World Cup of 1v1 V - Discussion Thread

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I was thinking outloud in DMs with smely socks about WC regions last night, and came to the conclusion that a 6-team WC has potential, possibly more potential than 8 teams. Many of the 7th and 8th teams are either unproven (India, and to a greater extent, Brazil) or unpopular with some of the playerbase (US South).

A 6 team lineup seems much more competitive than any 8 team lineup that has been crafted, as the teams added from splitting the core 6 are generally relatively underpowered. This is definitely not the best team lineup for 6 teams, but I hope it can illustrate what I am thinking about WC.
asia+cone (this one might be too op idk)
c?o (+Brazil :100:)
+2 European teams, not sure how to divide these

s/os to DEG and smely socks for being good sports and putting up with my wacky ideas (aka telling me my ideas sucked :p)

If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know on Discord or here in the thread :3
I was thinking outloud in DMs with smely socks about WC regions last night, and came to the conclusion that a 6-team WC has potential, possibly more potential than 8 teams. Many of the 7th and 8th teams are either unproven (India, and to a greater extent, Brazil) or unpopular with some of the playerbase (US South).

A 6 team lineup seems much more competitive than any 8 team lineup that has been crafted, as the teams added from splitting the core 6 are generally relatively underpowered. This is definitely not the best team lineup for 6 teams, but I hope it can illustrate what I am thinking about WC.
asia+cone (this one might be too op idk)
c?o (+Brazil :100:)
+2 European teams, not sure how to divide these

s/os to DEG and smely socks for being good sports and putting up with my wacky ideas (aka telling me my ideas sucked :p)

If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know on Discord or here in the thread :3

come on split us for once :(
Let's go Brazil!!!!!
How did Brazil go from rising BRIC to sinking ship?
I was thinking outloud in DMs with smely socks about WC regions last night, and came to the conclusion that a 6-team WC has potential, possibly more potential than 8 teams. Many of the 7th and 8th teams are either unproven (India, and to a greater extent, Brazil) or unpopular with some of the playerbase (US South).

A 6 team lineup seems much more competitive than any 8 team lineup that has been crafted, as the teams added from splitting the core 6 are generally relatively underpowered. This is definitely not the best team lineup for 6 teams, but I hope it can illustrate what I am thinking about WC.
asia+cone (this one might be too op idk)
c?o (+Brazil :100:)
+2 European teams, not sure how to divide these

s/os to DEG and smely socks for being good sports and putting up with my wacky ideas (aka telling me my ideas sucked :p)

If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know on Discord or here in the thread :3
I think I might be misunderstanding here, but do you mean that there's no team India at all? :sad:
This is not an option. Whatever the problem is with the guys in your region, get over that man. Be part of something great. Theres no way youre not playing in WC.

yeah i "want" to play this wc but not with these guys, i think the team is not competitive and some players are really annoying..
Last year i was really disappointed about the team and the ambiance in general, with captains who had no charism.
XSTATIC COLD US south is currently taking applications! to get in you will need to:
- sing "Dixie" on camera with banjo accompaniment while wearing only the Stars and Bars
-watch "The Birth of A Nation" (the 1915 version) and write a review of it
-write a scholarly analysis of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the United States
-submit these in the form I will email to you
with these tasks achieved you will have all the necessary information to pass as a member of US South
we look forward to your application!
Ignoring whatever all the above mess on this page is, I've made my preferences on teams pretty clear on Discord but will post here for the sake of clarity. My ideal set of teams for WC5 is:

Canada + Oceania
US Central
US East
US West
Northwest Europe
South Europe
East Europe + rest of Asia (Eurasia? idk)

While this does leave Cone and NWEU to fend for themselves, I feel that they'll be fine; the core of NWEU may have lost WailJesus and Felucia, but they've also gained multiple players coming to notable prominence between Alice, HCTC, D2, and Dez all putting up very solid PL performances and growing considerably from last year, as well as multiple strong players between TSC, PA, and Simbo all sticking around. While it may look a little rough in the way of potential subs for the team, the core is still plenty strong, if not even potentially playoffs level. As for Cone, it's looking a bit more dire- While you do have a couple of mainstays between Freddy and Jabiru still there, as well as PL MVP Potatochan, that's mostly it, in terms of top level players. Multiple other threats between dogknees, Bopher, Cp2, and OM all are either retired, inconsistent in signups, or simply unable to play. With that said, while I think they'll probably hit the minimum number of signups needed, it'd naturally be pretty crummy to stick the brunt of the prep work onto such a small number of people.

With that said, though, why do I still support Cone being a team on its own if it's at risk of struggling? Well, let's consider the alternative: adding the rest of Asia onto Cone. This makes absolutely sure that they're loaded with quality players (if not even potentially becoming a little too strong!), though this leaves East Europe out on its own, meaning that they would almost certainly have to be merged with another team in order to stay afloat, whether it be with Northwest Europe to fill out those subs or with South Europe to help fix whatever seems to be making them eat each other alive. But with this comes the issue of there being only 7 teams, meaning that the resolution would have to lie in making another team out of our already thin-stretched resources. Splitting US East to take advantage of their considerable number of signups is something that sounds promising in theory, but ends up lacking when pressure is applied, given that a notable majority of East signups are consolidated in the northern region, resulting in a US South that is lacking in both quality and synergy. While by no means would they be stuck with complete randoms, there just isn't really a solid core of seasoned players to carry the team like there is for every other team (even Cone!). If everyone in US South were motivated and really wanted the team to happen in the same way India and Brazil do, I'd be much less opposed to them being a team, but as is, I just feel that if we force it to be a thing, it's just going to end up dead in the water as soon as it hits the pools.

Moving on to the alternative, while they have little to no experience in 1v1 at all (let alone old gens), Team Brazil at least has the motivation and synergy to function as a team, which goes a long way towards not only succeeding, but also enjoying the tour. While they could very well end up going anywhere from going 0-24 to being yet another team of outsider tours players that somehow sweeps the pools, what matters the most to me is that they actually want to be a team and would work well together for an enjoyable experience. We've seen far too many times how a miserable team tour experience can kill people's interest in 1v1 as a whole and damage the community as a result, and I'd rather avoid creating the risk for another case of that.

Overall, no matter which route we choose, there's always gonna be a team left struggling for one reason or another, whether it be Cone's lack of seasoned builders, Brazil's lack of experience, or US South's lack of synergy. The rest of Asia will be super fine whether it ends up with East Europe or Cone, so the choice really is just between the three weaker teams, to which I feel that Canada + Oceania (without Asia) will be the team out of these that would struggle the least, while Brazil is just an absolute wildcard that could land anywhere, and US South would be struggling the most for more reasons than one.
Ignoring whatever all the above mess on this page is, I've made my preferences on teams pretty clear on Discord but will post here for the sake of clarity. My ideal set of teams for WC5 is:

Canada + Oceania
US Central
US East
US West
Northwest Europe
South Europe
East Europe + rest of Asia (Eurasia? idk)

While this does leave Cone and NWEU to fend for themselves, I feel that they'll be fine; the core of NWEU may have lost WailJesus and Felucia, but they've also gained multiple players coming to notable prominence between Alice, HCTC, D2, and Dez all putting up very solid PL performances and growing considerably from last year, as well as multiple strong players between TSC, PA, and Simbo all sticking around. While it may look a little rough in the way of potential subs for the team, the core is still plenty strong, if not even potentially playoffs level. As for Cone, it's looking a bit more dire- While you do have a couple of mainstays between Freddy and Jabiru still there, as well as PL MVP Potatochan, that's mostly it, in terms of top level players. Multiple other threats between dogknees, Bopher, Cp2, and OM all are either retired, inconsistent in signups, or simply unable to play. With that said, while I think they'll probably hit the minimum number of signups needed, it'd naturally be pretty crummy to stick the brunt of the prep work onto such a small number of people.

With that said, though, why do I still support Cone being a team on its own if it's at risk of struggling? Well, let's consider the alternative: adding the rest of Asia onto Cone. This makes absolutely sure that they're loaded with quality players (if not even potentially becoming a little too strong!), though this leaves East Europe out on its own, meaning that they would almost certainly have to be merged with another team in order to stay afloat, whether it be with Northwest Europe to fill out those subs or with South Europe to help fix whatever seems to be making them eat each other alive. But with this comes the issue of there being only 7 teams, meaning that the resolution would have to lie in making another team out of our already thin-stretched resources. Splitting US East to take advantage of their considerable number of signups is something that sounds promising in theory, but ends up lacking when pressure is applied, given that a notable majority of East signups are consolidated in the northern region, resulting in a US South that is lacking in both quality and synergy. While by no means would they be stuck with complete randoms, there just isn't really a solid core of seasoned players to carry the team like there is for every other team (even Cone!). If everyone in US South were motivated and really wanted the team to happen in the same way India and Brazil do, I'd be much less opposed to them being a team, but as is, I just feel that if we force it to be a thing, it's just going to end up dead in the water as soon as it hits the pools.

Moving on to the alternative, while they have little to no experience in 1v1 at all (let alone old gens), Team Brazil at least has the motivation and synergy to function as a team, which goes a long way towards not only succeeding, but also enjoying the tour. While they could very well end up going anywhere from going 0-24 to being yet another team of outsider tours players that somehow sweeps the pools, what matters the most to me is that they actually want to be a team and would work well together for an enjoyable experience. We've seen far too many times how a miserable team tour experience can kill people's interest in 1v1 as a whole and damage the community as a result, and I'd rather avoid creating the risk for another case of that.

Overall, no matter which route we choose, there's always gonna be a team left struggling for one reason or another, whether it be Cone's lack of seasoned builders, Brazil's lack of experience, or US South's lack of synergy. The rest of Asia will be super fine whether it ends up with East Europe or Cone, so the choice really is just between the three weaker teams, to which I feel that Canada + Oceania (without Asia) will be the team out of these that would struggle the least, while Brazil is just an absolute wildcard that could land anywhere, and US South would be struggling the most for more reasons than one.

SSBo7 - Potatochan
SSBo5 - Potatochan
SSBo5 - Jabiru
SM - Freddy
SM - Freddy
ORAS - Potatochan
BW - Potatochan
DPP - Jabiru
Ignoring whatever all the above mess on this page is, I've made my preferences on teams pretty clear on Discord but will post here for the sake of clarity. My ideal set of teams for WC5 is:

Canada + Oceania
US Central
US East
US West
Northwest Europe
South Europe
East Europe + rest of Asia (Eurasia? idk)


As for Cone, it's looking a bit more dire- While you do have a couple of mainstays between Freddy and Jabiru still there, as well as PL MVP Potatochan, that's mostly it, in terms of top level players. Multiple other threats between dogknees, Bopher, Cp2, and OM all are either retired, inconsistent in signups, or simply unable to play. With that said, while I think they'll probably hit the minimum number of signups needed, it'd naturally be pretty crummy to stick the brunt of the prep work onto such a small number of people.


While by no means would they be stuck with complete randoms, there just isn't really a solid core of seasoned players to carry the team like there is for every other team (even Cone!).
SSBo7 - Potatochan
SSBo5 - Potatochan
SSBo5 - Jabiru
SM - Freddy
SM - Freddy
ORAS - Potatochan
BW - Potatochan
DPP - Jabiru

Yo let's not get too hasty, I said there's a chance I MIGHT be able to play in playoffs. That doesn't make cone viable lol. As per the census, cone has 9 players planning to sign up for WC and as Rosa's already outlined those aren't exactly cone's big names. So basically cone's entire WC run is dependent on whether papi can successfully build and coach 8 slots.

"There just isn't really a solid core of seasoned players to carry the team like there is for every other team (even Cone!)"
As good as papi is, I don't think it's reasonable to consider him "a solid core of seasoned players to carry the team" nor to expect him to try to live up to that for the sake of 'synergy'.
Yo let's not get too hasty, I said there's a chance I MIGHT be able to play in playoffs. That doesn't make cone viable lol. As per the census, cone has 9 players planning to sign up for WC and as Rosa's already outlined those aren't exactly cone's big names. So basically cone's entire WC run is dependent on whether papi can successfully build and coach 8 slots.

"There just isn't really a solid core of seasoned players to carry the team like there is for every other team (even Cone!)"
As good as papi is, I don't think it's reasonable to consider him "a solid core of seasoned players to carry the team" nor to expect him to try to live up to that for the sake of 'synergy'.
Adding to that, for EEU both german brothers aren't planning to join (I did ask) so EEU only gives eblurb (lol). This makes Asia minus India also unplayable, we either need Indians or cone-ians.

With that being said, can we utilize wcop rule and make players pick either their country team or the main team, this applies to like FRITA and India. There seems to be some dissatisfaction upon some players and I think giving them a legally fine choice to pick the team would be better for the overall competitiveness of the tournament, this makes French/Italians be able to move from FRITA to another European team or Indias to Asia if they wish. (This is mostly for XSC to play, cause I tbh hate seeing great players not being able to join these type of tournaments due to some heat between players, this also happened last year w/ US West lol but in this case we can control such thing)
XSTATIC COLD US south is currently taking applications! to get in you will need to:
- sing "Dixie" on camera with banjo accompaniment while wearing only the Stars and Bars
-watch "The Birth of A Nation" (the 1915 version) and write a review of it
-write a scholarly analysis of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the United States
-submit these in the form I will email to you
with these tasks achieved you will have all the necessary information to pass as a member of US South
we look forward to your application!

So if SEU aint drafting him,
XSC do you still need banjo accompaniment?
I'm very talented on the 1v1 ladder banjo.
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