Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

On the topic of Deoxys-S and practically every other lead in the tier, yesterday me and a few other people realized that Iron Boulder makes for a really potent anti-lead with Taunt along with Edgequake + Swords Dance.

The weather leads (Torkoal/Pelipper) get hit hard by it, Ninetales-A is prevented from setting Aurora Veil and also gets hit hard, Deoxys-S can’t set any of its hazards or get a Nasty Plot off, the occasional Webs lead like Ribombee or Galvantula also get shut down and killed.

It also has the benefit of preventing Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave from mons like Dragapult and Skeledirge while forcing damage onto them.

You can even forgo Swords Dance and just make it an outright lead with Stealth Rock if you wanted to.

Does Boulder get Stealth Rock? I'm not seeing it.
On the topic of Deoxys-S and practically every other lead in the tier, yesterday me and a few other people realized that Iron Boulder makes for a really potent anti-lead with Taunt along with Edgequake + Swords Dance.

The weather leads (Torkoal/Pelipper) get hit hard by it, Ninetales-A is prevented from setting Aurora Veil and also gets hit hard, Deoxys-S can’t set any of its hazards or get a Nasty Plot off, the occasional Webs lead like Ribombee or Galvantula also get shut down and killed.

It also has the benefit of preventing Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave from mons like Dragapult and Skeledirge while forcing damage onto them.

You can even forgo Swords Dance and just make it an outright lead with Stealth Rock if you wanted to.
Was thinking this too. However, you can't run Rocks on Boulder since it doesn't get the move.

I tried lead boulder and so far it's ass. You can't 6-0 teams most of these HOes on lead since they pack Balloon Ghold, Archaludon, or other big threats that boulder can't break past. The experience I have so far is that Boulder will be trading negatively, but perhaps that's an issue with my team struct.
Was thinking this too. However, you can't run Rocks on Boulder since it doesn't get the move.

I tried lead boulder and so far it's ass. You can't 6-0 teams most of these HOes on lead since they pack Balloon Ghold, Archaludon, or other big threats that boulder can't break past. The experience I have so far is that Boulder will be trading negatively, but perhaps that's an issue with my team struct.
boulder in general has just kind of… not impressed me. it just doesn't feel like it has the kill power it needs or as many opportunities to set up as it requires, it gets destroyed by priority from gambit and rillaboom (which are both still solid picks), and even with the booster'd speed it doesn't seem like the valiant 2.0 that everyone was thinking it'd be
Some questions.
Just checking, by edgequake do you mean cleavequake? Mighty Cleave is just better, right?
Sidenote... Which weather lead doesn't get hit hard by it? (:politoed:)
Are you running booster energy Boulder? Cause otherwise ribombee is a speed tie and welp, you just wasted your taunt.
Is my new profile pic okay?
Yeah I meant Energy Booster Cleavequake. pfp is cool btw
So is there a reason to run Heat Crash over Flare Blitz with Gouging Fire? Morning Sun makes the recoil a non-issue.

I literally couldn't kill an Iron Treads at +1 with Crash and I was baffled by it.
Morning sun mitigates the problem but it is still absolutely an issue. Morning sun is a full turn you spend and turns (especially on offensive mons) are worth gold. It is kind of a tit for tat
Like others others mentioned, it doesnt feel like there is any overbearing mon rigth now. I still believe gholdengos presence is unhealthy/centralizing.
I would also prefer volc to leave again, but thats less important.
I see no issue with deoxys, darkrai and kyurem
So is there a reason to run Heat Crash over Flare Blitz with Gouging Fire? Morning Sun makes the recoil a non-issue.

I literally couldn't kill an Iron Treads at +1 with Crash and I was baffled by it.
If you want coverage then yes, if not then ig you could keep blitz. usually you need dragon dance, dragon claw, fire stab, and then morning sun or coverage. you could just not use dragon claw and opt for better coverage instead.
So is there a reason to run Heat Crash over Flare Blitz with Gouging Fire? Morning Sun makes the recoil a non-issue.

I literally couldn't kill an Iron Treads at +1 with Crash and I was baffled by it.
Morning Sun? More like 'I'm on low HP and I need to use the sun but oh look there's priority' after many flare blitzes. Also opponent can go gigabrain, switch and sac a high hp low def mon (not naming any names... :blissey:) and kill you with your recoil.

Something unrelated to OU which I found funny.
So this is a format where the highest/lowest stats of each mon are mixed together to make abominations of 836 BST or 318 BST. HP is left-most going across to speed at right-most. Interestingly, no :koraidon: or :miraidon: anywhere somehow, :iron Moth: beats :Miraidon:'s SPA and :iron Hands: beats :Koraidon:'s ATK. What have we learned? :Flutter Mane: is ridiculously min-maxed, and it works.
Edit to avoid double posting 'sigh':
Here's the Moth + Hands version and here's the Valiant + Boulder version. Note, the EV spread on Valiant hasn't been optimized in any way, I just swapped the Atk and SpA investment from what I ran when I last tried this craziness. The rest of the team is just some general anti-meta stuff with Hatt to mess with lead Deo-S, CB Dragonite to immediately threaten a thousand different things that can otherwise take over a game, and AV Hamurott to bring spikes support and a good-enough emergency check to Gambit, Dengo, Specs Pult, Wake, Tran and others.
Just looking at these teams and was just surprised; No raging bolt on an e-terrain team? Just thinking that, y'know, rising voltage stronker than Tera Electric Thunderbolt, as well as its Sp.Atk being not much lower than :iron moth: and outclassing :flutter mane:? I think that that is an actually good 'emergency check to Gambit'.
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Just looking at these teams and was just surprised; No raging bolt on an e-terrain team? Just thinking that, y'know, rising voltage stronker than Tera Electric Thunderbolt, as well as its Sp.Atk being not much lower than :iron moth: and outclassing :flutter mane:? I think that that is an actually good 'emergency check to Gambit'.
Oh, it's on the list to muck around with. My experience so far has just been that it's way too easy to stack ground and/or fairy weaknesses with E-Terrain users already, so it will take a bit more change to the team construction to find something that feels good with it.
Ok, I'm getting the hang of things. I wanna give a shout out to Goodra-H, as there are a lot of hard hitting sp.attackers. Feels if they've become a lot more popular. Being immune to Leaf Storm and resistant to Enamorus is also a blessing.
The description of pop bomb says it's a familial attack, that's staying on maushold unless some other aggregate family mon drops. It's because it's a whole swarming attack, all those other mons dont really make sense. It's not implications of actually having a high birth rate, it's just a group attack. ~~also rabbits aren't rodents they're a seperate thing~~. Anyways, what do you all think about a hydrapple-clef-skarm dragon/fairy/steel core? I think it could do some work on balance teams, I think it has some real promise.
Give it to honchcrow he’s all about the family
Been running a lot of sun, and this has been one of my favourite options to run on it


Great Tusk @ Leftovers
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Rapid Spin
- Temper Flare
- Earthquake

Temper Flare is a surprisingly nice addition to Tusk's moveset, and especially when it's boosted by sun, you now no longer get megawalled by Corviknight, Skarmory and stopped by Serperior, Clefable or Balloon Gholdengo, you can pack quite a punch with Bulk Up sets. There are very few pokemon that can stop a tusk sweep once it gets going. A nice perk of the Fire Tera is you can usually safely 1v1 Lando's, since you will now resist an incoming grass knot. The main annoyances to watch out for are stuff like Dondozo, Gliscor, Moltres and Zamazenta.
Been running a lot of sun, and this has been one of my favourite options to run on it


Great Tusk @ Leftovers
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Rapid Spin
- Temper Flare
- Earthquake

Temper Flare is a surprisingly nice addition to Tusk's moveset, and especially when it's boosted by sun, you now no longer get megawalled by Corviknight, Skarmory and stopped by Serperior, Clefable or Balloon Gholdengo, you can pack quite a punch with Bulk Up sets. There are very few pokemon that can stop a tusk sweep once it gets going. A nice perk of the Fire Tera is you can usually safely 1v1 Lando's, since you will now resist an incoming grass knot. The main annoyances to watch out for are stuff like Dondozo, Gliscor, Moltres and Zamazenta.
Wouldn't it be better to use Headlong Rush instead of Earthquake? It has a higher base power and isn't cockblocked by Grassy Terrain. Otherwise this is a great set and I'll be using it.
Wouldn't it be better to use Headlong Rush instead of Earthquake? It has a higher base power and isn't cockblocked by Grassy Terrain. Otherwise this is a great set and I'll be using it.

Most of the time, especially for Bulk Up sets, you'd rather not lower your defenses that much, tanking additional hits against opposing tusks can be fairly important, we're also not as annoyed by grassy terrain since we can OHKO Rillaboom with a Tera Fire +1 Temper Flare in sun. Rillaboom's also lost quite a bit of usage with all the new threats popping up, so I wouldn't say it's that much of a downside.
I've just played against a Mud Shot glimmora lead and i'm like... is this what it takes to play against DeoS leads? Does it even work?
I don't even think DeoS is the best lead atm (Hsamurott sweeps) but dear god.
I'm really liking the new dragon overlords of the tear, and think that we might end up in a meta where weather wars isn't the full blown norm but weather will be seen enough to be taken seriously in account in the builder, because both rain and sun have a lot of cool tools.
Sad that sand isn't back, excadrill wasn't enough this time...
oh god mud shot glimmora has escaped ubers confinement and has been sighted in OU. the meta is truly in shambles (i fucking despise glimmora almost as much as I despise grimmsnarl)
I don't know if this is just a lowladder phenomenon, but it's really getting insane how many teams are relying on paralysis. Like running t-wave on :clefable: or :ribombee:, then glare on :serperior:, then also having static :zapdos:. It's more annoying than anything, especially since so many of the new mons require their speed to be intact to function.
I don't know if this is just a lowladder phenomenon, but it's really getting insane how many teams are relying on paralysis. Like running t-wave on :clefable: or :ribombee:, then glare on :serperior:, then also having static :zapdos:. It's more annoying than anything, especially since so many of the new mons require their speed to be intact to function.
You answered your own question. The meta is still very new and many of the new threats are fast mons who become even faster because booster or set up or are naturally fast like Deo-S and Darkrai, one of the best ways to neuter those threats is taking away their speed.
I don't know if this is just a lowladder phenomenon, but it's really getting insane how many teams are relying on paralysis. Like running t-wave on :clefable: or :ribombee:, then glare on :serperior:, then also having static :zapdos:. It's more annoying than anything, especially since so many of the new mons require their speed to be intact to function.
Local smogonite discovers that paralysis is really good. In other news: Gen 3 OU players experimenting with rain, not going well; Gen 5 players complaining about Gen 5 OU.