Megas For All (Read the whole 1st post and check current slate)

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Mega Escavalier
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Dark
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat -> Precision (moves with BP of 40 and lower have their BP doubled; basically a more precise Technician)
New Moves: None

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 85 (-20)
SpA: 60 -> 60 (+0)
SpD: 105 -> 85 (-20)
Spe: 20 -> 130 (+110)

Flavor Concept: Escavalier abandons his armor, looks like a blend between Escavalier and Karrablast

Competitive Concept: Whoa nelly, look at that turnaround! I like Megas that take mons in a new direction, so I decided to work with the ongoing theme of Karrablast’s armored journey and have the knight go rogue. Losing the armor increases speed drastically while lowering defenses, but not as drastically as Accelgor.

The new dark-type wasn’t just slapped on, but has two purposes: one, flavor-wise, as a rogue knight, Escavalier’s shed his steel for a more offensive, say, “evil” typing. Second, look at his new ability. I hate new abilities for the most part, but this one allows me to keep Escavalier’s tiny movepool and maximize its advantages.

Any move 40 BP and lower is doubled. Now, what relevant moves does Escavalier have that are under 40 BP?

Twineedle: suddenly this move becomes Bonemerang, a dual-hitting 50 BP move, but with perfect accuracy and a chance to poison.

Rock Smash: now an 80 BP Fighting attack with that sexy 50% defense drop chance. And the grand winner,

Pursuit: which is now 80 BP whether or not the foe switches, before STAB. Perfect for our evil, avenging knight.

(Also, Peck is now 70 BP, which isn't the best in the world, but still beats Aerial Ace if you want Flying coverage.)

Precision also allows for a few gimmicky moves, like Fell Stinger and Fury Cutter (and lol False Swipe), to be just a little less gimmicky. Just a little.

The way I see it, Scizor already has the powerful Bug/Steel niche down pat, and Forretress is a better defensive mon than Mega Escavalier could hope to be unless we radically change its movepool. This way, Mega Escavalier gets to be its own mon.
Not submission period yet. (And fucking hell, another Dark type?)
Not submission period yet. (And fucking hell, another Dark type?)
Sorry, but it's not? Is there a discussion period before submissions? That should really be made clear on the OP if that's the case.

Also, not my fault if Dark is overdone, and I think I made a pretty good and thorough case for why it actually makes sense with this one, in terms of flavor (an avenging knight that's shed its armor), offense (perfecting Pursuit) and defense (changing to a typing with fewer resistances). Certainly wasn't as arbitrary as some of the other Megas voted on in the past. So no need for that snark, hon.
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Maybe a Tinted Lens clone for Escavalier.

Emolga's gonna need a lot of help; if you gave it +100 Special Attack and Nasty Plot it's probably still outclassed by Thundurus. I'm thinking about a more balanced stat increase where neither attacking stat goes much higher than base 100 and an ability that lets Mega Emolga use Discharge each time it uses a Flying move - a lot of the Dex entries talk about it discharging electricity as it flies through the trees.

An Air Slash/Discharge combo would be kind of an unholy Huge Power/Parental Bond hybrid, and it could even do some damage as it heals itself with Roost or sets up Tailwind for its team.
Maybe a Tinted Lens clone for Escavalier.

Emolga's gonna need a lot of help; if you gave it +100 Special Attack and Nasty Plot it's probably still outclassed by Thundurus. I'm thinking about a more balanced stat increase where neither attacking stat goes much higher than base 100 and an ability that lets Mega Emolga use Discharge each time it uses a Flying move - a lot of the Dex entries talk about it discharging electricity as it flies through the trees.

An Air Slash/Discharge combo would be kind of an unholy Huge Power/Parental Bond hybrid, and it could even do some damage as it heals itself with Roost or sets up Tailwind for its team.
Ooohhhhh. I'm lovin' that idea. Every flying move it uses activates a discharge. But I could come with two styles of it to be debated:
a. Every Flying type attack gives 100% chance paralysis (like Nuzzle)
b. A weaker discharge dealing little damage but high chance of paralysis
Ooohhhhh. I'm lovin' that idea. Every flying move it uses activates a discharge. But I could come with two styles of it to be debated:
a. Every Flying type attack gives 100% chance paralysis (like Nuzzle)
b. A weaker discharge dealing little damage but high chance of paralysis
It could be similar to Muk's Poison Touch. Non-touching attacks have a 30% chance of paralyzation
Am I the only one who just doesn't really like new abilities on the whole? I think it's way more fun to work with what's given, with just a few creative but simple exceptions (for instance, Muk's "Corrosion" removing Steel's poison immunity and Noivern's "Amplifier" boosting Sound moves). Complex abilities like adding a Discharge (even a small one) to every move or even certain moves just seems, well, boring. To me. Also if we really take dex information seriously then Magikarp's Tackle is stronger than dynamite, considering it damages Golem and Golem's entry says dynamite can't even scratch it.

Mew King's proposal of a Poison Touch clone works much better, as it's an adaptation of an existing ability rather than making one up wholesale. Maybe others see it differently (I mean clearly they do or else I wouldn't be in a position to bring it up), but working through limitations and following ability precedents seems way more fun to me than blowing the limitations up.

That's if we even have to use a new ability. Serene Grace would match Emolga's flavor just fine in terms of enhancing its Discharge, if we really wanted to go that route. I of course am biased to like my own idea of making Emolga a Parting Shot Prankster because of its use of U-turn and Volt Switch, its historical in-game association with switching moves, its identity as a quick, skittish flying squirrel, and the simple fact that Prankster Parting Shot gives it a nice niche (if everybody gets a mega then it's great to try to differentiate all these boosted mons from each other; as stated by others, it's otherwise way easier to be outright outclassed). But even if others dislike this idea, I hope that Emolga can be improved in a way that doesn't involve jumping through this many hoops.

Or gliding, as the case may be.
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What about Storm Drain for Jellicent? It can gain some Speed become an asset to rain teams with Water Spout. It can probably gain Thunderbolt and Thunder as well, I'm surprised Jellicent doesn't already learn those.
What about Storm Drain for Jellicent? It can gain some Speed become an asset to rain teams with Water Spout. It can probably gain Thunderbolt and Thunder as well, I'm surprised Jellicent doesn't already learn those.
How about Dry Skin?

This would also be great for rain, as not only would it maintain Jellicent's ability to heal off water attacks but it would heal it in the rain. And considering Water Spout relies on Jellicent having as much health as possible, it would keep our ghost spouting off terribly powerful attacks.

Still, Storm Drain would likely get my vote as well, as the Special Attack boost also boosts Water Spout (among other attacks) and, if we improve Jellicent's speed as you suggest (and I heartily back), then it can use Recover to keep Water Spout strong.

(Part of me REALLY wants to give it Levitate considering it's the freaking "Floating Pokemon", but that would do practically nothing for it.)
Am I the only one who just doesn't really like new abilities on the whole?

Yes, because otherwise everything that sucks has to have Prankster/Huge Power/Fur Coat/etc shoehorned onto it to make it viable. This isn't really reinventing the wheel - Intimidate is effectively using Growl on the switch, Magic Bounce automatically uses Magic Coat when the opponent uses a status move, and so on.
Yes, because otherwise everything that sucks has to have Prankster/Huge Power/Fur Coat/etc shoehorned onto it to make it viable. This isn't really reinventing the wheel - Intimidate is effectively using Growl on the switch, Magic Bounce automatically uses Magic Coat when the opponent uses a status move, and so on.
But at the same time, look at Mega Sceptile. It's ability obviously isn't intended to give it a huge advantage in battle. Some Megas should probably have lesser abilities. As fun as it is to make new abilities, we should be cautious with how many new ones we create.
But at the same time, look at Mega Sceptile. It's ability obviously isn't intended to give it a huge advantage in battle. Some Megas should probably have lesser abilities. As fun as it is to make new abilities, we should be cautious with how many new ones we create.

Yep, that's why I only try to give new abilities to really uncompetitive mons when tweaking the typing/stats/movepool isn't enough. See: my winning Mega Scrafty which keeps its standard ability of Moxie.

It just comes down to personal preference though. If it's between giving something a dual Fighting typing with Close Combat/Aura Sphere or a new ability, I lean toward ability
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Emolga has nice speed. Just boost the offensive stats offensive stats, a little bit more bulk or speed might be nice too.
Jellicent and Amoongus might just get small boosts in every stat, maybee Gooey for Jellicent.
Mega Escavalier should have Flash Fire In all honestly, it should be immune to fire type moves used by Dragons (And Dragon, electric, water,ice and flying type moves). It makes sense, because Escavalier is based of a knight. Knights are often seen as people who slay dragons in myths. Since Dragons are known to breath fire and use elements in general, making Escavalier immune to the stated types used by Dragon type pokemon not too farfetch'd.
Yes, because otherwise everything that sucks has to have Prankster/Huge Power/Fur Coat/etc shoehorned onto it to make it viable. This isn't really reinventing the wheel - Intimidate is effectively using Growl on the switch, Magic Bounce automatically uses Magic Coat when the opponent uses a status move, and so on.
I dunno, I just like problem-solving with what I'm given, with maybe a few minor nudges; I guess my big issue here is that a discharge on every attack is WAY different from a non-damaging move like Growl or Magic Coat.

This isn't meant to pick on you, mind you; I think several of the chosen megas are just ridiculous even beyond abilities (really, Ground/Fire Sandslash with an all new moveset? Really, Ground/Dark Marowak? Really, Normal/Dragon Furret??? And to be honest, really, Adaptability Lucario instead of Mega Launcher Luke, Game Freak?) and some of them just bug me because they disregard patterns (the fact that the Eeveelutions don't have the same stat amounts allocated in different stats REALLY grinds my gears).

Take Sandslash. Easily could've gotten Spiky Shield as a new move and Rough Skin as an ability to match its spiky flavor instead of a total overhaul. Marowak would make much more sense as a Ghost type than a Dark type in all regards. Furret...geh, anything would've made more sense.

I'm getting off-topic and probably just come across as a curmudgeon at this point, so I'm sorry, but I guess I just see brilliant ideas like Sand Force Hippowdon, Mega Launcher Magmortar, and your own spectacular Parental Bond Leavanny (disregard that "your" if you aren't GG Unit) and I wish everything matched that level of excellence.
Because there's no flavorful reason to do so
"They fly around at high speed, striking with their pointed spears. Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely."

I think anyone who can be calm and collected enough to turn the battle when they are backed into a corner could be considered analytic of the situation, wouldn't you say?

Way more analytic than a freaking starfish.
What if Escavalier had an ability that provided either immunity or damage halving, if 0 is too good, to non-STAB.

We could call it Valour... or something. This would mean coverage would be worthless unless you've got Mold Breaker. Though when I think of it, that might be too good.
Let's maybe take dex entries with a grain of salt.

Bear in mind that I'm just joshing you and I'm not actually against Analytic Escavalier (again, I'm biased towards liking my own better), but this is just a funny example of how dumb flavor text can be.
Yeah, touché. It still baffles me how Garchomp can fly and how Macargo is hotter than the sun. Still, Megas have a tendency to take the flavor text far more literally than the base formes. (Gardevoir's dex entry talks about it being loyal to its master, so it gets a wedding dress and an open heart, Gengar's ability to lurk in the shadows is present in its floorbound mega and Shadow Tag ability, and Absol's ability to predict disaster is evident in the guardian angel wings and Magic Bounce ability, as it gains the power to stop the very disasters it sees.)

Whoever wrote the dex entries was still high though.
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