CAP 7 CAP 7 - Art Submissions

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DarthVader, the only thing that seems to be off is that the metal "collar" appears to be resting on the legs of the horse. The collar seems kinda loose, too.
Good golly gosh golightly people thanks very much!

But seriously, I have got some more poses in mind.

-It will be more cat than fox.

-It has masks on EACH socket joint, you can even see the second shoulder's outline in the blurry back.

-It's other masks will not contain eyes, unless I change my mind after trying it.

-Nose or no nose or pointed mask?

Here's a clean version of Poke in a box. I quite like this colour scheme based on popular colours in jester outfits. I also wanted to keep the complexity of hands and other extremities down to make this easier to sprite.

I figure that how this is set up this design could have a good range of speeds from explosive to slow. I'll have to draw out some movement sketches to give you an idea of how this would fight and generally get around.

This got lost last post and I don't think I got much feedback so it would be appreciated this time. ;p

Edit: I think the hands are the weak point at the moment so i'll mess with those later on. Taking suggestions for anything.

Another great design. Hmm... since you mention suggestions (and I saw tennisace's post), you could try and make it look raggedy or worn out. The whole jack-in-the-box concept is really cool (not to mention its pose says "Hey, scouting you... hope you don't mind."). But that's my two-cents. Really, the design is a good one!
It looks better mixed up, I think. For example, leaving a nose off the middle mask, but inclduing a triangular nose on the right mask. Either way, I'd prefer a Dullahan-style figure myself instead of an animal. Too bad I can't draw =P
Elegy of Emptiness: Cat-fox sounds good. Foxes were thought of as messengers in Japan, and cats are kinda stealthy and ninja-ish. Seems like a good scout to me.

I would say either try a pointed mask or add zig-zag whisker marks. A triangle nose would make it look like a pumpkin. I do prefer it plain, but sometimes things turn out better than we think. So you won't know if you don't try.

DarthVader317, like Knarglefigit said, the collar seems "loose." Otherwise, it's a welcoming addition. I still think you could try messing around with my previous suggestion, though. Not that you have to, lol. This'll be the last time I mention it.
Elegy of Emptiness, does it have a mask on each shoulder joint? I keep thinking it only has masks on one side of it's body for some reason. The picture on page 7 looks great so far, I would take that suggestion about having only one eye with the ability to move around it's head.

Okay. Here is a couple of ideas I had for the new CAP. There is a rhino, a missile guy, a tea kettle guy and a whatever you want to call the fourth one.
This is my design of a Steel/Ghost Pokemon. It is based off of a chainsaw, while still trying to keep it Ghost - like. Hope you like it.

Elegy of Emptiness has a great design, I think it should get lots of attention...
Now to comment on it.
1. It would be really cool :naughty: to see the fur on its back be bones sticking out from its spine. (just a simple cartoon bone)
2. Keep only the front mask face design, the others could do without the Hallow-fied look. The face mask reminds me of "No Face" From Spirited away the movie.
3. The hind leg mask could be closer to the thigh, creating a cleaner look.
4. No nose OR a long pointed noses
5. And for the sake of CaP I don't thing the tail should be blurred, but a portal would work.
I don't normally post in the art threads because I feel that simply saying "OMG [Insert User Here] FTW!!!!!!" is a waste of a post, but something about these designs just makes it too irresistable.

While just about all of them are great designs, I think that Atyroki and Caldbolg are the best so far with Elegy close behind (Something about the mask on the hind leg seems off to me by the way. Don't know what it is, just wierd positioning or something? I dunno) Doug, as always yours is great too, but it seems like no matter what you draw it always seems to be second best (I know it may not have sounded like one, but that was meant as a compliment). Wyverii also has a great design although I liked the first one better. The one thing I was surprised at was the lack of gargoyles in this thread. I guess it would fit more with Rock typing, but most gargoyles, from what I understand, are made of copper, thereby being Steel. Good luck to all!
New version of the ghost horse.


This is my favorite proposal thus far. It's a very simple and refreshing design that steps away from the mainstream art entries.

While I really like Caladbolg's knight design, it seems like every CAP project (with the exception of the the recent Arghonaut) is either bipedal or has some human elements to its design. I'd really like to see something that takes a page out of the RBY book, an animal with a Pokemon-type twist to it.

On the other side of that argument, Wyverii's design is also very neat. The Jack in the Box design seems a little outlandish though, something that you'd be more likely to see in some off-beat anime.
This is really rough:


Basically it's a haunted mirror. Fits with the whole scouting theme.
Someone please take this and run with it because i honestly won't have the time to go that much further than this.
I was thinking of clawed feet, but that might force it to be slow...
This is really rough:


Basically it's a haunted mirror. Fits with the whole scouting theme.
Someone please take this and run with it because i honestly won't have the time to go that much further than this.
I was thinking of clawed feet, but that might force it to be slow...

I've decided to scrap my own knight idea, would you mind if I took this and expanded on it? The design is really great, and since you offered...=P
Wow, elegy of emptyness, You prolly have my vote, unless someone comes along with a better design.
Caladbolg~, with what you've provided so far, i might vote for you.
I'm not sure which one looks better. I need opinions.


Here's the before crack effect.


That's the after crack version. ^

The whole idea of mine was armor with sword limbs. (ghostly sword limbs ;D)
After hearing comments for and against, I've decided not to use the ribcage. I also did some action sketches (I'll post them later) and felt like the ribcage really got in the way. If that's the case with pencil sketching at unlimited size, then I can only imagine the problems for spriting. Here's the "final sketch", with minor updates to the hands:


I also have a background story for this pokemon. While the tale below is generally considered a legend, I have it on good authority that it is based on the actual facts behind the origin of the Steel Ghost. Take it for what it's worth...

The Fable of the Steel Ghost:
A Bedtime Story for Young Trainers​

Once upon a time, there was a great scientist that worked in the field of robotics. His goal was to create a completely artificial pokemon. He built a lab in one of the most remote areas of Sinnoh, to conduct his research in total privacy. If he succeeded, he planned to give his creation away and make a valuable contribution to all the pokemon trainers of the world.

Very quickly, the scientist was able to create a strong battling machine. He even created new synthetic materials that would "grow" over time, becoming stronger and more complex as time passed. The scientist made a robot from these materials, and covered it in a pseudo-organic skin. The result was a synthetic pokemon that looked exactly like a real living organism.

Unfortunately, despite all the mechanical features and electronic capabilities the robot possessed -- it lacked the battle spirit of a real pokemon. It had no soul. Without a soul, the machine was regularly bested in battle by other pokemon, who are trained from the moment they are hatched, to find a way to win in fierce, hard-fought battles.

To overcome this shortcoming, the scientist immersed himself in cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, with a single-minded goal to create a synthetic soul for the robot pokemon, to enable it to battle with the zest and vigor of a real pokemon. After years of research and experimentation, the scientist finally achieved his goal. He succeeded in making a cybernetic pokemon with true artificial intelligence.

The robot could not be programmed outright, like other machines. It had to be trained, just like a real pokemon. But, when trained, the robot was immensely powerful. Its battle spirit was so ferocious, it would rush headlong into every battle and quickly destroy the opponent.

The scientist's creation was so lifelike, he discovered he could even breed his creation with Ditto -- whose amazing breeding powers enabled it to duplicate the base material of the robot perfectly. The scientist bred and trained dozens of synthetic pokemon, each one as fierce and aggressive as the next one. Convinced that he had made the perfect artificial battling pokemon, the scientist prepared to announce his creation to the world.

Unbeknown to him, the scientist's work was being secretly monitored by Team Galactic. Fearing that the new robot pokemon would foil their plans for world domination, Team Galactic ambushed the scientist's lab. Inside the lab, they opened a dimensional rift and destroyed everything they could find by throwing it into the rift.

The scientist tried to stop the members of Team Galactic by unleashing his army of robot pokemon. Unfortunately, the robots were so impetuous and bloodthirsty for battle -- they flung themselves headlong towards Team Galactic, and were swallowed, one by one, into the dimensional rift. Even after many of the robots had destroyed themselves, the rest continued to follow, like lemmings off a cliff. The scientist had been so determined to make an aggressive pokemon, that he neglected to give the synthetic pokemon any sense of caution. As such, the robot pokemon were all quickly consumed by the rift.

Seeing his life's work completely destroyed, with nothing left to live for, the scientist sacrificed himself into the rift as well. With the lab and artificial pokemon destroyed, Team Galactic left and continued their nefarious plans to take over the world.

But something strange happened after that. No one knows exactly why, but a new species of pokemon mysteriously popped into existence. Apparently the scientist was even more successful than he originally thought. He had created such a perfect artificial "soul", that the spirits of the destroyed robot pokemon re-emerged as ghosts! They were no longer covered in synthetic skin; they appeared as animated steel-like skeletal structures. But they possessed all the battle abilities they did before, plus some new mystical powers as well. These new undead robot pokemon were able to breed with the Dittos in the lab, and eventually flourished in the remote area of Sinnoh surrounding the lab.

Years later, the ghost robots were discovered by wandering trainers, who captured them and used them in battle. The robot ghosts apparently learned something new after being caught by surprise and exterminated as a result of their impudence. Unlike their previous ancestors, the robot ghosts were particularly cautious in battle and always on the outlook for trouble and lurking surprises.

Word quickly spread of this amazing new species and their incredible skill for discovering details about their opponent in battle. These ghostly steel skeletons are now prized by expert trainers everywhere, for their unparalleled proficiency at scouting -- the species is often referred to as "The Ultimate Scout".

In the end, through hard work and a tragic sacrifice, the scientist inadvertently succeeded in making a valuable contribution to pokemon trainers around the world.​
Updated my Jack-in-the-Boxmon. Giving him some more steel elements and adding a cool scope thing.

Yeah I'll fix the hands later, just dont have time right now.
Updated my Jack-in-the-Boxmon. Giving him some more steel elements and adding a cool scope thing.

Yeah I'll fix the hands later, just dont have time right now.

You need to make it looks more ghosty. Right now it looks more dark than ghost, respectively saying this ofcourse.
I'm loving the story Doug! I like how you actually made the story connect with ingame references such as Team Galactic.


A few small changes and a few super quick sketches. This poke is deliberately disproportionate and patchwork hopefully giving off a Frankenstein monster sort of feel without actually being the monster. I'd imagine the Poke would normally be hopping slowly about but is able to spring at high velocity either to attack or get away. In a normal extended position the hands would be pulled back behind the head when not in use as if they were actual ears and obviously since a physical creature that size couldn't fit in that box it feels rather tardis-like while emerging or pulling itself back in.

These creatures would have originally been created by a possession of a mismatch of parts from a scrapyard or other junk filled place. Having acquired a body they'd hide themselves in boxes and drill a hole in the side so that they could see while the lid is closed. Nobody knows what happens if you manage to pull one out of it's box completely.

This is certainly a Poke for all the quirky lovers out there, including myself.
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