Anyways, guys I'd like to try out ranked games as I think I'm prepared. I just have a few questions; what does it mean in the character selection lobby when you are the team captain, 2nd pick ... all the way down to 5th? I've heard 5th is generally support and team captain generally picks a carry is this true? How important is the 2nd player?
Depends on elo. The pick order is highest elo to lowest (there might be a very slight variation in this, I once had someone on the other team queue dodge and got the exact same team of players with 2nd/3rd switched). As a result, high elo typically gets important roles like jungler and solos because they're typically harder to play and more important.
Fourth/fifth pick usually gets support because support is stupid easy to play (seriously, I have like an 85% win rate with Taric in ranked). You don't need to farm and as a result don't need to know item builds, you just cv where people (usually the jungler) tell you, buy gp5 items/wards/oracle's, then stack aura items.
Bans/picks are set up so that second ban is first pick, and first ban is second pick. As a result, you can set up scenarios where you are first pick and are guaranteed someone really good (For me, this is usually Enemy bans Lee Sin, I ban Talon/Akali, they ban Morg, I take Kass).
Also, someone run down how typically a ranked game goes opposed to normal?
The current meta is tanky DPS/some assassins top, AP mid, ranged AD/support bot, and a powerful ganker in the jungle.
Good examples of each are Singed, Jax, Garen, Talon, Rumble, and Akali top; Kassadin, Brand, Annie, and Morgana mid; Cait, Ezreal, and Kog as AD and Sona, Janna, and Taric as supports. Good Junglers include Noc, Lee, and GP.
At low elo you can ignore the meta because most people there are idiots (hell, most people at 1700 are idiots). Once you get to like, gold and above, breaking team comp because "OMG WE NEED A TANK" as fifth pick and then fighting the AD for farm bot will likely be a loss unless your top/mid/jungle are insane. You can also try to counter the meta (for example, Talon and most AD eat Kass alive mid).
For example, in low elo you can probably get away with no jungler because a 1200 jungler is probably just gonna let their 1v2 lane get eaten alive. But in high elo that jungler is gonna be on the 1v2's ass all day getting double kills, having permadouble buff, and nabbing easy dragons. Plus the jungler's mid/bot should win easily because no fear of ganks.
Speaking of dragons, people underappreciate dragon/towers/baron. If a jungler gets a successful gank on mid or bot, his team should try to push a tower or get dragon. It's like 1000 gold to the entire team, which is a *lot*. If you ace the enemy team, don't go b to heal. Take a tower, take their jungle, take
something to snowball that advantage.
Also, it's never worth it to queue dodge, even if you think your team is gonna surrender at 20. You can't requeue for 5/15 minutes anyway, and you lose a lot more elo than you would for just losing (20 vs. like 13). If the game drags on fsr, that gives you a chance to farm up and take advantage of the other team getting cocky (this happens a lot).
Also, people cry about FotM for a reason. They may not necessarily be op, but they tend to pick on bad/careless players hard and thus snowball off of idiots, or require a more coordinated effort.