Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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i encountered a bug involving zoroark's ability illusion and destiny bond and possibly mega evolution. It has to do with the part to the left of the screen were pokemon are displayed in your party. it continued to say absol was fainted and mega absol was also fainted and never said zoroark was fainted and also, because it was claiming there was 2 absols in my party my opponent couldnt see my entire team at once.
here is a replay of the event, pay attention to the section where you can view peoples party: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-330039060
The "disable animations" button doesn't disable the recently added primal or mega evolution animations. I can't seem to screenshot them because they happen so fast, and I'm not sure if this is an intended feature.
The "disable animations" button doesn't disable the recently added primal or mega evolution animations. I can't seem to screenshot them because they happen so fast, and I'm not sure if this is an intended feature.
You probably disabled animations mid battle.
I just tried this and the Mega Evolution, as other animations don't animate at all.
You probably disabled animations mid battle.
I just tried this and the Mega Evolution, as other animations don't animate at all.

I did not disable animations mid battle, but I checked more closely and saw that animations are disabled only when you watch a battle in real time. If you switch battle tabs, then go to a battle that has a few turns queued up, all animations except sprites are not disabled. Sorry about not paying attention, I got tricked by a different bug that may or may not be a feature so people don't lose track of a match.
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I did not disable animations mid battle, but I checked more closely and saw that animations are disabled only when you watch a battle in real time. If you switch battle tabs, then go to a battle that has a few turns queued up, all animations except sprites are not disabled. Sorry about not paying attention, I got tricked by a different bug that may or may not be a feature so people don't lose track of a match.
I don't have a screenshot of this, but I was battling using a Zoroark and it used Focus Blast twice before the illusion was removed, once the illusion disappeared and the Pokémon sprite changed, the PP for the move reset itself on the "opponent sees" box. Once I used Focus Blast again, it was telling my opponent that the move had 7 PP out of 8 when it actually had 5.
This is definitely a bug I'm experiencing, and no clue why aside from the crash earlier today having reactivated the bug.

My PS experience is not sending me the visual data for italicized text.

This is what I mean.

As if that isn't a large enough issue, it seems my computer "trying to recover from it" (as it managed to yesterday, hence why the bug was "reactivated" last crash) is giving me a weird result with private messaging.

This is what I mean too.

It's foreign to me how it exists in the first place, but only for myself and not for anyone else.

Some extra notes which may help with identifying the issue:
1) I can highlight the italicized text with my mouse, and though that doesn't give any result if I copy/paste it somewhere it will show the text.
2) If I activate Dark Mode I can see the text just fine- though I'd rather not because it's hard on the eyes for me.
3) It seems to fix itself as the day goes on, but it takes many, many hours to do so.
4) The weird result is entirely new.
5) My friend, Ionivan, appears to be having issues with italicized text as well, but bolded italics, with random letters not being visible in polls, or so they've told me.
6) It only happens on Google Chrome on this computer for me, but my other browsers are far too slow to tolerate
7) This computer uses Windows Vista, and Chrome is still up-to-date.

I'm not sure if it's hiccups in the code or whatever- I'm not extensively knowledged on the subject- but I know it's improbable to be something on my end.
An update on my issue: once again, it has cured itself. However, I'm aware that it may only be temporary, until the next crash occurs. As such, I do hope the bug could be sprayed down.

Or have Arceus sicked onto it, whichever works.

Heal Bell does not remove status from pokemon currently in play under any circumstances even though it should.

Where's the bug? Or rather, Heal Bell was never used during this battle, and the one time Aromatherapy was used, the user didn't have status.

If you were trying to use one of those while frozen/sleeping, immobilization comes first and the moves mentioned can't heal the status if they can't be used.
Where's the bug? Or rather, Heal Bell was never used during this battle, and the one time Aromatherapy was used, the user didn't have status.

If you were trying to use one of those while frozen/sleeping, immobilization comes first and the moves mentioned can't heal the status if they can't be used.
Aromatherapy/Heal Bell are the same move so I usually just say Heal Bell, and Cobalion DID have a status. It showed that Paralysis was removed from it (turn 2) in the battle when Aromatherapy was used but it wasn't actually removed (proven by Cobalion getting full para'd on turn 3 while appearing to not be paralyzed). The move is not functioning properly, that is a bug.
Aromatherapy/Heal Bell are the same move so I usually just say Heal Bell, and Cobalion DID have a status. It showed that Paralysis was removed from it (turn 2) in the battle when Aromatherapy was used but it wasn't actually removed (proven by Cobalion getting full para'd on turn 3 while appearing to not be paralyzed). The move is not functioning properly, that is a bug.
Well, they aren't the same move for several reasons, one of which is the reason this situation happened. Aromatherapy cannot cure Pokemon behind substitutes (other than the user) in Gen 6 unless the user has Infiltrator. The issue here is a client bug, not a problem with the mechanics of Aromatherapy.

347 speed pokemon wearing a Choice Scarf and afflicted by Sticky Webs (Raikou using a speed boosting nature, and Electrode using a neutral nature) are speed tied by 346 speed pokemon (Terrakion in example) (Not wearing choice scarf as noted by attack changes). I thought webs cancel out scarf, which should result in Raikou/Electrode being 347 speed and thus always outspeeding Terrakion. Do I have a misunderstanding of the mechanic or is this a bug?

Turn 4/5 show Electrode and Terrakion speed ties.
Turn 7/8 show Raikou and Terrakion speed ties.

http://imgur.com/a/V7VMT This is the link to an album of my teambuilders and other screenshots that prove I'm using what I said I'm using.

Edit: Forgot to mention webs.

347 speed pokemon wearing a Choice Scarf and afflicted by Sticky Webs (Raikou using a speed boosting nature, and Electrode using a neutral nature) are speed tied by 346 speed pokemon (Terrakion in example) (Not wearing choice scarf as noted by attack changes). I thought webs cancel out scarf, which should result in Raikou/Electrode being 347 speed and thus always outspeeding Terrakion. Do I have a misunderstanding of the mechanic or is this a bug?

Turn 4/5 show Electrode and Terrakion speed ties.
Turn 7/8 show Raikou and Terrakion speed ties.

http://imgur.com/a/V7VMT This is the link to an album of my teambuilders and other screenshots that prove I'm using what I said I'm using.

Edit: Forgot to mention webs.
Here's what happens:

347 Speed with Choice Scarf = 347 Speed * 1.5 = 520.5, but since the speed stat is always rounded down, your 347 Speed mon with a scarf will have a speed stat of 520.

However, after Sticky Webs, the speed stat will become 520*2/3 = 346.6666666... which is rounded down to 346, making your Raikou and Electrode speed-tie with Terrakion.

This seems weird, but it's exactly how it's supposed to be.
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