VGC '11 United Kingdom National - Birmingham - June 4th - WON BY RubeNCB92 & Plusle

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Planned out my team last night and found the fourth member for my troupe who'll be coming with me. :P
Since I won't be in cosplay any more, since it wasn't finished, I'll just be bringing an army of Yoshi mascots so I'm easily recognisable. XD

I'm expecting two of my friends to lose in Rd 1, while the other will probably get to Rd 3 or 4. I'll... probably lose Rd 2 but will hope to get further? :P
...Now just to get the Pokes for my team. ;_;
Anyone who went last year, what time is the event likely to end? I'm booking train tickets and can get it cheaper if I know what time I'll be returning.
Last year, finals and the awards ceremony bit finished at around 6pm or just before that. Since we have an extra round this year, I would say any train time after 7pm is a good bet.
Thanks GEC, I'm now booked and ready for Saturday. Just need to EV one more team member and then I'm good to go. I'm arriving in Birmingham at 8:30 and by the time I find hall 8 I reckon it'll be 9:15, so I'll be watching the Juniors and Seniors until I see signs of a queue forming. Good luck all.
Well, I never got round to making a team after all. Been spending my time playing the classic Final Fantasy games instead. So actually I probably won't come. Good luck to all those who are going.
I shall be there, getting there at like 8am as my friends are in the Seniors whereas I'm in the Masters so.... :P
But yeah, should be fun :) Lost in the 1st round last year but hoping to do better!
Well, I never got round to making a team after all. Been spending my time playing the classic Final Fantasy games instead. So actually I probably won't come. Good luck to all those who are going.

Well if you aren't playing pokemon then Final Fantasy is a 1st class replacement :naughty:
team almost ready, just unsure whether i should have Trick Room set up, or Volcarona sweep, since i can alternate between the two, and have now thought of nearly every outcome, including (for some reason) Fake Out, Signal Beam shiny Liepard and Trick Room, Hyper Beam Gothitelle. Yeah, i was tired last night
Maaaaan I wish Nick McCord was our commentator.

That would be amazing!!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there on Saturday I will take my chance now to wish you all the best of luck and hope you all do as well as you possibly can!

Fingers crossed my anti TR team will sweep lol.........
stephen fry anyone? 'ooh! look at cute little Glaucomys sabrinus, look how it soars gracefully through cyber air, it's furry face grimacing with disdain as it lands, but it's back up again! oh, and now it charges and launches it's electrical ball attack! such skill and grace! come on lads, lets thrash these skallywags and report back to premier inn for ginger beer and scotch eggs with the delightful black man that hangs around here looking angry, Lenny of Henry!'
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