Tournament BLT III: Week 6

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is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Programmer Alumnus

Art by sirDonovan; Modified from Vapo's thread

Welcome to the sixth week of BLT III! This first stage of the tournament will feature seven weeks of each team playing one another once. A win in a week will result in a team receiving two points, a loss will result in zero points, and a draw in one. At the end of this stage, the top four teams with the most points will advance to the semi-finals. Matches will be played in standard ORAS tiers on the main PS! server.

Basic tournament rules (you absolutely should read these, especially if you're new to forum tournaments):

Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to me. The punishment could be as severe as a server ban (which is an instant loss for you), forum infraction, or disqualification. A bit of friendly banter is ok, but please know where to draw the line. Think before you type, please.

Scheduling and Activity Wins: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS. You will have one week from the posting of the week's matches to get it done, and I will not be granting any extensions for any reasons. If your opponent is not responding to your post on their wall, cannot be found on PS, or miss multiple scheduled times, make a detailed activity post in the thread letting me know why you deserve the win. As long as you have visible attempts at scheduling (such as wall posts), you will be fine.

Disconnections and Timer: A timer loss is a loss. No if's, and's, or but's about it. If your opponent is nice enough to replay that's fine, but they are by no means obligated to.

Ghosting and Identity: Don't take or give battle advice or make moves based solely on the suggestions of others, and don't pretend to be someone else in order to play as them. You will be caught, and you will be disqualified from this season as well as future PS! tournaments (BLT, PSPL, etc.).

Substitutions: Managers are free to substitute out inactive players at any point during the week with any subs they chose during the draft. Be sure to post in the thread when making a substitution.

Here are this week's matchups! The format is PS! name (Smogon name, if different):

Snowpoint Snovers (Jarii and TraceofLife) vs. (7)
Dendemille Dedennes (Scyther NO Swiping and CS2016)
Ubers: CaPTiViTY vs. EternalSnowman
OU 1: SpecsMegaBeedrill vs. GonxKillua
OU 2: Strycal vs. blazenix
UU: YouthBerry vs. DrReuniclus3 (DrReuniclus)
RU: TraceofLife vs. soTsoT
NU: eugenethegreat vs. Villa
PU: LolBron James vs. sanjay (Sanjay.)
LC: Zoaw vs. kushal00
Doubles OU: Jarii vs. Silverwhiteblue

Slateport Shedinjas (GXS and Natalie (Natalie.)) vs. (5)
Ecruteak Elekids (Feliburn and Hannahh)
Ubers: Reje vs. josh (Joshz)
OU 1: Vinest vs. iAruban
OU 2: Le Sabreur vs. ezeymoney (Mthw)
UU: Pak vs. Shiba
RU: Lord Booty Milk vs. Chill Shadow
NU: Urfgurgle vs. rozes
PU: Leru vs. IvoPost
LC: PD vs. MMM (Brokengoth)
Doubles OU: The Cheesen One vs. xXEricXx

Lilycove Mawiles (Reisen (Reisen Inaba) and Pottie Scippen.) vs. (5)
Celestic Clefables (Jetpack and HiMyNamesL)
Ubers: Dominatio vs. Oshawott Fan
OU 1: Jrsmash9 vs. sand1234
OU 2: Jmac AU vs. OminousDraco
UU: jrdn (Jordn) vs. Raphael2711
RU: MegCham vs. samjo
NU: HuntressWizzard vs. AV99
PU: Megazard vs. Jeran (Akashi)
LC: BigBoy038 vs. parivard
Doubles OU: Racool vs. TheLastOne

Fallarbor Florges (Always (Always!) and Vapo) vs. (4)
Hearthome Hydreigons (Eyan and Winry)
Ubers: Gunner Rohan vs. mj20
OU 1: all falls down vs. Euli97 (Euli94)
OU 2: le fat kid vs. Pradhaaan
UU: Euphonos vs. Adaam
RU: naruto(sage) vs. Andromeda (Andromeda.)
NU: Karolynia (Karalynia) vs. Trade
PU: Lord Sample Team vs. blinkboy
LC: majaspic22 vs. Dream Eater Gengar
Doubles OU: hamhamhamham (Grum23) vs. Sopheon

Season records (maintained by Eyan and Trade)

**NEW** All BLT discussion will be held in the Tournaments sub-room The Dojo. The chat is now restricted to players and managers with modchat+. Please only use this thread to report contact, predictions, match results, or call activity if needed.

This week ends July 24th at 11:59PM EST. Good luck everyone!
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Wait what why is it being called a tie at the request of managers? I had a 100% clear cut case for activity where the other team completely failed to even post in the thread that they were making a sub let alone tell me or reply more than 5 minutes before deadline to my scheduling attempt so the only possible reason is that my manager requested not to win the week. Reisen what have you done

Anyway I've vmd jeran but this seems awfully fishy
So we lose a week on activity to average scheduling, and our player actually attempted to get his match done, and yet when a player doesn't even get notified he is playing a sub, and the sub makes zero effort to contact the player, that doesn't merit activity? Lol ok then
The other remaining matches will result in ties on request of the players and managers.
It does merit activity, but the managers wanted a tie based on the circumstances.
PD insulted me through my profile how dare you contacted me we're scheduling

And I swear the only depressing part of being an Elekid is losing 4-5 to bullshit every week sigh
I was asked to take a look at this by someone, who I won't name.

I don't think that managers should ever have the power to null one of their own games. Even when asked it's not a reasonable request and defeats the purpose of giving out activity wins to players who has stayed active and tried to schedule.

For both of the last weeks tied games:
It does merit activity, but the managers wanted a tie based on the circumstances.
Do elaborate, there's basically no circumstance where activity wins should not happen and you've actively gone against the tournament rules when granting them this.

From what I've been able to tell Megazard and Raphael2711 contacted both of their opponents but had no reply/got a reply after deadline, which should grant them both an activity win since I can't find any substitutes made for either player.
I was asked to take a look at this by someone, who I won't name.

I don't think that managers should ever have the power to null one of their own games. Even when asked it's not a reasonable request and defeats the purpose of giving out activity wins to players who has stayed active and tried to schedule.

For both of the last weeks tied games:

Do elaborate, there's basically no circumstance where activity wins should not happen and you've actively gone against the tournament rules when granting them this.

From what I've been able to tell Megazard and Raphael2711 contacted both of their opponents but had no reply/got a reply after deadline, which should grant them both an activity win since I can't find any substitutes made for either player.
No I don't think I deserve an activity win cuz we were both equally at fault.
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