CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

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So I did some research and found out that some shrimps are bioluminescent. This gives me a new direction to go in.


At first, it doesn't look too different from my previous version. But the glowing spots all over its body change color depending on the attack it's using. To see it best, you have to turn off the lights:

Ok so I have been intersested in getting involved in this for some time now, so here is a first WIP:


So, similar to Headpunch, I had the idea that an amphibian/reptile/eel would be fitting for a versatile pokemon. I use spikes to help illustrate the defensive (and also electric) aspects of the pokemon, as well as whiskers to help bridge the water and electric types.
Unfortunately, I have poor software for dealing with a scanned images, and so it is currently uncolored (and I can't stand drawing with a computer mouse :P). Hopefully I can remedy the situation. Anyway, thoughts?
I think I like the second coloring a little better. Mostly just because (yeah, I know this is ridiculous) the orange one makes me feel like Nemo got in Ninja Turtle ooze and is coming to eat me...

Too many great posts in the past day for me to touch on everything I like.
Here are a couple though.

Solstice, I haven't seen many comments on your post. I like it a lot. It reminds me of a garden gnome.

Headpunch, awesome creature. I say keep the fin as it helps it pull off amphibious more than dinosaur. The only critical thing I can add; the eel section almost looks like it is not a part of the thing... Is there anyway you can make it look like it is necessary/attached a little more? Right now it kinda looks like a crazy lizard threw on a ceremonial headdress... but then, I see things in pretty weird ways so take it with a grain of salt.

Taicho, I'm still dying to see some of your stuff developed.
I really like how involved you are with your project. I really like the concept of your new idea but I kind of feel this new model a bit lacking. I think a combination of your first outline and this new style will work brilliantly.

Keep the luminescent patches on the shrimp's extremities (Antenna, legs, tail). I feel you make the body look 'squishy' instead of 'armored' by adding the bioluminescent patches to the main shell. Instead use your first concept's yellow stripes (especially the ones coming down from the base of the antenna) and see what you get. If you could also include a size concept it would be helpful. A lot of people with pokes that look about medium size should post a pokemon to use as a reference to size or just post a height. This will help viewers get a more indepth feel for the creation.
aragornbird said:
I really like this, actually. It's definitely in the direction for being awesome, but I also find that it appears squisher than it should. If some of the plates on its body were more chitinous and had a few sharper edges (suggesting that they're hardened and fully developed), it'd look a lot cooler while still maintaining the cute aspect of the design that is so appealing. I'm very glad that you got rid of the tusk tesla coils, too, as it looks much cleaner, more focused, and less chaotic without them. You're definitely on the right track.
chomzloh said:
If you ask me, your first one was way better. This one reminds me too much of sonic the hedgehog's head floating around. The first one felt a lot quicker and more exciting with the sharp fins and so forth. This one is a little too smashed together for my tastes.
@aragornbird: O.o -drools- I want that Pokemon so badly... this is exactly the kind of thing Game Freak need for Gen. 5.

In all seriousnous now, that's an excellent design addition, but the secondary pictures seem like flavour. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm not sure how to impliment that.
Secondly, if you are going to keep the illuminescent markings, which I believe you should do further the Electric part-typing, then the skin shading will need to get a little darker to make them slightly more visible. Apart from that, that's almost certain to go into the final Submissions.

@chomzloh: Of the two colour schemes, I prefer the orange/yellow one, but the design is far too spiked for me. I know the general electric motif is spikey-ness and speedy-looking, but there's far too many spikes here. I prefer your first design. Maybe you could combine different parts of each into a third design, perhaps, if you aren't happy with the first one?
Constructive Criticism:

I wish I could animate half as decent as you. I think the concept of a "sea pixie" works really well as a "utility counter", because it reminds me of legendary Pokemon like Celebi, Manaphy, Mew, and Jirachi. However, as someone else pointed out, I'm not a big fan of those eyes. Maybe you should experiment with different types of eyes.

CyzirVisheen: I love the idea of Kinesta v2. The design itself is very well polished, but I'd like to see some supporting material of the strange party Pokemon.

Aragornbird: I'm a big fan of shrimp, so your design really appeals to me, particularly the bio-luminescent aspect. However, as another poster pointed out, it currently looks very soft and squishy, making it look frail. I'd try to make his skin look more like an exoskeleton.

Now here's an early version of my art design:
And some rough supporting material to go with it:

This art design was inspired by Mermaids, and Ocelots, wild cats that are related to the leopard.

Right now, my art is fairly unpolished, but I'm gonna work together with pkmn-taich0321, to make it much better.

A simple explanation:
It continuously generates electricity to power itself, and must constantly discharge it through its plug-like hand, because an overload of electricity would cause it to explode (Explosion, anyone?). The discharge can range from quite weak to very powerful. The longer it goes without discharging, the more powerful the blast is. The processor is located in the center unit. The center unit connects all five mechanical parts with water, and can control it freely to change its body shape. That makes it quite versatile, as the concept states. The units of the body are not made of metal, but more of a plastic-like material that is quite durable. The other hand unit is a sort of cannon that can jet out its body water at high pressures. That means it must replenish its water often.

I don't really expect to change the concept anytime soon, but I might touch it up a bit. Constructive criticism, please?
Great art!

I love Umbreownage's Dolphin and Headpunch's... salamander eel thing (lol), they capture a balanced Electric/Water Pokemon very well, and both of them allow for different movesets (very important when making a realistic moveset) The first looks capable of Ice beam while the second seems more physical.

Also, the bioluminescent Shrimp is an awesome idea! I'd definitely like to see that. And shrimp seem more defensive, but still rounded, which is a factor in CAP 10's creation.
So I did some research and found out that some shrimps are bioluminescent. This gives me a new direction to go in.

At first, it doesn't look too different from my previous version. But the glowing spots all over its body change color depending on the attack it's using. To see it best, you have to turn off the lights:

As intelligent as this is, I like the original shrimp better. It seemed more edgy, I guess. I mean, come on, it was a shrimp with a bolt of electricity going across its antennae!
My favorite so far.

aragornbird's shrimp looks awesome too, but I think it does look a bit too squishy for something with very good tankiness.
Ah yeah, and please bring that bolt back too!

It changes the positive/negative charge of its segments to counter differents threats and use attacks.
Update on my dolphin thing:

Spent more time on this, though still haven't nicely shaded everything.

Any suggestions or comments? I was thinking of adding some sort of electric looking horn, would this help or hurt it?
I really like this. :D The only thing I can think to suggest is maybe give it bigger eyes, so it has more dolphin charm + looks more like a Pokemon. =3

Well! This is my first time ever posting in a CAP art submission! Unfortunately pkmn-taicho321 kinda already beat me to a similar concept with his turtle thingie (which might i add looks quite awesome) so i hope it doesn't seem like to much of a knock off, though i did conceptualize my poke before i even saw that one :P
O.o This is now my favorite entry. =DDDD <3
The only thing I'd like to see changed is the side view. =0 I think it's too limited, it'd be much cooler if you could show it in some sort of 3/4 view frontal pose.

-EDIT- Sorry for the double post.
Wow, beautiful!

Howdy y'all!

I'm really liking Cartoons! and Aragornbird's, I'm going to work on some designs today, I've decided that I'm going to focus on Siphonophore's (The family of creatures a Portugese Man O' War belongs to) as they are made up of 4 seperate individual highly specialized creatures. So an electric creature that's highly specialized and lives underwater? Sounds about right.


Yeah, something like that haha.

I personally love Jellyfish, and Tentacool/Cruel were great Pokemon, but I'm sure this design combined with the balance/counter aspect and the typing can produce a beautiful Pokemon! I'd love to see this idea developed more.
Electric shrimp for the win! I can see it using almost anything (the only things I can't see are grass type moves and all fire type moves except heat wave. I'm going to have a hard time picking. The shrimp is adorable and if Celebi can take almost anything it can too (:.

i change the concept. i stay on the birds,but now is much bulk and water-related,since the new design is based on a flightless cormorant,one of the much animals who lives only on galapagos islands.
Cartoons, I'm in love with your sea pixie. I wanted to submit something for this that wasn't just a sea animal with lighting coming out of it but you beat me to the punch. Your animation thing is really cool too. Fits the Utility Counter idea perfectly.
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