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Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. (RoA Version + resource links)

Years ago, I read about a glitch that enables you to engage in a link battle in Red/Blue (not sure about Yellow) with no conscious Pokémon, and I believe it said that it would cause you to send out a Missingno. I think the glitch was performed by having your last conscious Pokémon die from Poison and pressing "A" at the Cable Club attendant before your game had a chance to give you the "____ blacked out" message. It also may have involved a combination of button presses that allowed you to walk from the PC to the Cable Club attendant with a fainted party if done quickly enough.

I can't seem to find any information about it now. It could well be fake, but with all the glitches in R/B, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was true. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I know that you can definitely battle with only a fainted Pokemon, but this is by depositing in a PC all but a fainted Pokemon. You also only had a limited time to do so.
I have a question about IVs. In the gamecube games (colosseum and XD) the IVs/nature/ability are set once the shadow pokemon comes out of the pokeball right? But in the case of pokemon XD if I KO the shadow pokemon the first time and snag it later from Miror B. will it have a different set of IVs/nature/ability?? How about the legendary dogs in colosseum if I snag them in the under colosseum?
Are Calm Wobbuffets Viable? (gen lll)

Does the Minus attack effect counter?

I guess im asking why does Smogon recommend Careful/Impish so much.

I finally bred a wobbuffett with solid IV's but its Calm...
Are Calm Wobbuffets Viable? (gen lll)

Does the Minus attack effect counter?

I guess im asking why does Smogon recommend Careful/Impish so much.

I finally bred a wobbuffett with solid IV's but its Calm...

You can still use that wobbuffet even though it is calm. But it does affect the power of counter(But its not a major impact on battle). Also the reason smogon prefers Careful/Calm is because Ubers had alot of physical attacks at the time so people wanted any advantage they could get even though it wasn't that big of an advantage considering wobbuffets horrific attack.
wobbuffet isn't viable in the first place. nature doesn't matter at all really, but there were more special attackers than physical attackers in ubers.
I'm trying to play silver version on pokemon stadium 2, but it won't recognize my game. On stadium, it says my name is ??? and my ID is ***** (on the screen that says what is plugged into what controllers). When I go to the game boy tower, the only options I get are new game and options (despite the fact that there is a save file) and once I click new game, the game says 'save error' and to detach and reattach the game pak. After I do, it just says 'the gb game pack or the data has been changed' and the screen doesn't change.


EDIT: Silver version works on my game boy
When I'm leveling up a Pokémon inside an egg via the Pomeg glitch in Emerald, can I use Rare Candies at any point, or does it have to be done entirely by battling?
When I'm leveling up a Pokémon inside an egg via the Pomeg glitch in Emerald, can I use Rare Candies at any point, or does it have to be done entirely by battling?

Unfortunately, it has to be done entirely by battling :/
^ what she said. but If you're gonna abuse glitches I would think you might as well just use the AR to cut time.
Ya definitely AR saves a lot of time for that stuff. The only thing I've ever used AR for was to get infinite TM's , Masterballs, and PP Max or something though.
Where can I get a working Gen 2 simulator? I am interested now that I read Borat's posts. (the Netbattle or something doesn't download and all links I found are broken)

P.S: I also wanna get into Advance if possible. I've been laddering on PO with the most ridiculous teams ever. What would be a sample hyper-offensive team? How the hell are you supposed to beat Celebi other than switching around stalling 16 PP of Leech seed? Am I doing it right?
While EV Training, does Knock Off affect the EV(s) earned? Example: Azumarill with a Pokerus & Macho Brace, attacking a Corphish but not killing it. The Corphish uses Knock Off, and Azumarill kills it. In this scenario, how many EVs would the Azumarill get?

And this may be a silly question, but what if both Pokemon die at the same time? (Because I've heard, the Macho Brace would apply once you enter battle, so perhaps the Macho Brace also applies, but the Pokerus & Exp does not (however this is a very silly idea considering you caught it or escaped, wtf i take back my question)) Like the Rough Skin of Carvanha killing medicham@ 8 hp or something. Also is it different if I use Explosion and I faint first.
Where can I get a working Gen 2 simulator? I am interested now that I read Borat's posts. (the Netbattle or something doesn't download and all links I found are broken)

P.S: I also wanna get into Advance if possible. I've been laddering on PO with the most ridiculous teams ever. What would be a sample hyper-offensive team? How the hell are you supposed to beat Celebi other than switching around stalling 16 PP of Leech seed? Am I doing it right?

nbs link - http://www.mediafire.com/?7rsw0udlikukzrd

hyper-offensive teams don't work well in advance. explosion teams work with some careful playing (but are pretty mediocre). i'd recommend using some offensive pokemon like ttar/mence with a good defensive backbone. it's much more effective than throwing 6 sweepers on a team in this gen.

celebi's only fearsome set is cm or sd passing because celebi does not really have the stats/typing/moves to sweep by itself. if celebi is using leech seed, then the rest of its moves are likely cm/psychic/recover. this set has trouble with ttar/metagross/skarmory. bulky zapdos is a good way to drain leech seed. baton passing versions are tougher to deal with. dugtrio sucks but it's an easy answer to celebi. throwing hp bug on shit like flygon and ttar works really well too.
@G80 So I'm not doing much wrong if pokes like Celebi and Zapdos are a lot harder to kill in Gen 3 than in Gen 4 despite their stats being the same. Things being bulkier in GSC was clear because in DPP, that is equilavent to 252/252 Bold and 252/252 Calm at the same time. But I guess even in Gen 3 it makes sense, because the base power of moves are a lot higher in Gen 4.

EDIT: Gotcha, G80. Thanks a lot for everything!
it's mostly because of more shallow movepools and defensive evs. you generally can't go for the sweep right away (unless the opponent has a very fragile team).
In generation 1 for PS/R/B/Y
1. Are there any other ideas for a lead other than Jynx?
2. Can you get a Jynx in generation 1 without the name Zynx?
3. Would I be better off getting any of the Pokémon on my team in generation 2 (I have Silver) and putting them in the time machine? (My current team I'm working on is Jynx, Starmie, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Gengar, Golem)
In generation 1 for PS/R/B/Y
1. Are there any other ideas for a lead other than Jynx?
2. Can you get a Jynx in generation 1 without the name Zynx?
3. Would I be better off getting any of the Pokémon on my team in generation 2 (I have Silver) and putting them in the time machine? (My current team I'm working on is Jynx, Starmie, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Gengar, Golem)

1. A lot. Alakazam, Starmie, Exeggutor and Gengar are also frequently used as leads. There have been a few threads about leads in this forum so search around.
2. It was only named Zynx in Fire Red, that's generation 3...
3. Gengar gets Ice Punch so sure-
(Gen 1)

2. It was only named Zynx in Fire Red, that's generation 3...

All of the Pokémon you receive from in-game trades in R/B/Y have nicknames, like the Seel from Cinnabar called Sailor. And Fire Red and Heart Gold attempt to mirror Kanto closely

3. Gengar gets Ice Punch so sure-

If a Pokémon learns a move only available to them in generation 2 (like Gengar and Ice Punch) but the move exists in generation 1, will they transfer and work correctly?

(Gen 2)

Why is there no special attacking set for Mewtwo? and why is the only set Curse anyway? It seems like wasting Mewtwo's Speed is crazy
If a Pokémon learns a move only available to them in generation 2 (like Gengar and Ice Punch) but the move exists in generation 1, will they transfer and work correctly?

Yes, they are called tradeback moves and could be banned in Competitive.

(Gen 2)

Why is there no special attacking set for Mewtwo? and why is the only set Curse anyway? It seems like wasting Mewtwo's Speed is crazy

If Mewtwo had only Special Attacking moveset, then Blissey or another Special Wall could wall it all day. The Physical attack is to take out opponents with High Special Defense and Low Physical Defense.
I thought I already saw this answer but the search doesn't work so I'll ask it anyway.

(Gen 1) How long does it take to maximize the stat experience of a single Pokémon? How can you tell that you've reached full stat experience? If you gain a large amount of stat experience at level 100, can you raise your stats with the box trick?
Every stat has a maximum value, which is determined by the formula:
*5 + 2 x Base Stat + 2 x IV + EV / 1024

When you get the maximum stat, in other words, when you maximize EVs, you are done. If the stat haven't fully reached it's maximum, you can use the box trick at lv 100 to raise them.