The Battle Frontier discussion thread!

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Yes! I have swiped the Gold Medal from Tucker in the Battle Dome. That leaves 3 gold medals left!

What should I do next? Tower, Factory or Arena?
Well, random luck is the purpose of the Pike after all...

The lady does give hints for one of the doors. Here's a quote from a guide stating which each of those hints mean. Yes, it does boil down to luck in some cases but this is really helpful.

"A Trainer? I sense the presence of people..."

You have a 75% chance of fighting a trainer
You have a 25% chance of having your Pokemon Fully restored.

"I seem to of heard may have been whispering..."

You have an 80% chance of finding a trainer who will not battle you
You have a 20% chance of havng a double battle.

"It seems to have the distinct aroma of a Pokemon wafting around it..."

You have a 75% chance of going to a walkway, where you will find uncatchable wild Pokemon
You have a 25% chance of fighting a "hard" trainer and having your
Pokemon fully restored after.

"For some Odd reason, I feel a wave of Nostaliga coming from it..."

You have a 45% chance of finding a person will inflict a stats condition on
one of your Pokemon (again, for all the intracates, follow the link above).
This becomes 0% when there is no Pokemon to inflict.

You have a 55% chance of findng a healer, who, again depending on the rooms
will restore one or more of your Pokemon to full health. This becomes 100% when
all Pokemon have a Stats condition (Including faint).

"A terrifying event, yes a horrifying one is about to befall you..."
You have a 100% chance to fight Lucy. However, you have a 33% chance of finding
a healer to nurse all your Pokemon back to fulll health.
I'm considering going back to re-do the Emerald Battle Frontier giving it a proper go (Also using said team to dominate PKMN Colosseum).

Umming and arring whether or not to use my Action Replay and giving myself the Pokemon (legal hacks) or whether to get them myself. Thoughts?
I'm considering going back to re-do the Emerald Battle Frontier giving it a proper go (Also using said team to dominate PKMN Colosseum).

Umming and arring whether or not to use my Action Replay and giving myself the Pokemon (legal hacks) or whether to get them myself. Thoughts?

With Emeralds cloning glitch, you can raise the pokemon yourself and not worry about the dangers of AR.

And before anyone says, the emerald cloning glitch is very, very easy to do and almost impossible to mess up.
Well, I'm taking a break from my Nuzlocke to continue my endeavors in the Battle Frontier, and so far, it's really pissing me off. Each time I get really close to the Frontier Boss, but then I lose to hax. I mean, seriously. I must've lost like 10 games already to crits. It's freaking annoying.
So far, I have a team of Starmie, Breloom, and Metagross ready for action. I'm really unimpressed with Starmie as of now. Without any means to boost its Special Attack, its power is really underwhelming. Its coverage is its redeeming factor, however. Metagross is alright, but it doesn't have its ideal set yet, since I'm waiting to have enough BP to get the Choice Band. Right now I'm roughing it with an AgiliGross set. The only one that's really made an impact on me was Breloom. It's a monster. It takes down even Pokemon that resist the move with Focus Punch. Seriously, it's amazing.
I'll probably edit this post when I get anything notable.
Now I totally understand the reason for the Evasion Clause...

Battle Factory, Generation IV. I was cruising through the 3rd run of opponents, using my deadly Garchomp/Dragonite/Empoleon rental Pokémon. Everything up to the 6th match was a breeze.

After Garchomp has KO'd the first Pokémon (which I can't remember, probably a Marowak or something) an opposing Espeon manages to take it out with a well-placed Ice Beam. "No big deal", I think, and avenge it with Dragonite. Now, I've 2-1'd him, and my last two Pokémon are at full health. Then, the opponent brings out his third Pokémon:

Cradily @Leftovers
- Ingrain
- Double F###ing Team
- Toxic
- Stockpile

It survives a hit from Dragonite's Flamethrower, and starts Double Teaming. Due to this, the next Flamethrower, which would have KO'd, misses. Cradily proceeds to Toxic. Yet another Flamethrower misses, while Cradily keeps boosting evasion. Dragonite loses increasingly more HP due to Toxic, while Cradily heals with Leftovers, and later also Ingrain.

Luckily, I've used the very same Cradily earlier in my Battle Factory run, so I know it has no ways to damage outside Toxic. I switch to my trusty Empoleon, which stands immune.

The next 55 rounds are a nightmare. Cradily is soon at +3 in both Defense and Special Defense, and +6 Evasion. I can barely scratch it with my moves, if they hit at all. Twice, Critical hits bring it to the red in a single hit, but any further moves fail to connect. Empoleon is at full health, but soon I see Signal Beam, then Surf, then Earthquake and finally Blizzard be depleted of PP.

The Cradily is at full health when I start Struggling. While Struggle connects with every hit, it barely hurts Cradily, which recovers 1/8 of its total HP every turn, and Empoleon will quickly die to Struggle recoil. Frustrated, I switch to Dragonite and try a couple of futile turns missing with Flamethrower. Then suddenly, Cradily begins Struggling too.

The only thing I can do is swithching back and forth between Empoleon and Dragonite, to minimize Toxic damage. Eventually, Empoleon falls. Cradily's HP is in the red. Dragonite's is too. Two more turns of missing Flamethrowers, then Dragonite goes down to Toxic. Cradily's HP bar is barely visible.

This match pissed me off thoroughly. Hax, hax, hax. Any single one of my moves had a chance to finish off the annoying anemona, but thanks to evasion and failure to Critical Hit, I had two of the premiere Battle Factory Pokémon PP stalled. I know I misplayed lots, but still... now I totally understand why Evasion boosting moves are banned. Cradily is a turd competitively, but in-game it's deadly. Evasion can go screw itself.

The fact that this was the last match before the Factory Head doesn't help either.
I'm on a quest to get all 7 gold symbols in the Emerald Battle Frontier. Sounds like a nightmare but... thankfully I know how to do 3rd gen RNG abuse.

You guys all know all the BS hax that can get thrown your way but what about a skipped turn?
I'm on a quest to get all 7 gold symbols in the Emerald Battle Frontier. Sounds like a nightmare but... thankfully I know how to do 3rd gen RNG abuse.

You guys all know all the BS hax that can get thrown your way but what about a skipped turn?

It is a nightmare. 3 months later and I'm still only on 4/7 gold.

If you want any help, or tips, I could help out.
Can't do it against Lucy either? Huh... I wonder if it's because you don't always start the battle at full HP/PP/no status?

Wow the Pyramid was a pushover. Took a while but I didn't lose once. The real Pyramid King is Slaking, not Brandon. And I never even found a Choice Band, which would have allowed me to unleash true terror...
Can't do it against Lucy either? Huh... I wonder if it's because you don't always start the battle at full HP/PP/no status?

Wow the Pyramid was a pushover. Took a while but I didn't lose once. The real Pyramid King is Slaking, not Brandon. And I never even found a Choice Band, which would have allowed me to unleash true terror...

Slaking is one of the best Pokemon for the Pike, Dome and Pyramid.

And no, it's because you can't record any battles at all.

Also, how many medals do you have now?
I'm up to 3 Gold - Tower/Dome/Pyramid. No other medals yet. I think I'm going to take a little break for now though... have to do some planning and I'm getting a little worn out with these battles.

Had Gold in Tower for a couple months now ever since I did a ribbon project for one on my 3rd gen mons.
I got Gold in everything but Pike and Pyramid on my old Emerald before it got erased. If I recall correctly, I came close in the Pike, but not at all in the Pyramid. I don't think I made it past round 4. The darkness was just frustrating the hell out of me. I always wanted to come with a Linoone since I heard Pickup was very useful here, especially early on when the enemies aren't as dangerous.

The hardest Gold symbol I got was definitely Factory. I worked at it on and off for YEARS before I finally earned it.
Wow, got tricked a Choice Band in the first room in the 10th run... onto my CM/Recover Latias. Holy shit that was annoying because it was kept for the entire run. Managed to beat Lucy by using her to take Steelix's Explosion... :/
I got hit with a wave of nostalgia the other day and finally decided give the Battle Frontier a shot (never really got around to it when I initially played through Emerald). Anyway, I'm looking for some good Pokemon/sets to use. I only have access to Pokemon found in Emerald, so no Snorlax or Suicune or anything like that. From what I've gathered it seems that Pokes like Slaking, Salamence, and Starmie are solid choices, but I just want to make sure I've got the right guys before I go about EV training. Speaking of EVs, if a Pokemon already has all 508 EVs do I need to Rare Candy it all the way up to level 100 for the EV investments to show or can I stop at level 50 or 60?
Maybe it's just because I get lucky, but I usually get the Battle Factory silver symbol before any others. As for gold, I only beat Noland, Lucy, and Tucker for those symbols a long time ago.

The hardest for me is the Battle Tower... It was the last silver symbol for me to get, and I only got it once. It's hard when you don't even know your Pokemon's IVs...
I got hit with a wave of nostalgia the other day and finally decided give the Battle Frontier a shot (never really got around to it when I initially played through Emerald). Anyway, I'm looking for some good Pokemon/sets to use. I only have access to Pokemon found in Emerald, so no Snorlax or Suicune or anything like that. From what I've gathered it seems that Pokes like Slaking, Salamence, and Starmie are solid choices, but I just want to make sure I've got the right guys before I go about EV training. Speaking of EVs, if a Pokemon already has all 508 EVs do I need to Rare Candy it all the way up to level 100 for the EV investments to show or can I stop at level 50 or 60?
You get EV investments proportional to the Pokémon's level as soon as its EVs are settled. Settling the EVs works differently in different generations; in all generations, you can settle them by gaining one level, there are definitely games where you can settle them by depositing them in the PC (I forget which ones), and Black/White will settle them as soon as you gain the EVs.

Note the proportional thing: at level 50, you'll get half the stat boost from EVs that you would at level 100, rounding in a way that depends on the IVs. (In VGC, this is exploited to avoid wasting EVs; sometimes, you can get an extra point in a random stat by making the best use of accumulated rounding errors.)
Arrrrgh! I still can't beat the Battle Tower in Emerald, and I lost to the worst possible thing, MYSELF!

For the people with Gold Medals, what teams did you use? How did you beat it? Did it take long?
I have a very good strategy to use against Brandon in Emerald's Battle Pyramid.

1] Claydol
Mv1) Sunny Day
Mv2) Solarbeam
Mv3) Psychic
Mv4) Explosion
Item: Leftovers/BrightPowder
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 SATk
Nature: Any neutral nature

2] Blaziken
Mv1) Flamethrower
Mv2) Sky Uppercut
Mv3) Earthquake
Mv4) Overheat
Item: BrightPowder
EVs: 200 Atk/132 SAtk/176 Spe
Nature: Naughty/Rash

3] Zapdos
Mv1) Thunderbolt
Mv2) HP Ice
Mv3) Detect
Mv4) Substitute
Item: Leftovers
EVs: 212 HP/252 Atk/44 Spe
Nature: Modest

The main thing to do is use Claydol as a lead. Since Claydol is immune to Regirock's Earthquake and resistant to Ancientpower and Superpower, Explosion is the only move able to damage Regirock. Just set up Sunny Day and let Regirock explode on you; Claydol serves no other purpose in this battle. If you use BrightPowder and Regirock's Explosion misses, however, just stay in and Explode on Regice or Registeel.
Blaziken is the key player when Regirockk, its main obstacle, has Exploded on Claydol. Blaziken can completely obliterate Regice with Sky Uppercut and score an easy 2HKO or even OHKO, but must beware of Thunderbolt still. Registeel can hit Blaziken with Earthquake, but 75 Attack isn't going to do THAT much. Registeel can raise its Defense with Iron Defense, but here is where Overheat comes into play. Just use it and it OHKOes Registeel under the Sun. If Blaziken has been brought down, then Zapdos has a decent shot at Registeel; all Registeel can do is throw Toxic at it. Zapdos's immunity to Earthquake and resistance to the pathetic Metal Claw make it a key counter.

I'd love feedback on this post, so feel free to reply with suggestions and commentary!
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