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All Gens RoA Resources

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RoA Resources
This thread contains resources for Past Gens (Generations 1-7). Each post will contain various resources of all different kinds of metagames throughout the generations. Below is a list of universal RoA resources that are not bound to a specific generation.

Mechanic Differences
A thread that covers the mechanic differences between every generation.

Simple Questions, Simple Answers
A place to ask simple questions that do not require a thread of their own to answer.

Pokemon Showdown Chatroom
PS is a browser-based Pokemon simulator with accurate past generation mechanics which features a dedicated room for Old Gens.

RoA Discord
Smogon's official Discord server for real time discussion on past gens.

RoA Sample Teams
A thread where sample teams are collected and posted to help newer users get acclimated to the metagames of every past gens.

× Gen Hubs

Old Gen Tournaments Calendar
A regularly-updated list of old gens tournaments scheduled throughout the year.

Winter and Summer Seasonals
Two standard double elimination tournaments for each old generation's OverUsed tier.

Global Championships
First-to-2 win double elimination per round tournaments, where each player is randomly paired twice.

Classic Cups
First-to-2 win single elimination tournaments, 5 of which are part of the Official Tournament known as Smogon Classic.

Retro Cup of Pokémon
A team tournament similar to World Cup of Pokémon, focusing only on past gens.

RoA Room Championship
Every month, top 8 of the room tournament leaderboard qualifies for playoffs and play a first-to-3 wins match in all gen OU tiers.

RoA Tour Nights
A sequence of tournaments hosted each day in a particular generation corresponding to the day of the week.

RoA Community's Choice Ladder
Spotlight ladder where the community votes on the generation and tier.

RoA Bazaar
A more casual thread than the Sample Teams where users can share their teams.

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RBY Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all RBY Pokemon analyses.

RBY Resources
Various different resources for the RBY Generation.

Understanding RBY Mechanics
A guide to learning RBY's unique mechanical quirks.

Critical Hits in RBY
This article lists the critical hit chances for various base speeds.

RBY Team Showcase
Features top teams in various RBY formats.


Introduction to Teambuilding in RBY OU
A guide for newer players looking to build their own teams.

A Guide on RBY Openings
A guide to starting the game right.

RBY OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in RBY OU.

RBY OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

RBY Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers for RBY OU. Because chances for critical hits are based on base Speed in RBY, those are included as well.
RBY Ubers Resources
Includes sample teams, viability rankings, and relevant mechanics.

RBY Ubers Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in RBY Ubers.

RBY Ubers Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

RBY Speed Tiers
This is the same as RBY OU Speed Tiers but Mew and Mewtwo are included as well.
RBY UU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in RBY UU.

RBY UU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

Side Formats

Nintendo Cup 1999
Includes various different resources for the Nintendo Cup 1999 Format, complied by Plague von Karma.

Pika Cup, Petit Cup & Middle Cup
Resources and Discussion for the Pokemon Stadium Cups.

Pika Cup
Includes various different resources for the Pika Cup Format, complied by Plague von Karma.

Petit Cup
Includes various different resources for the Petit Cup Format, complied by Plague von Karma.

Intro to RBY Tradebacks OU
A guide covering what's different about and effective in the Tradebacks metagame.

RBY 1v1
Includes Viability Rankings and Sample Teams.

Modded RBY Formats
A thread documenting various different mods for RBY.
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GSC Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all GSC Pokemon analyses.

Borat's Guide to GSC
Bit outdated but still extremely well written and worth a read.


Analysis of Leads in GSC OU
An analysis of the lead cycle and common leads that exists within the tier.

GSC OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in GSC OU.

GSC OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

GSC OU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers for GSC OU.

GSC OU Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in GSC OU.

GSC OU Cores
A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.
GSC Ubers Resources
Includes sample teams, viability rankings, and relevant mechanics.

GSC Ubers Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in GSC Ubers.

GSC Ubers Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.
Introduction to GSC UU
An article written to get you started in GSC UU.

GSC UU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in GSC UU.

GSC UU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.
GSC NU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in GSC NU.

GSC NU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

GSC NU 2020 Discussion
Community Discussion and an analysis of the current Metagame.

Side Formats

GSC Inverse OU
Discussion thread on the format Inverse OU where resistances and weaknesses are reversed.

Item Clause GSC Side Formats
Resources and more for various side formats like GSC OU, Little Cup, Middle Cup and Ubers, all with Item Clause.

GSC Little Cup
Resources and discussion for GSC Little Cup.

GSC Monotype
Discussion for GSC Monotype.

Resources and discussion for the unofficial GSC BL tier.

Discussion thread on STABmons in GSC.
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ADV Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all ADV Pokemon analyses.

Youtube Videos

Why Pokemon Are Good In ADV OU
A Playlist of videos where BKC explains why certain pokemon are good.


ADV OU Teambuilding/Strategy: Archetypes and Cores
Includes Cores and Synergy, Archetypes and Confidence, Analysis and much more.

ADV OU Lead Viability and Matchup Data
A ranking of leads in ADV.

ADV OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV OU.

ADV OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

ADV OU Threat List
An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in ADV OU.

ADV OU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in ADV OU.

ADV OU Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ADV OU.
ADV Ubers Resources
Includes sample teams, viability rankings, and relevant mechanics.

ADV Ubers Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

Multi Gen Ubers Speed Tiers
Includes ADV Ubers.

ADV Ubers Mini-Analyses
Quick analyses for viable Pokemon in ADV Ubers.
ADV UU Resources
Includes sample teams, viability rankings, and relevant mechanics.

ADV UU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.
Introduction to ADV NU
A guide and threat list of ADV NU.

NU Old Gens Hub
Includes sample teams, replays, speed tiers, and sample sets for ADV NU.

ADV NU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV NU.

ADV NU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

ADV NU Threat List
An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in ADV NU.

ADV NU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in ADV NU.
ADV LC Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV LC.

ADV LC Role Compendium & Good Leads
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ADV LC as well as good leads.

ADV LC Good Cores
A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

Side Formats

ADV PU Resources
Includes an intro guide, viability rankings, sample teams, role compendium, speed tiers, and more.

ADV 200
A guide to the ADV 200 metagame, where only Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire were available.

Allowed Pokemon and Banned Moves List
A list of illegal Moves and Allowed Pokemon in the ADV 200 Metagame.

ADV 1v1
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers and more for ADV 1v1.
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DPP Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all DPP Pokemon analyses.

4th Gen RMT Archive
A collection of great and metagame-defining teams from DPP.

Warstory Archive
A collection of high-quality DPP battles, with insight from those battling.


DPP OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP OU.

DPP OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

DPP OU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers for DPP OU.

DPP OU Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in DPP OU.

Creative & Underrated Sets
An archive of unconventional sets that fulfill a justifiable niche in the metagame.
DPP Ubers Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, role compendium, and relevant mechanics.

DPP Ubers Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

Multi Gen Ubers Speed Tiers
Includes DPP Ubers.
DPP UU Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

DPP UU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP UU.

DPP UU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

DPP UU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers for DPP UU.

DPP UU Threat List
An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in DPP UU.
DPP NU Resources
Includes sample teams, replays, speed tiers, and sample sets for DPP NU.

DPP NU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP NU.

DPP NU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

DPP NU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers for DPP NU.
DPP LC Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP LC.

DPP LC Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

DPP LC Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers for DPP LC.

DPP LC Threat List
An overview of major Pokemon to watch to watch out for in DPP LC.

Side Formats

DPP PU Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers, sets compendium, roles compendium, and more.

DPP AG Resources
Includes sample teams.

DPP 1v1
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers and more for DPP 1v1.
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BW Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all BW Pokemon analyses.

5th Gen RMT Archive
A collection of great and metagame-defining teams from BW.

Warstory Archive
A collection of high-quality BW battles, with insight from those battling.


Central Hub for all things BW as well as a thread to share and discuss teams and sets.

Introduction to Team Building
A guide meant to teach new players how to build in BW OU.

Eevee: An Introduction to Spreads
A guide for how to make the most out of your EV Spreads.

Guide to Weather
A closer look at Weather in BW OU.

Preview Analysis
A guide to better your understanding of Team Previews.

BW OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW OU.

BW OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

BW OU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers for BW OU.

BW OU Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in BW OU.
BW Ubers Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

BW Ubers Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

BW Ubers Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in BW Ubers.

BW Ubers Threat List
An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW Ubers.

BW Ubers Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in BW Ubers.
BW UU Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

BW UU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.
BW RU Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

BW RU Resource Hub
More detailed resources for the BW RU Metagame.

BW RU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW RU.

BW RU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

BW RU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in BW RU.

BW RU Threat List
An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW RU.

BW RU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in BW RU.
BW NU Resources
Includes important resources for BW NU.

BW NU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW NU.

BW NU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

BW NU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the BW NU metagame.

BW NU Threat List
An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW NU.
BW LC Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW LC.

BW LC Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

BW LC Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the BW LC metagame.

BW LC Threat List
An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW LC.
Doubles OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW DOU.

Doubles OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.
VGC 2012 Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in VGC 2012.

Side Formats

BW PU Resources
Includes a threat list, viability rankings, sample teams, and speed tiers.

BW AG Resources
Includes sample teams and information regarding the tier.

BW 1v1
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers and more for BW 1v1.
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ORAS Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all ORAS Pokemon analyses.

A Beginners Guide to Stat Distribution
A guide to how stats work in ORAS.


ORAS OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU Sets Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

ORAS OU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the ORAS OU metagame.

A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

ORAS OU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS OU.

ORAS OU EV Spread Compendium
A list of good EV Spreads for viable Pokemon in ORAS OU.
ORAS Ubers Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers, and relevant mechanics.

ORAS Ubers Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS Ubers.
ORAS UU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS UU.

ORAS UU Teambuilding Compendium
Includes Checks- and Role Compendium.
ORAS RU Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

ORAS RU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS RU.

ORAS RU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the ORAS RU metagame.

A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

ORAS RU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS RU.
ORAS NU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS NU.

ORAS NU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the ORAS NU metagame.

A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

ORAS NU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS NU.

ORAS NU EV Spread Compendium
A list of good EV Spreads for viable Pokemon in ORAS OU.

ORAS NU Checks Compendium
A list of Pokemon that reliably beat important Meta Pokemon.
ORAS PU Resources
A list of important resources for ORAS PU.

ORAS PU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS PU.

ORAS PU Sets Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in ORAS PU.

ORAS PU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the ORAS PU metagame.

ORAS PU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS NU.

ORAS PU EV Spread Compendium
A list of good EV Spreads for viable Pokemon in ORAS PU.

ORAS PU Checks Compendium
A list of Pokemon that reliably beat important Meta Pokemon.
ORAS LC Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS LC.

ORAS LC Sets Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in ORAS LC.

ORAS LC Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

ORAS LC Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in ORAS LC.
Battle Spot Resources
A list of important resources for Battle Spot formats.

Battle Spot Calculator
Same as the regular Damage Calculator but with Battle Spot Sets.

Battle Spot Singles

BSS Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS BSS.

BSS Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the ORAS BSS metagame.

BSS Cores
A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

Battle Spot Doubles

BSD Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS BSD.

BSD Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the ORAS BSD metagame.

Battle Spot Triples

BST Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS BST.
Doubles OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in ORAS Doubles.

Doubles OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

Doubles OU Cores
A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

Doubles OU Teambuilding Frameworks
Discussion featuring good partners to build around in ORAS DOU.

Doubles OU EV Spread Compendium
A list of good EV Spreads for viable Pokemon in ORAS DOU.

Side Formats

Other Metagames Index
Contains links to resources for various ORAS OMs.

Other Metagames Team Showcase
Includes top teams in ORAS OMs.

ORAS AG Resources
Includes sample teams, articles and other resources regarding the tier.

ORAS 1v1
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers and more for ORAS 1v1.
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USUM Smogon Dex
Smogon's database for all USUM Pokemon analyses.


USUM OU Subforum
A more detailed list that includes all important Resources, Projects and Tournaments.

USUM OU Resource Index
List of USUM OU Resources including Viability Rankings, Sample Teams, Role Compendium and more.

USUM OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM OU.

USUM OU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM OU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM Ubers metagame.

A compilation of effective and splashable cores in the current metagame.

USUM OU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM OU.
USUM Ubers Subforum
A more detailed list of USUM Ubers Resources as well as Projects and Team Dumps.

USUM Ubers Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics.

USUM Ubers Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM Ubers metagame.

USUM Ubers Good Cores
List of good cores that synergize well in USUM Ubers.

USUM Ubers Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM Ubers.
USUM UU Subforum
A more detailed list of USUM UU Resources as well as Projects and Tournament info.

USUM UU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM UU.

USUM UU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM UU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM UU metagame.

USUM UU Teambuilding Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM UU.
USUM RU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM RU.

USUM RU Sets Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in USUM RU.

USUM RU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM RU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM RU metagame.

USUM RU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM RU.

USUM RU Checks Compendium
A list of Pokemon that reliably beat important Meta Pokemon.
NU Information Hub
A more detailed list of Resources and Projects.

USUM NU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM NU.

USUM NU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM NU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM NU metagame.

USUM NU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM NU.

USUM NU Checks Compendium
A list of Pokemon that reliably beat important Meta Pokemon.
USUM PU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM PU.

USUM PU Sets Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in USUM PU.

USUM PU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM PU Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM PU metagame.

List of good cores that synergize well in USUM PU.

USUM PU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM PU.

USUM PU Checks Compendium
A list of Pokemon that reliably beat important Meta Pokemon.
Little Cup Beginner's Guide
A guide that aims to explain some of the unique aspects of Little Cup.

USUM LC Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM LC.

USUM LC Sets Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in USUM LC.

USUM LC Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM LC Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM LC metagame.

USUM LC Good Cores
List of good cores that synergize well in USUM LC.

USUM LC Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM LC.
A Beginner's Guide to Monotype
A guide that aims to explain some of the unique aspects of Monotype.

USUM Monotype Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in USUM Monotype.

USUM Monotype Sets Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon's Sets are in SM Monotype.

USUM Monotype Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM Monotype Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM Monotype metagame.

USUM Cores
List of good cores that synergize well in USUM Monotype.
USUM NFE Resources
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and speed tiers.

USUM NFE Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM NFE.
USUM BSS Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM BSS.

USUM BSS Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

USUM BSS Speed Tiers
Important Speed numbers in the USUM LC metagame.

USUM BSS Sets and Spreads Compendium
A list of BSS movesets and EV spreads for viable Pokemon.

VGC 2018

VGC 2018 Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in VGC 2018.

VGC 2018 Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

VGC 2019

VGC 2019 Ultra Series Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in VGC 2019.

VGC 2019 Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

VGC 2019 Creative & Underrated Sets
A Community-based project listing viable but underrated sets.
Doubles Overview
Includes Resources as well as Info on basic Doubles Mechanics.

Doubles OU

Doubles OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM DOU.

Doubles OU Sample Teams and Team Showcase
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.

Doubles OU Teambuilding Frameworks
Discussion featuring good partners to build around in USUM DOU.

Doubles OU Role Compendium
A list of which Pokemon fulfill various roles in USUM DOU.

Doubles EV Spread Compendium
A list of optimal EV Spreads for Pokemon in USUM DOU.

Doubles Ubers

Doubles Ubers Resources
Includes viability rankings & sample teams.

Doubles UU

Doubles UU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in USUM DUU.

Doubles UU Sample Teams
An archive for teams that are representative of the current metagame.
Hub for LGPE OU Resources and tiering discussions.

LGPE OU Viability Rankings
A look at how viable Pokemon are in LGPE OU.

Hub for LGPE UU Resources and tiering discussions.

Side Formats

Other Metagames Index
Contains links to resources for various USUM OMs.

OMs Creative and Underrated Sets
A Community-based project listing viable but underrated sets.

OM Teambuilding Shop
A Community-based project where people can request teambuilding services.

Unofficial Metagames
Metagames which exist without needing to hack the game.

USUM 1v1
Includes viability rankings, sample teams, speed tiers and more for USUM 1v1.
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I've had this really really large spreadsheet for Nintendo Cup 1999 kicking around in the side format thread for Gen 1. Thoughts on adding it here?

It includes:
  • Big page on the ruleset
  • Viability Rankings ported from Pokemon Battle Historia, the Japanese community for Nintendo Cup and other formats.
  • Speed Tiers
  • Critical Hit Chances
  • HP Stats VS Seismic Toss (I was bored)
  • Analyses for every ranked Pokemon in the format.
  • Sample Teams
I'll likely make more of these as time goes on. Feel free to criticise me on anything you feel is off about it, I'm all ears!
I decided to be a psychopath and make a big compendium for RBY Resources that have picked up over the years, across various websites. It was a wild ride going through stuff dating back to the early 2000s! I contacted a bunch of RBYheads who've been around longer than me for recommendations. I think there are more places I could go to, but this is what dropped anyway.

I mainly made this since the RBY Community has a penchant for hopping from place to place, which has resulted in stuff being lost or unnecessarily remade over time. This aims to at least partially solve the problem, by providing one place for players to go without sifting through hundreds of pages (or outright forgetting the resource exists).

Includes resources from:
  • Smogon
  • Pokemon Perfect
  • RBY 2k20
  • RBY 2k10 (Thank you WayBack Machine)
    • There are bits missing, specifically the "Advanced Guides", but I found one of the old owners who's gonna see if the stuff can be salvaged.
  • THE Alternative
  • Azure Heights
  • GameFAQs
I've arranged them by website, then by date. The date factors are there, so you can get an idea of how outdated the resource is, so you can avoid those (or view them for a historical context!). I would categorize by format, but it turned out to be a bit weird with some stuff just having one resource when it's a valid format (eg. Petit Cup, PP 5U). It also meant I'd have to put the website every time, and then there was just more weird technicalities...it's hard to handle.

In my opinion, for someone who doesn't know where to start, Smogon and Pokemon Perfect seem to have the best resource quantity.

If anyone has other places they want me to dive into, or additional resources to add, just shoot me a message.


I also noticed my NC99 Spreadsheet is on the OM bit; there's two more you may wanna slap on if you want more;
If you're interested in old stuff for historical reasons (like stuff where you can find the same information elsewhere) RJones's strategy guide from Gamefaqs is a great old school source.

I've also attached a .txt version of Kamex's RBYStuff Guide. This was originally shared as a .rtf but I cant attach rtf files here. I think this was used for the shoddy RBY engine, so indicates what we knew about RBY mechs in 2005. It's mostly pretty detailed and accurate, but there have been new discoveries since then.

These two were my main sources of info for most of my playing time.

Also, these days, Bulbapedia is an awesome resource for all gens, RBY included. It is the easiest place to go to find a reasonably accurate explanation of any particular mechanic.


If you're interested in old stuff for historical reasons (like stuff where you can find the same information elsewhere) RJones's strategy guide from Gamefaqs is a great old school source.

I've also attached a .txt version of Kamex's RBYStuff Guide. This was originally shared as a .rtf but I cant attach rtf files here. I think this was used for the shoddy RBY engine, so indicates what we knew about RBY mechs in 2005. It's mostly pretty detailed and accurate, but there have been new discoveries since then.

These two were my main sources of info for most of my playing time.

Also, these days, Bulbapedia is an awesome resource for all gens, RBY included. It is the easiest place to go to find a reasonably accurate explanation of any particular mechanic.
Oh, wow, these are seriously cool! Kamex's doc is especially interesting, I didn't actually know Stadium used 96px health bars. I added an "Other Resources" section for any future stuff. Will also be useful in the future since I'm sure there's more.

EDIT: It seems that it was up for DL on GameFAQs, and seems to be a previous revision of the Battle Information Guide that was already on the list. The version on GameFAQs was last updated on Dec 05, this was from Mar 05.
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