New and "creative" moveset/EV spread thread "Mark 2"

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imagine their surprise as they are suddenly rendered nearly helpless after Guard Swap gives them Xatu's flimsy defenses

I thought Guard Swap only works on Defense boost (such as like CM or Amnesia)...

If not, ill give this a shot soon XD
While your opponent may lol at you or be suspicious that you're switching in a Xatu to their most crucial wall, imagine their surprise as they are suddenly rendered nearly helpless after Guard Swap gives them Xatu's flimsy defenses (actually, several walls have poor HP)!...


Guard Swap "Swaps Defense and Special Defense boosts and drops with the target." I just copied and pasted it off of the moves list.

It was a good idea and would really help if it worked like that.
o_o;;; Really? I checked twice and I thought it copied the actual stats.

>_> Wowww, stupid me. xD

Thanks for letting me know before I make a grave mistake in an actual match...

It's back to the drawing board, though, for making another viable lesser used UU set! (although I'll just use regular DS support Xatu)
I made an identical set, but with even lower defenses (I had hasty, and 0 IVs) and to my dismay, Guard Swap doesn't swap the stats. It only swaps the boosts.
I've been running a pure status hell Smeargle that's a lot of fun. Works well on the Suspect ladder, where it doesn't have Deoxys-E outspeeding it and Taunting it.

Smeargle@ Choice Scarf
252 HP, 252 Spe, 4 Def
-Filler (I use Rapid Spin)

This handy little guy lets you gain control of a match right from the start. This is especially useful with the current trend of suicide leads. This guy outspeed them and prevents them from setting down rocks with Spore. The Scarf helps him go first, and Trick can send it to a wall that can't afford to be locked into one move. Will-o-Wisp punishes physical leads like Gyarados and T-tar, crippling them for the rest of the match and not expending sleep clause too early. The last move is filler. One can go Explosion to make sure he does some damage after he's used himself up, Rapid Spin for utility, or whatever.

While he's totally Taunt bait, he lets one easily get momentum in their favor right off the bat. Unless their lead is holding a Lum or Scarf, you almost always go first and get to do what you want. With some smart play one can easily ruin multiple members of an enemy team.
I've been running a pure status hell Smeargle that's a lot of fun. Works well on the Suspect ladder, where it doesn't have Deoxys-E outspeeding it and Taunting it.

Smeargle@ Choice Scarf
252 HP, 252 Spe, 4 Def
-Filler (I use Rapid Spin)

This handy little guy lets you gain control of a match right from the start. This is especially useful with the current trend of suicide leads. This guy outspeed them and prevents them from setting down rocks with Spore. The Scarf helps him go first, and Trick can send it to a wall that can't afford to be locked into one move. Will-o-Wisp punishes physical leads like Gyarados and T-tar, crippling them for the rest of the match and not expending sleep clause too early. The last move is filler. One can go Explosion to make sure he does some damage after he's used himself up, Rapid Spin for utility, or whatever.

While he's totally Taunt bait, he lets one easily get momentum in their favor right off the bat. Unless their lead is holding a Lum or Scarf, you almost always go first and get to do what you want. With some smart play one can easily ruin multiple members of an enemy team.

Actually, a lot of pokemons could do some parts better, but smeargle is more versatile, can only work in suspect though.

Moveset Name: Stealth Rocks Heatran? 0_o Plus Metal Sound or something
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Metal Sound/Earth Power
Move 3: Fire Blast/Lava Plume
Move 4: HP Grass/Ice
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature(s): Tmid/Modest
EVs: 252 Sp Atk./128 Speed/128 HP

Some kind of insane mish-mash of Heatran's moves? I dunno, just wanted to see if peeps thought this would work... I'm terrible at EVs, so maybe someone can help meh out. Thought it would be cool to have a Timid, faster Heatran that could Metal Sound incoming counters, then throw Stealth rocks up as they run for the hills. Meh?
One more bump. Anyone? Can someone at least tell me how much of the metagame fire + grass hits? As in %
This particular set is best used for the Suspect Ladder because Deoxys-E would outclass it otherwise. Also, it is only meant to used as a lead, don't try to use it mid to late game.


Name: Screenzam
Alakazam@Light Clay/Focus Sash
EVs: 252 hp, 216 speed, 36 def/sp atk
Inner Focus
-Light Screen

The EVs allow it to outspeed all base 115s. Taunt allows you to stop slower leads that try to set up SR and/or status you. 252 HP is for durability, you'd be surprised what alakazam can survive (I've had it survive Aero's stone edge without reflect up). This set is useful if you want to set up a fragile sweeper such as Lucario or Infernape, but it can work with pretty much any sweeper. Light Clay is the prefered item here so you're not in a rush to set up your sweeper before the screens run out, however focus sash may be used if you want to counter tyranitar/weavile or survive an attack from choice scarfers. Encore can work instead of counter, as it helps Alakazam to prevent sweepers from setting up, and allows you to encore SRers directly after taunting them to avoid something like Gyro ball from Bronzong while setting up screens. Psychic allows for a decent STAB option if you don't want Alakazam to be completely useless offensively. You may move the 36 defense EVs into special attack to power up Psychic.

As for which ability to use, Inner Focus is preferred because it will let you not flinch against Ambipom/Infernape/Weavile fake out leads. You already got Taunt to prevent status so Synchronize is kind of worthless.

A lot of people have been using dual screen starmie on the suspect ladder, but I personally like this better because it's faster and gets taunt.
Pseudo-Passing Dos
@Light Clay/Wet Rock/Heat Rock
Light Screen/Rain Dance/Sunny Day
Hidden Power Ice/Hidden Power Grass/Roost

Zapdos is bulky and has 3 moves that it can pseudo pass. Light Screen not only acts a pseudo passing method but also to make Zapdos more bulky, while Rain Dance/Sunny can be pseudo-passed to weather-theme teams or just eliminating Sand Storm/Hail. Thunder is listed because in the Rain it has 100% accuracy, otherwise stick with Thunderbolt/Discharge. Hidden Power or Roost is up to preference. With max phy.def potential it can survive most of the attacks thrown by the dragons and with Light Screen it can even take hit from the like of SpecsMence and Swift Swim Kingdra. Grass like any other Zapdos deserves a mention to beat down Swampert and other things. Alternatively, you can use Roost for more survival and the fact it doesn't carry Leftovers as the item. U-Turn is of course for pseudo-passing while still scouting/damaging opponents.
I've been using this one on my sandstorm team in the Suspect Test ladder...some teams just auto-lose to it, plus it's a great counter to some of the things that can give my trouble...especially Swampert.


Sand Fortress Cradily
Cradily @ Leftovers
Trait: Suction Cups
EVs: 252 HP / 164 Def / 92 SpD
Careful Nature
- Toxic
- Recover
- Stockpile
- Rock Slide/Earthquake

Requires Sandstorm to be up, obviously. It's also nice if something has absorbed sleep (Which happens to be just what my Hippowdon is supposed to do...1. Sand Stream, 2. Absorb Sleep, 3. Stealth Rock, in that order.) Once it's out, either use toxic (If it's Swampert) or use Stockpile. 1 Stockpile basically makes everything deal less then 50%, you can then just Recover off the damage. Once you get 3 Stockpiles up, Cradily is essentially unkillable ignoring Toxic and Critical hits. Also, Suction Cups means that Cradilly can't be whirlwind/roared.

Obviously the list has trouble (lol for understatement) with steel types like Metagross, Lucario and Skarmory. However, with the exception of Lucario, none of those pokemon can actually go the distance and take out a set-up Cradilly...Metagross basically HAS TO get off the attack boost in order to anything to it. Obviously there's a problem if I face a Agili-Gross or something, but I can take that. Besides, Steel types don't frighten me much...Sandstorm ftw...but if you don't want to worry about that, Earthquake should deal some decent damage to either one.

So yeah. That's it. It's been pretty good to me so far.
I've used that Screenzam a few times, and it's given me some success. Especially against Bronzong. Taunt, and screen while it switches.

I use Counter, and max Spe. Weavile isn't a problem since you can just counter it. Jolteon can be an issue, but if you can taunt it before it passes that's always good.
no offense but it looks like you copied the analysis

I modified it. Took the same EVs, and 3 of the moves.

Still though, Stockpile changes how he deals with some Pokemon quite a bit...he wouldn't be able to counter swampert or Salamence without it.

Forgot to mention that he really stalls Celebi like nothing else. Grass to ignore Leech Seed, 600 special defense, and recover.
Does anyone else use Milotic with a defense berry?
I'll just post it for reference...


Milotic @ Ganlon Berry
Marvel Scale
252 HP/ 152 Def/ 100 Sp Def
-Sleep Talk
-Ice Beam

The idea here is to Rest first, obviously, to activate Marvel Scale.
Then you hope he takes enough damage while sleeping to activate the Ganlon Berry boost (+def), and Rest off the damage.

I think it works pretty well, I've been using it for about two weeks
I wanted to post this before I actually train this guy:


Name: Anti-Lead
Item: Focus Sash/Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 Atk, 6 HP
-Fake Out
-Sucker Punch
-Cross Chop/Other??

The purpose of this set is to cripple or kill other leads. A combination of Fake Out and Sucker Punch should OHKO opposing Azelf, and Deoxys(if they attack). Taunt cripples set up leads, mostly bronzong. You can't do much else to the flying pottey however. In the last slot, Cross Chop is good STAB and will OHKO Tyranitar. You also outspeed Breloom and can taunt it before it spores you. Focus Sash is reccomended but if you'd like more power (or fear sand stream) Life Orb is a good option.

That's it, please rate!
I'd say the croak is good, but then again...

I've only used Toxicroak once, and that was as a CB lead only using Me First. Good idea, but it didn't work too well.
Swagger + Pursuit could go somewhere on that Toxicroak. Vacuum Wave could be good for priority, but is kind of pointless with Suck Punch.
I wanted to post this before I actually train this guy:


Name: Anti-Lead
Item: Focus Sash/Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Spe, 252 Atk, 6 HP
-Fake Out
-Sucker Punch
-Cross Chop/Other??

The purpose of this set is to cripple or kill other leads. A combination of Fake Out and Sucker Punch should OHKO opposing Azelf, and Deoxys(if they attack). Taunt cripples set up leads, mostly bronzong. You can't do much else to the flying pottey however. In the last slot, Cross Chop is good STAB and will OHKO Tyranitar. You also outspeed Breloom and can taunt it before it spores you. Focus Sash is reccomended but if you'd like more power (or fear sand stream) Life Orb is a good option.

That's it, please rate!
Seems OK. A note about Azelf and Deoxys-e though, that they both will probably use none-attacking moves (Stealth Rock/Taunt/Screens) anticipating the switch or even the Sucker Punch. As for Bronzong Toxicroak won't enjoy repeated hits from Gyro Ball especially that you're running max speed EVs.
Most issues have already been stated with a Toxicroak lead in OU; Pokemon that will fall to Sucker Punch (Gengar, Azelf, Deoxys) will all expect it and setup on you.. or just put you out of comission via Sleep.

Consider the coverage you're losing by opting for Fake Out with a leading Toxicroak, not to mention the lackluster damage it'll produce on many leads.

If anything for a lead Toxicroak, I would slap a Choice Scarf on it with Pursuit/Me First/Cross Chop/Stone Edge. Not the greatest though, I'd save him for midgame when he can cause the most havoc. ^_^

edit: Toxicroak receiving Snatch is a neat gimmick for a lead, stealing Screens/Substitutes. It might just force something into a Sucker Punch, but good luck with that.
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