5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Has anyone trying to RNG a shaking grass/ cave spot pokemons? If yes, can someone tell me what to do?
I am trying to get an Excadrill but all I receive so far is gems.
just... bring a synchronizer and keep trying with different PID frames.
I think there was a way to discover if a certain PID frame contained a pokemon or an item, but I don't remember where I read it. try to search in the first posts of the first page of the topic.
So, I've been away from RNG for a while and I picked up a 3ds. All I have to is find my parameters for the 3ds, find my Seed, and then try to hit the Seed? I'll have to use an external clock (probably PC) to know when to "Open" the game, right?
So, I've been away from RNG for a while and I picked up a 3ds. All I have to is find my parameters for the 3ds, find my Seed, and then try to hit the Seed? I'll have to use an external clock (probably PC) to know when to "Open" the game, right?

Yes and correct. I think with the 3DS you have to start the game up 8 seconds before the time the seed says. Not sure as I haven't tried it yet though.
Yes and correct. I think with the 3DS you have to start the game up 8 seconds before the time the seed says. Not sure as I haven't tried it yet though.
8 seconds is what I've always heard, but if you do the parameter search right it should confirm that for you anyway.
Problems with RNG

I am not really that technical when it comes to seeds, but I have a fair idea of the RNG.

My problem: trying to capture a Virizion with 31/0-31/31/31/31/31. I've recalibrated the RNG reporter a couple of times (v. 9.93) and I've used all different kinds of times to no avail. I don't care about shininess, etc. I just want it to work 'cos this is the first time I'm doing this.

I'm a bit confused about the keypresses as well - do you hold it before the game loads and then load the game or do you do it right after? Also, when do you stop holding the keys?

MAC: 001b7a6d8d43
Time listed in RNG: 16:53:53 1/30/12
Expected IVs: listed above
Obtained: Brave nature
OmegaDonut, Seed to Time Window prevents access to other parts of the program if is opened from 4th/5th Gen Shiny Egg by using Generate More Times by right clicking on a spread.

EDIT: idem from Method 1/J/K in Capture spreads.
I am not really that technical when it comes to seeds, but I have a fair idea of the RNG.

My problem: trying to capture a Virizion with 31/0-31/31/31/31/31. I've recalibrated the RNG reporter a couple of times (v. 9.93) and I've used all different kinds of times to no avail. I don't care about shininess, etc. I just want it to work 'cos this is the first time I'm doing this.

I'm a bit confused about the keypresses as well - do you hold it before the game loads and then load the game or do you do it right after? Also, when do you stop holding the keys?

MAC: 001b7a6d8d43
Time listed in RNG: 16:53:53 1/30/12
Expected IVs: listed above
Obtained: Brave nature
So you're getting the right IVs, but wrong nature? You'll need to learn how the PIDRNG works if you want to do it properly. If you don't want to deal with that yet, try saving once (or listening to Chatot once, if you have one) after you hit the seed and advance the IV frame, and see what that gets you. If the nature's still wrong, repeat the process with two saves/Chatots, and so on. Assuming you're using a Syncher, you should get it within a couple of frames.

I recommend holding down the keys (except for A, if one of them is A) before you load the game. It both solves the problem of when to press them and avoids the risk of fat-fingering the wrong button. I let go of them once the Game Freak logo animation starts, just to be safe.
So you're getting the right IVs, but wrong nature? You'll need to learn how the PIDRNG works if you want to do it properly. If you don't want to deal with that yet, try saving once (or listening to Chatot once, if you have one) after you hit the seed and advance the IV frame, and see what that gets you. If the nature's still wrong, repeat the process with two saves/Chatots, and so on. Assuming you're using a Syncher, you should get it within a couple of frames.

I recommend holding down the keys (except for A, if one of them is A) before you load the game. It both solves the problem of when to press them and avoids the risk of fat-fingering the wrong button. I let go of them once the Game Freak logo animation starts, just to be safe.

I should've been a bit more specific. No, it's not just the nature, I'm getting bad IVs: something like 18/10/10/29/?/? I'm trying standard seeds, not PIDRNG, just RNGing for IVs.

But thanks for the solving keypress issue.

However, although I do get bad IVs, the IVs and nature are consistent for the same time and keypresses. I thought my parameters were the issue, but I re-entered them and still got poor results.
I should've been a bit more specific. No, it's not just the nature, I'm getting bad IVs: something like 18/10/10/29/?/? I'm trying standard seeds, not PIDRNG, just RNGing for IVs.

But thanks for the solving keypress issue.

However, although I do get bad IVs, the IVs and nature are consistent for the same time and keypresses. I thought my parameters were the issue, but I re-entered them and still got poor results.
You might just be consistently getting the wrong Timer0, or accidentally starting at the wrong second. Right-click your seed in Time Finder and select "Generate adjacent seeds (current frame)" (or something along those lines, I'm working from memory right now), and see if any of those match the IVs you got.
Hey guys i need help with RNG and am new here could someone help me?
You're going to have to be a lot more specific than that if you want any help. What exactly are you having trouble with?
My actual second is +1, using DS Lite. My target is on 19 seconds, so I hit 18. I get results from 21 and 44 seconds... Abusing ID/SID. Can someone tell me what's going on?
White ENG, timer0 c7f (rarely c80), DSLite
RNG reporter problem?

I'm having a problem where I can't view all of the information in the capture tab of the timefinder.
The picture is 800x600. Assuming that's the original size, your problem is that you have a really tiny monitor. Dunno if anything can be done about that (unless someone with more programming knowledge than me wants to write a mini version or something like that), but you should probably consider upgrading anyway.

Edit: actually, my old monitor from 1998 went up to 1024x768, so unless yours is really old, you should check the settings and see if it can go any bigger.
The picture is 800x600. Assuming that's the original size, your problem is that you have a really tiny monitor. Dunno if anything can be done about that (unless someone with more programming knowledge than me wants to write a mini version or something like that), but you should probably consider upgrading anyway.

Edit: actually, my old monitor from 1998 went up to 1024x768, so unless yours is really old, you should check the settings and see if it can go any bigger.

That was the exact problem. Thank you very much for helping this caveman.
Edit: Is there anything I can do to return your help? It was a simple problem but I don't care about that. You took the time to help me out. I appreciate it.
Looking for help with RNG...

I posted this in the wrong thread, reposting here:

I have no problem getting the IVs I want when doing a standard seed. I'm having trouble with the third page of the walkthrough trying to use the PIDRNG.

What are you trying to capture\hatch? Please specify whether you are attempting to breed a shiny Pokémon, breed IVs onto a Pokémon, or capture a Pokémon.

trying to capture a shiny timid elgyem on the 5th (top) floor of the celestial tower in white (no NPCs there). I don't care about IVs on this one, just that it's ability 1, not 0, aka synchronize. Elgyem is all the odd numbered encounter slots on the 5th floor while litwick is the even numbers.

What is your target seed and frame? What is the delay of that seed?

see picture...ok nevermind that, apparently I can't attach pictures to the post...

I set month 1, year 2012, min/max frame 1, use true min frame checkbox unchecked, method gen 5 PIDRNG, encounter wild pokemon, encounter slot any, all IVs left blank, ability 1, nature timid, sync nature none, sync checkbox unchecked, id 55554, sid 22789, shiny only checkbox checked, and when I click generate, there is only one seed that has an odd number for encounter slot:


frame 1, pid d27d5278, e slot 3, !!!, Bolded timid, ability 1, 50% F, 1/2/12 9:36.57, C7F, keypress none.

I'm using an original DS, so it has the seconds counter on it. I turn the game on, set the clock to 1/2/12 9:36, hard reset, and press a to load game when the second hand changes to 56 seconds. I say no to turning on the cgear, and then when the game loads up, without moving my character, I use sweet scent or whatever the move is to draw a battle, and I keeep getting litwicks.

How did you verify your seed? If using Elm's responses or coin flips to verify, tell us what YOU got. Not what RNG Reporter says.

The guide says there's no way to verify in bw. I believe my "DS Paremeters" are correct because I used them to determine a seed for set IVs for the stationary musharna and it worked.

Vcnt 60, Vfr 8, GxS 6, Timer0 C7F, actual is 1.

If you tried and failed, what results did you get? You NEED to know this so you can figure out what went wrong. Results are either the IV\nature of the Pokemon you caught, or an ID\SID if you are attempting ID\SID abuse.

I honestly think my issue is user error because I just don't understand what the guide is telling me to do. I find the PIDRNG part to be very confusing. Some of the pictures it puts in it don't match up with what it's describing to do, so I'm not sure if the picture is there as a guide to copy or not. And a number of the fields in the different windows it just doesn't say anything about, so I'm not sure how to set them up.

Again, any help is much appreciated.

someone in the other thread mentioned keeping it a standard seed instead of the PIDRNG seed, is this accurate? if so, why, when the guide specifically says to use the PIDRNG seed?
