Double Battle Metagame.

A few comments. First, Ludicolo couldn't really care less about getting hit by Surf, even in the rain. More importantly, it is not practical to stall with one Pokémon and attack with the other. That's basically saying to your opponent: go ahead and ignore Ludicolo until it's the last Pokémon remaining. Once your Ludicolo has set up Leech Seed on each opponent, it can literally do nothing but sit around using Protect and Substitute. Once your opponent has taken out all your other Pokémon, they will be able to make short work of Ludicolo; one opponent will break your Sub and the other will attack Ludicolo.

Long story short: the Stallrein tactic doesn't work that way in Doubles.

Also, what's with Swift Swim on your stalling Ludicolo? You'd think Rain Dish would be the clear choice there.

Anyhow, if you want to fix this up, Ludicolo needs at least one attack, maybe two or three. If you keep Swift Swim, go with Fake Out, Surf/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Energy Ball.

If you go with Rain Dish (which is perfectly fine), go with Fake Out, Leech Seed, Surf/Hydro Pump, and Giga Drain. Giga Drain and Leech Seed will both benefit from Big Root, making it superior to Leftovers (even without Item Clause). If you go this route, you might consider taking EVs out of HP and pumping them into Def and SpDef, thereby increasing the percentage of HP you recover with your draining attacks.

Ludicolo needs the speed and yeah I just remembered it has a 4x Grass resistance.
wont worry seed work better against gastro acid for dark voiding smeargle?

That's what I was thinking. Something along the lines of:

Generic Slaking


Jumpluff @ Focus Sash
EVs: 252 Speed [?]
-Worry Seed
-Helping Hand
-Sleep Powder

I still like the Slowking idea better than this, but it could work nonetheless.
I was thinking something of an Anti-Starter Aerodactly


Aerodactly @ ???
- Taunt
- Foresight
- Rain Dance/Sunny Day
- Earthquake

Since Deoxys is banned from the Nintendo Tournament, Aero and Crobat are the faster taunters in the game. Aero gets foresight, which sort of nulls an Exploder + Ghost lead. The last 2 moves are filler and since Aero gets 2 weather moves, might as well set something up for your team.

As for EV's you would naturally want max speed and the rest is up to the user.

Edit: I've read through the topic and I'm surprised no one has mentioned gravity yet. It allows everyone to be hit by earthquake and doesn't it raise the accuracy of all moves? Time to bring out Choice Scarf Articuno!
Using Scarf Jumpluff with Gastro Acid on your partner might not be a bad idea, especially if Dark Void Smeargle is running about. All the better if it's Slaking you're helping out.

I assume you mean Worry Seed. This is an interesting idea, but I think it's overkill. You're basically making your Jumpluff worthless after turn one with that Choice Scarf (unless you want to nullify one of you opponent's abilities), and I'm not sure you want to spend the time switching the Jumpluff out. You're better off relying on Insomnia, Vital Spirit, Lum Berry, and Chesto Berry.

That's what I was thinking. Something along the lines of:

Generic Slaking


Jumpluff @ Focus Sash
EVs: 252 Speed [?]
-Worry Seed
-Helping Hand
-Sleep Powder

I still like the Slowking idea better than this, but it could work nonetheless.

Worry Seed doesn't work on a target that has Truant. Check it out in the Smogon MoveDex.

Ludicolo needs the speed and yeah I just remembered it has a 4x Grass resistance.

What does your Ludicolo need the speed for? Fake Out has priority and it's not going to beat other Fake Outs since rain won't have started yet. Protect doesn't need Speed. We've already established that Substitute is a really bad idea, and Speed only matters with Leech Seed if Ludicolo is KOed and the next Pokémon out can take advantage of it.

If you decide on an offense-based set like the one I described, then Ludicolo will need the speed. I think I'd rather have the extra recovery on a defensive Ludicolo.
I was thinking something of an Anti-Starter Aerodactly


Aerodactly @ ???
- Taunt
- Foresight
- Rain Dance/Sunny Day
- Earthquake

Since Deoxys is banned from the Nintendo Tournament, Aero and Crobat are the faster taunters in the game. Aero gets foresight, which sort of nulls an Exploder + Ghost lead. The last 2 moves are filler and since Aero gets 2 weather moves, might as well set something up for your team.

As for EV's you would naturally want max speed and the rest is up to the user.

Edit: I've read through the topic and I'm surprised no one has mentioned gravity yet. It allows everyone to be hit by earthquake and doesn't it raise the accuracy of all moves? Time to bring out Choice Scarf Articuno!

I like that Taunt/Foresight Aerodactyl. I think I'd take Rock Slide over Earthquake. It's more powerful than Earthquake with STAB, doesn't hit your partner, and has a sick 30% flinch chance against each opponent. If you didn't need to set up sun or rain, you could put another attack in that slot (possibly Earthquake).

Gravity's a cool effect and can be used well in a Doubles environment. I assume that Articuno would be spamming Blizzard, since Sheer Cold's accuracy doesn't improve in Gravity.
Blizzard is altered to 90 base for both opponents in double battles, is that right? Could this mean use of Abomasnow other ice types like Froslass?
Blizzard is altered to 90 base for both opponents in double battles, is that right? Could this mean use of Abomasnow other ice types like Froslass?

Definitely. I've seen a good number of Hail teams on PBR with Abomasnow and Glaceon spamming Blizzard. Not a horrible strat, although I'm not sure I've ever lost to it unless one of my Pokémon froze.

Dude, even if Gravity did affect Sheer Cold, its accuracy would only be 50%. That's not exactly reliable. I think I'd stick with Blizzard anyway, especially if I expected to battle a lot of Dragon-types.
Guys, before you post any strategy, make sure it actually works. We have the movedex for a reason. If anyone continues to post things that assume wrong mechanics when the right mechanics are easily available on the site, I'll be considering hitting that "infract" button.
Definitely. I've seen a good number of Hail teams on PBR with Abomasnow and Glaceon spamming Blizzard. Not a horrible strat, although I'm not sure I've ever lost to it unless one of my Pokémon froze.

That's where I saw it also, though the strategy was applied in a trick room setting and was not based entirely around hail.
Flygon@ Life Orb
Dragon Claw
Fire Blast

HP Ice/Flash Cannon
Magnet Rise

Basically, you hit both opponents with waves of powerful electric/ground moves. Protect on Magnezone in case a faster EQ user is out, trying to kill you off before you can Magnet Rise. If you prefer to use EQ on Flygon first turn, and protect over magnet rise.

Hastily made, I'll come back with pics and EVs later. Worked well in ADV when I had magneton :P

Simply use Zapdos over Magnezone

Zapdos @ Leftovers

Hidden Power [Ice]
Thunder Wave/Protect/Metal Sound

And Why not use Garchomp, or Electivire over Flygon? Both are (or eventually with be) faster, and can hit harder. And since they will be faster, Roost will go second, Protecting you from Earthquake.

Gyarados: @ Lum Berry

Dragon Dance

Marowak: @ Thick Club
Ability: Lightening Rod

Fire Punch
Rock Slide

Whenever they use a non-Discharge electric move, Marowak take the hit, and Swaggers Gyarados, while Gyarados uses Dragon Dance. Gyarados lures electric attacks, has Intimidate, and has Immunity to Marowak's Earthquake.

Rhyperior can do the same, but it will be killed easily with 4x weaknesses to Grass and Water, and the ever common EQ.



Groudon: @ Scarf

Dragon Claw
Stone Edge
Shadow Claw/Fire Punch

Ho-oh: @ Band/LOrb

Sacred Fire

Cherrim is nice, but Ho-oh works perfectly with Groudon, being both Immune to EQ, and getting a boost off its STAB Fire Attacks in the Sunlight. Groudon also covers what Ho-oh's Sacred Fire can't, Dragon Claw covers Fire Resistant Dragons, and EQ covers Rock/Fire types that are resistant to Fire attacks, not to mention Heatran.

In Return, Ho-oh hits hard without Groudon, as it pack's its own EQ, and Punishment for Ghost/Psychic/Rock/Fire Types (including Lati@s whom otherwise resist Sacred Fire). Groudon also semi-protects Ho-oh from Thunder by lowering its accuracy to 50%, and cuts its Water weakness in half, effectively nuetralizing it.

Scarf is because Groudon needs to hit threats hard and fast, and Band on Ho-oh is mainly because if it is slower then it can take advantage of Punishment.

In addition to starting out well, they make great switch-ins for eachother. Ho-oh's weaknesses to Thunder and Rock can be used to allow Groudon to safely switch in, while Groudon's Weaknesses to Grass (Solar Beam) and Ice allow Ho-oh to switch in very easily, not to mention Ho-oh is immune to EQs from opposing Groudons, and Ho-oh can also switch into other Fire attacks that may threat Groudon considering their 1.5x boost.

Speaking of fire attacks, Ho-oh, other than Fire Plate Arceus, is the only Uber immune to W-o-w, effectively allowing Ho-oh to switch in against Giratina's W-o-w. Additionally, since Giratina will then be forced to attack Ho-oh, Ho-oh can use super effective Punishment very effectively.
I was wondering if there was anyone here that would be willing to tutoring me for this Showdown Tournament. Since the Apprentice Program won't be starting for awhile ( I hear it'll be up after the tournament), I would appreciate anyone that would able to help me build a Double Battle team. thanks in advance
Would Cs Kyogre+ CS Wailord work well together in 2v2?

Rain +2 Water Spouts work well. Plus Kyogre gets Thunder to take out other Water types that resist it's Water Spout.
Kyogre and Starly
Kyogre@ Choice Scarf Starly@ Focus Sash Lv.40
Evs: later Evs: later
Water Spout Quick Attack
Thunder Endeavor
Surf Fly
Earthquake Growl

Basically they will target Kyogre, and Starly can Growl to lower ther attack, and then FEAR kicks in.
Man its even harder to configure teams now... with RSE i used to use Netabttle to configure, tweak, decide what's best, then attempt to create them on the game.

I used to have a RSE hydroelectric team that had a 93% win ratio after 100 battles 2v2 :), in DP the possibilities can lead to much creativity. There's almost too much to think about

2v2 is awesome, I don't understand why people just stick to the 1v1, 1v1 is tried and tested rigid and drawn out, 2v2 however theres much more to think about and allows for more creativity.
Kyogre and Starly
Kyogre@ Choice Scarf Starly@ Focus Sash Lv.40
Evs: later Evs: later
Water Spout Quick Attack
Thunder Endeavor
Surf Fly
Earthquake Growl

Basically they will target Kyogre, and Starly can Growl to lower ther attack, and then FEAR kicks in.
Explosion. Multi-targetting attacks. Prevalence of Protect. Obvious setup with a Starly in your opening line. FEAR is a stupid strategy, doesn't work, and most of the time is a moot point because of autolevelling.
Outrage is not always the best idea for double battles since you don't know where it's going, unless you've eliminated all but the pokemon that are susceptible to it. Even if the enemy targets and kills your Sentret and Rayquaza gets a Dragon Dance without taking damage, you will still only hit one out of two enemy pokemon for a full spent first turn while you will have lost one pokemon. For your Kyogre set, consider a pokemon like Ludicolo that benefits in the rain, can Fake Out threats to a fully powered Water Spout, and destroys pokemon that water hits for neutral with Grass Knot/Ice Beam.
That set seems painfully obvious Lugia, and easily beat.
Taunt, Trick Room, Multi-Target Moves, the list of stuff that beats that goes on.
Simply use Zapdos over Magnezone

Zapdos @ Leftovers

Hidden Power [Ice]
Thunder Wave/Protect/Metal Sound

And Why not use Garchomp, or Electivire over Flygon? Both are (or eventually with be) faster, and can hit harder. And since they will be faster, Roost will go second, Protecting you from Earthquake.

Gyarados: @ Lum Berry

Dragon Dance

Marowak: @ Thick Club
Ability: Lightening Rod

Fire Punch
Rock Slide

Whenever they use a non-Discharge electric move, Marowak take the hit, and Swaggers Gyarados, while Gyarados uses Dragon Dance. Gyarados lures electric attacks, has Intimidate, and has Immunity to Marowak's Earthquake.

Rhyperior can do the same, but it will be killed easily with 4x weaknesses to Grass and Water, and the ever common EQ.



Groudon: @ Scarf

Dragon Claw
Stone Edge
Shadow Claw/Fire Punch

Ho-oh: @ Band/LOrb

Sacred Fire

Cherrim is nice, but Ho-oh works perfectly with Groudon, being both Immune to EQ, and getting a boost off its STAB Fire Attacks in the Sunlight. Groudon also covers what Ho-oh's Sacred Fire can't, Dragon Claw covers Fire Resistant Dragons, and EQ covers Rock/Fire types that are resistant to Fire attacks, not to mention Heatran.

In Return, Ho-oh hits hard without Groudon, as it pack's its own EQ, and Punishment for Ghost/Psychic/Rock/Fire Types (including Lati@s whom otherwise resist Sacred Fire). Groudon also semi-protects Ho-oh from Thunder by lowering its accuracy to 50%, and cuts its Water weakness in half, effectively nuetralizing it.

Scarf is because Groudon needs to hit threats hard and fast, and Band on Ho-oh is mainly because if it is slower then it can take advantage of Punishment.

In addition to starting out well, they make great switch-ins for eachother. Ho-oh's weaknesses to Thunder and Rock can be used to allow Groudon to safely switch in, while Groudon's Weaknesses to Grass (Solar Beam) and Ice allow Ho-oh to switch in very easily, not to mention Ho-oh is immune to EQs from opposing Groudons, and Ho-oh can also switch into other Fire attacks that may threat Groudon considering their 1.5x boost.

Speaking of fire attacks, Ho-oh, other than Fire Plate Arceus, is the only Uber immune to W-o-w, effectively allowing Ho-oh to switch in against Giratina's W-o-w. Additionally, since Giratina will then be forced to attack Ho-oh, Ho-oh can use super effective Punishment very effectively.

Can some1 comment on any of my above sets?

Additionally here is a UU Tier combo since I did Ubers and OU:

Quagsire @ Leftovers

Stone Edge

Mantine: @ Leftovers

Hidden Power Flying
Ice Beam
Rain Dance/Toxic/Aqua Ring?

Surf + Water Absorb works to heal both pokemon, while Mantine is immune to EQ as well.

Rain Dance powers up Surf, or Toxic works well with Encore causing switches.

If Quagsire uses Surf while Mantine has Aqua Ring in effect, Mantine would heal 25% + 12.5% (Leftovers included) = 37% in 1 turn, very effective, and this allows Mantine to trully be a Special Wall.


Wobbafett+ Darkrai


Mirror Coat
Destiny Bond/Safeguard


Dark Void
Dark Pulse

Basically double Sleep, Nightmare ability hits both, they cannot switch b/c of Wobbafett, and they get swept by Darkrai.
Can some1 comment on any of my above sets?

Additionally here is a UU Tier combo since I did Ubers and OU:

Quagsire @ Leftovers

Stone Edge

Mantine: @ Leftovers

Hidden Power Flying
Ice Beam
Rain Dance/Toxic/Aqua Ring?

Surf + Water Absorb works to heal both pokemon, while Mantine is immune to EQ as well.

Rain Dance powers up Surf, or Toxic works well with Encore causing switches.

If Quagsire uses Surf while Mantine has Aqua Ring in effect, Mantine would heal 25% + 12.5% (Leftovers included) = 37% in 1 turn, very effective, and this allows Mantine to trully be a Special Wall.

This set appears to work together very well, chiefly you should consider HP Electric to handle other water types that take little damage from most of the attacks.
Ok I will, but I would miss HP Flying to deal with Grass types that 1hko Quagsire.

Ice beam simply wont be strong enough... Hmm, Maybe Toxic over Rain Dance/Aqua Ring?

I really see them as luring eachother's weaknesses out.

Quagsire would lure Grass types, which would let me use HP FLying to hit them on the switch, while Mantine would lure electric types out while my Quagsire could EQ on the switch.

Ice Beam works too I guess. =(

Ok, I will try Hp Electric+Surf+Toxic+Ice Beam

Try this:

Calm Mind


SKill Swap
Hydro Pump
Heat Swap/Psych up
Grass Knot

Make Kyogre a ture Uber, and let it Hydration Rest.



Skill Swap

Heatran/Choice Scarf Solrock or Flygon

Lava Plume/Rock Slide

Double chance to burn (60%) and power up Jirachi's Hidden Power Fire/ Doubles chance to Flinch (60%) and gives Jirachi Levitate.