Survivor CAP Survivor Season II: Hawk Island... And the winner is... Granny Pie!

We have our first casualty from the Rufflets tribe as Whydon is the first person to join the jury (not revealing the vote numbers and stuff to save SOME suspense to the episode watchers).

Time for the next challenge! Please read the challenge rules very carefully and send in your votes ASAP (12 hours pls).

All 9 players may vote for 1 player, including themselves. That 1 player is ineligible to battle in the challenge. However, that 1 player then will divide the remaining 8 players into 2 groups of 4. Each of the two groups will play round robin bo1 CAP tournaments (players within the same group will fight against all of their groupmates once). The winners (those who received the most battle wins per group) of both groups will receive immunity for the next tribal council. If one group has a tie for a winner and the other doesn’t, then only the winner who did not tie will receive immunity. If both groups have tied winners, then neither group will have an immunity winner and the player who was voted to sit out and divide the groups will receive immunity instead.

Airwind Animus Majulous apricity EpicUmbreon29 Granny Pie Marjane Ria rssp1 Take Azelfie
HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:23 PM
the person with the most votes will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I will now read the votes.

first vote: Animus self vote for voting late.

rssp1-Today at 2:23 PM

Guni-Today at 2:23 PM

HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:24 PM
second vote: marjane

third vote: rssp1

fourth vote: rssp1

fifth vote: marjane

we're tied 2-2, rssp1, marjane

Granny Pie-Today at 2:25 PM

HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:25 PM
sixth vote: take azelfie

rssp1-Today at 2:25 PM

HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:25 PM
seventh vote: take azelfie

Guni-Today at 2:25 PM

HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:25 PM
we're tied 2-2-2, marjane, rssp1, take azelfie

Granny Pie-Today at 2:25 PM

Airwind-Today at 2:25 PM

rssp1-Today at 2:25 PM

HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:25 PM
eighth vote: take azelfie

Guni-Today at 2:25 PM

Granny Pie-Today at 2:26 PM

rssp1-Today at 2:26 PM

HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:26 PM
ninth vote and 10th person voted out of this game: Take azelfie

the tribe has spoken

Granny Pie-Today at 2:26 PM
2HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:26 PM
snuffs zelfie's torch

Guni-Today at 2:26 PM
Gonna miss you buddy!

Granny Pie-Today at 2:27 PM

Airwind-Today at 2:27 PM

HeaLnDeaL-Today at 2:27 PM
@Takes Azelfie will be the second member of the jury

It is now time for the next challenge... which is I'm *sure* the challenge you've all been waiting for... Welcome to...

The CAP Auction!

CAP Auction + USM CAP Bo3 single elimination tour.

The mons and items available to buy in this auction are as follows: 1) Syclant, 2) Cyclohm, 3) Pyroak, 4) Tomohawk, 5) Hawlucha, 6) Tapu Koko, 7) Tapu Lele, 8) Arghonaut, 9) Toxapex, 10) Krilowatt, 11) Kartana, 12) Celesteela, 13) Magearna, 14) Gliscor, 15) Greninja (and Greninja-Ash, both bought as same mon), 16) Mawilite, 17) Fidgit, 18) Volkraken, 19)Landorus-T, 20) Diancite, 21) Flynium Z, 22) Revenankh, 23) Sablenite, 24) Pelipper, 25) an unspecified clue advantage in the game.

If you don’t win the bid for a mon or item in the auction, you may not use it in the tournament. Everything not in the auction but playable in USM CAP may be used by any player without the need to buy it. Players are all given 500 units to bid and may only bid in full unit increments (decimal increments not allowed). The minimum bid on anything in the auction is 50 units. No trading of auction items allowed, no pooling of bidding units allowed. In the event of a tie bid, the person who bids first gains the auction item and pays the bid amount; the other(s) don’t get the bid item but don’t lose bid units. However, a tie bid for the unspecified game advantage will be settled differently; everyone with the highest bid for the advantage will lose their bid amount and instead will draw rocks to decide which player actually gets the advantage.

Once you bid on something, you cannot unbid on it and you will win its bid unless someone else outbids you.

A bid template looks like this:
Funds available: [500 - your previous bids still in place]
X units for mon/item
Y units for mon/item
Funds available after new bids: [500 - new bids - previous bids still in place].

The auction ends in 24 hours, so get your bids in fast. If your bids get sniped away at the last minute and you have nothing bought, I will let you pick 1 or 2+ unbought mons/items, depending on how many are leftover. After the auction is over, the tournament will last for 48 hours.
Airwind Animus Majulous apricity EpicUmbreon29 Granny Pie Marjane Ria rssp1
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Funds available: 500

1 unit for Syclant

1 unit for Pyroak

1 unit for Hawlucha

1 unit for Tapu Koko

1 unit for Tapu Lele

1 unit for Toxapex

1 unit for Krilowatt

1 unit for Celesteela

1 unit for Gliscor

1 unit for Mawilite

1 unit for Diancite

1 unit for Sablenite

1 unit for Pelipper

101 units for Arghonaut

201 units for Greninja

151 units for Fidgit

Funds available after new bids: 34
Airwind Animus Majulous apricity EpicUmbreon29 Granny Pie Marjane Ria rssp1

Minimum bids are now set at 50. You may still bid in increments of 1 unit after the min bid of 50. Any bids of below 50 are now void. You guys all have until 6:30 PM EST (roughly 1.5 hours) to change bids if you are in a position to change them. To avoid confusion, apricity's entire above bid is void and he may rebid / reallocate all 500 of his units.
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Funds available: 500

50 units syclant

50 units pyroak

50 units tapu koko

50 units tapu lele

50 units toxapex

50 units krilowatt

50 units celesteela

50 units gliscor

50 units mawilite

50 units diancite

Funds available after bid: 0
The auction is over.

rssp1: clue advantage
Ria: Cyclohm, Volkraken
Marjane: Kartana, Magearna
Granny Pie: Revenankh, Landorus-T, Flynium Z
EpicUmbreon29: Tomohawk
apricity: Syclant, Pyroak, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Toxapex, Krilowatt, Celesteela, Gliscor, Mawilite, Diancite
Animus Majulous: nothing
Airwind: Arghonaut, Greninja/Greninja-Ash, Fidgit

If you bought one of the above mons/items, you may use it. If not, it is banned for you to use in any round of the tournament. Unbought and banned for EVERYONE: Pelliper, Sablenite, Hawlucha.

The tournament bracket is as follows:
Airwind vs Animus Majulous
apricity vs EpicUmbreon29
Granny Pie
vs Marjane
Ria vs rssp1
(we're doing this alphabetically)

Airwind vs Umbreon
Granny vs Ria

Umbreon vs Ria

You have 48 hours to get ALL rounds of the tour done.
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First off, Animus Majulous has been pulled from the game and his status as a juror will be determined at a later time.

Next, how about that tribal council?

Airwind used a hidden immunity idol on himself, thus prompting rssp1 to use one on himself as well. The votes were:


This then caused a revote.

Granny Pie
Granny Pie
Granny Pie
Sorry Ria, the tribe has spoken and you will be added to the jury. /me snuffs out Ria's torch.

Alright, time for the next challenge! Welcome to Running Fence.

Running Fence requires the 6 remaining players to create a pattern within the userlist/namelist of Pokemon Showdown! Patterns will be created by adding certain predetermined non-letter, non-number characters to the end of usernames. Players must ask showdown players in a room to add the appropriate characters to the end of their username in a way so that the pattern links up and creates a chain, or a "fence." The player who makes the chain worth the most points will win the challenge. However, if no player earns at least 39 points, then no one wins the challenge and no one gains immunity.

In public rooms on PS, for every username that a player persuades the chain pattern to be added to, that player will earn 3 points. For example, if a player gets 3 PS users to add the chain pattern to the end of their names AND those three PS users are next to each other (above/below each other) in the userlist, the player earns 9 points. If only 2 of the PS users are next to each other in the name list and the third is separated / not in the chain, then the player only earns 6 points. All usernames must be next to each other for them to count in the same chain. Only the longest chain will count if there are gaps in the chain.

In private rooms or groupchats on PS, the same rules apply except the points earned are decreased from 3 points per link in the chain to 1 point per link. If you have the power to make a groupchat, you may make a groupchat for yourself or for your fellow players. To avoid groupchats getting out of hand, it would be wise to set modchat to + or higher to prevent any strangers you invite to the groupchat from breaking PS rules. If you can't make a groupchat and your fellow players who can make one won't make one for you, then they are prolly meanies and you can ask me instead or some one else that you personally know. Do NOT ask anyone you don't know to make the groupchat for you. Any member of the Jury is NOT allowed to make a groupchat for the players.

In addition to usernames with the added characters needing to be next to each other (directly above/below in the user list) they also must line up in a vertical line. Underscores or dasheswill have to be added to PS users' names to make the chain line up in a neat vertical pattern. For example, see below:

Da Letter El (

Note how the dashes in the usernames are required for the chain to line up with the other pieces.

The individual patterns that each player must recreate are as follows:




Granny Pie



Note how the patterns require an alternation between two symbols but that the lines still visually connect. Having the symbols in the right place without the visual connection will not count as a continuous chain. Also note how 2 players each have the same pattern. Two players with the same pattern are NOT allowed to work together in the same room at the same time.

Furthermore, here are some rules when constructing your chain:
-Obey all Global and Room rules on PS. This means don't flood or spam in order to get people to participate. If you're asking in a room for people to help and roomauth ask you to stop, then stop.
-You may not ask anyone you know who is NOT a showdown user to participate. To enforce this, all accounts used in your chain must be autoconfirmed (which means no new accounts) or linked to an autoconfirmed account. I can check this shit, don't be dumb.
-You are not allowed to alt / be on multiple user accounts simultaneously. I can check this shit, don't try it.
-No one helping you make your chain is allowed to alt / be on multiple user accounts simultaneously. I can check this shit, don't try it.
-No one on the jury is allowed to be in any player's chain
-Any muted or locked user in any room on PS is not allowed to be in any player's chain
-Current surviving plays ARE allowed to be in one another's chain
-You are allowed to be in your own chain
-You are the ONLY person allowed to directly ask others to join your chain. You may not let anyone else ask other users to join your chain (as in, you can't have "helpers" that help "recruit" people for your chain; only you can do the "recruiting." If I find out that you have asked others to ask more people to join your chain, you will be eliminated from the game period (not just eliminated from the challenge, eliminated from this season).
-Don't bribe people to be in your chain.

To submit a chain for scoring, you must do BOTH of the below:
-Take a screenshot / multiple screenshots of the chain in the username list
-Have me be online at the same time or very close to the same time as your screenshot so that I can use my powers to make sure you haven't cheated your chain.

I think that's the basic run down, have fun building your fences. If you have questions, feel free to ask. You guys have 48ish hours before the deadline.
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