Smogon University PO Statistics — June 2011

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True enough. I've tried Shed Skin before, but I just tend to have really shitty luck with that sort of thing, so I decided to go for the surefire boost. I don't usually have a problem with Jellicent since it can't usually take the onslaught of entry hazards as well as well as a DD Crunch. Thundurus's last resort Thunder Wave set is really fucking annoying though, I'll admit that. I just like being able to have my attack raise, since Scrafty's Attack is still only 418 after one DD, which still isn't enough to take out a lot of bulky pokemon.

However, I think Moxie goes a lot better with Drain Punch and Shed Skin goes better with Hi Jump Kick. I personally use Drain Punch because I have a hard-on for sweepers with HP-absorption moves, which is why I'm also using Tangrowth (Growth Giga Drain is awesome), and Sawsbuck (Swords Dance Horn Leech is awesome). It just seems to give my opponent a feeling of hopelessness which I enjoy. I also like being able to just barely survive that hit from Excadrill, only to OHKO with Drain Punch and get almost all of my health back since Excadrill has that meaty base HP. Same thing against Terrakion, Tyranitar, and other such pokemon. Being able to use your Fighting-move freely against stuff like Ferrothorn and Blissey is nice too, since you don't have to worry about them ripping off half your HP from a Protected Hi Jump Kick. Not having to predict when that Gengar or Jellicent is gonna switch in can be good for your mental health...

I guess Drain Punch goes better with my team Skarmory and Hippowdon tend to get their asses handed to them by my other team members, but I can definitely see why people would use Hi Jump Kick. Just remember though, it may look like Skarmory and Hippowdon get only one shot at phazing you out if you use Hi Jump Kick, but that may not be the case, since it really depends on what the phaze drags out since they both have reliable recovery.
IMHO, about the abilities you have them backwards. I use shed skin with DD and DP (with Crunch and IP for coverage). And I think that to be able to get rid of a burn with SS is always so process. It lets me keep DD ing up and using DP to recover health. If you want I can give you my EV spread. Btw, I like your style ;)
Huh. For me I run Bulk Up instead of Dragon Dance with Shed Skin. I tried DDScrafty with Moxie and frankly, it was pretty underwhelming. It just doesn't have awesome enough bulk to setup, and bulky sets just don't provide enough oomph into those attacks. :/
What's Focus Punch good for in RU besides the defensive Normals like Audino? I'd rather use Agility/Nasty Plot or Teeter Dance (for lulz)

Clefable, Munchlax, Ferroseed, Steelix, err other steel types, yeah you lose against Steelix but you can still hurt it and then switch (naive 4 atk pika does 41.2% - 48.6% to 252/0 sassy Steelix, the standard spread), not much but it basically covers everything that can counter Pika, is Umbreon RU?, because it counts too

And yeah, even in RU Pikachu is not the best wall breaker ever but it's fucking Pikachu and there's a lot of people who will use it just for the sake of it

EDIT: oh yeah, forgot about Rotom-F, Focus punch covers it too :>
I still prefer the Lum Berry + Moxie DD set for Scrafty. Shed Skin is too random, and Lum + Moxie means he has a fairly easy time setting up and is hard to stop once he has. It's too bad that +1 Speed doesn't outspeed nearly enough.

Surprisingly, I've had solid results with Scrafty as a sweeper on a Baton Pass Team. Pass him a Gear Shift or a Shell Smash and he's incredibly hard to stop without a missed HJK (which generally only needs to be used once or twice per fight). If your opponent doesn't have decently strong priority, they'll struggle to kill it before it gets out of hand. I still run DD on it, though, so that it's a legitimate threat even when it doesn't get passed a boost.
Lum Moxie is good but has major issues with passive damage as it tries to set up, specifically it has no way to mitigate hazard or sandstorm damage, severely limiting its sweeping potential and priority immunity (as in not killed by them).
Yeah, R_D still hasn't sorted out the problems of the massive amount of trolls who use 5-people teams. >.>

EDIT: or those with no moves, whatever it works. damn ninjasks
Speaking of, I've seen a number of Ninjasks pop up on teams over the past few battles, often passing to Haxorus. I'm really beginning to hate baton pass this Gen, there are far too many cheep ways of winning with it, and all it takes is Espeon. I find myself wanting to run Brick Break on my CB Scizor now 9.9
Espeon is the key factor to all sorts of BP shenanigans: access to Dual Screens, decent stats, ability to use CM for special passing, only p-hazed by Dragon Tail, etc. It works extremely well with Ninjask's blistering Speed, with the bug passing immediately to Espeon to cock-block whatever Taunt or Spore might come its way to the poor unsuspecting victim. Worse still, Baton Pass iirc escapes Pursuit's trapping effect, allowing Espeon to stay relatively safe throughout the match.
shed skin should be more standard on scrafty. Lets say you get to to 3 boost, and then you get thunder waved, or burned. Thats severely lowering how much potential a DD scrafty should have.
Can't wait for the NU tier whenever it comes out! While it won't be the same, playing on PO's NU gives you a feel for what's going on which is nice. Tired of running bulky Glaceon though as filler for Audino, seeing as how Audino will end up NU on Smogon that's what my original team had, but on PO Audino is RU (LU) so Glaceon is solid filler.

Here's hoping that Tornadus doesn't fall to UU because I REALLY don't want that thing anywhere near UU with it's priority Rain Dance
shed skin should be more standard on scrafty. Lets say you get to to 3 boost, and then you get thunder waved, or burned. Thats severely lowering how much potential a DD scrafty should have.

If Scrafty gets to +3 in the first place only Thundurus/Whimsicott can paralyse it without getting killed. :/
Will there be July Statistics? I can't see it happening with the server being down for such a long time and even if there are statistics, I'm not sure if it'd be an accurate depiction of the Tiers because the Server hasn't been up long enough, but i could be wrong.
Ice Beam, use 4 HP/252 Att/252 Spe Jolly Shed Skin Scrafty, with Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Crunch, and Ice punch @ Life Orb. It's really fucking effective.
Will there be July Statistics? I can't see it happening with the server being down for such a long time and even if there are statistics, I'm not sure if it'd be an accurate depiction of the Tiers because the Server hasn't been up long enough, but i could be wrong.
Nope, no July stats.
I don't know how. Unless you were Dragon Dancing in front of shit like Conkeldurr or something, I don't know how it didn't work. It should primarily be used as a mid to end game sweeper when the bulkiest of bulky things on your opponent's team are weakened. It can almost always get up 1 DD with its natural bulk and then just go to town.
Bulk Up's Drizzle Fodder, though. Specstoed or any scary water type attack destroys it. Or Focus Blast. Or something.

252 SpAtk Choice Specs Politoed Focus Blast vs 252 HP/248 SpDef Scrafty: 65.87% - 77.84%
2 hits to KO (with Leftovers)

252 SpAtk Choice Specs Politoed Hydro Pump vs 252 HP/248 SpDef Scrafty: 49.4% - 58.38% ( IN DA RAIN )
2-3 hits to KO (with Leftovers)

so if you are trying to use focus blast, the chances of getting higher than 70% damage is 40% (factored in acc). and you can easily heal off anything under 70% with drain punch after +1. nt.
Your calcs are off.
Focus Blast has 120 base power, making it 240 with the Super Effective.
Hydro Pump has 120 base power as well, with 180 through STAB, and 270 through the Drizzle Boost.

Hydro Pump would be hitting harder than Focus Blast would be. Likewise, SpecsToed is Modest.

And if your Scrafty has that set, Drain Punch won't be hitting hard enough for you to live. And Specs Rotom-W hits harder than Politoed does. =/. The point is that Scrafty with no speed boosts isn't scary at all.
scrafty is not scary at all *

also not all teams are rain, and a majority are sand. which scrafty shits all over. and even if they die to hydro pumps, it is so obvious what a politoed is gonna do, just bring in your resist like celebi.
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