The Everything NFL Thread - 2013-2014 Edition

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being able to be held somebody in contempt of court is generally a joke

like Valkyries already commented on, everything you just wrote confirms everything I previously wrote as correct

only those whose authority is largely fraudulent care about things like if they are respected (only those whose authority is false need to make such pains to retain validation); unless he did something actually worth a new criminal charge, and not a fake charge like contempt of court, then it should be entirely immaterial how much respect he shows anybody in that courtroom, as the law is supposed to be impartial and just

just because you take law seriously does not mean anyfuckingbody else does - the US has 50% more lawyers than it needs, and it throws 50% more people in jail than it needs, and generally nobody disputes those facts (other than perhaps the generalized numbers are some +/- either way, definitely still high)

if I am ever in court as a defendant, and somebody asks how I like my attorney, I am appreciately slapping that ass
Wow, that sounds nothing like an entirely draconian practice. You don't conform to my standards of respect and the culture we have in place, therefore you deserve to be punished harder.

No, not punished harder, punished with the sentence he had just tried to avoid. His violation of probation carried a sentence of jail time, but his lawyer was able to strike him a deal that would've had him stay out of jail... until he acted like a jerk in open court. The judge saw that and threw out the plea deal and gave him the jail sentence, which is basically THE SAME SENTENCE HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HAD HE NOT BEEN A SUPERSTAR ATHLETE AND CELEBRITY. If anything, she just evened the playing field on him. (Quite naturally, he only served a small fraction of the full sentence.)

Out of curiosity, would a court hold a man in contempt for openly praying his thanks to god after a victory in his favor?

1. Are you seriously attempting to equate religious prayers/thanks with a disrespectful display of machismo affection?
2. If you want to thank God that your case went your way, fine, but don't think for one second the judge will allow you to drop to your knees in the courtroom to talk to Jesus about it. That is not the place or time for that.
being able to be held somebody in contempt of court is generally a joke

If there is no method of keeping a courtroom under control, then why have court?

only those whose authority is largely fraudulent care about things like if they are respected (only those whose authority is false need to make such pains to retain validation); unless he did something actually worth a new criminal charge, and not a fake charge like contempt of court, then it should be entirely immaterial how much respect he shows anybody in that courtroom, as the law is supposed to be impartial and just

As I said above, there was no new charge and no new sentence, he just ended up re-earning the original one.

just because you take law seriously does not mean anyfuckingbody else does

No, I can tell you have quite the grudge against the American justice system. While far from perfect, it is still one of the finest in the world, a fact that I'm sure is quite completely lost on you.

the US has 50% more lawyers than it needs, and it throws 50% more people in jail than it needs, and generally nobody disputes those facts (other than perhaps the generalized numbers are some +/- either way, definitely still high)

None of that is disputable. But you cannot blame the greed/failings of law schools and the incomptence of law-makers on the justice system. They do not make the terrible laws, they merely mete out the justice.

if I am ever in court as a defendant, and somebody asks how I like my attorney, I am appreciately slapping that ass

And you will be summarily treated like the dumbass you would be.
No, not punished harder, punished with the sentence he had just tried to avoid. His violation of probation carried a sentence of jail time, but his lawyer was able to strike him a deal that would've had him stay out of jail... until he acted like a jerk in open court. The judge saw that and threw out the plea deal and gave him the jail sentence, which is basically THE SAME SENTENCE HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HAD HE NOT BEEN A SUPERSTAR ATHLETE AND CELEBRITY. If anything, she just evened the playing field on him. (Quite naturally, he only served a small fraction of the full sentence.)

1. Are you seriously attempting to equate religious prayers/thanks with a disrespectful display of machismo affection?
2. If you want to thank God that your case went your way, fine, but don't think for one second the judge will allow you to drop to your knees in the courtroom to talk to Jesus about it. That is not the place or time for that.

I'm highlighting the parts where you've completely failed to understand the point of my hypothetical, which was supposed to provoke thought about "Why is what he did all that bad"? How is slapping his lawyer on his ass really so vastly and radically different than bowing your head and clasping your hands in a quick prayer in a purely objective 3rd party onlooker sense (like the judge had)? Neither is meant disrespectfully. Both are showing innocent gratitude. I will grant that the butt-grab is certainly less somber, but are you trying to say that one cannot be visibly elated when they think they've just managed to avoid jail-time? The intentions behind those either of those actions are not necessarily rooted in disrespect.

Instead of actually taking what I said seriously, you've carried in your predisposition of the act being juvenile, rooted in Chad's immaturity as a pampered celebrity and from some malice aimed at the judicial system. From that deemed his actions wholly reprehensible, and vindicated the Judge's decision. Meanwhile, the prayer is serious, and something respectable people are allowed to do (although they can't go overboard). You and the judge both seem to think that it is totally fine to make a decision over whether someone goes to jail or not entirely on the way you'd like them to act. Notice how that's not dependent on the actual attitudes toward the court of the person doing the action, but the attitudes and perception of that action from the alleged objective 3rd party. That's why I dislike the decision; the judge clearly inserted personal bias into her decision.
I do not have a grudge against anything, but nice completely unnecessary place to take that. I do not do drugs, and have never been accosted for anything, and should never be. I considered becoming a lawyer, and of course with my unbearably overwhelming smarts easily scored a high enough LSAT without studying to get me into any of the law schools from about 15-20. I took a pass, in the end I did not want to endorse something as ridiculously terrible as the US legal system in any way since it is a disgusting travesty of a legal system, easily one of the worst in the world.
As much as I'd love to see more of this argument, let's move on. This is the NFL topic, not the 'Murican Justice topic. Further off-topic posts will be deleted.
As much as I'd love to see more of this argument, let's move on. This is the NFL topic, not the 'Murican Justice topic. Further off-topic posts will be deleted.

hey I tried to keep it as focused as possible on the celebrity athlete part, but when DM decided to flame me it was on
Rumor has it, his cell phone records indicate that he called Ray Lewis on the night of the murder.

I want the idea of any professional player who is involved in a murder case getting an ominous call from ray lewis the same day to be some kind of campfire urban legend.
I think you guys are missing (Serious) tags on your posts.

Ed Werder is subhuman but the Aaron Hernandez dealio is pretty intriguing if you ask me. Actual news is slow to come, though, as opposed to conjecture.
The shit I've heard is ridiculous. He smashed his phone before giving it to police. His security cameras on his house had the archived video mysteriously destroyed. You think he's hiding something?
Holy fuck how is this page all about minor rubbish that Ochocinco did instead of the elephant in the room - Aaron Hernandez looking more and more guilty by the minute. Aside from one or two posts that is. Tampering with evidence certainly doesn't bode well for him.
I saw some theory that Hernandez sent the guy to buy some drugs and the dealer killed him in a botched robbery. So Hernandez scrubbed his house and smashed his security system and phone to destroy all evidence of drug use. That doesn't work if he was actually shot execution style, though.
I saw some theory that Hernandez sent the guy to buy some drugs and the dealer killed him in a botched robbery. So Hernandez scrubbed his house and smashed his security system and phone to destroy all evidence of drug use. That doesn't work if he was actually shot execution style, though.

You have to admit, acting as suspicious as he is certainly isn't helping his cause...
Come on, him and his buddy were just watching Office Space, as many passe-Americans are prone to do. Being much richer than us plebians can comprehend, they celebrated their merry titillation by smashing cell phones and alarm systems!
Anyone been following NFL's top 100 players list? A lot of the list seems completely reasonable but man there are some head shakers and face palmers.
I'd say all the average running backs that somehow made the list when CJ Spiller didn't

this isn't even a homer thing, he was 5th overall in the league last year in yards from scrimmage, and that's with fucking Chan fucking Gailey making him sit entire series "because he was winded" or "it was Fred's turn"
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