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What poke is a good phazer for a rain team?

I find that Milotic works well, even in OU as a phazer with Dragon Tail.

Milotic @ Flame Orb
Nature: Calm
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpDef/4 Def
-Dragon Tail
assuming you are referring to the onsite analyses, meloetta is NOT divided into two forms. the reason is because the two forms of meloetta are the same pokemon as opposed to darmanitan (two different abilities) and the rotom family. they will be listed under one common name because meloetta requires an in-battle move to transform into its other form.

i hope that helped.
Thanks. I was thinking in a bit more general terms, though, as it's for a spreadsheet that contains base stats, and I have to distinguish between the two formes of Meloetta since they have different base stats.
I lost my Gamesynch ID and Password.
I'm using a Japanese account. The E-mail they sent didn't help at all:


On Mon, 05 Sep 2011 18:01 +0900, wrote:
> ☆。.・'゜☆。.・'゜☆。.・'゜☆。.・'゜☆。.・'゜☆。.・'゜☆。.・'゜☆
>   ★★「ポケモンだいすきクラブ」
> メンバーID・パスワードのおしらせ★★
> .・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・.・ .・.
> ※小さなお子さまは、かならずおうちのかたといっしょによんでください。
> ⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒
> リタさま
> おといあわせしてくれたメンバーIDとパスワードをおしらせするよ。
> パスワードは仮のものをはっこうしたので、キミのせんようページでパスワードの
> へんこうをしてね。「メンバーじょうほうのへんこう・さくじょ」からできるよ。
> メンバーID: 4465456
> パスワード: 260295
> つぎのURLからアクセスすると、キミのせんようページにログインできるよ。
> *このメールはほかのひとにわからないようにたいせつにほかんしてね。
> Oo。○Oo。..○o。-------------------------------。oO○.。o○。oO
> このメールは、「ポケモンだいすきクラブ」にログインするためのメンバーID
> とパスワードをお問い合わせされたメンバーのかたにお送りしています。
> お心当たりのないかたは、誠にお手数ですがその旨をご記載の上、
>  このメールにご返信くださいますようお願いいたします。
> -----------------------------------------
> //////☆
> ////★   発行:株式会社ポケモン
> //☆     ポケモンだいすきクラブ
> ★
> -----------------------------------------

I can log on my Japanese Pokemon Club account but not on DW. Fuck that, help me for god's sake. All those points... oh my god. And I no longer have my "original" game synch on my Black since I reseted it.
Will Darmanitan-Zen mode be considered a diferent form and be tiered diferently? Because if it is, that would be odd considering its normal Darmanitan until its HP drops.
Will Darmanitan-Zen mode be considered a diferent form and be tiered diferently? Because if it is, that would be odd considering its normal Darmanitan until its HP drops.

yes it is apparently, there is a page on the strategydex for Darmanitan-Z
So like... it might be possible to use it in UU and RU? Is the ability released yet?

zen mode darmanitan is released, you find it in the desert resort by giving one a ragecandybar. you have to get to half health to use it though you cant use it in uu/ru as far as i know

edit: by the way really, eviolite munchlax ev spread for ru play?
Uh, what's the EV spread for Munchlax anyway...?

D-Z is technically OU. ;/ It's terrible anyway since the offensive stats are too unbalanced to work(Darm has shit SpA and Zen has crap Atk), so you can pretty much only run mixed(or be useless half the time), and half of your moveset will be useless(which is STILL pretty much the same as being useless half the time).
I hate to admit this, but I have a really hard time facing baton pass teams. Today I got absolutely destroyed by one. And fact is 60% of the time I get beat by them anyway, I only win if I get extremely lucky or if they are just really terrible. At this point, I am not sure what to do, I have 3 fucking phasers on my team! Maybe I am not playing against them right, can anyone perhaps show me a good war story where they face against a baton pass team. Any help is appreciated.
I am using a Deoxys-s in my new sun team.The team consists of Ninetales,Virizion,Starmie,Chandelure and Jirachi.
As you can see i have 2 SR weak pokes and no rapid spinner(no rapid spin on starmie).
So i went for a sr-taunt Deoxys-s with 2 attacks and full attack ivestement and focus sash as a hold item.The 2 attacks are Ice Punch and Superpower.
My question is are these 2 attacks the best suited for my team?Should i use Ice Beam instead of Ice Punch to deal better with some threats?
Or should i use Fire Punch to ko the troubling Forretress?
Or any other option really,just looking for ideas...
I am using a Deoxys-s in my new sun team.The team consists of Ninetales,Virizion,Starmie,Chandelure and Jirachi.
As you can see i have 2 SR weak pokes and no rapid spinner(no rapid spin on starmie).
So i went for a sr-taunt Deoxys-s with 2 attacks and full attack ivestement and focus sash as a hold item.The 2 attacks are Ice Punch and Superpower.
My question is are these 2 attacks the best suited for my team?Should i use Ice Beam instead of Ice Punch to deal better with some threats?
Or should i use Fire Punch to ko the troubling Forretress?
Or any other option really,just looking for ideas...

I'd go with Fire Punch. It secures a solid 2HKO on both Physical and Special variants of Forretress in the sun (66.66% chance to OHKO the Special variant if it takes Stealth Rock damage), as well as having a 28.2% chance to OHKO Ferrothorn in the sun (58.97% chance to OHKO if it takes Stealth Rock damage)
I am using a Deoxys-s in my new sun team.The team consists of Ninetales,Virizion,Starmie,Chandelure and Jirachi.
As you can see i have 2 SR weak pokes and no rapid spinner(no rapid spin on starmie).
So i went for a sr-taunt Deoxys-s with 2 attacks and full attack ivestement and focus sash as a hold item.The 2 attacks are Ice Punch and Superpower.
My question is are these 2 attacks the best suited for my team?Should i use Ice Beam instead of Ice Punch to deal better with some threats?
Or should i use Fire Punch to ko the troubling Forretress?
Or any other option really,just looking for ideas...

Since your team has a bit of a stealth rock weakness, why not pack rapid spin on Starmie?
what is the best 4th move for a DW sheer force feraligatr (no move illegality problem so egg moves are allowed)

dragon dance
ice punch
??? (crunch, eq...)
(17:21:34) Blue Star: well
(17:21:44) Blue Star: from the top 50 people*
(17:21:49) Blue Star: I'd say 20 want to ban weather
Where could I find a post or thread where someone from the top 50 explains why they would like to ban weather?
Pretty sure he doesn't get Rock Climb. Earthquake (or Bulldoze if you don't want LO recoil) is probably the best move for the last slot.

edit: Gen 4 HM is legal with DW ability? I knew egg moves were but w/e. I still say EQ is better for the coverage and hits Ferro harder.
I hate to admit this, but I have a really hard time facing baton pass teams. Today I got absolutely destroyed by one. And fact is 60% of the time I get beat by them anyway, I only win if I get extremely lucky or if they are just really terrible. At this point, I am not sure what to do, I have 3 fucking phasers on my team! Maybe I am not playing against them right, can anyone perhaps show me a good war story where they face against a baton pass team. Any help is appreciated.

You're absolutely correct, you're playing them horribly. If all you're doing is phazing their asses this way and that you're eventually going to fall under multiple weak as shit attacks. What you have to do is kill a member of the link before they get a lot of boosts. Since most BP teams lead with Ninjask, this is a simple task. Just use your u-turn/volt switcher to break his sash and go to your priority user.

if you don't have those two, you're running stall. If you're running stall, say gg when you see the ninjask and espeon.
Considering that pokemon with HM moves can't be transferred between generations, I don't think Rock Climb on Feraligatr is even legal with Torrent, let alone Sheer Force.
I'd go with Fire Punch. It secures a solid 2HKO on both Physical and Special variants of Forretress in the sun (66.66% chance to OHKO the Special variant if it takes Stealth Rock damage), as well as having a 28.2% chance to OHKO Ferrothorn in the sun (58.97% chance to OHKO if it takes Stealth Rock damage)
Thx i will test it but the ability to revenge kill dragons and 2hko lead haxorus that spam outrage is invaluable.

Since your team has a bit of a stealth rock weakness, why not pack rapid spin on Starmie?
I want all of the attacks of starmie.I use one with expert belt and t-bolt/ice beam/psychic/hidden power fire.
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