dying after
transformation. There are several options regarding this issue. first option is to have a clause where the invoked mon must have the same or higher base hp than the base mon. The second option is to make it so that a mon won’t transform if it would have les than 0 hp as a result. The other option I can think of is a clause where mons still lose hp after transformation but they will always have at least 1 hp. Apart from the hp issue, the mon will keep all EVs, items etc. post transformation and every other mechanic is consistent with how Zygarde/Wishiwashi transformation works in-game. Once the pokemon transforms, they won't revert even if they recover hp via a healing move or Regenerator.

At the moment I think alternate formes like Arceus-Ghost, Palkia-Origin and Zacian-Crowned should be accessible via
nicknames alone without the item restriction.

Potential bans and threats
If you have been reading carefully you’ll notice one glaring weakness: if you kill a mon from >50% hp, they won’t even have
a chance to transform. This is easier than you might think because if you setup an SD or NP, go below 50% hp to
transform into an Ubers mon, you can definitely just sweep your opponent’s OU team. I have listed some powerful options

:Koraidon: invoked by :Kommo-O: :Cyclizar:
:Zacian-Crowned: invoked by :Iron Hands: :Ursaluna:
:Arceus: invoked by :Lucario:
:Ho-oh: invoked by :Blaziken: :Corviknight: :Moltres:
:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: invoked by :Necrozma: :Gouging Fire:
:Arceus-Fairy: invoked by :Gholdengo:

Do note that due to the difference in base hp, some of these mons will be easy to revenge kill because they will lose hp after transformation.

1. What do you think is the best way to deal with the hp mechanic? Leave it as, implement a clause so invoked mons must have
higher hp, a clause to prevent transformation if it results in death, a clause which always always leaves an invoked mon with
at least 1 hp or something else?

2. Should the hp threshold be changed from 50%?
I guess this could be interesting, maybe a bit complicated to balance, as you have to divide the mons between the summons and the summoners and then decide whats the broken part about it.
I imagine the best way to do HP is that the summuned mon just appear with 50% of its HP, ignoring the actual value there was before, but it may be just easier to implement whatever mechanic zygarde uses.
Idk if it has been brought up before / is a commonly rejected idea (couldn't rly find it in the list so ye):

:pmd/roaring-moon: MAXIMUM SKILL :pmd/heatran:

Metagame premise: Simply put, all moves behave like High Jump Kick, but there's a twist:
If a Pokemon hits another with a super effective move, the damage is multiplied by 2; however, using a resisted or immune move costs the user half of its HP.
Explanation: A high risk, high reward metagame. This is no metagame for noobs people who just blindly click moves-- it's named max skill for a reason after all lol, prediction skill is required. it's very difficult to predict how this metagame would turn out. grass types may drop bc of being resisted by many mons, stuff like lando / flyings / grounds will maybe be very good to punish pivoting moves. maybe trap stuff like jaw lock moon will gain traction. Idk. it'll be different from ou tho, that's for sure.
Potential bans and threats: the regular Uber bans but i might consider unbanning some of them lol depending on the metagame
Questions for the community:
  • How will status moves like toxic act? I don't rly know what to do with them but glowking taking -50 by toxicing a steel would be funny lol. might make them consistent with the rule of community depends (to not keep the meta too defensive or something)-- but otherwise whatever is easier code wise. the damage doubling won't apply though.
  • How about reflect / hazards / setup moves? they're not targeting the opponent so they'll keep their usual desc. no -50.
I really feel like this will be decided by luck more often that skill, prediction goes both ways and at some point it just becomes a game of guessing.
You dont even get some time to study your opponent early to learn on how their play and actually make predictions based on anything.
I really feel like this will be decided by luck more often that skill, prediction goes both ways and at some point it just becomes a game of guessing.
You dont even get some time to study your opponent early to learn on how their play and actually make predictions based on anything.
tbf you kinda do-- at the start you can play some hazard game and see how they play around it. It's not rly hard / take much time to decide who's good and who's not, and since it's -50 and not -100, u still have a fighting chance if u misread once. this is not any more luck based than like fire blast miss, this is kinda like sucker punch mindgames but I don't exactly consider them luck. if u have any suggestions on how to improve this problem tho, please do lmk
Idk if it has been brought up before / is a commonly rejected idea (couldn't rly find it in the list so ye):

:pmd/roaring-moon: MAXIMUM SKILL :pmd/heatran:

Metagame premise: Simply put, all moves behave like High Jump Kick, but there's a twist:
If a Pokemon hits another with a super effective move, the damage is multiplied by 2; however, using a resisted or immune move costs the user half of its HP.
Explanation: A high risk, high reward metagame. This is no metagame for noobs people who just blindly click moves-- it's named max skill for a reason after all lol, prediction skill is required. it's very difficult to predict how this metagame would turn out. grass types may drop bc of being resisted by many mons, stuff like lando / flyings / grounds will maybe be very good to punish pivoting moves. maybe trap stuff like jaw lock moon will gain traction. Idk. it'll be different from ou tho, that's for sure.
Potential bans and threats: the regular Uber bans but i might consider unbanning some of them lol depending on the metagame
Questions for the community:
  • How will status moves like toxic act? I don't rly know what to do with them but glowking taking -50 by toxicing a steel would be funny lol. might make them consistent with the rule of community depends (to not keep the meta too defensive or something)-- but otherwise whatever is easier code wise. the damage doubling won't apply though.
  • How about reflect / hazards / setup moves? they're not targeting the opponent so they'll keep their usual desc. no -50.
Does it also cost the user half their HP if they run their neutral/SE attack into Protect (a la High Jump Kick)?
Does it also cost the user half their HP if they run their neutral/SE attack into Protect (a la High Jump Kick)?
uh.. maybe not bc the mechanics are a bit different from HJK, but whatever is easier to code / whatever the community wants, i guess. I'm fine either way.