5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

About the verification that he said. I always thought that the first pokemon you encounter will have the desired IVs from hitting the seed, but he says that the pokemon in the egg and a caught pokemon will both have the desired IVs from the target seed.

1. Is this true?
2. Does that mean that every pokemon obtained will have the desired IVs (2nd pokemon encountered, 3rd, etc...)?

Yes and yes again, unless you move onto a different IV frame, which can be done by walking 128 steps.

No, this is wrong, assuming that what Deltablazy means by 'every pokemon obtained will have the desired IVs' is that all Pokemon will have the same IVs. What Tesseraction is saying is that the egg will have the IVs (modified by inheritance) from frame 8 of the seed, and the Poke caught directly after getting the egg will have the IVs from a later frame (normally between 14 and 20) of the same seed. You can use those IVs to check that you hit your seed without wasting time on hatching the egg.

Any subsequent Pokemon caught after that will have IVs from a very high frame due to the previous battle(s) advancing the IV RNG, which is also a source of battle randomness.
ok so i am using RNG reporter 9.95 and something odd keeps occurring.
i am trying to breed a bold near flawless shiny dw nidoran female. The other parent is a male lilipup with perfect ivs. 2 results always occur. A female with bad ivs(right nature, ability) or a shiny bold rivalry nidoran(male) with 31 18 31 31 31 3 ivs.. the target is a shiny bold female hustle with ivs 31 18 31 31 31 31. i enter in fixed gender in RNG reporter so i dont think thats the problem.
my question here is nidoran somehow an exception to other pokemon breeding(since male and female are different species). is it a possibility i have to keep trying different seeds til i find one thats actually a girl?
This is what you need to do:

1:Copy your seed into the main page of RNG reporter. Fill out the method and everstone tab. Do not check the "DW egg only" box. /This is because you might get confused like I do :x
2.Hit generate.
3.In the Species column look for a frame that says Nidoran-F and has the IVs your looking for+true DW ability. Is going to be hard but at least you won't have to test all the seeds.
3.RNG the egg.
This is what you need to do:

1:Copy your seed into the main page of RNG reporter. Fill out the method and everstone tab. Do not check the "DW egg only" box. /This is because you might get confused like I do :x
2.Hit generate.
3.In the Species column look for a frame that says Nidoran-F and has the IVs your looking for+true DW ability. Is going to be hard but at least you won't have to test all the seeds.
3.RNG the egg.

ok thanks it caught me off guard i always thought they were 2 seperate species and you could not produce nidoran-m from nidoran-F we learn something everyday i guess :P
I haven't confirmed this yet but I've run a few checks.

RNG Reporter's main screen appears to be swapping the HP and SPE stats in the listing on BW Breeding and BW Breeding International, namely the inheritance of these stats is swapped. It also appears some other stats may be getting swapped but not positive on that it.
However when searching in time finder everything displays correctly.

This is version 9.95

It also seems to be adding in a few frames that don't exist or it is incorrectly ordering them. (this is more speculation then the previous statement though)
I haven't confirmed this yet but I've run a few checks.

RNG Reporter's main screen appears to be swapping the HP and SPE stats in the listing on BW Breeding and BW Breeding International, namely the inheritance of these stats is swapped. It also appears some other stats may be getting swapped but not positive on that it.
However when searching in time finder everything displays correctly.

This is version 9.95

It also seems to be adding in a few frames that don't exist. (this is more speculation then the previous statement though)

Please provide examples of specific seeds and frames that have this problem.
I fixed the issue of the incorrect IVs. (It was just my error or forgetting to click Ditto parent on this seed).

However there is still a large issue with the frames.

Target Frame 49

First one on Time Finder.




What's the easiest way to advance the frame for shiny Pokemon, when rng'ing for stationary 5th gen.

Chatot Chatters
I fixed the issue of the incorrect IVs. (It was just my error or forgetting to click Ditto parent on this seed).

However there is still a large issue with the frames.

Target Frame 49

First one on Time Finder.



Chatot Chatters

You are saved at the exact moment one or more NPCs are starting to move, which means a split-second difference in hitting the X button to open the menu is going to change your starting frame. That's why it seems like the frames are fluctuating. You should re-save and try for a new starting frame.
Is it possible to RNG abuse using emulator? (Standard abuse)
I dumped my DS firmware/bios and loaded up on desmume.
Followed bearsfans instructions but the parameter finder doesnt find any results..
How should I go about RNG'ing a flawless ditto on bw if it can only be caught in the giant chasm and sweet scent doesn't work there (says it faded away for some reason or words to that effect). Thanks!
If I hit my seed and release Thundurus, do I have to catch it? The nature is being determined when I encounter the Pokemon, isn't it?
How should I go about RNG'ing a flawless ditto on bw if it can only be caught in the giant chasm and sweet scent doesn't work there (says it faded away for some reason or words to that effect). Thanks!
You can remove the fog in the Giant Chasm by saving there, changing the month (to your target month required by your seed), then entering a battle. The fog will disappear after the battle, so you can save and then go about hitting your seed.
If I hit my seed and release Thundurus, do I have to catch it? The nature is being determined when I encounter the Pokemon, isn't it?

The nature is determined on Route 7 as you meet Thundurus, so you'll have to catch it immediately without saving if you want to keep trying for different natures.
You can remove the fog in the Giant Chasm by saving there, changing the month (to your target month required by your seed), then entering a battle. The fog will disappear after the battle, so you can save and then go about hitting your seed.

The nature is determined on Route 7 as you meet Thundurus, so you'll have to catch it immediately without saving if you want to keep trying for different natures.

So we would chatter in the house? Does the rain ONLY advance when you meet him? Afterwards, it's static?
So, I'm trying my hand at getting rng'd Entralink Pokemon and I'm at the step where you would have to input your IVs for that first caught one to try to get your new calibration number. Seed to Times Adjacent Finder doesn't allow for IV ranges, and all I have available to me is serebii.net's IV Calculator (and the one on RNG Reporter). Would my only choice at this point be to buy an Action Replay?
That's interesting to hear. I do have an Arceus waiting to be taken down from Dream World, but with all the RNGing I've been doing this week, I'll have to wait however many days to be able to tuck in a pokemon to get it.

I also suppose I wouldn't have to worry about the pokemon in my first room advancing the PIDRNG while trying to get Arceus since the C-Gear being active already does that?
Well, they do matter if you're trying to control the PIDRNG (which is possible, but I don't know if there's a guide or anything), but for calibration you're only concerned with IVs so it doesn't matter there regardless.
I've been gone for a LONG time. Are we able to RNG 4th/5th gen with a 3DS now?

You've always been able to RNG abuse with a 3DS on both gens. But now, you can use non C-Gear seeds in 5th gen. with a 3DS instead of having to use C-Gear seeds like before. :)
Really?! Awww shhhhhiiii. Time to get to work. Thanks, Princess of Johto.

Make sure you download a newer version of RNG Reporter if you want to use non C-Gear seeds on your 3DS. You'll have to find new parameters. Also, with a 3DS, you have to SR/press A 8 seconds before your actual target time, instead of 1 second before like with DS Lite/Phat.

For 4th gen abuse, I don't think there's any difference.
Make sure you download a newer version of RNG Reporter if you want to use non C-Gear seeds on your 3DS. You'll have to find new parameters. Also, with a 3DS, you have to SR/press A 8 seconds before your actual target time, instead of 1 second before like with DS Lite/Phat.

For 4th gen abuse, I don't think there's any difference.

Well, I just downloaded the latest version of RNG Reporter. I lost my parameters, and most likely using C Gears. 8 seconds? I'll take note of this, but care to explain? Or is there an updated post for the 3DS version for RNG?

Does the 8 seconds go along with 4th gen RNG as well? I'm planning to RNG on both 4th and 5th.
Well, I just downloaded the latest version of RNG Reporter. I lost my parameters, and most likely using C Gears. 8 seconds? I'll take note of this, but care to explain? Or is there an updated post for the 3DS version for RNG?

Does the 8 seconds go along with 4th gen RNG as well? I'm planning to RNG on both 4th and 5th.

For example, if your target time was xx:xx:38, then you would press A on the 3DS menu to get into BW at xx:xx:30. On a DS Lite/Phat, you would press A at xx:xx:37. Does that make sense?

I don't think it applies to 4th gen. I think 4th gen abuse is the same no matter which DS you use.