Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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This is a very minor thing, but I believe it's a bug (but no, I haven't checked it in game, could somebody check it).


When Bide is used with Parental Bond, it's considered to be multi-hit move, with a message for second hit suggesting that the move has failed.

In case you ask why I noticed this (the linked scenario is really contrived), it's because it happened during metronome battle on another server, but it's better to reproduce it on official server, isn't it?
Yo, my friend Maomiraeniya and me discovered a bug while we were playing this Uber battle: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-152947612
As you can see, Pawniard get hurts by its Life Orb at fifth turn while using Pursuit on Dusclops. Then, sixth turn. I switch on Dialga, and Pawniard uses Iron Head. This time, the Life Orb didn't hurt it.
After some tests, we noticed that only happened while:
  • Pawniard is LV5
  • The foe is LV100
  • Pawniard uses a move which isn't very effective
In this battle, http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/customgame-152949848, this happened again with the LV5 Pawniard, but this didn't happened with the LV10 Pawniard. [All is explained in this battle.]

Finally, we tried to do Iron Head versus a Water LV5 Pokémon, here http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-152952180 and the Life Orb hurt Pawniard.
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turn 36 - roar is blocked by spiky shield


turn 3 - roar goes through spiky shield
That's not a bug... on Turn 36 you used Spiky Shield and on Turn 37 you used Leech Seed, not Spiky Shield.

EDIT: ErzaVsErza and Maomiraeniya I figured that out. Your Pokemon will only lose HP by using Life Orb if the damage dealt is or is more than 0.9% because if it will deal only 0.2% damage you'll lose HP for literally nothing.
That's not a bug... on Turn 36 you used Spiky Shield and on Turn 37 you used Leech Seed, not Spiky Shield.

Turn 36
The opposing Chesnaught used Spiky Shield!
The opposing Chesnaught protected itself!

Empoleon used Roar!
The opposing Chesnaught protected itself!

Roar should've affected the chesnaught despite the spiky shield. That is the bug.
Sorry if this has been said before, I didn't see it on the front page and did not wanna read through 166 sites.

I just had a random double battle inwhich I got an ambipom.

This ambipom had a move that was called "doublesfakeout", the d was not in capital. The move itself was unusable, it had no description and for typing it only said "undefined".
How come the attack animations stopped working? I'm not sure if this is a glitch or an update change, but I preferred having the attack animations.
How come the attack animations stopped working? I'm not sure if this is a glitch or an update change, but I preferred having the attack animations.
They work for me, do you have "Disable animations" checked? If you do click the gear next to your name in the upper right corner then un-check it and they should work fine.
Sorry if this has been said before, I didn't see it on the front page and did not wanna read through 166 sites.

I just had a random double battle inwhich I got an ambipom.

This ambipom had a move that was called "doublesfakeout", the d was not in capital. The move itself was unusable, it had no description and for typing it only said "undefined".
That is being fixed. Do not worry.
I'm not sure if this is a bug.


How comes he lost half of his slowbro's HP on turn 1? And it's also bugging how little damage thunderbolt did in turn 2, even tho I haven't faced many slowbros in random battles and I don't know the stats they are given.
Slowbro lost it's HP because of Dazzling Gleam, which hits adjacent foes. Can't say about your other point...
I had a battle a few days ago in which the thaw effect DID work. This might be because you miss clicked or thought that x move is Scald when it was not and clicked it.
<--- that includes one "Ally".

You can't argue about the amount of damage it does...

That must have probably happened because of less space for so many messages. (can't really say here, only point that makes sense)
I had a battle a few days ago in which the thaw effect DID work. This might be because you miss clicked or thought that x move is Scald when it was not and clicked it.
My roommate and I were playing together and we both saw Scald clicked. I really don't think we screwed up. We hovered over it beforehand to double check that Scald was one of those moves that would thaw you out, then clicked it, and it failed to do anything. Perhaps the simulator only does it correctly when the user of Scald goes first?
Ehm, no.

1st off, Dazzling Gleam doesn't hit allies, you said it yourself.

2nd, it wouldn't do so much damage to a slowbro.

3rd, it would not give the message "Slowbro lost some hp".
<--- that includes one "Ally".

You can't argue about the amount of damage it does...

That must have probably happened because of less space for so many messages. (can't really say here, only point that makes sense)

It doesnt hit your own partner, i say this as a doubles player - adjacent foes means both the enemies.

What i assumed happened is that the game thought slowbro was rampardos (?) which is why dazzling gleam did a lot of damage (although it shouldnt have hit at all) and thunderbolt did nearly nothing
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