Lower Tiers Doubles OU Viability Rankings

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New Vrank shifts

Votes are in the order Stratos, qsns, kamikaze, KyleCole, TOTEM

Mega Gardevoir 2 -> 1.5

yes. most things meta rn cant ohko garde and it owns

yes i nommed its BROKEn

yes. super strong with semiroom and full TR and has been able to successfully setup its own TR and perform extremely well in it thanks to Volcanion backing it up. Hoopa-U was a great gardevoir partner but not enough for it to go to 1.5 but with hoopa-u and volcanion together gardevoir's ability to destroy under TR has gotten much better.

Yes, super powerful mon and I'm glad it's being rediscovered. Top mon.

abstain on all like the keks
Volcanion 2 <-> 1.5 <-> 1
1.5. could probably be 1 but im not comfortable with that yet. its real good, but like, not impossible to beat. just use special attackres or some shit

1.5, it's a really solid threat with splashability on many archetypes but huge weakness to Dragons, Thundurus, and to a certain extent Diancie can be troubling for a team to work around

1.5. Really great coverage that dumpsters a lot of common threats with Water/Fire. I still think enough pokemon in Tier 1 check it to not make the rise however. Also in terms of adding a fire type to a team, in most scenarios I would probably still pick one of the other common fires such as Heatran to better check Zard Y. A lot of people have been building Volcanion teams that are extremely weak to Zard Y and its been quite worrisome to see

1. Just like Heatran and Thundurus before it, I guarantee Volcanion will dominate the meta around it for some time before actually getting to rank 1. Outstanding mon, just don't rely on it to check sun and rain by itself.

abstain on all like the keks
Mega Mawile UR -> 4
no. useless mon

No. This has been really underwhelming when I've experimented with it. Slow steels are obviously good but not when their hp + spdef is ass like maw's and it struggles to do anything when Lando-T, Volcanion, and Amoonguss are three of the most popular mons atm.

no. havent seen this in forever and its pretty underwhelming with the high presence of fire types and both top redirectors in the metagame basically putting a full stop to it.

Yes, we have garbo mega Lucario in 4 and Mawile is just as viable as that thing. I really like the substitute set in particular.

abstain on all like the keks

Final Changes:
Mega Gardevoir moves from 2 -> 1.5
Volcanion is placed on Tier 1.5

Next batch of votes will be sent out shortly
Sceptile -> 4 or 3
This thing is actually solid but like silly putty sort of solid. It works well in theory next to Volcanion, and some of the meta shifts we've seen have also benefited it (idk about real usage stats, but I personally have seen less Latios, which has a chance to live Dragon Pulse from full, and more Hydreigon/Kyurem-B, 1 of which dies to Dragon Pulse and the other, well, lives; Jirachi has been seen less; electrics like thundurus as well as just the genies in general saw a bit more usage toward the start of the new meta, but probably for obvious other reasons; and since it got shitted on recently, Venusaur on sun is less common). It has access to some cool stuff like Hidden Power Ice to OHKO and outspeed Landorus-T, or Quick Guard to block Talonflame's Brave Bird, or Worry Seed to laugh at Mega Kangaskhan (I think it still gets KOd by Return though... lol....), or X-Scissor to surprise OHKO Hoopa-U or something

0- Atk Mega Sceptile X-Scissor vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Hoopa Unbound: 340-404 (93.4 - 110.9%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO

and it gets Lightning Rod, which is great since Volcanion won't be hit by tbolt and non hp ice thund is basically useless against it AND it's immune to paras from everything except Serperior, which is actually inFer[per]ior to Sceptile now.
Its STABs at such a high speed are also p useful, it unfortunately misses the guaranteed KO on Latios with Dragon Pulse before LO recoil and misses the KO entirely on cube, but it does outspeed 200+ speed scarf Rotom-W and KOs it hard, as well as Keldeo, Terrakion, Mega Diancie, Hydreigon, and Azumarill (and a few more), as well as denting some things somewhat like Infernape, Landorus-T (becomes an OHKO if it's HP Ice Sceptile :)), offensive Thundurus, +1 Blaziken, etc.
It certainly suffers from downsides of course, like being literally incapable of switching into anything that's not an immunity or resist unless they're at -2 or something, being stupidly weak and incapable of hitting neutralities for much above 50%, if even that, and not quite beating some of the things it's built to beat. Still, its cool synergy with our new steamy spirit gives it a chance of succeeding next to Volcanion, and a pretty good one at that.
I guess I have replays on replay.pokemonshowdown.com, here are some highlights
shit i have a ton more losses than i thought w/ that team than i thought i had but w/e, most of those losses were due to teambuilding errors regarding things like gyara and terrak as well as shitty plays on my part
Maybe someone else can say something about it as well to better clarify things or something but i tried :s
TOTEM -> off doubles council. Instead of voting he responds "abstain on all like the keks". Not active in doubles, he forfeited after 2 turns in DPL then had to be sub'd in another week. Doesnt do seasonals. Just not qualified person anymore. Affiliation with doubles Illuminati

Checkmater -> on doubles council. He takes viability ranks more seriously than anyone and is more passionate about than anyone. Always participates in doubles tours. Proven player. Brings different preservative to even out Illuminati influence
he voted abstain on all because everything was already decided before he could vote you stupid ass. and he had to be subbed because he and makiri were 8 hours apart and makiri wasn't available until evenings in his time.
Sorry n1n1 we of the doubles illuminati have a firm stance on the matter
New Vrank shifts

Votes are in the order Stratos, KyleCole, TOTEM, qsns, kamikaze

Mega Camerupt UR -> 4

no. how the fuck is a mon w/o spore immunity ever better at handling amoonguss than goggles tran? Sure camel underspeeds + ohkoes (only w/ fire blast) but it cant come in on it so u still have to be delicate. Power upgrade not worth losing tran's resists, especially Flying.


Why did this get UR, p sure it was 4 before where i think it fits not rly good but it owns lots of stuff in the right scenario

yes it's good and the insane power it provides over goggles heatran (the only set on tr that isn't irritated by amoong) allows it to utilize tr much more effectively.

4. Not Terrible. Volcanion naturally dumpsters a lot of TR pokemon but this is a TR mon that actually beat Volcanion (provided you are under TR)
Heatran 1 -> 1.5
abstain. me not being sure on tran in 1 has literally nothing to do w/ volcanion coming out because they dont fill the same role you gay fucks. but even before volcanion came out i was talkin w/ kami + maybe some others about how tran wasn't quite the devastator it used to be. If i had to make a decision I'd lean toward 1 bc resists are still supa hot fire. but I don't bc its stayin in 1 anyways so abstain.

tough but no. I know I've said I supported this move down before but I'm not so sure. There are so many teams that have swapped out for Volcanion but just haven't filled in the weakness to sun, so Heatran is still best in a lot of cases.

i wanna abstain because i am fairly sure it will bounce back but i dunno

no. "never really seen a huge amount of tour success and it's pretty unpopular" ok check this is bullshit ._. i still see plenty of heatran on teams that have done well in dpl, as well as seeing use in the latest ssnl rounds. the defensive niches of checking sun and the role of a steel is more important than volcanion's upsides a lot of the time. the ability to act as a late game win con w/ sub because of its resistances is invaluable to many teams who need a late game punch + defensive utility.

No. What I said last vote about Volcanion: "Also in terms of adding a fire type to a team I would probably still pick one of the other common fires such as Heatran to better check Zard Y. A lot of people have been building Volcanion teams that are extremely weak to Zard Y and its been quite worrisome to see"
Mega Metagross 2 -> 3
no. sub meta is gay + walled by lotsa shit + i dont like it, but hammer arm meta still owns. not really owns but its good enough to be on level w/ shit like mvenu/mgar which dont own either.

nah, its not THAT bad, we give it a bit of shit because its not top tier but its a strong mon. Definitely not below mons like zard X and Mvenu in viability.

no this is fine in two rly nice typing decent offense, sub / hammer arm makes it hard to be 100% safe to switchin to until el reveal

its not stellar but has the ability to sometimes rip through balance without aegislash which is like most of the teams im seeing in high level play.

No. Its still extremely strong and under valued. Hoopa-U and Volcanion have been picking up but so have the Fairy megas which have become more dangerous lately. Also Dragons have risen in usage as a result of Volcanion, and Mega Meta actually does fairly well vs some of them depending on its set.
Bisharp 2 -> 3
no. bisharp is great fuck you

No, just looking at the other mons in 2 and 3 Bisharp belongs with those in 2.

STOP NOMMING THIS DOWN reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

no its not that bad damn it check

No. I dont think this mon has lost any real viability esp with Hoopa-U picking up as much as it has been. It seems to be suffering from people just not using mons outside their comfort zone. Breloom suffers a similar dilemma.
Kyurem-B 1.5 -> 2
abstain. Honestly scarf cube kinda sucks and i dont like it at all, all its moves are piss weak to be locked into and its SE coverage isnt impressive. sub is still my favorite cube set by a mile but i think it's mayyyybe more 2 than 1.5. Very hard to call honestly, so since its stayin 1.5 anyways i wont. THALK and other cube baits look like they're falling out of favor lately and hoopa is on a huge upswing as is garde both of which are bad for this mon. If we were going by what owned bad kiddies this would definitely be tier 1 though, ladder kiddies are still abysmal vs subcube.

Yes, hoopa + gard increasing has made sub p much a no go. I'm not really a fan of the 3 attacks set(s) at all, I like scarf though

I think this is still 1.5 material thanks to scarf, u can vary ur coverage a lot and nab surprise KOs

no, always been a big scarf fan and it's better than sub atm. worth 1.5 on this set alone, both scarf dragon claw and ice beam (depending on which offense you invest in) are great for cleaning up a game

No. Some teams still have maybe 2-3 mons that just fall apart to this. Its coverage is great and it is still a dangerous menace behind a sub vs non Hoopa-Garde Teams. I think 1.5 is representative of its threat level.
Bronzong 4 -> 3
no. whatatatata

nah, its good. Not that good. Cresselia is better lots of the time unless you need a steel and jirachi is better lots of the time unless you need a levitating steel. Use colbur.

i tried this and didnt like it, middling offensively and defensively, i'd rather use rachi or any other good tr setter desu

no, Jirachi still exists and takes up this things niche a lot of the time. just realized this learns explosion which is where im assuming this nom comes from (love check)

Mew 3 -> 2'
no. maybe if we start seeing it outside of wisp/ally switch/fake out/transform cheese roles but that specific-ass set is not 2-worthy

Yes. I've nommed this before so scroll back to that for my reasoning.

i havent seen this used rly w/o transform shenanigans which hold this at 3 in my imo

no, no reasoning for this nom considering this has seen absolutely no tour usage since like the last weeks of spl and we voted no on it to raise that time as well

Mega Sceptile UR -> 4
no. im not sure why we're supposed to rank this on the basis of it literally never winning anything


no this thing is weak as hell, lrod is cool but it also holds u back sometimes and makes u do a laga

no, I tried this (somewhat extensively) when volcanion got dropped. it is so hilariously weak and lightningrod is kind of dumb when thundurus just kills you with hp ice.

TOTEM VR Council -> UR
no. suck a dick n1n1

http://naniso.re/ for what purpose

n1n1 is right u know, i lost a game of doubles so i dont know how i have the audacity to stay on the council :////////


No. Since someone has to give a serious response here, I will bite the bullet. One reason why totem is on council is because of his very different outlook on the metagame. When he isnt just dropping memes, he is actually a really big threat (not to say he isnt a threat when he is meme'ing too). SPL 7 should have cleared up any doubts on his play, considering his performance when he wasnt DDOS'ing his opponents. Also if you watch the seasonal commentary matches or have actually had the pleasure to commentate with him, you would know he probably has one of the sharpest intuition amongst the doubles playerbase (except during Dawg vs Sam. dont watch that)
Checkmater UR -> VR Council
no. he nominated like seven rank shifts and i didnt vote yes on any. this is the kid who thinks talon is broken, and can only run full room or hyper offense.


im not against it but i dont think we need more people

i don't agree with checks opinions a lot of the time on a first glance but i wouldn't be opposed to it. maybe we could add memo + check?

No. I actually want Checkmater to be a good contributor to doubles in the future. Its one of the reasons I let him run the frameworks thread. It is good to add someone who brings a different perspective to the VR team, but one thing I would like is for him to get a little more respect in the community first before pushing him to this kind of role. Dont worry you will get there checky.
Final Changes:
Mega Camerupt moves from UR -> 4
if we bring down clefable, clefairy has to go down too. it's v outbulked by clefable even after eviolite boosts and before clefable's item, and its super hard to use anything that's not follow me because of its heartbreaking low bulk and super tiny special attack.
i also do not really agree that clefable should be brought down at all. it doesn't see much use, but it can function as a sort of mix between strong attacker and bunny/kanga redirector thanks to unaware and a nice base 95 spa stat and a not-so-widely resisted STAB moonblast. though it may be looked down upon, i would say that running some type of non STAB coverage (such as fire blast to hit steels or tbolt to hit volcanion, but also icy wind to have speed control and stop landos) can really help instead of using something like encore in the third slot. i think this is really underrated as a whole and untapped 3:
I actually do think YZard could go to 1.5. Like yeah it's a good, strong mon that defines a playstyle of its own, but I always felt pressured by a good number of things when using it. In its own right, YZard is a very powerful attacker for sure but its shaky matchups against a good number of stuff can be discouraging; having to deal with OThund, Mega Diansy, Drags, Landorus-T, Heatran, Talonflame... having to take account and prepare for a lot of stuff so that YZard won't just get played in matchups makes it a notch down the other Tier 1s imotbh. The mons in 1.5 are, to quote its description, "Pokemon that are generally strong, but can be dead weight in some matchups, don't have great matchups vs a lot of Tier 1, or are only particularly useful for checking a certain team style;" this fits YZard quite well—strong attacker but interaction with the meta brings it down.
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mega charizard Y to 1.5

its not as good as diancie and kang

Still feel it should be 1.5
it's requires similar support to hoopa. Needs intimate help bc low defense, or bulk which means significantly less speed and offensive power. Good CharY teams are also always required to have tw or tr. The other 2 tier 1 megas don't have those requirements or at least to a much lesser extent.

CharY perfectly fits 1.5
Forgive my Grammar, but here is what I think:

Mega Charizard-Y (1->1.5)
I agree with everyone from the above. Recently, Mega Charizard Y has not been a popular choice, and only few teams had been successful in utilizing it to its full potential. At the same time, most of Tier 1 Mons are threats or annoyances to Charizard-Y. Unless Mega Charizard is given a new moveset with updated EVs, I doubt that Mega Charizard Y will return to its formal glory. (Mega Charizard Y’s downfall may be the reason why Volcanion has been preferred over Heatran.)

Volcanion (1.5->1)
Volcanion has been popular for a good reason. With its unique movepool, it allows Mons that are generally “never used” to be more viable in the metagame. To be clearer, it allows any team to have an extra slot since it technically uses both Fire and Water type moves, something quite unnatural in the past. (That is a huge advantage.) And although it is not as bulky as Heatran, it allows a way to not only avoid, but also receive benefits from the more dominant Water type moves; Fire types has seen a decrease in usage (as explained from the discussion of Mega Charizard Y). By honest means, this doesn’t signify that Volcanion is a healthier choice for a team, but just as good as Heatran in what it brings to a team.

Gengar (1.5->2)
I would say that this Mon is in the same level as Breloom, Bisharp, Weavile, and Deoxys-A. It is very niche, usually used for quick status moves (Will-O-Wisp, Icy Wind, or Taunt) and quick effective attacks (Ghost and Poison… eh). In addition, it requires a Focus Sash to at least remain for one or two turns of offense. Thus, it is a type of Mon that I would never use unless I really needed it.

Mega Gengar (2->1.5)
Despite what I said about Gengar, Mega Gengar deserves to move higher in the tiers. Recently, it seemed to gain usage, usually for its Shadow Tag ability. And in this case, I’m not talking about it capability as a Perish Trapper, but as a Dream Crusher. As of right now, Mega Gengar can make use of its Speed and cause most Mons in Tier 1.5 and 2 (Ex. Mega Gardevoir and Mega Metagross) to shiver in fear. At the same time, it can make several Mons (Ex. Amoongus, Jirachi, and Porygon2) to become rather useless and nailed to their dooms. Simply said, Shadow Tag allows status moves to be used to their full potential, thus crushing any enemy potential of setting up or attempting to gain an advantage; it fits well with the descriptions of Tier 1.5 Mons.

Ferrothorn (2->1.5)
This guy is a pain in the ass for C(H or V)ALK teams. With the recent introduction of Volcanion and the downfall of Mega Charizard Y, more and more teams are finding that Ferrothorn is actually good in the current metagame. It can act as Pivots to Rotom-W, Azumarill, Mega Kang, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Diancie … basically the list is endless. At the same time, it’s actually a good stall Mon, usually causing “tie” situations or… slow painful elimination. Right now, I would say that it is in the same level as Azumarill, Rotom-W, and Jirachi; bump it up to 1.5.

Suicune (2->2.5->3)
When comparing Suicune to Cresselia, I see that they have similar roles: have enough bulk to initiate TW/TR and set up to put a decent damage. Thus, I conclude that Suicune is not a Mon that “have broad applications…,” but rather one that “can only serve a specific role not needed by most teams.” Sorry, Suicune.
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"have a good matchup vs a large portion of the metagame"
At this point im not sure that char-y really fits this description any more. Yes, even neutral heat waves hit like a truck versus many mons, but with that mediocre speed tier and inability to really make use of bulky sets without intimidate support, it is forced to switch out in a lot of situations where it either can't hit much or risks being chipped to death.

"are either quite powerful or offer great team support"
It is impossible to deny that this thing is threatening as hell when it's in the right position, but its list of threats is very prevalent and long, so getting it into that position can be difficult.

"and can fit on almost any team."
I would not say that char-y can fit on almost any team at all. It requires a very specific list of support types that simply cannot be offered by just any mons, and that really limits its teammate options. It fits on balanced teams and semi-room, but other than that it is rather out of place. In general it's place is in its own specific area, and I don't think i've ever found myself building around a couple mons and going "Char-y would be a nice splash in here" unless the mons I already had already supported it extremely well.

At this point I'd be in support of the move from 1 -> 1.5. There are too many damn good fire types in this meta. Char-y is most certainly in the upper echelon of that list, but by itself I feel that it requires a bit too much support in order to really shine to be in tier 1. With megas like diancie and kang your options are nearly endless for team member options and you don't have to stick to one mold or another as they support their own weight more than they require support, but I feel like Char-y is on the opposite side of the spectrum. Yes, it is a devastatingly strong mon when put into the correct position, but it also requires you to run a great deal of support that restrict your options greatly when teambuilding.​

Gardevoir --> 1

This thing is incredibly versatile (think of all the diff types of compositions we've seen with it) while also being extremely flexible. It's a powerful mega with a really good winrate (partly from sam/dawg are good players who did very well I suspect but also because it's really good). Considering how good it is rn it should AT LEAST be a tier above Char Y, which looks to be lower tier 1 or 1.5 right now. Garde had like a 13-7 winrate while Char Y had a 7-13 so...

Also idk about using how splashable something is a guide for tiering... Should be more like how good is this thing not how often is it used...

Just looking at 1.5 description:

Pokemon that are generally strong, but can be dead weight in some matchups, don't have great matchups vs a lot of Tier 1, or are only particularly useful for checking a certain team style.

Gardevoir isn't dead weight in any matchups except for when someone brings like double steel or some other asinine shit like that... It's not just useful for checking TR (though it does fucking slay it) but also beats shit where people only run 1 Fairy resist not named amoonguss.
Trend towards bulkier and bulkier Garde with semiroom is a meta shift that's helped this mon a lot. Easy tier 1 material

Thundurus -> 1.5

Man everytime I see this thing... feels pretty bleh. Using it and playing against it.

For starters, the situation I see like 1/2 the time is turns 1-3 of http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-doublesou-11678 where Thundurus paralyzes things while taking STABS to the face (or letting its partner just get murdered). Hell it got a FP in this replay but still sucked ass in that early game. A lot of the games that come to mind are testing matches that weren't saved, but so many times Thundurus just sits around paralyzing things while those things just keep attacking and not giving a fuck because a paralyzed Latios is still capable of murdering things, and not afraid in the slightest of an opposing Thundurus.

Its coverage is mediocre: Electric hits like.. Suicune? Volcanion? Talon? And it's secondary options are either just for hitting 1 mon (Landot, Diancie) or just ass (Focus Blast, it's still great tho). How does a Thundurus hit common meta threats ie Dragons, Amoonguss, LandoT if fc, Diancie if hp ice..

Another thing is hell no Thundurus is not a tr check. Maybe when Cresselia was a popular thing you could be like diddly doo imma taunt your ass but now people woke the fuck up and are using offensive setters on a regular basis. You can taunt my Mega Gardevoir all you want just take 70% to each mon turn 1 while you're at it. Thundurus' resists are useful against offensive teams but not against TR (fairy, fire, normal, dark being common coverage typings). Almost every TR attacker has the easiest Thundurus matchup ever.

I can see this staying 1 purely on the basis that it's always super high in usage rates but its winrate is rather abysmal when you put it next to stuff like LandoT everything in tier 1.

Holy shit what the fuck I just checked this and Thundurus has a 22% winrate in dpl with 11 usages...

On Swamp->4
no. Swamp has niche over other SSwimmers by having Thundurus immune/counter. It's also kinda nice as a rock resist, though you don't REALLY need it too often, running fighting+Thundurus+Talonflame means that it doesn't really matter if you're rain you're still a little worried about Diancie.

On Clefable:
Thing about Clefable is that you shouldn't compare it to stuff like Jirachi/Amoonguss, but to Togekiss. Now, it doesn't have SG flinch or tailwind, but the different typing is actually hella useful for Diamond Storm / Ice Beam (Kyube), while also dodging LandoT Rock Slide chunking. Unaware is pretty useful too, stopping setup sweep or just breathing a little easier.

I don't think Ferro is very good but off the description alone it actually fits pretty damn well, it's useful for checking 1 particular team style (rain) but just has ass matchhups. Still feel this is lower 2 because low speed and not a good tr mon --> bleh

Hoopa-U Tier 2 -> Tier 1.5

holy macaroni was I wrong about this thing

Mainly nominating this for the merits of the Trick Room set which is absolutely insane. This monster gets around the two most common ways to stall TR, Protect and Sub, and smacks them with insanely high base powered moves. Fits well on semi room because of its stellar offensive presence and special bulk soft-checking threats like Heatran, Latios, and Volcanion, while fitting perfectly on full TR because it mauls two common annoyances for it, MegaGar and Aegislash. Can run a variety of items that all work quite well including Sash, Goggles, Life Orb, and Lum if you're checkmater. Physdef sucks but in practice it could be compensated for quite easily with Intimidate partners like Landorus-T and Scrafty as well as Helmet Amoonguss. Has had a solid showing in DPL as well as the later rounds of seasonals. so gooooooood
Zapdos Tier 3 -> Tier 2

I've been using this thing a lot in the rough 1500's, and it's been doing really well. A bulky physically defensive set with Tailwind has saved my ass numerous times. The Tailwind support allowed me to outspeed a lot of fast mons, such as Scarf Lando-T and Talonflame (when it's not using a Flying type Move). Thunderbolt allows it to often OHKO the bulkier Volcanion sets. Its bulkier sets still provide offensive presence, as well as a Static+Thunder Wave combo for Speed control means that your team quickly accumulates momentum and means that slower but still powerful pokemon such as Hoopa-U and Volcanion to shine. Bulkier than Thundurus, and much more likely to live a Rock Slide from a -1 Lando-T, as shown by the Calc below

252+ Atk Landorus-T Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 32 Def Zapdos: 160-190 (41.6 - 49.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Will chandelure be ever included? I feel like it is a niche trick room setter and is probably better than regular diancie, it also takes out non-heatran steel types which can be threatening. I understand it has a lack of bulk and is forced to run a focus sash, however, the fact that it can take out steel types (oh yeah and amoong) is amazing. It also has supereffective stab moves against almost every other trick room setter barring regular diancie. I reckon it should be tier 3 just for its niche of being an offensive trick room setter. By the way, a scarf set is also viable and any ghost type can be a switchin for kanga :P.
mega Diancie to 1.5

overrated. too much shit beats this guy
No, it beats all of the tier 1 mons bar one (Amoonguss) and it beats all of them with a Fire-type partner. High powered STAB Spread is also very good especially when paired with its great speed tier, allowing it to outspeed things such as Charizard-Y, Bulky Thund, Kangaskhan, Gardevoir, Hydreigon, and more. Should not move down at all.
Hello I thought this would be nice to share
I made a list of Pokemon in tier 1, 1.5, and 2 with their respective wins and losses in spring seasonal and DPL combined.

I put some of the mons in italic because these Pokemon don't have enough usage to justify their win rate etc properly

If u want me to do crazy shit like draw graphs or boxplot or shit just tell me

811 total usage
90,1 avg usage
47,7 wins avg
42,4 loss avg
Aegislash - 43 - 37 - 53,75%
Amoonguss - 48 - 44 - 52,17%
Mega Charizard Y - 15 - 16 - 48,38%
Mega Diancie - 31 - 35 - 46,96%
Heatran - 41 - 31 - 56,94%
Mega Kangaskhan - 52 - 46 - 53,06%
Talonflame - 41 - 33 - 55,41%
Thundurus - 52 - 54 - 49,06%

Mega Gardevoir - 23 - 17 - 57,50%
Gengar - 6 - 3 - 66,67%
Hydreigon - 25 - 17 - 59,52%
Jirachi - 38 - 32 - 54,28%
Keldeo - 20 - 21 - 48,78%
Kyurem-Black - 26 - 33 - 44,07%
Latios - 17 - 19 - 47,22%
Rotom-Wash - 28 - 22 - 56,00%
Volcanion - 32 - 31 - 50,79%

Azumarill - 18 - 16 - 52,94%
Bisharp - 10 - 16 - 38,46%
Breloom - 4 - 9 - 30,77%
Ferrothorn - 9 - 14 - 39,13%
Mega Gengar - 9 - 15 - 37,50%
Infernape - 3 - 5 - 37,50%
Landorus - 2 - 6 - 25,00%
Mega Metagross - 5 - 5 - 50,00%
Rotom-Heat - 3 - 3 - 50,00%

Salamence - 5 - 9 - 35,71%

Scrafty - 14 - 18 - 43,75%
Suicune - 6 - 3 - 66,67%
Sylveon - 20 - 18 - 52,63%
Terrakion - 7 - 7 - 50,00%
Mega Venusaur - 8 - 6 - 57,14%
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