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I really don't think that's viable, because Ninjask gets eaten alive without BP. Also, Swagger really isn't worth it unless you use it on a special based pokemon.
I've tested it on Shoddy some, and it works pretty well. They usually switch in a pHazer, on that turn you can SD then attack. It does a pretty good job of taking chunks out of your opponents team, and then they switch. Also works well with SR support.
^And gets screwed over by SR itself. You wouldn't want to be switching that around, although despite that, I always think the element of suprise is awesome and yes its gimmicky, but meh, it can turn a battle if used correctly.
I just turned a battle from 6-0 to 3-0 with it. Its a lead for the reason that SR won't be up yet, but it isn't a bad late-game sweeper if used correctly and if there isn't SR up. Yea, 6-0 to 3-0, I'm that bad otherwise. He really does work though.

EDIT: I just swept through a whole team with this set.
I just turned a battle from 6-0 to 3-0 with it. Its a lead for the reason that SR won't be up yet, but it isn't a bad late-game sweeper if used correctly and if there isn't SR up. Yea, 6-0 to 3-0, I'm that bad otherwise. He really does work though.

EDIT: I just swept through a whole team with this set.

If I'd gotten a single Trick Room off it'd have gotten mutilated, but I didn't :P. I was very surprised to see a Ninjask sweep basically my entire team, especially after I'd taken out half of it with Probopass (gotta love Magnet Block on Bronzong to boost up with 3x Iron Defense).

To the doubters out there, this set is very nasty. One swords dance is enough to KO most things; 2 is enough to KO practically anything and 3 will sweep your entire team with literally nothing you can do about it. Though I don't remember if Ninjask can include something against Steel, but you should... that set can get walled pretty badly by some Pokes (but what can't...). It still works like a charm though.
If I'd gotten a single Trick Room off it'd have gotten mutilated, but I didn't :P. I was very surprised to see a Ninjask sweep basically my entire team, especially after I'd taken out half of it with Probopass (gotta love Magnet Block on Bronzong to boost up with 3x Iron Defense).
Mostly because while you were using Iron Defence I was using Swords Dance, so I was able to pull off some hax and get two crits in a row to take out Probopass, then I was able to pull off some quick sweeping from there.
Electrode @ Life Orb
Ability: Static
EVs: 6 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Mild nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Thunder
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Charge
- Explosion/ Taunt/ Rain Dance/ Mirror Coat

Haha! This is certianly one my most favorite leads for OU. Charge is the main focus here. As it doubles Thunder's Bp to 240, not including STAB! Lets not forget Chrage also boosts SpDef 1 stage thus making Mirror Coat a viable option.

You have 2 reasonable options for Hp; Grass or Ice. Grass is to soley hit Swampert while Ice hits Chomp, Mence, Gliscor and others 4x weak hard. Ice would be the better choice, imo.

In his last slot you can use virtually anything... reasonable. Personally I fancy explosion. But as I look at the set I think i'm going to try out Mirror Coat.

The Ev's are very thought out. I figured Max Speed +SAtk nature would be the best.

Deoxys-A @ Focus Sash
128 HP/146 Attack/236 Speed
-Mirror Coat

Meet CounterCoat Deoxys. With 128 EVs with a 31 HP stat (adjust accordingly) it reaches 273 HP. This will OHKO everything minus Blissey, Chansey, and Wobbufett with a CounterCoat. Taunt is to stop people from setting up and make Wobb switch out. SuperPower is to deal with Blissey. 236 Speed (with a 31 IV) allows you to outspeed everything (not scarfed) besides Electrode, Deoxys, and Ninjask. Rest of the EVs pumped into attack. This will do 96.22%-113.31% Damage to a 252 HP/252 Defense Bliss, which is never seen in Ubers so you will be able to knock them out easily. Meant to be used as a lead. This will probably take some prediction. To help with that, you can use Protect. This lessens the prediction needed, but you can be set up on now and Wobb will counter you.
Deoxys-A @ Focus Sash
128 HP/146 Attack/236 Speed
-Mirror Coat

Meet CounterCoat Deoxys. With 128 EVs with a 31 HP stat (adjust accordingly) it reaches 273 HP. This will OHKO everything minus Blissey, Chansey, and Wobbufett with a CounterCoat. Taunt is to stop people from setting up and make Wobb switch out. SuperPower is to deal with Blissey. 236 Speed (with a 31 IV) allows you to outspeed everything (not scarfed) besides Electrode, Deoxys, and Ninjask. Rest of the EVs pumped into attack. This will do 96.22%-113.31% Damage to a 252 HP/252 Defense Bliss, which is never seen in Ubers so you will be able to knock them out easily. Meant to be used as a lead. This will probably take some prediction. To help with that, you can use Protect. This lessens the prediction needed, but you can be set up on now and Wobb will counter you.

since Wobb usage in Ubers is pretty low, I'd swap the positions of Taunt and Protect. With Protect, you get to scout often times what they are using (especially if they are Choiced Leads).
I tried this on Shoddy, and it worked well:


Lucario @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 232 Atk/196 Spd/82 SAtk
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SDef)
- Close Combat
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Aura Sphere
- Crunch / Blaze Kick

This what I would call a MixScarfLuke, how creative.
Basically it's EVs give it enough to insure a 1HKO on a standard Blissey, while the Speed gives it enough to outspeed max speed 130 base Pokemon by one point. The rest is given to SAtk for extra "umph".

He likes being Baton Passed Swords Dances and Calm Minds. :)

It worked for me, but I'm not exactly an expert in battling and probably just got lucky.
Great revenge killer though.
introducing ddyachemence

Salamence (M) @ Yache Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 120 HP/252 Atk/136 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Brick Break/Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Fire Blast/Flamethrower

if you thought it was a mixmence or specs mence your in for a surprise. after 1 dd it has 405 speed, effectively outspeeding all OU except choice scarfers and deoxtys-e. use late game to clean up like you would a swords dance yache chomp or dragon dance outrage nite. pretty much a standard set but with yache berry.
I don't really think it's worth posting here, because like you mentioned, it's the standard set with a Yache Berry slapped on to it. Nothing new there.
since Wobb usage in Ubers is pretty low, I'd swap the positions of Taunt and Protect. With Protect, you get to scout often times what they are using (especially if they are Choiced Leads).

Well I personally use a protect version as I don't want to risk it with the good amount of Mixed Sweepers (or multiple possible sets) in Ubers. Besides that, do you think it is a viable set?
Well I personally use a protect version as I don't want to risk it with the good amount of Mixed Sweepers (or multiple possible sets) in Ubers. Besides that, do you think it is a viable set?
ya its very viable. Most people will think you are the plain old attacking set and send in something bulky. Have you tested it yourself (kinda sounds like you alluded to it)? I'd like to see it in action.
ya its very viable. Most people will think you are the plain old attacking set and send in something bulky. Have you tested it yourself (kinda sounds like you alluded to it)? I'd like to see it in action.

I have used a slightly different version of it before. Basically the Smogon Nature/EVs for Sash set with a different movepool. I just figured out the EVs today and tweaked with the moveset a bit more.
236 Speed (with a 31 IV) allows you to outspeed everything (not scarfed) besides Electrode, Deoxys, and Ninjask.

What are you trying to outspeed here? All your moves have priority modifiers, besides Superpower, which as you said is mainly for Blissey. I don't know anything about Ubers, but it seems to me you're just taking out a single Pokémon with CounterCoat, then dying. A hundred things can perform the same task with Explosion, Destiny Bond, etc. and provide some support at the same time.
Metagross @ Life Orb
Clear Body
Naughty, 6 HP / 252 Attack / 44 Sp. Attack / 208 Speed
-Bullet Punch
-Stealth Rock
-Icy Wind

The basic premise behind this Meta is to lay down Rocks and mess up other leads. BP provides some nice priority against things like Weavile, Azelf, Gengar, Yanmega, etc. and messes up sashes well. Icy Wind slows down things you know that you can't kill, and EQ is just there for coverage. The EV's could be altered a little bit, I really put little thought into them other than max attack.
aaaaaaaaaa there's already a better icy wind set. honestly, bullet punch and icy wind are counter-productive. I guess this set is slightly more physical than the other one, and sr deserves mention, but icy wind isn't going to hurt anything with those evs, and once you've beefed it up you may as well make a full blown mixgross.
What are you trying to outspeed here? All your moves have priority modifiers, besides Superpower, which as you said is mainly for Blissey. I don't know anything about Ubers, but it seems to me you're just taking out a single Pokémon with CounterCoat, then dying. A hundred things can perform the same task with Explosion, Destiny Bond, etc. and provide some support at the same time.
It is for Taunt. Yes all the other moves are priority (except SP), but if you are running taunt I though it would be good to have some speed to taunt those things.
Gardevoir (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP/136 Def/80 SAtk/42 SDef
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Dream Eater
- Hypnosis
- Mean Look
- Thunderbolt
Dream Eater! Not much to explain here, just trap, sleep and eat. Gengar and Bronzong can also use this method.
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New one here:

Swift Swim

Aqua Ring
Baton Pass
Iron Defense

@ Leftovers

Use Aqua Ring and Amnesia/Iron Defense as much as needed, and then Baton Pass to...

Dry Skin

Rain Dance
Cross Chop
Faint Attack
Swords Dance

@ Leftovers
252 HP/6 Attack/252 Speed

Recovering 24% HP per turn boosted by Amnesia and Iron Defense plus pretty good type coverage with STAB-boosted high-crit ratio Swords Dance-boosted Cross Chop + Faint Attack in addition to having 370 HP and 295 Speed is something your enemy is never going to expect, nor be able to do much about if you get it through. Pretty much the only thing that can shut this down would be some kind of Hypnosis + Seismic Toss combo. Unless your enemy has more than 295 Speed and the Hypnosis hits and you dont wake up, he's screwed - let's not forget that you're recovering 24%/370 HP per turn either. You can even use a Smeargle for Ingrain which also prevents him from getting switched out. This will also recover 30% of your HP per turn.

I know that Dry Skin + Rain Dance gives you 12% per turn, but I don't know whether Aqua Ring is 12 or 6%.
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