International WiFi Tournament -International Challenge- WON BY Cybertron

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I want to convince KidKadabra to enter, but by the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like it'll be that fun. Nonetheless, I'll give it a try, probably.
If it doesn't sound fun to you, please try to keep it to yourself. Your opinion does not need to be publicly aired on everything.

At any rate, I'm probably gonna Ash team it. Though that's probably gonna net me a ton of DC's.
I think I'll be using a team that's not at all serious, in a similar way to Huy, I think it might piss people off and earn me some DC's

Can we just make sure we keep that to one thread, and another for actual discussion on progress. We all know it's going to happen, lets get ready, and take it on the chin.
I think unless you're running a team full of shiny Pokemon, a team full of Legendary Pokemon, or a team that goes on to shut down the opponent's team with Sleep spam, you shouln't end up running into too many D/Cers aside from the ones that will D/C on every loss they get, and the ones that ragequit due to varying degrees of hax.

I'll probably take the competition semi-seriously, I'll see if I can top my Autumn Frustration record.
I'm probably going to use this and philly as test to see what works for nats especially here where I can get 100+ battles in. Though the placing is odd. By the time this goes on all EU vgc's will be over(?) if im correct.Can someone clear me on if theres a EU event after this or will all EU Vgc be done by then.
I think unless you're running a team full of shiny Pokemon, a team full of Legendary Pokemon, or a team that goes on to shut down the opponent's team with Sleep spam...

Dear god, that was pretty much my entire VGC 2011 team! So that's why over 50% of the games I played resulted in disconnections right? :pirate:

Hopefully I can get 2nd again this time. Without getting disqualified though. Tip to anyone playing in this tournament: Don't spend all the duration playing games, I probably played the most matches out of anyone in the Autumn Friendly. It just results in higher chances of playing people who DC, and if Pokemon follows the same system they did the last tournament... you won't be too pleased.
I'm probably going to use this and philly as test to see what works for nats especially here where I can get 100+ battles in. Though the placing is odd. By the time this goes on all EU vgc's will be over(?) if im correct.Can someone clear me on if theres a EU event after this or will all EU Vgc be done by then.

Spain Nats is in the middle of the International Tourney.
Italy Nats is after.
Dear god, that was pretty much my entire VGC 2011 team! So that's why over 50% of the games I played resulted in disconnections right? :pirate:

Hopefully I can get 2nd again this time. Without getting disqualified though. Tip to anyone playing in this tournament: Don't spend all the duration playing games, I probably played the most matches out of anyone in the Autumn Friendly. It just results in higher chances of playing people who DC, and if Pokemon follows the same system they did the last tournament... you won't be too pleased.
I will D/C on you so quick if you have 1 shiny. I SWEAR ON THIS, jk. Im most defenitely gonna do this though! Hopefully there's a prize this time.
Dear god, that was pretty much my entire VGC 2011 team! So that's why over 50% of the games I played resulted in disconnections right? :pirate:

Hopefully I can get 2nd again this time. Without getting disqualified though. Tip to anyone playing in this tournament: Don't spend all the duration playing games, I probably played the most matches out of anyone in the Autumn Friendly. It just results in higher chances of playing people who DC, and if Pokemon follows the same system they did the last tournament... you won't be too pleased.

This is true but lets say a person plays 100 matches ending with a 1900 rating with 40 of them being d/c giving him a 40%dc rate. Someone lets say does 200 matches ending with a 1900 rating w/ only 50 matches in d/c they'll have only a 25% dc rate. The person with least battles will most likely end up kicked(bad example I know)

Though when your battling and are in the high 1900 we all end up battling those poor saps that are 1300 and below which acccount for a good 33% of our battles, and ugh we know getting 1-2 points a game is annoying and then we battle players our rank who d/c. Just be prepared for that once you get past 1900.
This is true but lets say a person plays 100 matches ending with a 1900 rating with 40 of them being d/c giving him a 40%dc rate. Someone lets say does 200 matches ending with a 1900 rating w/ only 50 matches in d/c they'll have only a 25% dc rate. The person with least battles will most likely end up kicked(bad example I know)

Though when your battling and are in the high 1900 we all end up battling those poor saps that are 1300 and below which acccount for a good 33% of our battles, and ugh we know getting 1-2 points a game is annoying and then we battle players our rank who d/c. Just be prepared for that once you get past 1900.

I guess, but at least for me personally, I had a very steady rate of DCs by the time I had reached the high 1800s or the low 1900s, probably about 3 out of every 10 battles I had. I understand where you're going with your statement, but you can't just pull 40 DCs in 100 battles or 50 DCs in 200 battles out of nowhere. A 25% DC rate is still pretty horrendous though if you think about it.
I think people may disconnect more often on the last day due to desperation. Unless you go into the last day with a very low percentage of disconnects, you should probably try to avoid playing too much on the last day and stop if you feel your disconnect ratio is getting too high.
Its crazy how you all had so much d/c. I barely made it to the 20 mark(21 total) with dis-connectors. I hope they finally find a solution to this problem that also persist on random matchup which happens just about every game I play on there. Well glhf to everyone that participates.
Play a ton on the first day. Then a little less the next. And so on. I got 51st last time that way with... meh... nominal DCs. I had guessed that people would DC more as time went on and at least in my experience I was right.
I'm trying to decide how serious I should be about this. I know not to take it too seriously at any rate, but I'm wondering if I should pack a really serious team or just bring a cookie cutter ZapChomp team.
Do we have to have our team finalized and in the Battle Box by the time we register, or not until the tournament actually starts?
Thanks TRE.

If it ends up being run the same way as the Autumn Friendly tournament, what will the formula for ratings be, and how exactly will disconnects be handled?
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