Megas For All (Read the whole 1st post and check current slate)

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Abilities: Telepathy/Synchronize/Analytic ----> Levitate
75/75/75/125/95/40 ---> 75/100/75/145/75/115
Moves: +Flash Cannon, +Focus Blast +U-turn

Okay this concept came from two things in particular i wanted to do. In this order:

1) i wanted to create a Pokemon that was wildly different than the original version, functioning pretty much absolutely differently while remaining viable. In the tier that Beheeyem was seen in last gen, it was either used as a deadly trick room sweeper or an Analytic Specs attacker, this Mega Beheeyem changes it from a slow Trick Room/Analytic Pokemon with awkward bulk to a fast nasty plot sweeper.

2) I wanted to heavily incorporate flavor into a design. Mega Beheeyem is all about flavor pretty much. Beheeyem is meant to be an alien, but what's an alien without a trusty UFO? Mega Beheeyem would be operating a UFO of its own in battle. Which does all of three things: 1) because UFOs fly, and very high up, the ability is changed to levitate from the three given before. 2) because beheeyem is inside a metal ufo, a steel-type is added to the original Psychic-type 3) UFOs in sightings are usually moving VERY fast, therefore, beheeyem becomes much more agile in its mega form and its speed stat increases significantly.

As for anyone who's concerned about the stat spread's similarity to special mega lucario (banned mega). There are differences between the two megas that'll keep Beheeyem from being a repeat imo, listed below.

1) significantly less threatening pre mega, less likely to force switches initially.

2) no adaptability, same special attack stat but doesn't hit as hard with STAB moves

3) lack of priority means that offensive teams won't simply be sniped by faster priority when trying to revenge kill mega beheeyem.

4) no threat of an alternative set, one of the things that made mega lucario so scary in general is that it could run two very effective sets and there was no way to know which set was which until it was too late.

5) extra vulnerable to Sucker Punch from things such as mega mawile and bisharp.

If mega lucario is allowed for this then uhhh....

As for the increased Attack stat, i just couldn't resist given the fact that Beheeyem happens to learn Steel Wing this generation, considering its operating a UFO in its mega it fits perfectly flavorwise.

EDIT: i decided to add U-turn to mega beheeyem's movepool for now, this means that beheeyem becomes an excellent pokemon to use on volturn teams because of its high offensive presence and resistance to pretty much all hazards. If a NP set won't work out for your teams then 3 attacks+U-turn might, idk if that'd push it over the edge though or anything.

As for U-turn flavor, something as fast and agile as a ufo can probably perform the move really well lol.
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I'd like to reserve Virizion and Moltres.

In fact, to free me up, I'm doing Steelix right now.

Mega Steelix
Abilities: Sturdy/Rock Head/Sheer Force>>>Dirt Chewer (When user is hit by ar ground move, user heals 25% of health and becomes immune to that type! It won't prevent spikes damage but it will absorb someone trying to set them up. It also won't prevent Arena Trap, sticky webs or other 'grounded' effects that levitate will.)

New Moves: Coil, Glare, Dragon Rush, Spiky Shield, Outrage, Slack Off

Stats: 75/85/200/55/65/30>>>75/127/212/63/105/28

Concept: Spikey scales of crystal grow all over its steel body like... a Spiky Shield.

Mega Steelix can look the likes of Garchomp or Dragonite head on and make a troll face smile, or do the same with Gliscor. Literally, they are forced to throw a fight move on to hit SE. Steelix has the problem of being too slow to set up and abuse its low accuracy Dragon Rush/Tail and Iron Tail unless it gets a perfect switch in. Otherwise, its lack of an item will make its power weak unboosted. Special Attackers won't have too much trouble with a neutral move.

Even if you don't mega though, Sheer Force + Coil + Iron Tail + Life Orb = fun and it's actually stronger than 127 Atk!

Spiky Shield ensures that you are a wall to reckon with. Just be glad I didn't consider King's Shield.
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Mega Furret

Type: Normal -> Normal/Fairy
Stats: 85/76/64/45/55/90 -> 85/120/100/45/55/110
Ability: Frisk -> Fur Coat (Physical Damage reduced by 50%)
252+ Atk Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 0+ Def Fur Coat Furret: 60-71 (19.2 - 22.8%) -- possible 5HKO

New Moves: Play Rough, Swords Dance, Flare Blitz.

Sample Moveset:
Play Rough
Flame Blitz
Howl/Swords Dance/Belly Drum (whatever is the most balanced)
Quick Attack

Concept: Only 515 Base Points? Who fucking cares. This thing has so much physical bulk that it makes Skarmory look like a sheet of paper. Normal/Fairy typing is excellent for defense as Fairy cancels out Normal's Fighting Weakness, grants a resistance to dark, and gives an immunity to dragon (which stacks with Normal's immunity to Ghost). Mega Furret's base 120 attack is nothing special, but since it has access to an attack boosing move and so much physical bulk it can make a great late game cleaner. Furret needs teammates that can take care of fast special attackers, (Gengar, Thundurus, Deoxy-S, and Greninja) in particular. Also, M-Furret doesn't like Mega Scizor Bullet Punch. On the defensive side, Heatran and Megasaur don't really care about M-Furret.

Furret can get through steels at the cost of health (through flare blitz)
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Type: Ghost/Fire ----> Ghost/Fire
Ability: Flame Body/ Flash Fire/ Infiltrator ----> Shadow Tag
60/55/90/145/90/80 (520) ---> 60/75/110/185/130/60 (620)
New Moves: +Recover, +Focus Blast, +Defog

Concept: Chandelure's missing 5th Gen Hidden Ability makes a return in it's Mega Evolution, but its not the Mega Gengar people think. Rather, Mega Chandelure now functions as a Stallbreaker or a Trick Room Wallbreaker. It loses it's ability to be a revenge killer but it can now trap and kill Ferrothorn and MegaZard Y among others.

Mega Chandelure has a variety of moves that makes it a good stallbreaker such as Taunt, Will-o-Wisp and the new addition to the movepool, Recover. With it's wide movepool, Mega Chandy could run a variety of sets such as Support, Calm Mind Sweeper or Stallbreaker. It's low speed prevents it from being overpowered as Mega Gengar was.
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Typing: Grass / Fairy -----> Grass / Fairy
Abilities: Prankster / Infiltrator / Chlorophyll -----> Trickster (moves whose only effect is lowering one or more of the opponent's stats have their effect doubled)
BST: 60/67/85/77/75/116 -----> 60/77/85/97/125/136
Moves: +Nasty Plot

Whimsicott was the original Prankster; he was the one everyone thought would make a big splash in the OU Metagame at the release of Black and White. However, as the metagame progressed, people began realizing that it wasn't as good as theorized; it eventually fell from OU, even losing its spot as favored Prankster to Sableye. X and Y granted it the new Fairy-type, but also introduced yet another Prankster--Klefki--to compete with it. This theoretical Mega Evolution seeks to differentiate Whimsicott from its competitors entirely by giving it a new, yet similarly flavored ability. Trickster (it even sounds like Prankster!) similarly focuses on status moves, Whimsicott's specialty. However, it in particular focuses on a sorely underused aspect of the game, stat lowering--particularly the lowering of your opponent's stats. By doubling only stat drops on foes, Trickster makes it so that boosting Whimsicott's own stats is not a necessarily better option than lowering that of your opponents. Mega Whimsicott seeks to take advantage of this in a variety of ways.

Whimsicott has a multitude of options when it comes to stat-lowering, so there was little need to give it any more. Fake Tears drops the opponent's Special Defense 2 stages, while Captivate and Charm do the same for Special Attack and Attack respectively. Tickle drops the opponent's Attack and Defense one stage each; between these, Whimsicott is capable of lowering all 4 of the opponent's main stats. Trickster turns the first three drops into a whopping 4-stage drop, and the last into 2 2-stage drops. With its newly given Nasty Plot, Whimsicott can then use the turn neutered opponents use to switch out to boost its Special Attack, or alternatively use Cotton Guard to raise its lower defense stats. Its boosted speed helps it move first against most opponents, even without Prankster.

Now, the stat drops Whimsicott can induce seem rather overpowered. However, despite the vast number of possibilities Trickster opens up, Whimsicott cannot take advantage of all of them--actually, it can only take advantage of precisely 4. Four-Moveslot-Syndrome is a major problem for Mega Whimsicott; only having an Attack- or Special Attack- lowering status move leaves it wide open to attack on the opposite side. On the other hand, having one of each severely neuters Whimsicott's own damaging or surviving capabilities, as it would be forced to either give up a healing, boosting, or attacking move to do so. Defiant (Bisharp) and Unaware (Clefable) are everywhere in OU, both of which stop Whimsicott cold. Its loss of Prankster leaves it susceptible to priority, especially things like Scizor's Bullet Punch and Mega Pinsir's Flying-type Quick Attack. Without Nasty Plot, Mega Whimsicott is unable to deliver much damage to opponents, since neither of its offenses even break 100. Finally, without Cotton Guard, Whimsicott's Defense is rather middling, leaving it particularly open to physical attacks unless it packs Charm or Tickle.

Mega Whimsicott may have its shortcomings, but its unique ability enables it to play a role unlike any other current Pokemon. Four-Moveslot Syndrome prevents it from being sufficiently prepared for every threat it faces, but with careful planning, it can be a potent, dangerous, and, most certainly, annoying foe to face in battle.
Suggestions for the metagame:
1. For ease of programming, either make people have to provide a sprite with their submission or just have the mons mega evolve into the shiny sprite. The sprite enforcement actually has a really positive effect in that rather then having 20+ rushed submissions, people will only have a couple of well thought out ones.

2. Increase the limit of mega pokemon on each team to 3+. There's so much new interesting things, but limiting to only 1 per team has two very negative effects. It greatly reduces the "fun" of having a ton of new pokemon and forces the mediocre ones into complete uselessness.

Making it a mega evolution only meta game is an interesting fix to both problems (you can just use original sprites) however, I'm not sure if that's what you're aiming for.

Also, in general, try to limit custom abilities. This is already a nightmare to program. Speaking of which, while I am a shitty programmer, I probably know enough to help you with some of the busy work - so feel free to send me a PM. I can help out with approvals as well (looking at the flood of incoming ones...)

Onto my submissions - some defensive threats to balance out all the offensive ones people are posting. ^_^

Mega Mantine

Typing: Water/Flying ----> Water/Flying
Ability: Swift Swim/Water Absorb/Water Veil ----> Marvel Scale
65/40/70/80/140/70 ---> 65/40/105/105/180/70
New Moves: Pain Split, Psycho Shift

Enough special bulk to avoid a 3HKO from Mega Char Y (biggest special threat in OU), the rest balance out physical bulk and special attack. Marvel Scale allows him to viably use rest while Pain Split gives him a non-rest option and pairs well with his low base HP. Psycho Shift was just for the idea of an extremely gimmicky set of Rest/Sleep Talk/Psycho Shift/Scald. I was considering changing him to Water/Dragon, but then he wouldn't be able to counter Char-Y due to Dragon Pulse.
In summary: The ultimate RestTalker.

Mega Walrein
Typing: Water/Ice ----> Water/Ice
Ability: Thick Fat/Ice Body/Oblivious ----> Unaware
110/80/90/95/90/65 ----> 110/100/120/115/120/65
New Moves: Recover

My main goal was to avoid the 3HKO from Mega Char X with max defense investment. I gave her equal SpD to keep her same mixed bulk ratio and spread the rest evenly over her offensive stats to keep her as a tank rather than a toxic stalling wall. Unaware is basically another take on oblivious, and I think a viable unaware mon is absolutely necessary given that quagsire and clefable aren't gonna stand up to shit in this metagame (and people will probably take them a different route with their mega evo's.) Recover feels virtuous so it has some way to restore HP, it may be a bit over the top though.

Mega Solrock
Typing: Rock/Psychic ----> Rock/Psychic
Ability: Levitate ----> Contrary
70/95/85/55/65/70 ----> 70/105/130/55/110/70
New Moves: V-Create, Super Power, -Baton Pass

I've always wanted to see the niche of a defensive V-Create user. Solrock really has nothing over other mega evo's when first sent out, but if allowed to snowball, he can become unstoppable. This is balanced out by his now 8 weakness ridden horrible defensive typing and the removal of baton pass from his kit (he only gets it from XD Gale of Darkness anways.)

Mega Lunatone
Typing: Rock/Psychic ----> Rock/Psychic
Ability: Levitate ----> Simple
70/95/85/55/65/70 ----> 70/55/110/105/130/70
New Moves: Amnesia, -Baton Pass

Just the converse to Solrock so they stay "connected."

Typing: Fairy -----> Fairy / Grass
Abilities: Flower Veil / Symbiosis -----> Natural Cure
BST: 78/65/68/112/154/75 -----> 78/65/108/132/174/95
Moves: + Leaf Storm, + Earth Power, + Synthesis

Honestly I liked Florges when it was first revealed. It being solid defensive Pokemon with decent typing and an early appearance in-game during X and Y, leading to me using one on my in-game team, made me really wish it was competitive in OU as well. Unfortunately, Florges is utterly outclassed by a similar, specially defensive pure Fairy-type, Sylveon. What would it take to sufficiently differentiate Florges from its Eeveelution superior?

Well, for starters, Mega Florges is also Grass-type, distinguishing it from Sylveon. While this typing is actually weaker in most respects, it makes more sense flavorwise and gives Florges powder-move and Leech Seed immunity, giving it something different. Additionally, another task was to give it an ability that wasn't completely useless in singles, unlike Flower Veil or Symbiosis. Natural Cure seemed like a good fit flavorwise, and was a nice ability for a defensive Pokemon. With the added Grass-typing also came some nifty Grass-type moves, namely Leaf Storm and Synthesis; the former provides a stronger special Grass-type move other than Energy Ball, while the latter offers decent recovery. I also threw Florges a bone with Earth Power; Fairy/Ground gives amazing coverage offensively, and flavorwise it made sense, since Florges is heavily associated with gardening and other field work. Additionally, Sylveon doesn't have this valuable offensive combination to work with (well, unless you count Dig, but no one should count Dig competitively), so it further differentiates Florges from its fellow defensive Fairy-type.

In terms of stats, Defense recieved the biggest boost, aiding the lopsidedness of Florges's defenses but not diluting its Special orientation. Special Attack and Special Defense were also boosted moderately, since Mega Florges is still a Special wall and Special attacker. Finally, 20 points went into Speed to put it on par with the likes of Sharpedo and Yanmega (who aren't as fast as one would think without Speed Boosts).

With a newfangled part Grass-typing, boosted defenses and Special Attack, and superb Fairy/Ground coverage, Florges succeeds in carving out a niche at least partially unique from its main competitor Sylveon. It remains an excellent Special wall just as it had before, but Mega Florges is now certainly an option to consider over its fellow Fairy-type brethren.

Gonna reserve Ambipom to work on tomorrow.

Mega Swampert

Water / Ground ----> Unchanged
Torrent / Damp ----> Water Veil
100 / 110 / 90 / 85 / 90 / 60 (535) ----> 100 / 135 / 105 / 95 / 105 / 95 (635)
New Moves: Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, and Recover

Meet one of the best sweeper/wallbreaker hybrids in the game. With great overall defenses, excellent attack, and passable speed, Mega Swampert can now take on two roles very effectively. With Dragon Dance, Swampert can threaten more offensive teams, and with his 100 / 105 / 105 defenses, he's not going to be OHKOed anytime soon. Meanwhile, Swords Dance and Recover are the crux to Mega Swampert's wallbreaking prowess; Swords Dance provides a significant boost to his already impressive might, easily powering his way through even some of the sturdiest of physical walls, while Recover heals off damage and works as an excellent way to preserve his health. Water Veil was the ability I selected because it fits flavorwise with him being a Water-type and whatnot, and prevents foes such as Rotom-W and Sableye from cutting his attack in half with Will-O-Wisp. Mega Swampert's offensive playstyle performs very differently from regular Swampert's tankish playstyle, really differentiating the two from each other. Having great STAB attacks in Waterfall and Surf, and rounding the coverage off with Ice Punch, Mega Swampert is a Pokemon that must be prepared for, and is one that can destroy offensive and defensive Pokemon with surprising ease.

Mega Noivern

Dragon / Flying ----> Dragon / Dark
Frisk / Infiltrator / Telepathy ----> Tenebrate (from Pikachunn's metagame Metagamiate), Normal-type moves become Dark-type moves and become 30% stronger.
85 / 70 / 80 / 97 / 80 / 123 (535) ----> 85 / 120 / 80 / 120 / 80 / 150 (635)
New Moves: Poison Jab, and Sludge Bomb

This is a Mega Evolution that's very different from its regular form. Mega Noivern really breaks away from his regular form's playstyle, since he now has a new typing and mixed offenses, as well as a sharp increase in Speed. His Tenebrate-powered Boombursts and Returns will make up for the lack of a boosting move and low power compared to most other Mega Evolutions, hitting reliably hard right off the bat (lol I'm so funny). The Dragon / Dark typing serves as excellent STAB coverage, and is only resisted by Fairies, which is why I chose to add Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb to his movepool. It also gives him more switch-in opportunities against Dark- and Ghost-type moves, though losing the Ground immunity kinda stinks. His incredible Speed allows him to run a neutral Speed nature and still outrun base 130s, which further makes up for his so-so power for Mega Evolution standards. At first, I thought I'd make him a pure special attacker, but then I realized that a mixed attacker would be something new, and would be interesting to see this happen. Thanks to his 120 / 120 offenses, Mega Noivern can now threaten both physical and special walls, though his main goal in mind is to destroy offensive teams.
I'm just gonna reserve Zapdos real quick. And I think I'm gonna swipe Machamp, as well.


Sorry for double-post.
Well I'll reserve Ariados since no else did.

Mega Ariados
Bug/Poison -> Bug/Poison (Unchanged)
Abilities: Swarm/Insomnia/Sniper -> Intimidate (Well it is a giant spider with an angry face marking, and the Mega Form should make such features more apparent)
New moves: Glare (If angry face markings aren't any indication)
70/90/70/60/60/40 -> 70/120/80/65/75/70

Probably not viable enough for OU, but can at least set up Sticky Web against certain physical attackers or just paralyze/poison whatever switches in with a 100% accurate Glare or Toxic. Can also hit reasonably hard with Megahorn or Poison Jab.
doing unown \m/

Mega Unown
Psychic ----> Rock/Psychic
Levitate ----> Technician
48/72/48/72/48/48 ---> 48/48/48/108/48/112
Movepool: +Ancient Power, Psychic, Psyshock

gets stab technician ancient power, which is afaik stronger than any special rock move in standard. also you can play mindgames with trading the ground immunity for a weakness. toyed with the idea of giving it wonder guard, but i didn't want to go overboard.
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image.jpg Mega Bisharp

Ability:Super Luck
Move additions:Sacred Sword,Leaf Blade,Drill Run.

Bisharp has always suffered from lack of movepool(come on,who has stone edge on bisharp?).Well,the new moves that come with this Mega Evo fix that.Most of them are either A:a good offensive typing or B:have a high crit ratio.Mega Bisharps ability also makes it more worthwhile to use these,bumping up their crit ratio to the level of Faretch'd with a Stick.To make matters worse,these moves come of a motherf**king 150 base attack.Despite it's low speed,Bisharp's great defenses even let it tank most super-effective hits and react with a coverage move.

image.jpg Mega Ferrothorn
Move additions:Toxic Spikes

Behold,the monstrosity that my imagination has created.Now that Ferrothorn has Heatproof and even better defenses,it can stand up to the Fire-types that used to cream it with it's new ability,which halves the damage from Fire Type moves.It can also go offensive with Knock Off,Gyro Ball,Power Whip,and even Bulldoze backed by a base 114 attack.It can also wall almost any offensive threat with 74/181/135 defenses,leaving it with nearly no counters bar fighting types.If you think this is OP,don't blame me,blame my psychokinetic mind.
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Mega Linoone
Typing: Normal ----> Unchanged
Abilities: Pickup/Gluttony/Quick Feet ----> Scrappy
Stats: 78/70/61/50/61/100(420) ----> 78/125/80/50/80/117(520)
New Moves: Taunt, Encore, Disable

Concept: Mega Linoone is an attempt to fix what was wrong with Linoone in previous generations, its stats and movepool. With a boost to Attack and Speed, Mega Linoone finally has the offensive stats to abuse its unique combination of Belly Drum and Extreme Speed, and it no longer has to worry about ghosts due to Scrappy. Despite its frail 78/80/80 defenses, Mega Linoone can use its new found speed to abuse Taunt, Encore, or Disable, letting it set up on walls or choice locked Pokemon. It gained no new offensive options to its movepool, as Linoone already has access to Extreme Speed, Return, Seed Bomb, Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Pin Missile, Facade, Gunk Shot, and Iron Tail, letting it hit most of the tier neutrally.
doing unown \m/

Mega Unown
Psychic ----> Rock/Psychic
Levitate ----> Technician
48/72/48/72/48/48 ---> 48/48/48/108/48/112
gets stab technician hp rock, which is afaik stronger than any special rock move in standard. also you can play mindgames with trading the ground immunity for a weakness. toyed with the idea of giving it wonder guard, but i didn't want to go overboard.
Still Bad, I would suggest giving it a special version of Huge Power. :3
Perhaps we can give it Ancient Power and Psychic; they both make sense flavor wise and its not like Unown will be overpowering anything anytime soon.
Here I go...

Granbull -> Mega Granbull
Fairy -> Fairy
Intimidate/Quick Feet/Rattled -> Strong Jaw
90/120/75/60/60/45 -> 90/150/100/60/80/70

Our Fairy-type physical attacker is come! The idea is to use either Intimidate or Rattled in order to ease transitioning into the mega form. Intimidate hinders opposing physical attackers, Rattled can give Mega Granbull a well needed speed boost. Since Granbull's Pokedex entries as well as its official art capitalize on its huge jaws, Mega Granbull gets the ability Strong Jaw which it can abuse plenty since it has access to both crunch and the elemental fangs.

A physical attacker with good coverage, power and great defensive typing. Granbull for OU.

Masquerian -> Mega Masquerian
Bug/Flying -> Bug/Water
Intimidate/Unnerve -> Storm Drain
70/60/62/80/82/60 -> 70/60/100/102/100/82

Masquerian gets its long sought revenge against Trollfreak by regaining Surskit's excellent Bug/Water typing as it mega-evolves. A boost in bulk helps Masquerians relative frailty, and a bit more speed and special attack allows it to hit harder.

Now, I was at a loss for what ability M-Masquerian should have. I pondered upon Drizzle, Rain Dish and even Oblivious and while these are all good abilities, to discourage your opponent from using water-attacks in fear of powering up megabug is a good thing.

Masquerian sets up using Intimidate, simple. Since it doesn't have access to Sleep Powder, it doesn't have such an easy time setting up as Butterfree or Vivillon - but surviving a Quiver Dance is what the extra bulk is for. Then, proceed to sweep with Hydro Pump/Bug Buzz.

But it doesn't end there! When in panic - Baton Pass. If your opponent tries to set up - Haze. Running out of health? Roost. Masquerian has a great movepool that's suddenly has become viable.

And finally, M-Masquerian doesn't need a lot of speed - it has Sticky Web. 4MSS ftw.

Altaria -> Mega Altaria
Natural Cure/Cloud Nine -> Serene Grace
75/70/90/70/105/80 -> 75/70/110/120/115/100

The Pokéworld's fluffiest dragon has returned. Altaria needs a buff, and a buff it has recieved. Improved defences makes Altaria more tanky, and it has Cotton Guard to boost this tankiness even further. So that it doesn't die in one hit (except to ice attacks).

Altaria has always been pictured as serene and graceful, so Serene Grace suits it well. But what can Altaria abuse with this ability? Well, Altaria learned a new trick this gen: Moonblast. A 95 BP attack with 60% chance to lower your opponents Sp.Atk? Oh lawd. So why not make Ataria's type into Fairy/Flying or Dragon/Fairy and remove a crippling 4X ice weakness? I thought it would be too op - but if people disagree I guess a type change could work.

Altaria can also abuse a nice 60% burn chance Flamethrower. Physical attackers beware. A 20% freeze chance Ice Beam? Things are getting kind of scary.

So, tl;dr: Mega Granbull makes Granbull useful, Mega Masquerian makes Masquerian useful (and I'm open for changing its ability to Rain Dish, Drizzle or Oblivious) and Mega Altaria makes Altaria scarily potent, unless you're packing ice attacks.
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