Megas For All (Read the whole 1st post and check current slate)

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Swarm/Shell Armor/Overcoat -> Swift Sting (Bug type Gale Wings clone)
Shoulda called it Gale Stings
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Dragonslayer (This Pokemon's Steel, Bug and Fighting-type attacks deal SE damage on Dragons; immunity to Dragon-type moves)
New Moves: Sacred Sword, ExtremeSpeed (it flies around at high speed in it's Pokedex entries.), Fly (as before)

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 115 (+10)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 115 (+10)
Spe: 20 -> 70 (+50)
BST: 495 -> 595

Think about what Escavalier is based on. IT'S BASED ON A KNIGHT! and they are know for SLAYING DRAGONS. Yes, this little fella is the ultimate counter to Dragons with Megahorn for SE against almost all dragons! It can also carry Iron Head and Sacred Sword, and Extreme Speed for priority. There's only one problem... Escavalier is still in the awkward 70 Speed tier,with no way to boost it's Speed, and it's almost always OHKO'ed by Flamethrower, Fire Blast or Flare Blitz, which is his only weakness. But Escavalier is the ultimate switch in to Outrage, and can then proceed to use Megahorn, Iron Head, Sacred Sword and ExtremeSpeed.

Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Bug
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Ultimate Cuteness (Female Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack are lowered on switch-in)
New Moves: Parting Shot

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75 (+20)
Def: 60 -> 65 (+5)
SpA: 75 -> 97 (+20)
SpD: 60 -> 65 (+5)
Spe: 103 -> 153 (+50)
BST: 428 -> 528

Two words. Speedy Pivot. Electric/Bug typing gives it STAB on Volt Switch and U-Turn, and can also carry Parting Shot against Ground/Steel types. Emolga-M can actually stay alive through the entire battle unless there is a Deoxys-S which has been banned from OU. Think of Emolga like Manetric-M. Bug-typing was to give it STAB on U-Turn, and also fits in with the ability, as a small cute little bug/squirrel thingy is gonna make everyone's Attack and Special Attack lowered.

Any comments?

I'm not quite sure I like either of those abilities. First, let's talk about Dragonslayer. There is absolutely no reason for Bug to deal more damage against Dragon-types. Also, I'd recommend making the ability as straightforward as possible and just using one of either Steel or Fighting (probably Steel). Even so, just say 2x damage. When a Pokemon uses Ice Beam on MegaSaur, it still says it's supereffective; it just deals half as much damage as it would without Thick Fat. I don't have a real personal problem with the wording, but I think consistency should matter.

As for Ultimate Cuteness, that's an absolutely unnecessary ability. Only 2 of the 35 currently known Mega Evolutions have abilities unique to Mega-Evos. Be sparing when creating new abilities, especially when as silly and unnecessary as that one. Sorry if this sounds rude, but it's been a major reoccurring issue that I've noticed with recent submissions.
Mega Escavalier
Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Valiant Parry (100% Critical hit rate when Mega Escavalier is at 50% or below health)
New Moves: Gyro Ball, Sacred Sword

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 135 (+30)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 135 (+30)
Spe: 20 -> 30 (+10)

"Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely" - Pokedex entry from Black, hence Valiant Parry. The moves are to help differentiate it from Scizor by giving it more powerful Steel STAB to make up for no Bullet Punch and better coverage, respectively.

Mega Amoongus
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Propagate (auto Leech Seed on the switch; same as Mega Parasect)
New Moves: Infestation

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 95 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 120 (+35)
SpD: 80 -> 105 (+25)
Spe: 30 -> 30

There's some good Regenerator builds already, so this is something a bit different. Amoongus can hit harder while also having some new passive damage options to play with.
Mega Emolga
Abilities: Static, Motor Drive>>>>>>>>>>>Serene Grace
Regular: 55/75/60/75/60/103
Mega: 55/85/70/120/70/128
New Moves: N/A

I remembered that I made a series of fantasy mega evolutions but that series didn't work out, so I founded this forum. This, however, is broken material. With Discharge, and Air Slash flinch shenanigans, this mega can follow the footsteps of Skymin.

Bug/Steel ----> Bug/Steel

Swarm/Shell Armor/Overcoat ----> Moxie

70/135/105/60/105/20 ----> 70/165/120/70/120/50 (--/+30/+15/+10/+15/+30)

New Moves: King’s Shield, Horn Leech

Mega Escavalier is based on a knight. It gets King’s Shield because knights have shields, Horn Leech because it gets other horn moves, and Moxie as an ability because knights because Escavalier’s Pokedex entry states “Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely,” which fits perfectly with the definition of Moxie.

Basically, Mega Escavalier is a bulky sweeper. Once it gets a kill, it’ll keep getting stronger and stronger. However, its lacks reliable recovery, with Horn Leech being its only draining move, so strong hits will eventually knock it out.


Electric/Flying ----> Electric/Flying

Static/Motor Drive ----> Gale Wings

55/75/60/75/60/103 ----> 55/105/75/105/75/113 (--/+30/+15/+30/+15/+10)

New Moves: Brave Bird, Hurricane

Mega Emolga gains huge boosts upon Mega Evolving. For starters, it gets Gale Wings as an ability, giving it priority on many useful moves, including Hurricane, Brave Bird, Tailwind, and Roost. Secondly, Mega Emolga’s increased Attack and Special Attack stats allow it to attack on either side of the spectrum, which means it is harder to wall. Finally, Mega Emolga’s defenses gain slight increases, giving it slightly more longevity.
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Shoulda called it Gale Stings

I'm not quite sure I like either of those abilities. First, let's talk about Dragonslayer. There is absolutely no reason for Bug to deal more damage against Dragon-types. Also, I'd recommend making the ability as straightforward as possible and just using one of either Steel or Fighting (probably Steel). Even so, just say 2x damage. When a Pokemon uses Ice Beam on MegaSaur, it still says it's supereffective; it just deals half as much damage as it would without Thick Fat. I don't have a real personal problem with the wording, but I think consistency should matter.

As for Ultimate Cuteness, that's an absolutely unnecessary ability. Only 2 of the 35 currently known Mega Evolutions have abilities unique to Mega-Evos. Be sparing when creating new abilities, especially when as silly and unnecessary as that one. Sorry if this sounds rude, but it's been a major reoccurring issue that I've noticed with recent submissions.

Thanks for that, I'll change Emolga's ability and set Dragonslayer to deal extra damage for Steel moves.
Shoulda called it Gale Stings

I'm not quite sure I like either of those abilities. First, let's talk about Dragonslayer. There is absolutely no reason for Bug to deal more damage against Dragon-types. Also, I'd recommend making the ability as straightforward as possible and just using one of either Steel or Fighting (probably Steel). Even so, just say 2x damage. When a Pokemon uses Ice Beam on MegaSaur, it still says it's supereffective; it just deals half as much damage as it would without Thick Fat. I don't have a real personal problem with the wording, but I think consistency should matter.

As for Ultimate Cuteness, that's an absolutely unnecessary ability. Only 2 of the 35 currently known Mega Evolutions have abilities unique to Mega-Evos. Be sparing when creating new abilities, especially when as silly and unnecessary as that one. Sorry if this sounds rude, but it's been a major reoccurring issue that I've noticed with recent submissions.
I think the deal with new abilities is that: There are a few that are semi-exlusive, like Tough Claws, Mega Launcher, and Pixilate (only one non-Mega line each, and -ate abilities aren't a big deal) as well as the fact that a lot of Gen 5 designs (that we are currently working on) are made to be similar to old Pokémon, so they need something to distinguish themselves, like Leavanny.

But really, Dragonslayer is unnecessary. It already resits Dragon and is bulky, isn't that enough? It'd be better if it just kept Swarm, or got Analytic or something.
I think the deal with new abilities is that: There are a few that are semi-exlusive, like Tough Claws, Mega Launcher, and Pixilate (only one non-Mega line each, and -ate abilities aren't a big deal) as well as the fact that a lot of Gen 5 designs (that we are currently working on) are made to be similar to old Pokémon, so they need something to distinguish themselves, like Leavanny.

But really, Dragonslayer is unnecessary. It already resits Dragon and is bulky, isn't that enough? It'd be better if it just kept Swarm, or got Analytic or something.

I just thought that 'Zard X and other dragons with fire-type moves is gonna be causing a lot of trouble for this guy, and unlike Faries, this guy has a ton more of useful resistances.

Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Special Power (*Huge Power but for SpA)
New Moves:

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75 (+0)
Def: 60 -> 80 (+20)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 85 (+25)
Spe: 103 -> 133 (+30)


Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Abilities: Effect Spore (Regenerator) -> Regenerator
New Moves:

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 85 (+0)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 110 (+25)
SpD: 80 -> 125 (+45)
Spe: 30 -> 30 (+0)


Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Abilities: Water Absorb, Cursed Body (Damp) -> Ring Creation: Automatically makes an Aqua Ring for itself.
New Moves: Baton Pass

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 60 (+0)
Def: 70 -> 80 (+10)
SpA: 80 -> 115 (+35)
SpD: 105 -> 140 (+35)
Spe: 60 -> 80 (+20)


Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Mega Lance: All Contact Moves have a 25% chance of critical hit! (meaning its base Critical hit ratio 25% with high critical hit moves that make contact 50%)
New Moves:

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 170 (+35)
Def: 105 -> 135 (+35)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 125 (+20)
Spe: 20 -> 20 (+0)
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Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Dry Skin
New Moves: Infestation, Rain Dance, Rapid Spin (it looks like a Poke-Ball so it should be able to spin)

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 85
Def: 70 -> 125 (+55)
SpA: 85 -> 105 (+20)
SpD: 80 -> 125 (+45)
Spe: 30 -> 10 (-20, so slow, so why would you bother?)

Amoongus seriously hates lack of Leftovers, but Dry Skin can offset this in rain. This thing is gonna become your favorite mixed wall. With passive damage options like Infestation and/or Leech Seed, Dry Skin, and Protect, this dude can rapidly rack up the HP and drain the opponent of their health. He seriously hates Taunt though, so always put Giga Drain on so he's not Taunt bait. He also needs Polited support or he has to set up his own Rain Dance... Mushrooms are pretty dry so Dry Skin makes sense.

Wait going back to mega durant why did it lose Hustle? I feel that it's almost Durant's signature ability and doesn't really need changing, it's a great ability.

Idk, durant's attack stat is just so crazy it feels a shame to lose it :(
Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat>>>Opportunist(doubles the power of SE moves used by this pokemon)
Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20>>>70/165/145/60/145/10
Movepool: same

Alright so the stat boosts basically make him more of what he already was.
Opportunist makes sense because the dex says he defends himself and attacks with two lances, which means he waits for an opportunity to attack.
with opportunist he has a guaranteed 2HKO against Hippowdon with a 75 BP non-stab SE physical attack
He does SE effective damage to 422/774 currently existing pokemon forms using stabs+dark+ground and does 79.1 - 93.4% damage to Mega-v if he runs aerial ace.
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Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat>>>Opportunist(doubles the power of SE moves used by this pokemon)
Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20>>>70/165/145/60/145/10
Movepool: same

Alright so the stat boosts basically make him more of what he already was.
Opportunist makes sense because the dex says he defends himself and attacks with two lances, which means he waits for an opportunity to attack.
with opportunist he has a guaranteed 2HKO against Hippowdon with a 75 BP non-stab SE physical attack
He does SE effective damage to 422/774 currently existing pokemon forms using stabs+dark+ground and does 79.1 - 93.4% damage to Mega-v if he runs aerial ace.

Isn't opportunist basically just Adaptability? Maybe even better.
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Dry Skin
New Moves: Infestation, Rain Dance, Rapid Spin (it looks like a Poke-Ball so it should be able to spin)

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 85
Def: 70 -> 125 (+55)
SpA: 85 -> 105 (+20)
SpD: 80 -> 125 (+45)
Spe: 30 -> 10 (-20, so slow, so why would you bother?)

Amoongus seriously hates lack of Leftovers, but Dry Skin can offset this in rain. This thing is gonna become your favorite mixed wall. With passive damage options like Infestation and/or Leech Seed, Dry Skin, and Protect, this dude can rapidly rack up the HP and drain the opponent of their health. He seriously hates Taunt though, so always put Giga Drain on so he's not Taunt bait. He also needs Polited support or he has to set up his own Rain Dance... Mushrooms are pretty dry so Dry Skin makes sense.

>it looks like a Poke-Ball so it should be able to spin

Electrode can't, and I don't think Amoonguss can really spin. It's useful but makes no sense.

Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Knight's Heart (+2 Priority when facing a Pokemon whose STABs can hit the wielder of this ability for *4 damage because of weaknesses. In short, +2 priority for Escavalier when facing a Fire type Pokemon)
New Moves: Rock Slide

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 190 (+55)
Def: 105 -> 120 (+15)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 120 (+15)
Spe: 20 -> 35 (+15)

Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely.
Well, facing a fire type pokemon as Escavalier is the biggest trouble you can imagine. Giving it +2 priority against these Pokemon turns this into a kill or be killed situation.

The stat boost allows Mega Escavalier to hit as hard as a Life Orb boosted Escavalier with similar investment. A little bit bulk is always helpfull, the other 15 stats are wasted.


Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Lightning Rod
New Moves: Hurricane, Nasty Plot, Heat Wave

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75
Def: 60 -> 65
SpA: 75 -> 135 (+60)
SpD: 60 -> 60
Spe: 103 -> 133 (+40)

It lives on treetops, which means it is exposed to storms. It adapted to these storms. It redirects lightnings and nullifies thier destructional potential to protect the treetop where it lives. it stores the power of the lightnings that hitted it and uses the added power to fight against pokemon trying to harm it.

Your fast cleaner that can grab monumentum and create set up opurnities for itself.
So, I've been lurking for a while, and I feel as though it's time I at least gave this a shot.

Mega Emolga
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Prankster
New Moves: Topsy-Turvy, Defog, Perish Song
HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75
Def: 60 -> 90 (+30)
SpA: 75 -> 92 (+17)
SpD: 60 -> 100 (+40)
Spe: 103 -> 116 (+13)
BST: 428 -> 528
Emolga immediately made me think of Prankster, but to differentiate from other prankster users, I decided to give it Topsy-Turvy, which gives the otherwise atrocious squirrel a usable niche. Defog and perish song also give it a use, and along with taunt, roost, tailwind, charm (lol) and U-turn/volt-switch already available, it's certainly more viable. Stats are meh, nothing much to work with :/
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat -> Speed Boost
Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20 -> 70/170 (+35)/125 (+20)/60/125 (+20)/45 (+25)

As we all know, escavalier had some major speed problems. But not anymore! Well... kinda... With speed boost, mega-escavalier snowballs in power the longer he is in battle, but it takes him awhile to get up there. Even at +2 he can have trouble outspeeding things with or without investment. However, get him boosted enough, and the only thing that can stop him is priority, which will have a hard time piercing his newly upgraded armor. Just set up swords dance and escavalier will wreck everything as long as fire types are out of the way.

Mega Jellicent

Water / Ghost ----> Water / Ghost
Water Absorb / Cursed Body / Damp ----> Ectoplasm, passive damage that the opponent receives is converted into health for this Pokemon, though the health received is half the damage dealt (think Leech Seed's passive damage with Giga Drain's healing mechanics)
100 / 60 / 70 / 85 / 105 / 60 (480) ----> 100 / 70 (+10) / 100 (+30) / 115 (+30) / 125 (+30) / 60 (580)
New Moves: None

Mega Jellicent becomes very annoying with Ectoplasm, as he can burn everything with Will-O-Wisp and regain health with Ectoplasm. This is inspired from his dex entry: "Their favorite food is life energy.", and I simply added a little spin to it. This combined with Recover will make Mega Jellicent a defensive juggernaut, as the passive recovery combined with Recover will make it quite difficult to break through him. Plus, Hex seems like a more appealing option, since you want to status things asap, as well as the Special Attack buff received. His defenses get receive a sharp boost, and his Special Attack gets a sizable increase as well, while the rest go into Attack for balancing purposes.
Water Absorb / Cursed Body / Damp ----> Ectoplasm, passive damage that the opponent receives is converted into health for this Pokemon, though the health received is half the damage dealt (think Leech Seed's passive damage with Giga Drain's healing mechanics)
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Knight's Heart (+2 Priority when facing a Pokemon whose STABs can hit the wielder of this ability for *4 damage because of weaknesses. In short, +2 priority for Escavalier when facing a Fire type Pokemon)
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Special Power (*Huge Power but for SpA)

Abilities: Water Absorb, Cursed Body (Damp) -> Ring Creation: Automatically makes an Aqua Ring for itself.

Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Mega Lance: All Contact Moves have a 25% chance of critical hit! (meaning its base Critical hit ratio 25% with high critical hit moves that make contact 50%)
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat>>>Opportunist(doubles the power of SE moves used by this pokemon)
Maybe I'm overreacting, but I get a feeling that y'all are just trying to annoy me with new abilities at this point. Oh well, at least everyone agrees that Escavalier needs a new ability.

Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Lightning Rod
New Moves: Hurricane, Nasty Plot, Heat Wave

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75
Def: 60 -> 65
SpA: 75 -> 135 (+60)
SpD: 60 -> 60
Spe: 103 -> 133 (+40)
Again with the enormous stat boosts. Even GameFreak wouldn't do something that crazy.
Okay just 1 week left until I'll be back I just want to thank everyone who has kept this thread going in my absence from the bottom of my heart also here's a mega Escavalier


Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat------> Hydration
Movepool: Wild Charge, Rain dance

Hydration Escavalier protects Escavalier from it's overlooked weakness to will-o-wisp while rain support lessens its weakness to fire. Hydration Escavalier makes sense because like shelmet Escavalier skin drys up because of the shell. Hydration makes Escavalier near invincible with Rest in rain and gives Escavalier a niche of being way better than mega Scizor as a bug/steel pivot on rain teams. Log and wild charge helps Escavalier break Skarmory and water types and is pretty flavorful IMO.
What are you people even doing

Like a third of existing Megas keep their abilities, and only 2 of 35 have a completely unique ability. So stop being ridiculous and giving every single thing a unique ability. Just try to make it viable.

My main issue with this is that most of the existing Megas were already powerful OU mons that would still be good with keeping their existing ability. Of the ones that weren't OU last gen, I see abilities like Huge Power, Parental Bond, Prankster, Mega Launcher (+ beneficial moves), Skill Link (+ beneficial moves), Drought, Magic Bounce, Mold Breaker, and -ate clones.

These are unquestionably top abilities, ones you often see in metagames when you can choose any ability for your Pokemon (until they get banned like Huge Power/Parental Bond or Wonder Guard lol). The only other top abilities that see play in metagames like Balanced Hackmons that aren't covered by existing Megas are Protean, Impostor (both seem to be signature abilities), No Guard + moves to abuse it, Magic Guard, and Poison Heal (both of which require status orbs for optimal use). If every bad Pokemon has to get one of those abilities, eventually there will be some Prankster/Regenerator/Huge Power Mega that's totally outclassed by all the similar options.

Even something like Scizor's rise from Gen II/III to Gen IV is the result of essentially the same process where someone at Game Freak said "Let's make this Pokemon OU-viable by giving it a new ability/new moves that are perfect for its current typing/base stat distribution," because otherwise it was just slow and not particularly hard-hitting. Similarly, think of Talonflame, which as a Fire/Flying ~500 BST Pokemon wouldn't be anywhere near OU if not for the exclusive, recently-invented ability it got. If there had been no such thing as Talonflame and someone proposed a Mega Fletchinder that got huge Attack/Speed boosts and the "new" Gale Wings ability, would it have been deemed ridiculous and been given something generic like Reckless instead?

Like I alluded to before, lots of these Pokemon are a far cry from being OU and need more than +100 BST and [insert top-10 preexisting ability] to get there.

No matter how you distribute the base stats, Mega Emolga is going to have essentially the same BST as base form Lucario (which isn't exactly tearing OU a new one as it is), and that's before factoring in typing, movepool, the inability to use Life Orb/Leftovers/etc, and the fact that it takes up your Mega slot. If it's limited to existing abilities, the best possible option for it from a competitive standpoint is something like Prankster, +50 to both defenses, and giving it Defog, and even that's of questionable viability.

Making some of these Mons viable is an uphill climb either way, and it should ultimately come down to flavor first and then the ease of which any new abilities can be implemented - I don't think one method is inherently superior to the other. It's just that abilities like Huge Power/Prankster/Fur Coat/Regenerator (extra Attack, Speed for support-oriented Pokemon, Defense, and HP, respectively) are essentially nothing more than additional buffs to the Pokemon's stats that don't count towards the +100 BST limit, so throwing them in without a really good reason just seems pretty meh.
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