New and "creative" moveset/EV spread thread "Mark 2"

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Moveset Name: "SunDeavor"
Move 1: Endeavor
Move 2: Leaf Storm
Move 3: Hidden Power (Ground / Fire / Ice) / Encore
Move 4: Sludge Bomb / Encore
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Solar Power / Chlorophyll
Nature(s): Quiet / Modest
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 Sp. Atk

Well this is similar to Endeavor Sceptile and F.E.A.R. combined, minus Quick Attack, but comes with a few other things. First, this Sunflora is designed to be slower to take a hit then endeavor right back. Unfortunately, it can't do much after that, however it does pave way for Technitop to pick off the weakened pokemon late game. After Sunflora endeavors it can come back with trick room aid and solar power if you wish to do a mighty Leaf Storm suicide attack (210 base power move with STAB coming off about a 508 special attack with Solar Power) though Leaf Storm is still amazing all on its own. Hidden Power Fire/Grass are for other Grasses and Altiara, but thats predictable and boring, I prefer Hidden Power Ground. Hidden Power Ground is amazing in UU and suprises Fire types, demolishes Rock / Steel types, but it is walled by most grass types. That's where Sludge Bomb comes in, killing most Grass types while scoring a neutral on Grass / Poisons. Encore is also a choice in case your opponent trys to set up or status you or somehow suspects endeavor. Well that's all the positives now for the negatives: Dies to Hail, Sandstorm, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, and gets crippled by statuses (Excluding Thunder Wave). Hope you like it :pimp:.
Focus KO subber
puer power @life orb/leftover/salac berry
-focus punch
-psycho cut/elemental punch
-elemental punches
with most chams running scarf, ppl'll switch away while you
sub or focus punch. i've been using it for a while, it can OHKO max hp, some defense forry or skarm, can KO or do over 90% to pert while it SR, can OHKO suicune.Very powerful!

Moveset Name: Stealth Rocks Heatran? 0_o Plus Metal Sound or something
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Metal Sound
Move 3: Fire Blast/Lava Plume
Move 4: HP Grass/Ice
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature(s): Tmid/Modest
EVs: 252 Sp Atk./128 Speed/128 HP

Some kind of insane mish-mash of Heatran's moves? I dunno, just wanted to see if peeps thought this would work... I'm terrible at EVs, so maybe someone can help meh out. Thought it would be cool to have a Timid, faster Heatran that could Metal Sound incoming counters, then throw Stealth rocks up as they run for the hills. Meh?
Hi guys, this is a repost of my Purugly lead, mostly to report my playtest findings (albeit about 4 BL matches....) The verdict: I highly encourage people to try it in other environments! The surprise factor obviously plays a big role in the set's effectiveness, so.

I'm building a new BL team as my alternate since I'm starting to see the same people on the server, and I came up with an interesting lead. In theory, it could work in standard even better than in BL, so I thought I might as well post it.

Purugly @ Lum Berry/Wide Lens
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 18 HP/252 Atk/240 Spd
(Please see below for alternate spreads.)
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt
- Hypnosis
- U-turn
No, Persian cannot learn Sucker Punch, and it has less attack. I made this for BL play, this could possibly work in standard if you're daring and good at prediction. If you don't want Lum Berry for status, use Wide Lens so Hypnosis doesn't screw you over at the worst possible moment. I'm thinking about gearing towards a bulkier spread and Adamant, as this is designed to outrun Jolly Base 110's this shouldn't be switching in to anyways. Taunt set-ups you're faster than, and if you're not, put them to sleep and U-turn out. If they're faster and try to Taunt you, or if they're too bulky to hurt much with Sucker Punch (as is probably the case early in the game, combined with Purugly's only average attack), U-turn to an appropriate counter to force them out and give yourself a free turn as they switch out (U-turn also ruins their Sash if they're carrying it). Later in the game, this can help clean up and finish off your opponent's more troublesome late-game sweepers, after entry hazards, and crippled walls. Purugly, as the bastard child of the prom king and queen of the balanced tiers, Persian and Blissey, has an easier time switching in due to Thick Fat. Lure out those Ice and Fire moves, cripple one of your opponent's Pokemon by putting them asleep, and reign havoc.
EDIT;; Ok, I was working on more spreads. It's hard to use Adamant, which will only outrun the most common base 95 leads in BL (Drapion, Leafeon, sometimes Arcanine). Of course, later in the game, there are plenty of key base 95 Pokemon that you will see in both BL and OU that Purugly can take on well (while researching this, I realized that this is one of the best Jynx counters in the game). Use the spread above only if you're tantamount to outrunning all Gengars but Scarfgar.
For OU: Jolly, 34 HP/252 Att/224 Speed
This spread will outrun everything up to and including Infernape, of course excluding Scarfers. Infernape reaches a maximum of 346 speed, and this reaches 347. Infernape will not CC you the first turn (most likely, as they expect a switch), and of course its other STAB is resisted, so it's a great cut-off point. The only faster Pokemon who will give you major trouble are Aero (some will attack you, and Sucker Punch does paltry damage, but even risking a Hypnosis, they will get their SR down), Ambipom and Persian, the latter two whom you will rarely see in OU. Both are the reasons why I don't suggest this set for UU, and why I mentioned that this would work better in standard than in BL.

For BL: Jolly, 58 HP/252 Att/200 Speed
I personally used this spread.
This first spread outruns everything up to and including the base 105's (Rapidash, Mismagius, also Scyther and Lopunny if you ever see them). Standard Espyjump cannot outrun you, and while Sucker Punch will only 2HKO back, it can't OHKO you with an unboosted Psychic either. Beating it will require good prediction, but 9 times out of ten, it will underestimate you and CM expecting Hypnosis (BL leads will traditionally set up without Subbing until they absorb status with Lum Berry), stay in to be Taunted, and take big damage from Sucker Punch. The only other 110 lead that can outrun you is Froslass, but you resist both STABs: worst case scenario is that it will set up Spikes (obviously due to Sucker Punch, Specs Thunderbolt isn't a problem). Again, only Ambipom will give you problems. Lum Berry is a good idea here if you're afraid of Crobat.

I produce a small example to judge for yourself:

Chovo sent out Smeargle (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).
AoK sent out The Fatass Badass (lvl 100 Purugly ?).
The Fatass Badass used Taunt.
Smeargle fell for the taunt!
Smeargle used Spore.
Smeargle can't use Spore after the taunt!
Chovo switched in Electrode (lvl 100 Electrode).
The Fatass Badass used Hypnosis.
Electrode fell asleep!
Electrode is fast asleep!
The Fatass Badass used U-turn.
Electrode lost 33% of its health.
Chovo: nice name
AoK: Of course.
AoK switched in Boat Eater (lvl 100 Feraligatr ?).
Electrode is fast asleep!
Boat Eater used Dragon Dance.
Boat Eater's attack was raised.
Boat Eater's speed was raised.

While Persian is faster, I already mentioned that Purugly has a surprise factor behind its back. Note that the opponent Spored while I Taunted, expecting a Hypnosis or something along those lines. After crippling another of their team (Electrode was the only member of their team that outsped Purugly, I believe that was the reason for the switch-in), I proceed to set up on them! Now that's a good way to start a match. I also failed to mention that with Taunt and Hypnosis, Purugly can safely switch to that Pokemon, so it's also good. Everything else I said in my analysis happened much the same in the rest of the playtests (actually, Aero didn't prove to be as much of a problem as I thought...)

I also must find that log where it was "stalled" against Mesprit....a slightly crippled one (~70%) killed my Gatr late in the match, and while they T-bolt for ~61% (Sleep Clause was on and yes, Vespiquen was also dead), Sucker Punch did 35% per turn and promptly killed it. I lost closely soon after, but it would have been much worse were it not for this thing late in the match.

I will playtest more and produce more logs to post. It's late and I'm lazy for now, so yeah.
Trick Room support Starmie.

Starmie @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Hp/ 92 Def/ 176 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk - Atk)
-Trick Room
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam / Thunderbolt

I use this set for my Trick Room and I'm pretty happy with it. It's the Only Pokemon that can spin and set up TR . This may look strange but Starmie being fast actually helps. Allowing me to hit stuff like Celebi, Suicune and Heracross before they set up.

Rapid Spin is always helpful on a TR team because you usually use frail Pokemon that require sashes or help keep the OHKOs at that, one hit. Ice beam is if you already got Suicune and Gyara handled an Thunderbolt if you got Garchomp handled (This Starmie outspeeds standard Garchomp in Trick Room.)

EVs just to help its bulkyness and to help it's ability to switch in on Fighting moves or Earthquakes.
Persian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Switcheroo
- Taunt
- Hypnosis
- U-turn

I'd really like some more feedback on this set...
Trick Room support Starmie.

Starmie @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Hp/ 92 Def/ 176 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk - Atk)
-Trick Room
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam / Thunderbolt​

I use this set for my Trick Room and I'm pretty happy with it. It's the Only Pokemon that can spin and set up TR . This may look strange but Starmie being fast actually helps. Allowing me to hit stuff like Celebi, Suicune and Heracross before they set up.​

Rapid Spin is always helpful on a TR team because you usually use frail Pokemon that require sashes or help keep the OHKOs at that, one hit. Ice beam is if you already got Suicune and Gyara handled an Thunderbolt if you got Garchomp handled (This Starmie outspeeds standard Garchomp in Trick Room.)​

EVs just to help its bulkyness and to help it's ability to switch in on Fighting moves or Earthquakes.​
Claydol can spin and trick room also.
Persian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Switcheroo
- Taunt
- Hypnosis
- U-turn

I'd really like some more feedback on this set...
Well, the set is really MEANT for Persian. Alakazam can trick, Crobat can Hypnosis and U-turn, but Persian can do both, outruning both Gengar and Infernape. However, you really only need 216 speed EVs, since I doubt you'll be facing Scarfed Azelf or Starmie as a lead.
Trick Room support Starmie.

Starmie @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Hp/ 92 Def/ 176 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk - Atk)
-Trick Room
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam / Thunderbolt

I use this set for my Trick Room and I'm pretty happy with it. It's the Only Pokemon that can spin and set up TR . This may look strange but Starmie being fast actually helps. Allowing me to hit stuff like Celebi, Suicune and Heracross before they set up.

Rapid Spin is always helpful on a TR team because you usually use frail Pokemon that require sashes or help keep the OHKOs at that, one hit. Ice beam is if you already got Suicune and Gyara handled an Thunderbolt if you got Garchomp handled (This Starmie outspeeds standard Garchomp in Trick Room.)

EVs just to help its bulkyness and to help it's ability to switch in on Fighting moves or Earthquakes.
wouldn't quiet be the superior nature
Actually, I doubt Trick Room Starmie would work. Without a +Spe Nature, Garchomp, Infernape, and Gengar shit on you, while base 100s will tie. Granted, most of those things will expect you to be faster, but I don't think the surprise factor is good enough to warrant the use of Trick Room. Also, Starmie's base 115 Speed hurts it in Trick Room. The Base 100s will still tie, while real TR threats like Rampardos will force a switch. Not only that, but base 90s (Lucario and Porygon-Z) outspeed you in Trick Room IF you ran 252 Spe to beat Gengar.
Oh shit, I didn't know Claydol could Set up TR. @ mailman I didnt really see the benefits of a + speed nature or + Def/SpD so I just went for Modest. @ Tracker I see your point but I usually set up on something slower than me, and Starmies natural cure ability comes in handy once in a while. Claydol Seems better though as it can Explode. Thanks for the feedback guys.
Could there be such a thing as a viable Special Att Aggron?

Modest nature with Life Orb should Agrron's base SpAtt at around 90 or just under. With EVs at 252 in SpAtt, 252 Def and 4 into you stat of choice.

-Ice Beam

If your team already has rain support you could this set to hit just a little harder:

-Ice Beam
-Thunderwave (for switch-ins)

This could actually be a viable special attacker and take advantage of Aggron's massive special movepool
^ No, because of Aggron's "great" base 60 Special Attack. Nidoking does whatever you're trying to accomplish better. =/
Suicide Azu!
-perish song
-aqua jet
-focus punch
This set may look weird, but it's good for bring in your sweeper that needs to set up, set up perish and protect, attack until perish reach one, then you can decide if you want to switch to be safe and use it for later or cripple what ever that comes in with focus punch, it's pretty fun to use! Or you could use this as an anti-suicide lead, focus punch while the suicide lead sets up SR, then aqua jet away for the kill.
Suicide Azu!
-perish song
-aqua jet
-focus punch
This set may look weird, but it's good for bring in your sweeper that needs to set up, set up perish and protect, attack until perish reach one, then you can decide if you want to switch to be safe and use it for later or cripple what ever that comes in with focus punch, it's pretty fun to use! Or you could use this as an anti-suicide lead, focus punch while the suicide lead sets up SR, then aqua jet away for the kill.
Azu as in Azumarill? Anyways this set wouldn't work without a trapper to baton pass to Azumarill. Why is it's nature impish if you invest no defence evs in it?
Suicide Azu!
-perish song
-aqua jet
-focus punch
This set may look weird, but it's good for bring in your sweeper that needs to set up, set up perish and protect, attack until perish reach one, then you can decide if you want to switch to be safe and use it for later or cripple what ever that comes in with focus punch, it's pretty fun to use! Or you could use this as an anti-suicide lead, focus punch while the suicide lead sets up SR, then aqua jet away for the kill.

That set could be good if you paired it up with a trapping pokemon such as Umbreon, or dugtrio. But it gets walled again by constant switching and taunt users.
why sacrifice yourself to kill pokemon when you can just attack them and kill them and then live to switch in again and kill more pokemon? I mean, seriously, if you have mean look passing you may as well go to like ddgyara and get 3 or 4 dd's in and sweep instead. too much setup when the thing can already kill on its own

Moveset Name: Stealth Rocks Heatran? 0_o Plus Metal Sound or something
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Metal Sound
Move 3: Fire Blast/Lava Plume
Move 4: HP Grass/Ice
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature(s): Tmid/Modest
EVs: 252 Sp Atk./128 Speed/128 HP

Some kind of insane mish-mash of Heatran's moves? I dunno, just wanted to see if peeps thought this would work... I'm terrible at EVs, so maybe someone can help meh out. Thought it would be cool to have a Timid, faster Heatran that could Metal Sound incoming counters, then throw Stealth rocks up as they run for the hills. Meh?

No one ever said anything about mine... guess it sucks, lol...
Suicide Azu!
-perish song
-aqua jet
-focus punch
This set may look weird, but it's good for bring in your sweeper that needs to set up, set up perish and protect, attack until perish reach one, then you can decide if you want to switch to be safe and use it for later or cripple what ever that comes in with focus punch, it's pretty fun to use! Or you could use this as an anti-suicide lead, focus punch while the suicide lead sets up SR, then aqua jet away for the kill.

It's suppose to make your opponent and you do a double switch so that you can bring in your sweeper safely, it works wonderfully in my team since i have 3 sweepers that are completely different. And you can change the Evs and nature any way you want, don't care. And i don't pair it with trap passer since i use it to stop phazers, i just don't feel like killing them with a song..............

But ya, the set is LOL and novelty.LOL

And meh to things you ppl say!

Just don't the feeling of the only azu who sings! :(
bleh. on the note of forcing switches and making use of them, here's a midgame infernape I use now and then.

jolly, 252 attack, 252 speed
stealth rock
close combat

forces switches by use of encore, or just being a threatening pokemon, and makes use of the time by setting up sr. after sr is up, you can force switches and then u-turn out, providing you with favourable matchups and scouting. really fun. close combat is there for when infernape actually needs to carry out his threat sometimes.
Pretty random set.

Tuff Tears (Also WishTears)
Fake Tears
Hyper Voice
Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball/Ice Beam
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252/0/28/200/28/0

Wigglytuff has something other Fake Tears don't, 140 base HP and Wish. Hyper Voice for 90 base power special STAB, then the last move for coverage, and so Ghosts don't wall it. Leftovers for recovery, and LO for additional damage.
yuck yuck yuck emovap (if that's the name for it) and emojolt do it better for obvoius reasons!
I don't think that someone is insane enough to use Wigglytuff in OU tier if you compare it to Jolteon ;). I'm sure that set is for UU/NU play. I see it working especially in NU, in which can be kinda threatening with lack of fighters there to hit hard Wigglytuff. I'll try it someday, looks fun to use.
bleh. on the note of forcing switches and making use of them, here's a midgame infernape I use now and then.

jolly, 252 attack, 252 speed
stealth rock
close combat

forces switches by use of encore, or just being a threatening pokemon, and makes use of the time by setting up sr. after sr is up, you can force switches and then u-turn out, providing you with favourable matchups and scouting. really fun. close combat is there for when infernape actually needs to carry out his threat sometimes.
I tried encore Infernape but with sub,encore,swords dance and fire punch but that was when everyone lead with bronzong and Gyarados.
I've been meaning to use Xatu for a long time, and I finally found the opportunity while I was building yet another team. Xatu has a ridiculously good utility/support movepool, and above average speed to back it up so I explored ways to get rid of one of the reasons people don't use it too much: its fragility. Xatu learns Guard Swap, and paired with its speed, which is comfortably better than most walls, it is certainly a viable choice even though the rest of its movepool was pretty tempting for me. Xatu isn't used too much, Guard Swap even lesser used, and although I realize that Alakazam or Medicham would make better use of the move in BL, it still possesses the crushing power of surprise and a far wider pool of Pokemon to target as a result. It could also be used in UU unlike the former two, so.

(I got this image off Google, so. xD It ain't mine!)

John Redcorn (Xatu) (M) @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 248 HP/10 SpA/252 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Psychic
- Guard Swap
- Thunder Wave/Calm Mind
- Roost/Baton Pass

Synchronize and Chesto Berry ensure that random statuses do not ruin this set, Chesto Berry over Lum Berry so it does not activate on a move you don't want it to. Of course, Lum Berry is perfectly usable if you want to switch this in on a status and leave the opponent witha nasty surprise after the Synchronize.
Throwing everything into Speed and HP is a given for this set; due to Xatu's SR weakness, HP should be an odd number. It's also possible Xatu will be switching into SR, as many of the walls/tanks it switches into pack it. While your opponent may lol at you or be suspicious that you're switching in a Xatu to their most crucial wall, imagine their surprise as they are suddenly rendered nearly helpless after Guard Swap gives them Xatu's flimsy defenses (actually, several walls have poor HP)!

The rest of the set was my preference. It was so hard to decide what to do, really. Thunder Wave cripples whatever sweeper or non-Ground type that tries to switch in. Roost is the obligatory auto-heal that's nice for this "bulky" annoyer set, since statuses are somewhat taken care of.
If you choose not to run T-wave, then CM in their face. As they switch in a counter or something that makes Xatu run, Baton Pass away the boosts to something else that will really prize you getting away with one or two CMs. Yes, I do know that Guard Swap is not passed.

Honestly, the last two slots can be mixed and matched with nearly anything else in Xatu's movepool, such as DS, Wish, U-turn, etc. Hell, I'm still trying to think of what should be the definite set to use whilst playtesting, so...yeah.

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