Speed is fun - 'till it kills!

Excellent formatting, good humor, and an interesting battle, even though the error that PK pointed out could have cost you the game. Overall was a very pleasant read, and that Haxorus rage pic made me laugh entirely too hard.

One other major error I noticed was how you initially handled Quagsire. I'm not entirely sure what you were aiming to achieve by swapping in something that Quagsire walls out, but it seems to have worked out in the end.

9/10, if only because of those two major errors.
Very, very fun. This is maybe the first warstory I've thought "I am genuinely interested in hearing how he describes the next move." I've given stories 10/10 commentary for less than this. Are you sure English isn't your native language?

The formatting was also excellent, very clear and understandable without unnecessary pomp. I look forward to future works from you. Seriously, I think this made my day.
This is... surprisingly good. Also, just to echo the sentiments of other users, I really liked the formatting. My favourite match-up was definitely Blaziken vs. Scizor (Who would've guessed, Tailwind!). The ending was nicely done too, good job :)
Leaving your Scizor in on Blaziken was a gutsy move.

One comment about formatting: I'd like to see the number of remaining Pokemon after each KO.
So far, the best 5th gen warstory, IMO. (sorry Vex =/)
It's nice to see that the level of the warstories is getting higher and higher (:

keep it up, bro
Yup, that was very excellent. More than anything else, it was really quite fun to read! That's not to say the battle was not great, though; it was a pretty cool match, and neither of you really seemed to have the win for the majority of the game, which makes for an interesting battle. It's also great to see unorthodox sets that actually work.

I look forward to reading more of your warstories, if it's as enjoyable for you to write them as it was to read this one.

This warstory seriously competes for the best one I've read this gen. It wasn't perfect, but my god it was fantastic. Your dealing with Blaz was simply amazing - Tailwind Scizor + Sub Mienshao was hilariously epic, and definitely the highlight of the warstory. Your commentary was great throughout, your format almost spot-on, and nice touches in the Haxorus ragepicture XD, the team preview screenie, and item mentions in brackets.

Personally there wasn't anything I expressly disliked about the format and the commentary - my only mild grievance is with the battle itself, which whilst thoroughly entertaining wasn't the amazing display of incredible skill and prediction it could've been - but admittedly this somehow adds to the charm a little, which is great, so it isn't much of an issue at all.

But yeah, if you have other teams as original as this one, and get another good+amusing battle, I'd love to see another warstory from you! Great job.

Really glad you enjoyed the read - I know I'm not the best battler out there by far, but even blind hens can find something slightly amusing on occasions :] And I cannot guarantee that I will post another warstory on here due to my fear of being torn apart from better battlers, but if I find something I deem good enough I'll try! Thanks again!

I really liked the warstory. There were some comments that didnt make much sense but that might just be because I'm tired. Most did make sense though and were very good. Also, the battle was good and interesting, the formating was good and it was funny at times. 8.5/10

Thank you :] I know that some of it might not make sense (like not killing off Tar at the beginning, derp), but I tried to reflect my thought process as accurately as possible, and admittedly I do not always choose the best option. Regardless, I'm glad you liked it.

what a good warstory, really nice man, 9/10


Excellent format and comments, you definitely put effort into writing this. Interesting battle too. Well done.

Glad to hear that you think so! :]


Amazing warstory man; great battle and excellent commentary!

Thanks a lot! :]

Praise the lord, a warstory I'm actually glad I read.

Thanks! Hopefully you'll not regret reading other warstories in the future as well :]

Fantastic warstory, one of the best I've read, seriously!! 10/10

I think you need to broaden your horizons a bit XD Regardless, thank you!

Very nice warstory, some gutsy predictions there. (Woulda been less close if you hadn't sacked half your team =P)

Thank you! And yes, I know, derp! I severely underestimated Mienshao's bulk (I've always thought of it as having the defenses of Sharpedo, really), but I really panicked and did what I thought was the best option at the time :x

i really love your movesets bro...
it's nice to see that other people like to use banded rivalry boosted outrages with their haxorus...
definitely one of the best warstories of this generation...

Nothing like smashing through half a weather team with a Tailwind boosted Haxorus ;] Thanks!

Like everyone else before me, great warstory, definitely above par and the usual stuff that ha been in Dragonspiral. Good show, a jolly good show.

Glad to hear it! Perhaps even the show will go on, one day.. ;]

Excellent warstory, the comments were very in-depth without rambling and the battle was certainly entertaining bolstered by a nice sense of humour (Hax vs derpfish). I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and hope to see more from you in the future.

Considering how the main thing keeping me from posting my warstories on smogon is mainly how I've feared you ripping me to shreds due to my misplays, I can safely say that that myth is busted on my behalf, so who knows, you might see more of me! Thanks for reading and commenting! :]


Excellent thought process, awesome alternate movesets, use of tailwind, funny bits made me laugh without overpowering the story itself, all in all just well done sir!

9.5/10. This is what most warstories should aspire too.

Also, to adress your forward, your english is rather excellent so you could probably take that part out if you wanted to. ;D

The english bit stays if it saves me from flaming :P Regardless, thank you for your kind words. :]

When I saw your warstory was your 4th post here in Smogon, I was skeptical about its quality...

And... It was amazing. Unorthodox strategies (Tailwind Scizor, Haxorus) which worked well, great commentary and formatting with sprites and percentages and... I can't continue.

Format: 10/10
Battle: 9/10
Commentary: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

Never judge a book by its cover, eh? ;] Thanks for commenting and reading! :]

Excellent Warstory. Original and effective, bravo. 10/10

Thank you! :] O for orginality, right?


Best warstory of gen 5 IMO. Great job

10/10. Only minor improvement could be the battle, but no battles are perfect.

Thank you, it means a lot to me :] And hopefully we'll all get see the perfect battle posted on here as well (though probably not by me lol) ;]

Great warstory, great narration, great format and graphics. Most of all, great originality; Very refreshing to see a battle that isn't the same cliche pokes every time.


Nothing like not playing Platinum, eh? ;] Thank you!

This is the first warstory I have read from beginning to end this generation. Good job. :)

And here I worried about the warstory being too short for general standards :x Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! :]

I liked this warstory. The comments were pretty good and you explained your though process pretty well.

My only nitpick is at the beginning: you rationalize that Ttar might be scarfed, so why switch out? It has a 0% chance of OHKOing Mienshao with Superpower, and you cleanly OHKO with a fighting move. Stone edge doesn't come close to OHKOing. I think you underestimated its defenses. You made a bunch of other mistakes, but this one stood out the most. Its really important that do calcs before you make assumptions because they can screw you over.

Other than that, it was a solid warstory. It was very pretty, easy to read and humorous too.


Yeah, I realized in hindsight that I underestimated Mienshao's bulk at the beginning >:<. Sadly I don't run calcs on every single move (which I probably should in situations like that, I agree. Derrrpp) Regardless, thanks a lot for enjoying it. I'm glad to hear that you managed to get past my mistakes, and I'm really thankful for you not slaughtering me :x Thanks for reading! :]

That warstory made me want to murder Scizors in my sleep. Well, moreso than I already want to. But all in all, good show. That was really an interesting match.

Trust me, as do I, though only some of them (the ones with tailwind are pretty cool ;]) Thank you!

Great warstory. Good comments, good gameplay, and it entertained. Was formatted and neat, and I liked the uniqueness of your team ^^

Thanks a lot! :] The unique-ness should probably be credited to whoever did the Ho-oh Uber analysis (the name escapes me atm), where I saw that Tailwind got a boost this gen, so I figured that it was *just* useable enough to try out.

This was well presented and solid, though my comments all echo PK's. He said it best that you made quite a few very serious mistakes throughout the match that nearly cost you the match several times. That said, you still did pretty well, used some fun sets to make it interesting, and presented the warstory exceptionally. Good job, and I'll definitely be back to read more from you should you post any.

Comebacks are the most fun victories, aye? :] Thanks for reading and not slaughtering me as you probably could've done. It means a lot to me that you people are willing to read whatever I manage to write up, it really does.

Vexatious, you have been topped. Simply amazing (Roxas)! 10/10

Somehow I doubt that I'm able to top Vex XD Thanks for the kind compliment regardless! :]

Very nice warstory, keep 'em coming! This should be a decent standard for 5th gen warstories in the future.


Now, that is entirely too much :x Regardless, thanks a lot for reading! :]

Yup, that was very excellent. More than anything else, it was really quite fun to read! That's not to say the battle was not great, though; it was a pretty cool match, and neither of you really seemed to have the win for the majority of the game, which makes for an interesting battle. It's also great to see unorthodox sets that actually work.

I look forward to reading more of your warstories, if it's as enjoyable for you to write them as it was to read this one.

Perhaps I should start posting in the "creative and GOOD movesets"? haha :p Regardless, thanks a lot. Nothing like beating Rotom-W with HP Fire because you Tailwind and U-Turn out of it EVERY time, for instance ;] Thanks for reading! :]

Excellent formatting, good humor, and an interesting battle, even though the error that PK pointed out could have cost you the game. Overall was a very pleasant read, and that Haxorus rage pic made me laugh entirely too hard.

One other major error I noticed was how you initially handled Quagsire. I'm not entirely sure what you were aiming to achieve by swapping in something that Quagsire walls out, but it seems to have worked out in the end.

9/10, if only because of those two major errors.

Hindsight is a bitch, I know XD Glad to see that someone else than me actually got a laugh out of the ragepic as well :] In regards to Quaggy, I went to Scizor mainly to avoid the potential Toxic, as I figured that with Scizor + SS + no recovery it would get worn down entirely too fast, hence why I tried to minimize the chances of it actually getting statused, as I was quite confident in it being able to maul the hell out of even a +1 Quagsire.
Regardless, thanks for reading! :]

Very, very fun. This is maybe the first warstory I've thought "I am genuinely interested in hearing how he describes the next move." I've given stories 10/10 commentary for less than this. Are you sure English isn't your native language?

The formatting was also excellent, very clear and understandable without unnecessary pomp. I look forward to future works from you. Seriously, I think this made my day.

:] Makes me happy to know that you wanted to read my scribblings :] You guys are making MY day now with all your kind responses. seriously.

This is... surprisingly good. Also, just to echo the sentiments of other users, I really liked the formatting. My favourite match-up was definitely Blaziken vs. Scizor (Who would've guessed, Tailwind!). The ending was nicely done too, good job :)

Similiar to the 'Cool Rain' warstory, eh? ;] Thanks a lot for reading!

Leaving your Scizor in on Blaziken was a gutsy move.

One comment about formatting: I'd like to see the number of remaining Pokemon after each KO.

I got a little hasty in posting it and forgot about it, but I will update it when I've got the time with a poke-counter, no worries. Thanks for reading! :]

So far, the best 5th gen warstory, IMO. (sorry Vex =/)
It's nice to see that the level of the warstories is getting higher and higher (:

keep it up, bro

Evolution is a sweet thing :] Thanks a lot! (though I disagree on being better than Vex lol)

@ All of you, I'm really grateful for your kind words (even though some did go slightly overboard with your praise lol) Thanks for reading and commenting, it means a lot to me, really.
First of all, great job on the warstory. I found the battle really interesting. Yes, it wasn't perfect, but the fact that you didn't have a boring team kept my attention and you made some really great predictions and bold moves, which more than made up for any mistakes.

Also, that Haxorus / Quagsire bit was hilarious.
Wow, that "My Scizor has a move I'm not going to tell you about but it actually matters" not only didn't look extremely annoying, but it actually did make me a bit frustrated because I wanted to know your secret move...But I do admit it made it more awesome when you actually pulled it off.
Fantastic warstory, a good battle that where you never were sure who was going to win, lots of great plays and creative strategies.

Also if I'm not mistaken not a single crit. I don't know why we don't just get rid of the damn things already.

Its really important that do calcs before you make assumptions because they can screw you over.

I liken doing calcs to using a dictionary in Scrabble, it takes ages, shows no skill on your part and is generally annoying to the opponent. I don't care if you do it occasionally, but how much damage a Bullet Punch is something you should get a feel for with experience, not run to a calculator for.
9.0 out of ten is very near perfect. I mean, who else would run Tailwind (on three Pokemon out of six, no less!) in a singles!? This war story is a very good candidate for the standard for future BW war stories, albeit by no means perfectly.
I came into this thread wondering about all the Luvdiscs this warstory was getting. Now I see why. Basically, I'm echoing what everyone else has said. Excellent battle, excellent everything else. Despite a couple of minor errors, this is up there as one of the best warstories on Smogon, imo. Congratulations, you deserved it. 10/10 +1 Luvdisc.
So I herd u liek Tailwind

A gimmick team that is actually great. The Haxorus pic was epic, and the Mienshao one--


Leaving your Scizor in on Blaziken was a gutsy move.

One comment about formatting: I'd like to see the number of remaining Pokemon after each KO.

Replying to this again (and I'm apologizing for bumping it) because now it is ACTUALLY UPDATED with what I'd like to call a POKÉ-COUNTER! ;] Hopefully it doesn't look too shabby.

First of all, great job on the warstory. I found the battle really interesting. Yes, it wasn't perfect, but the fact that you didn't have a boring team kept my attention and you made some really great predictions and bold moves, which more than made up for any mistakes.

Also, that Haxorus / Quagsire bit was hilarious.

Thank you! Really glad you liked it, especially the HaxSire part XD

I luved the Outrage part. XD

You better! Thanks! :]

Amazingly awesome =)


Thank you! :]


Wow, that "My Scizor has a move I'm not going to tell you about but it actually matters" not only didn't look extremely annoying, but it actually did make me a bit frustrated because I wanted to know your secret move...But I do admit it made it more awesome when you actually pulled it off.

Next time on unorthodox ways of killing off Blaziken, FEINT SCIZOR! jkjk
Thanks for reading! :]

Fantastic warstory, a good battle that where you never were sure who was going to win, lots of great plays and creative strategies.

Also if I'm not mistaken not a single crit. I don't know why we don't just get rid of the damn things already.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :]

fuckin good warstory, my props to ya

Props to you too for reading! :]

9.0 out of ten is very near perfect. I mean, who else would run Tailwind (on three Pokemon out of six, no less!) in a singles!? This war story is a very good candidate for the standard for future BW war stories, albeit by no means perfectly.

I know, soso gimmicky XD Not complaining about the results though, and I love catching my opponents off guard. Thanks for reading! :]

I came into this thread wondering about all the Luvdiscs this warstory was getting. Now I see why. Basically, I'm echoing what everyone else has said. Excellent battle, excellent everything else. Despite a couple of minor errors, this is up there as one of the best warstories on Smogon, imo. Congratulations, you deserved it. 10/10 +1 Luvdisc.

Really glad you think so! :] Hopefully I'll improve as a battler/find another decent battle eventually so that I can proceed to entertain you guys some more.

So I herd u liek Tailwind

A gimmick team that is actually great. The Haxorus pic was epic, and the Mienshao one--





(seriously though, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a decent Mienshao pic that isn't about human penises and how it endorses them? jeeez)

And thanks for reading XD

fuckin' brilliant. 10/10

Jolly good, ol' chap. Glad you liked it :]

and in case you missed the statement above;



(seriously though, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a decent Mienshao pic that isn't about human penises and how it endorses them? jeeez)

And thanks for reading XD

I feel like sigging that XD

although you could have used the generic Mienshao art from Bulbapedia. :/

(waits for the next warstory where the MVP is a Gardevoir)